Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Song of Destiny ❯ The World Called Gaea ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: The World Called Gaea

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up on the soft forest floor. Huh? What am I doing in a forest? I thought. My clothes and body were completely soaked. "Are you all right?" a soft masculine voice came from behind me. I turned around to see a tall, blond and obviously strong handsome man. "Uh, yea " I said as I tried to stand up but my legs were still weak from before. "Here, let me help you up" he offered as he held out his hand and lifted me up.

"Uh, thank you" I said smiling softly. He looked at me up and down. "How did you get wet young lady?" he asked me with his gentile voice. Young Lady? Did he just call me a lady? No one ever calls me a lady except for my grandparents. "Oh, I, uh, don't really know exactly. One minute I was on our school soccer field, then I saw the earth in the sky, then I was in an ocean of water." He looked at me as if silently saying not again. "Hmm, well come with me to my fortress and I'll get you some dry clothes." He offered still speaking with such elegance.

"Fortress?" I asked very confused. "Why are we going to a fortress?" he looked at me even more confused than before.

"Because that is where the rest of my knights are"

"Knights? Where the hell am I?!?" I demanded.

"You are in Austeria" he answered smiling

"What? Where is that? I've never heard of Austeria before"

"Austeria is on Gaea"

"Gaea?" I said, now even more confused. I looked up at the sky and saw the earth and the moon. "What the hell is the earth doing up in the sky?!" I shouted. He looked at me in an unusual way. "That is the Mystic Moon." He stated.

"Oh my god . . . " I could believe what had happened, I was on another planet.

"Hey you!" came a young mans voice from the bushes "move away from the girl" it continued.

"What do you want with her Dilandau?" the handsome man that found me asked.

"It's not what I want with her Allen Schazar, it's what Stratagos wants with her" Dilandau answered the man he called Allen.

"If you want her, you'll have to go through me" he said so bravely.

"All right, have your way Allen Schazar" Dilandau said in disgust as he left us. Allen looked at me and said "I'm sorry you had to--" his eyes shut and he fell to the ground.

"Lord Dilandau, we got him!" a young boy shouted from behind a tree. Then the boy Allen called Dilandau approached me sitting on tp of a black horse. He looked at me and yelled "You girl, get on!"

"Excuse me, why should I go with you?" I snarled. He smiled and said "Well, if you want to get yourself killed, then by all means, stay. But if you don't want to die, then I suggest that you come with me." I really had no choice. I didn't know who I could trust. So I went with the sliver haired boy, Dilandau.

We soon arrived at a large black fortress. While we were getting off the horses, Dilandau told one of the boys that was with him, to take me to my room. The room was very large and elegant. I sat down on the large comfy bed and layed back. How will I ever get back home or may be this is just a dream I wondered. A knock sounded from the door, and a girl about my age with long chestnut brown hair tied back entered the room carrying some clothes. "Here are your clothes mi-lady" she said with her soft voice. I sat up. "Oh, thank you" I said as she handed them to me. Once she left I shut the door and changed out of my wet kimono and into a long, silky sky blue and gold dress. I felt like a princess in it. The hour had grown late and I soon fell asleep.

"Stratagos, what is it that you want with girl?" Dilandau asked Folken sitting at one end of the table drinking some wine. "What importance does she have to us conquering Gaea?" he demanded.

"Dilandau, have you never heard the tale of the Chanturse Legend?" Folken asked. He noticed Dilandau's confused expression"You obviously haven't. Well according to a legend that I was once told, a woman from the Mystic Moon would appear on Gaea and sing a song that will bring complete darkness or total peace to the land"

"So, you believe that, that girl, is the one."

"I don't believe, I know she is Dilandau" Folken stated.

"She reminds me a lot of Lady Sora" Said the handmaiden in the room. Folken smiled "that she does."

The warmth of the sunlight beaming through the window woke me up. "Ah, I had such an unusual dream last night." I stretched out my arms and opened my eyes. To my surprise it wasn't a dream, I was still wearing that dress, and I was still in that elegant bedroom. "There is no way that this can be real! Just no way!" I said to myself "just no way."

Folken stood at Mikaru's door and was admiring her beauty. She looks just like my dead love, Sora. He thought to himself. Folken found himself seeing Sora in her and he started to feel attracted toward Mikaru.

"I see your awake" came Folken's voice from the doorway. I sat up and looked at him "Oh, it's you. I want to go back." I told him. He removed his hood to reveal his face. His hair was long and silver, his face was pale, his eyes were a reddish brown colour and he had a purple tear drop under his right eye. "You can't leave yet"he walked towards me.

"Yet? Why not? My parents have probably sent out a search and rescue crew all ready." I asked him in anger.

"You are needed here now"He walked towards Mikaru. Perhaps if I can make her believe I care about her, she'll fall for our plan to cover Gaea in darkness, Folken thought. "Then when you are not needed, I promise, I'll take you back to your home." His voice had become seductive, sending chills down my spin, my breath became laboured my body tingled with longing for him to hold. He then wrapped his arms around me and held me close. How did he know? I wondered. He lowered his head and kissed me. Wow my body trembled I could feel his strong hands holding me close against my back. He pulled away slowly leaving me standing dazzed and counfused