Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Song of Destiny ❯ The Kidnapping ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: The Kidnapping

Suddenly the door swung open and one of Dilandau's soldiers was standing there. "Uh, Lord Folken please forgive me for interrupting but the White Dragon Clan are preparing to attack our fortress." Folken let go of me and turned to the soldier and smiled "So, they're going to attack, hmm, they must know that the girl is here and are planning on taking her. Well, Gatti, I want you to tell the others to prepare for battle"

"Yes Sir!" with that said he hurried down the hall.

"Um, Folken, uh, who is this girl? And what's so important about her?" I asked nervously, I was afraid he was going to say it was me. "The girl they're after is you, and they want to use you to bring total darkness to all of Gaea. But don't worry, I wont let them do that." He held me one more time and kissed me good bye. Ha, she is so gullible, Folken thought as he left the room.

I'll never forget that kiss, it was the only kiss that ever left me wanting more of that person. There was something magical about that kiss. Before left he told me to stay in the room and not to let anyone but one of his soldiers or himself into the room. "Ohhh, I think I'm in love!" I exclaimed as I layed back on to the bed. There was something irresistible about Folken. Not only was I attracted to him physically, but also emotionally. I soon began to daydream about being with Folken, everything about him turned me on.

My daydreaming was interrupted by a loud slam that came from the door. I sat up as the door flung open. There was a man standing there that didn't look like any of Folken's soldiers. "Who are you and what are you doing in my room!?!" I yelled at the man.

"I'm Gaddes, and I'm here to rescue you from the Black Dragon Clan" he said in exhaustion. I looked at him in a weird way, I didn't need any rescuing, I thought. "Rescue me? Um I don't need any rescuing so you might as well leave." I said trying not to sound angry.

"Sure you do, the Black Dragon Clan is going to use you than kill you!"I could tell he was trying to convince me to go with him, but it wasn't working. He looked at me with frustration after I refused to go with him. "All right that's it! You're coming with me whether you like it or not!" He shouted as he walked toward me and grabbed me by the wrist. He pulled me down a long hallway. "Let me go you ass hole!" yelled at him. I also hit him hoping it would make him let go. I struggled to get free from his strong grip.

We soon reached the outside of the fortress. "Hey boss! I got the girl!" he yelled to a tall man with long blond hair and was wearing black leather who sat on top of a white horse. When he turned to face me, to my surprise it was that hot guy that I meet the pervious night. I couldn't believe that he was kidnapping me let alone that I was told he was the enemy. He seemed so nice before. Gaddes lifter me up on to the front of Allen's horse. "You're safe now young lady." he said as he got a good grip on me.

"Safe? You got to be kidding! I was better off before you showed up! I was just fine!" I yelled at him as his horsed galloped away from Folken's fortress.

We travelled all day through the forest. I fell asleep on the way and when I awoke I was in a smaller room. I felt dazed and confused. Where am I? I thought. May be I was back at Folken's fortress, I hoped. "Well, you've finally woken up" came a sweet voice. I sat up to see who it was. It was a tall woman with long brunette hair tied up with a pink ribbon. "Huh? Who are you and where am I?" I said with a yawn.

"You're in the White Dragon Fortress." She said with a smile "and I am Millerna Sarah Aston, heiress to the Austerian thrown." She's a princess? Impossible, she looks more like a soldier. This place just gets weirder and weirder. Millerna noticed Mikaru's discomfort and thought it would be best to leave the girl alone. "Here's some food and water if you get hungry" she place a tray of food on a small table in the centre of the room and left. Once she was gone, I went to open the door but it was locked. "How am I going to get out of here?" I asked myself "Ah! The window! I'll just climb out the window! Why didn't I think of this before!" I ran to the window with high hopes that soon disappeared. The room was too high to climb out of. I walked over to the bed and layed down. "All I want is to go home" I said as I buried my head into the pillows. I turned on to my side and began to sing the song Sora to myself quietly. The words just felt so comforting at the time.

At that same time Folken was sitting in his study thinking of how he was going to get back Mikaru. He could of sworn he could hear Mikaru singing that song.

After singing to myself, I got up and walked to the window and wondered how I was going to get back home. I wonder what my family is doing right now . . .

Meanwhile on the earth . . .

"Minako and Naoko, did she say anything or talk about running a way?" Mrs. Motsuno asked Mikaru's friend very worried and concerned.

"No . . . she never talked about it . . ." Naoko replied holding back her tears.

"May be she was kidnapped" Minako suggested. Mikaru's mother burst into tears. Naoko went over to Mrs. Motsuno to comfort her. "I'm sure she's okay," Naoko told the sobbing mother. "Mikaru, where ever you are, please, come back" Minako said to herself.

Back on Gaea in the White Dragon Fortress, Allen was discussing how they should prevent the Black Dragon Clan from attacking. "So why do they, and we, want this girl so badly?" Millerna asked sitting back in her chair.

"Well, according to a legend that my parents told me when I was younger, like the Tsubasa no Kami Legend, a woman from the mystic moon would appear on Gaea and sing a song that will either bring total peace or total disaster to all of Gaea." A young man with wild black hair said as he approached the table that Millerna, Allen and some of his knights sat at.

"Are you sure about that Lord Van?" came a young voice from the other side of the room.

"Yes Merle . . ."He replied to the cat like girl. The discussion went on for hours.

Back at the Black Dragon Fortress, Folken still sat in his study wondering how he would get her back. I have to get her back before they find out about her power, he thought to himself as he sipped his wine. "Lord Folken," came Dilandau's voice from the door. "So how do you plan on getting the girl back? My Dragon Slayers are ready to attack their Fortress-"

"That wont be necessary Dilandau" Folken began "I'll go and get her myself." He walked out on to the balcony, removed his top, then two large black feathered wings burst out of his back. He then flew off in the direction of the White Dragon Fortress.

"Oh Folken, why is it that you're the only thing that I can think about?" I said as she layed on the bed. wondering will I ever see him again? Will I ever go back home? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming from the window. I sat up to see who it was. When I turned to look at who it was, I saw Folken standing by the window. "Folken!" I shouted in excitement as I ran into his bare arms. A warm feeling over came me so I held him tighter. "I missed you Folken . . ."I whispered to him. Why did I just say that? Oh my god, I can't believe I just said that! "I missed you too Mikaru" He whispered back. He missed me? I can't believe it, does he have feelings for me?

Why did I say that? Her face reminds me so much of Sora. I must stop leading her on like this, but I feel an attraction towards her. Folken thought to himself.

"Someone should go and check on the girl" Millerna suggested. Van stood up and volunteered to do so.

Once again Folken's lips met Mikaru's, then Van opened the door and to his horror, his brother was standing there kissing the girl. Folken noticed his brother standing in the doorway. "Van, what a pleasant surprise" Van's eyes widened. "B-brother . . ."

"What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost"

"But, you're supposed to be dead!" Van stuttered. What? Folken's supposed to be dead?! I thought to myself.

"That's what you thought. If you had of stayed around, you would of seen that Sora used the last of her power to save me" Folken said with a smirk. Sora, that's the name of the song that I sung for the talent show. I wonder if they have any connection with each other?

"Well this time, I'll make sure that you that you wont come back!" Van yelled as he drew his sword and prepared to attack. I stood in front of Folken "No, I wont let you kill him!" I yelled. Both men looked confused. "What are you doing!? All he's going to do is use you than kill you!" He yelled back at me. I stood there looking at him with anger in my eyes "Why should I believe you?" I asked him. For a moment he looked speechless. "Because he's my brother and I know him better than you! And he killed our parents and destroyed our homeland!" he barked. That could be true I thought. "You're obviously lying! Why would he destroy his own homeland!" I yelled back at Van. Folken was getting tired of Mikaru's and Van's arguing. "Well, it was nice to see you again brother" He said as he grabbed my arm and blasted his brother with an invisible force out of the room and knocked him unconscious. He then picked me up and jumped out the window. I thought he was trying to kill me at the time until two large black wings burst out of his back and we flew off towards his fortress.

When we arrived back at his fortress I just had to ask him about his wings. "Um, Folken, why do you have wings?" I asked blushing. As he turned to me as he put his top back on.

"Well, my mother was a descendant of Atlantis, and the Atlantians had wings."

"Oh, I see." I said still blushing. Wow! This is so cool! He's got wings ! And a nice body! I thought to myself. He walked me to my room where he kissed me again.