Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Song of Destiny ❯ Aftermath, Reunions, A New Life ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8: The Aftermath

The following day at school, all I could think about was Folken and Christal. They meant so much to me. "Oh my God! Look over there! Mikaru's back!" a girl shouted. Everyone asked me where I was for the past few weeks. I told them all the same answer, but they wouldn't believe me. But then again who would believe that I was taken to another world where the Earth and the Moon hang in the sky. The only people who actually believed me were Naoko and that girl who I found out was a sophomore named Hitomi.

"Hey Naoko, what's up with Mikaru?" a blond girl asked.

"Yea, she hasn't been the same since she disappeared." another girl added.

"Well, she really did go to Gaea and she fell in love with a man there who was then killed right in front of her." Naoko answered them. The girls were a little shocked.

"Hey Mikaru," came a male's voice from behind me.

"Oh, Yaten, what do you want?"I asked with a smile.

"Are we still going out?" I looked at him and shook my head.

"Do you really think I would want to go out with someone like you? All you want to do is pretend you love me, then try and get me in the sack. Well, unless you can prove you truly love me, don't get any ideas." I then turned away and walked down the hall way to my next class. I went and took a seat at the back of the classroom.

"Oh my God, she's sitting at the back of the classroom with the freaks!" and girl said to Minako.

"Well didn't you hear?" Minako asked the girl.

"Hear what?" She asked confused.

"While she was away, she fell in love with this guy whole was then killed. Right in front of her. I really don't blame her for sitting back there." Minako said. The girl nodded in agreement.

"All right, settle down class and take your seats please." The students did as their young teacher had said and greeted her with

"Good morning Miss Tsukina". She smiled and continued

"Good, now we have a new student in our class and his name is Tenohoa Taiki. He has transferred from Kyoto. Now I expect you to help him catch up." The teacher looked around the room for an empty seat and spotted one beside Mikaru. "Oh, you may take the seat beside the girl in the back Taiki." I was too busy thinking about Folken to look at the boy who all the girls were drooling over or even hear the teacher tell him to sit beside me. My head jolted up as the empty seat beside me was moved. I looked to see the new student and I thought I would have passed out. The new student look almost like Folken. He even had the same purple teardrop tattoo under his right eye. Once class was over, I asked Minako what his name was.

"Didn't you hear the teacher tell the entire class?" I looked away and replied

"no" very quietly.

"Oh my God Mikaru! His name is Tenohoa Taiki and he's from Kyoto."

"Oh . . ." I said as I watched him walk past me.

"Hey, I know that look! You have a crush on him!" Minako yelled.

"No! Well, it's just that, he just looks like Folken . . ." I told her as I stared at Taiki walking down the hall.

Chapter 9: The Reunion

"Who looks like Folken?!?!" demanded Naoko. Minako looked at her and said

"You know that new student Tenohoa Taiki, well Mikaru here say's he looks just like him."

"Whoa, Mikaru, you fell for a hot one!" A girl said. Hmm, I wonder if that really is Folken, I thought, that can't be! He died! I saw him die! But, when I was singing, I wished that I could stay with Folken forever . . . does this mean that he was brought back to life and brought to Earth? Hmm, I wonder . . .

"Huh? Mikaru, what's wrong?" Naoko asked.

"Uh, I'll see ya later k!" I ran off to Find Taiki. I had to ask him if he was Folken. But would he know if he was or not? Wait he would if I wished that we could be together forever! I found him with a bunch of the other senior guys talking by the cafeteria. "Um, Taiki, can I speak to you alone?" the guys all got huge grins across there faces.

"Whoa man, you're lucky!" one boy said

"Ya! Go get her!" the boys yelled remarks like these at him. Once we were outside, I took him to the soccer field and we sat down on the bleachers.

"Um, Taiki, where are you really from?" I asked very nervously. He looked at me strangely and smiled.

"Looks like you found me Mikaru." he said.

"What?" he leaned over and kissed me. The kiss felt like the ones Folken gave me. "Folken, is that you?" I whispered. He smiled and answered yes. "But how?" I asked.

"It was you who brought me back to life. You wished that we could be together forever."

"I remember, but, I never thought it would come true. But now that it has, nothing else could make me happier. As long as I'm with you Folken, I'll be happy, forever"

"And as long as I'm with you, I too, will be happy forever." the two shared a kiss or two. Mikaru's and Taiki's friends watch the two make-out.

"Whoa! Taiki totally scored with Mikaru!"

"Wow, she's soooo lucky!" a girl sighed.

"Ya, and to think they just met today." a girl implied.

"I don't think that's true" Naoko suggested. The other girls didn't understand what she meant.

"Um, Naoko, what do you mean by that?" a girl asked. "Well, I think it's the same guy that she fell in love with."

"But, didn't that guy die Naoko?" a girl asked a little spooked out. Naoko smiled.

"May be he didn't" she said with a smile.

Later that night I was on the phone with Minako and Naoko. I told them all about how Folken ended up on Earth. Naoko was the only one who understood out of her and Minako. "So, Mikaru, how far have you gone with this Taiki, er, I mean Folken guy?" Minako asked eagerly.

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh, come on Mikaru, you know what I mean. You know like first base, second base or third base?" She asked again.

"Well, um, is there such thing as a home run?" I asked very embarrassed. They were completely shocked.

"Oh my God Mikaru! Don't tell me you're not a virgin!" Naoko yelled into the phone and hurting my ear.

"Okay then." I replied very quickly.

"Mikaru! Well, well, well, I never thought you'd be the first to loose it." Minako said cheerfully.

"Mikaru, please tell me you two used protection" Naoko asked very seriously.

"Uh, I wish I could tell you that but, where he's from, there isn't such a thing as 'protection' "I said very embarrassed.

"Mikaru! You should get yourself tested! You could be pregnant or or have an STD!" Naoko yelled even louder. "Please Mikaru, get yourself tested."she pleaded. She started to sound like my mother when she said that.

"But how will I explain this to my parents?" I asked. There was a moment of silence.

"Just tell them the truth Mikaru" Minako suggested.

"I told them the truth about going to Gaea, and they didn't believe me! What makes you think they'll believe me when, or if, I tell them the truth about losing my virginity!" I yelled.

"Just calm down Mikaru, I'll buy you a pregnancy test and I'll make an appointment with your doctor and since you're over the age of 18, he can't tell your parents so you wont have to tell them unless you are pregnant or have an STD okay." Naoko said in a calming tone.

"Okay," I replied quietly. I was so scared that I could be pregnant or have an STD.

The following morning, Naoko, Minako and myself went to the pharmacy where we ran into Folken, I mean Taiki. "Uh Fo-, Taiki, what a surprise!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm shopping." he replied. Oh, how stupid of me! Of course he's shopping! We got talking for a while, while Minako and Naoko looked at the different pregnancy tests.

"Hey, isn't that Mikaru, Yaten?" a boy asked. Yaten looked around

"Where? Where?" he asked.

"Over their by that talk guy" the boy replied. Yaten saw the two together and was furious. He then saw the two kiss which filled him with rage.

"What does that guy got that I don't got?!?"Amano demanded.

"Hey Mikaru! We found a pregnancy test!" Minako yelled as she skipped down the aisle toward me and Folken.

"Oh great, now let's go and do this okay." I sighed. We paid and left for Naoko's house.

"What? Mikaru's taking a pregnancy test?" Yaten asked very confused.

"Hey, may be that guy got her in the sack" the boy suggested.

"But Mikaru's only been back for a few days!" Yaten yelled.

Before I took the test, Folken, uh I mean Taiki gave me a promise ring. He promised that he would never leave me and if he did, he vowed that he would die. "Mikaru," he said "to leave you is to have me heart ripped out of my chest" I was happy that he said this, I now knew that he would never leave me. Once I took the test we had to wait 30 long minutes.

"Naoko, is it positive or negative?"

Chapter 10: A New Life

Naoko's face looked grim. "I'm sorry Mikaru, but it's positive . . ." I was devastated. I was only nineteen and I was pregnant! I began to weep and Folken put his arm around me kissed my cheek. I still couldn't believe it. The next morning I went to see my doctor. He tested me for STD's and nothing showed which made me really happy. Then I asked him to do a pregnancy test. He did so and the result was still positive. How was I going to explain this to my family? Folken had asked me of I wanted to go and live with him on Gaea. But to leave my friends behind would be too hard. He then told me that I could be with them when ever I wanted to. I agreed but how would I tell my parents I was moving out?

"You know, you could make up a phony acceptance letter to that art college in Canada that you applied to." Naoko suggested.

"You know, that's a great idea Naoko! I'll just copy Maaya's acceptance letter."

"Whose Maaya?" Minako asked. I laughed.

"Maaya was the best artist at our school and she got accepted to the art college in Canada. She also gave me a copy of it considering I had told her how much I wanted to go there! So we can scan it into the computer change the name and stuff and send it to my house." I was so happy that it might actually work.

"Wait, did you actually apply for the college?" Naoko asked "cuz if you did, what will happen if your parents receive a letter saying you didn't get accepted or you really did get accepted?"

"I never thought of that." I stopped to think. "I know! I'll call them up saying I would like to decline my application!" I yelled. So I did call them up and told them I didn't want to go to their college. The next day we mailed the phony letter to my house. My parents were thrilled and also upset because I had to leave by the end of the week. All week I packed my stuff up.

"Hey Folken, Will I almost drown again going to Gaea?" I asked him after I had all my stuff ready to go. He laughed and told me that was a test. He said this time it will be easier. I said my good byes and then we left.

"I can't believe she's gone . . ." Naoko said trying not to cry. We arrived on Gaea without any trouble and we arrived inside the walls of the Folken's fortress.

"Folken, don't they think you're dead?" I asked. He smiled.

"After you left I was brought back to life and then I went after you." I took my stuff to my room and unpacked my things.

"Wow Lady Mikaru, you have some strange things on the Mystic Moon" she couldn't do anything but admire all of my things. She picked up my cell phone and asked what it was for.

"Oh, on the Mystic Moon, we use it to communicate with each other when we are separated." she just looked on in awe.

We soon made up a room for our unborn child and went over names to call it. We decided if it was a boy, he would be named after the sun God Helios. But if it was a girl, her name would be Selene after the Moon Goddess. The nine months past very quickly and soon it was time to give birth. I'll never forget the pain I went through, but it was worth it. We ended up having a health girl, so she was named Selene. We lived on Gaea together as a family and made occasional trips to the Mystic Moon and I guess you could say we lived Happily Ever After.