Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Song of Destiny ❯ The Talent Show and Meetings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Song of Destiny

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Escaflowne, although I wish I did. I do own however all the character's that I made up. This fan fic is based on the movie. All the character's are the same except Folken, he looks how he does in the TV version.

Chapter 1:The Talent Show

"Hey Mikaru!" I turned around to see my best friend Minako standing behind me.

"Oh, hi Minako, you startled me" I told her smiling softly.

"So, are you gonna try out for the talent show again?"She questioned. I had thought about not trying out this year because I've been in the talent show every year and it was getting really boring but everyone always expected me to try out. So I told my friend I would once again try out for the talent show.

"This is great! I'm gonna tell everyone!" She shouted in excitement.

"Okay but- not the whole school please!" I yelled to her as she dashed down the narrow hallway

"Great! Now in about ten minutes the whole school will know"I sighed. About ten minutes later I was swamped by the entire school's population all asking me the same question "Mikaru what are you gonna be doing for the talent show this year?"

"I'm uh . . . " I couldn't answer with everyone shouting and talking. I could hardly hear myself think. I was starting to feel cluster phobic. It's not easy being the most popular senior student in the school. "That's it!" I yelled and everyone slowly grew silent. Then in a soft voice I said "for the talent show I'm going to sing" before could say anything I continued "I'm going to sing this song that has been in my family for years. The song I'm going to sing is called Sora"

For the next week all I did was practice and I really needed to too. This song wasn't in any language that I've ever seen and a lot and I mean a lot of the words weren't pronounced the way they looked.

On Sunday night I was practising nonstop because Monday at lunch was my audition. For once, I was actually nervous, which is kinda weird because I never get nervous. Perhaps it was because I was auditioning with a song that I wasn't use to singing. While I was practising, the phone ran. I picked it up to find it was my friend Minako. She's sweet and kind but she can be annoying!

"So wuzz up?" Minako asked me in her cheerful voice.

"Oh nothing much" I replied.

"So what'cha doing?" she asked.

"I'm just practising for the talent show" Trying to not sound exhausted.

"Ohhhh . . . So, what'cha gonna wear?" She asked again. If she asks any more questions, I think I'll hang up.

"Well you don't wear your costume to the audition, so I'm just gonna wear my uniform like everyone else."

"Oh okay, well I should let you go and practice" she said still sounding as cheerful as ever.

"Okay, bye"

"Oh and good luck!"She finally hung up and I had to finish practising.

The next morning I was so nervous but no one could tell, which I guess is a good thing. All morning I couldn't stop thinking about the audition. Lunch came around and it was my turn. As I walked down the long hallway my fingers and my teeth trembled. Was I afraid? Or was I just really nervous? I felt so confused with my feelings. I could feel my heart pound louder and louder as I got closer to the drama room. When I got there, I was hesitant on opening the door. I didn't want to audition but I wanted to. I wanted to feel the warmth of the spot light on me and I wanted to hear the audience cheer and applaud me. I finally got the courage to open the door. I slowly walked into the room. "Next!" the old drama teacher yelled. I then walked to the front of the room wondering if I was actually going to make it this year. The old drama teacher looked up from his book and looked right at me.

"Oh Mikaru, I see you're auditioning again this year!" he shouted with joy. I just stood there and smiled softly. "So what will you be doing this year?" he questioned me. For some odd reason, I felt embarrassed to say it but I had to tell him if I wanted to audition. "So what will it be Miss Motsuno?" He asked me sternly.

"Oh ya, I'm going to be singing a song that has been in my family for years, and it's called Sora."I giggled. The drama teacher sat up in his chair just anginous to hear me sing. "All right, you may begin when you're ready." When I'm ready? When I'm ready? I repeated to myself. But I'm not ready! I just want to run out of this room. It almost seemed like someone was trying to tell me not to audition. I finally got up the courage and I began to sing . . .

Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
En dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am
En riga-lint

Win chent a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
Si katigura neuver
Floreria for chesti
Si entina

La la la la la la la la la...
Fontina blu cent
De cravi esca letisimo
La la la la la la la la la...
De quantian
La finde reve

Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
En dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am
En riga-lint

The drama teacher had a large smile across his face. I knew I had made the talent show! "Very well done Mikaru! You are guaranteed a spot in the talent show!"he shouted in excitement. I made it, I made it! I finally made it! Well, with something that was actually a challenge to perform. I felt so proud of myself. "Well thank you Mr. Biglesworth! Thank you!" I left the room light and care free. I was so happy that I felt like I was on top of the world! My friend Minako ran up to and asked "so, how did it go?"I looked at her with a large grin across my face. "Oh my gosh! You made it!" she yelled. Then the next thing I knew it, I was once again surrounded by the entire school complementing me on my success. How in the world in everyone in this school get here so fast I thought. With friends like Minako you can never get any privacy except when you're asleep, but that only lasts about eight hours.

For weeks all I did was rehearsed my song. But I still had the feeling that someone or something was telling me not to perform. When I told Minako, she just laughed and said it's just probably my mind playing tricks on me. It kind of made sense until I called Naoko. She said that sometimes spirits or ghosts try to warn people from doing something that could hurt someone or some people. I was starting to get freaked out by what she had said. It gave me the chills. But to stop myself from going crazy, I just listened to what Minako had said. It made more sense. That was a scary thought, something that Minako had said actually made sense.

Soon dress rehearsals came around. The first dress rehearsal, I barely made it on time because my dress was at the dry cleaners. I felt so elegant in my traditional multi-coloured Japanese kimono. "Wow! That kimono soooo cool!" Minako exclaimed.

"You think so?" I asked

"Oh ya, the blue really brings out the blue in your eyes and it also makes your blonde hair shimmer with silver" Naoko complemented me as she entered the gymnasium. Just as I was about to speak, Miss Neotaka, the meanest teacher you'll ever meet, shouted "All RIGHT!! Let's get STARTED!!"

"I have to go, so I'll see you guys later k?" I sighed. My performance was the last act. When it was my turn, I just stood on the stage unaware that it was my turn until the music started playing. Once again I got that strange feeling. From then on, every time I sang that song I got that strange feeling. It almost made want to drop out of the talent show but then my reputation would be put into question.

Finally the big night came. I was so nervous I was shaking. Everyone even Mis Neotaka told me I shouldn't perform and I should go home. I kept on telling them I was fine, or was I? Well I hoped I was because I didn't want to be crazy or something.

Finally it was my turn to perform. I was even most nervous than before. I walked up to the microphone and waited for the music to start. And yes, once again I got that strange feeling but this time it was worse. Also this time when I was singing, I could almost hear another voice almost like mine singing with me. The voice I heard was very soft and gentile. But I guess I was the only one who could hear because the entire audience didn't act in any unusual way. After my performance the audience stood up and applauded me and it felt like such a relief. I'll never have to sing that song again!

Chapter 2: The meeting

When I was on my way out of the school I was surrounded by students, parents and teachers complementing me on such a wonderful job I did. Once I was able to escape the crowd of people, I went and sat on the bleachers by the soccer field. I just sat there and looking at the ground and said to myself "Why, why must I continue to live like this? I just want to be treated like anyone else!" I then began to cry, "I hate being thought of as perfect!" I yelled into the empty field. I'm not why couldn't any one see that? I just wish that there was a place where I wouldn't have to acted perfect and be thought of as cute, pretty and wonderful. I wanted so badly to go somewhere where people will like me for who I am! I just sat there staring at the ground wondering if such a place could exist.

"I can take you to such a place Mikaru Motsuno." Came a deep voice from the centre of the soccer field. My head shot up to see who was speaking to me. It was a tall man wearing a heavy black cloak with a hood, I hardly see his face.

"Who are you? And how do you know me?" I demanded from this mysterious man as I stood up.

"My name is Folken Stratagos."He answered me in a stern voice.

"Folken, sounds like a bird." I said quietly to myself.

"I can take you away from this horrible world and take you to your own paradise." He said more softly this time.

"My own paradise?" I mumbled to myself. "Hey, how would you know what my paradise is?" I asked him a little confused.

"I know all and see all" he answered. I just smiled and asked

"If you know all and see all, then tell me what my paradise would be?" I could hear him chuckle

"Your paradise is a place where you could be a normal teenager. You want to be treated like everyone else. You don't want to be the centre of attention." My mouth dropped, how could he know all of this? Wait...could he read my mind? Right when I was about to say something he continued "but most of all, in your paradise, you want to be loved." I was speechless. "So then, will you come with me to this paradise?" he asked me holding his hand out toward me. "Well, it would be nice to get away from this place . . . " I thought aloud. Something about this guy was making me feel calm. "So I take it that you want to go" he said still holding his hand out at me. "Well ya--" he stopped me in mid sentence and told me all I had to do was touch his hand, so I walked toward him and did so. He suddenly disappeared. He vanished into thin air. But where did he go? I wondered. Maybe this is all just a dream. Suddenly the ground began to shake. I was beginning to get scared. Then a wall of water formed around the soccer field and began to collapse inward. In fear, I covered my head and waited for the water to hit me. To my surprise, only a few inches of water covered the field. "Huh? I was expecting a little more than a few inches but at least now I won't drown." I laughed, but I think I spoke too soon because I could see the Earth move up into the sky, then the water began to rise. First at slow but then it rose faster and faster. Soon the water turned into an ocean. My kimono was weighing me down and I could barely keep my head above the water but the weight was unbearable. I soon gave up, then everything went dark.