Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Song of Destiny ❯ A Change in Plans ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6: A Change in Plans

Mikaru's and Folken's relationship grew even more as the days past. When ever they were together, they would exchange a kiss or two. For once, Folken had found someone he truly cared about. Folken rethought his intentions for put Gaea into complete darkness. He actually wanted to bring peace to all of Gaea. Perhaps I should really use her to bring peace to Gaea, I don't think I could bear to see her upset or hurt . . . these thoughts and many others like them ran through Folken's mind.

"What?!?!" Dilandau shouted.

"We have worked too hard for this day!" he shouted again.

"Lord Folken, but why do you want to bring peace to Gaea? I thought you hated this world so much?" Shester asked.

"It's that damn women!" Jajuka yelled.

"So what are you going to do huh? Are you going to abandon us and join the White Dragon Clan?" Dilandau demanded.

"Well Dilandau, you can either fallow my orders or die." Dilandau looked at Folken with anger. He didn't want to loose his life and especially at the hands of Folken.

I accidentally over heard their conversation. What? Folken was going to use me to destroy Gaea? And the White Dragon Clan wants to use me to bring peace to Gaea? I'm so confused. But Shester said that Folken wants to now use me to bring peace to Gaea. I'll have to ask him tomorrow. I quickly ran to my bedroom.

So Folken's brother Van was telling the truth after all. Folken really wanted to use me to destroy all of Gaea. But what about what he also said about Folken destroying their home land? I wonder if that's true also. I hope not, I don't what I would do if I found out that.

The next morning, Mikaru searched the entire fortress for Folken. It seemed like everywhere she went, he had just left. She finally found him in his study. Finally! I walked slowly over towards him. "Good Morning Folken!" I hugged him.

"Good morning Mikaru" he said in return. How am I going to bring up the topic of him using me to destroy Gaea?

"Um, Folken, uh, last night, I accidentally over heard you and the dragon slayers talking and I-" he put his fingers to my lips and said

"We were going to use you to destroy Gaea but . . ." he walked over to the window and continued

"After meeting you, something inside of me made me change my mind, I'm not sure what it is, but there's something about you that stops me from doing any harm to anyone." my heart began to flutter. I knew it! He really does love me!

This feeling that I have for Mikaru, could it be real love? Could it be the same love that I had for Sora? I think it is . . .

"Folken, is it true that, and please be honest with me, did your brother really destroy your homeland?" Folken couldn't lie to her. The look in her eyes made him feel guilty.

"No, he didn't destroy our homeland. I lied to you, my brother was chosen to be king and I was furious. To have my younger brother be picked king over me. So in anger, I killed my parents, and destroyed my homeland so neither of us could be king of Fanelia . . ."

"Fanelia? Was that your homeland?" I asked very shocked.

"Yes, Fanelia was a very beautiful country, sometimes I wish I never destroyed it" I was very disappointed in Folken, but I was also proud of him. He was actually being honest. "You're probably angry at me"

"No I'm not Folken" he was very shocked. "I'm not mad at you because you were being honest. If you still lied and I had found out, then I would be mad at you." Folken was beginning to understand. "So, are you really going to use me to destroy Gaea?" I asked. He smiled with his gentile lips.

"I would never let you get hurt"

"But, are you going to use me to destroy Gaea?"

"No, I want to bring peace, I want you" He held me then we ended up making out. He kissed me where no one had ever kissed me and I did the same.

"Did you here something?" Miguel asked Shester as they walked down the hallway.

"Ya, it came from Lord Folken's study. Do you think we should check it out?" Miguel nodded and both boys ran down the long corridor till they reached the study. From behind the doors, they could hear more noises. Shester slowly opened the door and to both boys' surprise, Folken and Mikaru were all over each other. They quickly shut the door and left. They ran into Dilandau who was suspicious with their behaviour.

"Miguel, Shester. Why are you in such a hurry?" He asked

"Well, uh, Lord Folken and Lady Mikaru are holding and kissing each other Lord Dilandau" Shester answered immediately. Dilandau smiled and walked towards Folken's study

"uh, Lord Dilandau, I don't think Lord Folken would like it if you interrupted him" Miguel insisted. Dilandau still smiled and said.

"Who said I was going to interrupt him? I'm just going to watch" the boys followed Dilandau to the study. When they arrived, to their surprise, they were gone.

"That was close." Mikaru said gasping for air. Folken smiled

"yea" he said also said gasping for air. They were now in Folken's room.

"Folken, I love you" I said as he undid my dress.

"I love you too Mikaru" He said as I took off is top to reveal his strong and bold body. We then moved to the bed and there passion took complete control of our bodies.

The following morning I awoke dazed. "Uh, where am I?" I said with a yawn laying in a bed. I turned over and saw Folken sleeping beside me and when I lifted the covers off of me, I was butt naked. Oh my god! Don't tell me I did it with Folken?! Okay, just calm down and try to remember what you did yesterday . . . I remember being in Folken's Study where we made out, then . . . we went to his bedroom . . . my mom is going to kill me if she finds out! . . . hm, I must really love him and he must really love me . . .

I soon fell back asleep. When I awoke again, Folken was gone. I quickly grabbed my clothes and got dressed. "Good Morning Lady Mikaru" came the cheerful voice of Christal.

"Oh, I didn't know you were in here Christal."

"Did you sleep well?" she asked with a large grin across her face.

"Yes, I did thank you." I said blushing.

"You know, you're very lucky that Lord Folken really cares about you, you're probably the only one, well since Lady Sora, that Lord Folken would risk his life for" after hearing those words, I knew he had to truly loved me.

"He would risk his life for me?" I said in shock. She smiled and nodded.

"Ever since you showed up, Lord Folken had been acting differently."

"Differently?" I asked not knowing what she meant.

"Yes, Lord Folken's usually a very cold hearted person, but it seems as if you have changed his heart Mikaru"

"Changed his heart . . . I never knew I ever had that impression on anyone before." knowing this, it gave me a warm feeling inside. "Well, how did he act before?" her smile left her face.

"You really want to know?" when she asked, she sounded upset. I nodded my head. I really had to know how I changed him. She pulled out a hand mirror from a bag she was carrying and handed it to me.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked confused.

"Ask it to show you how Lord Folken was before you came to Gaea" she said so seriously. I looked at it and asked it how he was before I came here. The mirror showed me images of Folken destroying a country, killing numerous people and many other horrible scenes. I couldn't believe how cruel he use to be. "It hurts me to think about those days, but now that you're here, he's changed so much it makes me feel so much better." the look on her face and hearing those words, it made me feel so much better.

"But can I ask you one thing"

"Sure Mikaru,"

"Was he really going to use me to bring total darkness to all of Gaea?"

"Yes he was, but I over heard him say to Lord Dilandau that he no longer wants to hurt anyone. Lord Dilandau wasn't very happy and threatened to kill Lord Folken. Well, I best be going." she smiled at me and left the room. I decided to go for a walk through the large and towering fortress. While I was walking, I came a cross Dilandau who seemed to be rather angry about something.

"Dilandau, what's the matter? You seem a little angry" he looked up at me with those blood thirsty eyes.

"It's none of your business" he spat.

"I don't think Folken would like it if he found out how you were speaking to me" I snarled at him. He immediately turned to face me and apologized. I knew he didn't mean it by his tone of voice. As I walked down one of the many long hall ways, someone or something grabbed me and pulled me into a dark room and covered my mouth.

"Shhh . . . it's okay Mikaru" I recognized the voice. It was Folken

"Folken! You scared me!" I yelled at him. "So, what did you do that for?" I demanded.

"I just wanted to be with you alone" he whispered into my ear in that certain way.

"Oh, I see. . ." he then kissed me with his soft lips and caressed my body with his strong hands. We then pressed our bodies against each other's. In between our kisses, I asked him when will the eclipse occur? He told me it would be tomorrow late in the afternoon.