Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Song of Destiny ❯ Judgement Day ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7: Judgement Day

"Lady Mikaru! Wake up!" I heard the yell of Christal.

"Why?" I mumbled.

"Lord Folken is waiting for you!" She yelled again. I sat up at the sound of Folken's name.

"Huh? What about Folken?"

"Lord Folken is waiting for you to get ready to go to the Shatal Shrine!" I completely forgot about it! I quickly jumped out of bed and hurried to get dressed. Christal handed me the clothes I wore when I first came to Gaea.

"Why are you giving these to me?"

"Lord Folken ordered me to."

"Oh, I see," I quickly got dressed and combed my hair. I then met Folken at the front of the fortress waiting by our carriage.

"Are you ready Mikaru?" he asked. I nodded my head and smiled. We went into the carriage and headed to the Shatal shrine.

We arrived at the shrine at about noon. "So what do we do now Folken?"

"I'll show you where you must stand and sing during the eclipse." He lead inside the shrine and to a small round platform in the centre of the room.

"How will I know if I am sing for Peace?"

"You'll have the feeling inside or you." I was confused by what he meant.

"Exactly what do you mean by that?"

"You will decide that for yourself."

"So really, it's all up to me."

"Yes, I just hope you sing to bring Peace to Gaea." When he said that, I could see a look of hope in his eyes. I knew now, he really did want peace. He wanted to be cleansed of all the evil things he had ever done.

When it neared the time for the eclipse, the White Dragon Clan showed up. Folken's brother snuck into the shrine and grabbed my arms. "Please, listen to me." he begged.

"Okay what is it?" I asked. He seemed a little shocked at my reaction.

"Don't sing for the Black Dragon Clan. All they want to do is destroy Gaea!"

"I know, Folken told me the truth. He even told me the truth about his and your past." a look of shock and confusement came across his face. "I know Folken was the one who destroyed Fanelia, and he's changed. He no longer wants to hurt anyone. He truly wants peace. I'm singing to stop all fighting and all hatred on Gaea." looking into his eyes gave me the same warm feeling I looked into Folken's eyes. Allen, Millerna, and a cat like girl soon followed inside the shrine. Allen ran up to me and was getting ready to do what Van had just done.


"Allen, it's all right. She's singing for peace" Van interrupted. Allen looked confused.

"How can you be so sure?" He asked.

"Ya, she could be lying Lord Van" came the voice of the cat girl.

"Why, would I want to destroy this beautiful world??"

"She could be singing for the Black Dragon Clan and we all know what they want to do." the cat like girl snarled at me.

"She does bring up a point." Allen stated. Millerna looked at Allen in a very serious way. Allen nodded at her and she and Allen ran to the outside.

"Huh? What are they doing Van?" I asked. Van himself was a little confused. We ran to the outside of the shrine to see the White Dragon Clan fight the Black Dragon Clan. "Allen! STOP!" I yelled. I ran to him and slapped him across the face. "Allen! Why are you doing this?!?"

"It's to make sure that you don't sing for darkness." he said as he ran off to fight more of the Black Dragon Clan. I tried to find Folken but I couldn't see him anywhere.

"Folken!" I yelled. Oh Folken, where are you. I went inside the shrine to avoid all the fighting. I then saw Christal standing by the round platform.

"Lady Mikaru!" She yelled. "Hurry! The eclipse is about to begin!"

"But I can't find Folken! And I wont sing unless I know he's safe!" I yelled back at her. I saw Folken and Allen fighting each other as I looked through a window. "Folken!" I yelled. He looked at me and yelled

"Mikaru!" he and Allen moved to the inside of the shrine.

"Folken! Allen! Stop fight! There's no need to fight!" I yelled at both men.

"You're right Mikaru," Folken said as he dropped his sword and began to walk towards me. Then Allen thrusted his sword into Folken's body.

"NOOOO!!!" I ran to Folken.

"Mi-kar-ru . . ." he stuttered. Tears rolled down my face. There was so much blood and it wouldn't stop bleeding. "Mi-kar-ru . . . I'm sorry . . ."he stuttered again.

"No Folken, I wont let you leave me!" I cried. I held his hand against my face. I didn't want to lose him! He changed my life forever. He meant so much to me. I could feel his life leaving his body.

"I . . . love you . . . Mi-kar-ru . . ."those were his last words.

"Lady Mikaru, the eclipse has begun!" Yell Christal. I stood up and walked over to the platform and stood on it. For a moment I wanted to sing for total darkness, but I wanted to make Folken happy so I sang for peace. Once I finished a bright light came from the sky and ridded Gaea of all hatred. Then the same light came from the sky and hit me. I could feel my legs slowly lift from the ground. "Lady Mikaru!" Christal Yelled

"Good-bye Christal! I'll never forget you!" I yelled at her as my body was lifted up away from the ground.

"Good-bye Mikaru!" She yelled back. Suddenly everything went dark. I couldn't see anything. When I woke up, I was laying on the school soccer field. "Was that all a dream?" I wondered.

"Mikaru!" I stood up and turned around to see Naoko and another girl ran up to me. Naoko hugged me. "I'm so happy you're back!" she said crying.

"So am I . . ."I said as I began to cry.

"We missed you so much!" She said wiping away her tears.

"Excuse me Miss Mikaru," said the girl who was with Naoko.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"I'm Hitomi. But, please tell me, where did you go?" I smiled and even giggled.

"You wont believe it but, I went to a strange world called Gaea where the Earth and the Moon hang in the sky."

"Did a man named Folken take you there?" She asked desperately. I was a little shocked. "Y-yes, how do you know him?" tears began to roll down my face.

"He took me there as well about a year ago. I hoped you avoided him, he's very dangerous." She said very seriously. More tears ran down my face.

"What is it Mikaru??" Naoko asked very concerned.

"I fell in love with him . . ." I said quietly.

"You what?!" The girl yelled.

"Folken was a changed man! He loved me! And I loved him till the end!" I yelled. "Folken made me feel loved! He gave me something no one has ever given me!" I cried uncontrollably. Naoko and the girl walked me over to the bleachers and sat me down.

"Mikaru, I understand you miss him, but why are you crying so hard?" the girl asked me. I wiped the tears from my face and told them that he died.

"I hate Allen!" I shouted. "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!"

"Did this Allen guy kill him?" Naoko asked. I nodded.

"He seemed so nice to me."

"You mean Allen Schazar killed him?" the girl asked. "Wait a minute! Folken died when I was there. There's no way that he could have been alive."

"He told me that Sora used the last of her power to save him, so he didn't die . . ."