Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to my life of the normally abnormal ❯ Skate borads and hospitals ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Pure hope: I don't own Escaflowne but I do own this story and am proud to have thought of it so stop trying to make me stop writing because it is not going to work I know at least SOME people out there like my work so THERE HA!!
Chapter 2
&&&&&&&&&&&&& Van's P.O.V &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
For almost all the summer holidays I have been bored out of my mind until she came here. I cant even THINK here name let alone say it. I don't deserve to I mean she's just so different from other girls. She speaks her mind and by looking at all her tattoos and piercings she isn't afraid of pain either. She just left 10 minutes ago with her little sister to get paint for her room.
I can tell that things are going to get A LOT more interesting around here now that her and her family has arrived.
Currently Allen was talking about a gig or something that his band had got at this club down town.
The only reason that we are here rite now well me mostly is because my mother told be to stay the night after Mrs Kanzaki insisted so that Mamoru can and I can become friends. I doubt it a bit. Seeing that fact that he is already become great friends with that psychotic phyro already.
Im currently trying REALLY hard to seem like im paying attention to Allen I really am buuuuuuut-
“VAN are you listening or are you dreaming about that hot skater chick again?” Allen said ARG I hate it when he dose that its my mind damn it so he should stay the fuck OUT OF IT!!!

“No” I said simply
“Dude you so are she really isn't your type I mean when we get back to school she's just going to be one of those skater punks or what ever and your going to be back to the captain of the soccer team and you and I both know that soccer players and skater punks in NO WAY mix” Allen said damn it I hate it when he gets all smart ass on me.
“I told you Allen I don't like her” I lied
“Yeah you do”
“No I don't”
“Yeah you do”
“No I don't”
“Yeah you-
“OH SHIT” I heard someone from the front door shout we both ran out and saw it was her staring wide eyed and mouth agape at the sitting room both Allen and I looked at each other and then stepped forward a bit to see who it was in the sitting room.
What was there made me want to throw up.
Sitting there was about 4 girls all about 17-16 STICK bloody thin, wearing TONS of makeup and not enough material on there bodies to call it real clothing.
“Hitomi?” the 1st girl said in a obnoxious voice that made you want to strangle her
“No, im the tooth fairy” Hitomi said rolling her eyes in annoyance.
“Well still as slutty as ever” the girl said god I want to kill her
"Wow. You're wearing more clothes than usual. Couldn't find any of Abby's clothes that you could snag?" Hitomi asked sarcastically as she gazed at her mini, mini skirt and her string bikini top.
"As a matter of fact yes," the girl said while flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.
"Sweetie. You're never supposed to admit that you wear your 7 year old sister's clothes. It makes you sound poor and it makes you look slutty," Hitomi said sweetly. I was currently using all my will power not to burst out laughing which turns out was a lot.
Just then Steph walked in
“OH LOOKIE ITS STEPH Whelp we better get to work uh daddy where's me bitch?”
“Im rite here whore what is it- AH-.” Mamoru was stopped when Hitomi turned around and covered Mamoru's mouth before he could carry on screaming and dragged him upstairs in a flash leaving Steph in the door way where Hitomi and Mamoru was and all the people in the sitting room looking at where Hitomi had just went.
Almost as fast as she went she was back down again and walking toward Allen and I. She grabbed both our hands and started to go upstairs again.
“I need you guys help painting my room come on Steph they can help you as well” Hitomi said really rushed and Steph bounded the stairs as well and we all ran into Hitomi's room while she locked the door and sighed in relief.
“What was all THAT about?” I asked
“You know that's the most I have ever heard you say” Hitomi said looking me strait in the eyes with a smile on her face
“Urm…” I said dumbly as I just stained into her eyes
“Hitomi did you know your eyes match your hair color?” Allen said damn he is pissing me off at the moment.
“Shut up or I will cut off your hair you little prissy” Hitomi said making Allen scream like a girl. I snorted trying to hold back a laugh.
“Did you just snort? Never mind and if your wandering who those fugly bimbos down there where they our cousins” Hitomi said and she walked over at sat on her bed next to Mamoru
“Come on Hitomi they arnt THAT bad lets go back down” Mamoru said
“No because you will talk to Uncle Kermis while bimbo's 1 and 2 will rape Van while bimbo's 3 and 4 will try and kill me” Hitomi said as my eyes widened
“I don't want to get rapped thanks”
“Don't worry I will protect you” Hitomi said patting my head
“Yay hero” I said and hugged Hitomi who laughed as her dog Muerte is it just stared from his basket
“Well they are going to be here for a couple of hours” Steph said putting her ear to the door
“What can we do?” Allen said sitting down on a bean bag that was in the corner
“Well PAINT would be one thing since that's one of the reasons I brought you guys up here” Hitomi said
“Your using us as cheap labor I KNEW it” I said snapping my fingers making Hitomi laugh nervously
“Well maybe, kinda…..sorta….yeah” Hitomi sighed
“HA” I shouted pointing at her then shrugged and picked up a paint can filled with black paint and we got to work.
Well until Hitomi turned decided to turn on `im a fake by The used' and we all turned and looked at her.
“Hey it drowns out the squeals of the barbies dunnit?” Hitomi shrugged and started to paint again.
After about an hour or two we finished the black, as I turned to get the green paint I saw Steph `accidentally' flick paint at Hitomi in turn Hitomi turned and thru the paint brush at Steph who dodged and it hit the wall giving it a paint ball sort of look.
“Oh Steph you are SOOOO dead” Hitomi said picking up the paint brush as I, Allen, Steph and Mamoru walked away into the corner
“And where do you think you are all going” Hitomi said as she thru the bucket full of paint at us.
And this ladies and gentlemen of my brain is what started the almighty paint war! That lasted a full…50 years…OK maybe not THAT long more like an hour.
We all ended up in the fight some of us A.K.A Allen only joined the war to get a certain Merle and Steph back for poring paint on his ever so peruses hair. Some times I worry if it wasn't for the fact that I hate the guy rite now I would feel sorry. But I don't.
After about half an hour every one calmed down and we looked around the room
“Woo” Hitomi said in awe
The room looked ok actually like green paint all on the black walls it just kind of looked like some maniac found the paint ball gun and went crazy. This is true because Hitomi found the gun and I do not recommend getting hit by one of those it hurt like hell!
“I like it” Hitomi said cheerfully smiling when suddenly
“IM HUNGEEE” Hitomi shouted and laughed evilly while we except Steph who sweat dropped stared at her
“Apple you scaring people again” Steph said shaking her head
“TO THE KITCHEN” Hitomi declared and ran out of the room and poked her head back in
“You coming or do I have to get the paint ball gun again because I have 3500 paint balls left and that WOULD be very entertaining” Hitomi said well she didn't need to warn us once seeing the fact that we ran out of there
“OOOOoooOOOOOoooo blackmail” Hitomi once again laughed evilly and walked down stares this was not good.
“DADDY, HOE BAGS WHERE ARE YOU not that im complaining” Hitomi murmured the last part. We where all standing in the kitchen it seems that Hitomi's parents and her cousins had left.
“Urm Hitomi” I said as I picked up a note on the table
“Hu? Yeah? Oh what's this” Hitomi said snatching the note from my hand
“Hey it's not nice to snatch” I exclaimed shaking my finger at her when she stuck her tongue out and we both laughed and Allen gave me that look and I glared at him I barely noticed Hitomi beginning to read the note out
To Apple, Steph, Allen, Van, Merle, and Mamoru
Went next door to the barbeque tried to tell you but music was to load and there was to much paint to come into the room. When you read this get changed and come over
“Ok well barbeque it is HERE MUERTE” Hitomi yelled and he came trotting in. Allen hates that dog but to me he is a life savior he truly is if he wasn't here Allen probably would of kissed Hitomi by now! Well not the she wouldn't break his nose after but still…
After she put on Muerte's leash we went next door well the other next door not our house.
&&Hitomi's P.O.V&&
As we pass my truck
“Yo im gonna get something out of my truck you go ahead or I will get the paint ball gun” I said you see that's the best thing about violent black mail they can't say no.
I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked my truck. Getting in I grabbed the sunglasses that were hanging off of a necklace that was around the rear view mirror. I put them on, looked in the mirror, got out and locked my truck.
I followed the noise to the house across the street and went into the backyard where I saw Steph and Merle surrounded by a group of girls.
I smiled remembering our conversation in my truck earlier.
I looked around for my parents or my bitch but couldn't find them so I went up to Steph.
"Where's my bitch? Or dad or Linda or the Barbies?" I asked. Her friends looked scared. Either of me, or Muerte. I think it was a tie. Hehehe.
"Mom is in the kitchen helping Mrs. Weber, Dad is talking over there and Mamoru and Allen and Van went with the other guys to get more ice and pop,” she replied.
"Thanks kid,” I said before putting down my skateboard and letting Muerte pull me towards dad.
Muerte is pretty good in big crowds. I used to always take him to parties when I went so he's used to lots of people yelling.
I stood on my skateboard and made a gesture towards Muerte so he would bark.
I swear all of the other dads jumped about 3 feet in the air. My dad didn't though. He was used to Muerte barking at random moments. :D He just turned around and threw his arm around my shoulder.
"Sup daddy?"
"Not much kid. Guys this is my daughter. Mamoru's twin sister," he introduced.
All of the dads took an elevator glance at me except for one.
"I take it that you are Van's dad?" I asked the one who didn't.
"Yeah how did you know?" he asked rather confused.
"You didn't take an elevator glance and you look like you're used to the hair and piercing," I replied calmly.
Immediately the other dads blushed and introduced themselves.
There was Mr. Jensen, Chesta's dad, Mr. Douglas, Dallet's dad, Mr. Johnson, Dilly's dad, Mr. Paul, Allen's dad, Mr. Smith, Gatti's dad, and finally Mr. Fanel Van's dad,
"Are you the girl who threatened to break my son's nose yesterday?" asked Mr. Paul.
I laughed nervously and nodded.
The dads just laughed. Muerte barked at me again.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
He shook his head and I bent down to unclip his leash.
"Don't worry Mr. Jensen, he just wanted his leash off. He won't wander from my side," I assured a nervous looking Mr. Jensen.
"How well is he trained?" Mr. Johnson asked.
"Very well. Muerte go get me a Pepsi," I commanded.
Muerte walked over to an open cooler that was sitting on the grass 5 feet away, and stuck his snout in, coming up with a Pepsi in his mouth. He trotted back to my side and placed the Pepsi upright at my feet.
"Good boy," I said while taking a treat out of my pocket and giving it to him.
"Holy shit!" Mr. Johnson and Mr. Paul said while Mr. Douglas just stood there with an open mouth.
"Want it?" I asked handing Mr. Douglas the Pepsi.
Mr. Douglas took it and cracked it open before asking how I knew that he wanted a Pepsi.
"Simple," I replied coolly. "You're holding an empty can of Pepsi."
I smirked before walking over to Mamoru who walked into the yard at that very moment followed by 7 guys, no Dilly. Must be at work still. Muerte followed.
"Sup bitch?" I asked when I reached him.
"Not much whore. You?" he replied.
"Jack all," I replied in a bored tone. “How come you took so long?”
"Skate Park," he replied in a timid voice.
"I'll take you tomorrow," he promised.
"You better," I said before skating off towards a table filled with food.
As the night wound on things got pretty good.
Dad was giving me coolers and raspberry sour puss so I was a tad bit drunk but all was good. I didn't do anything stupid like I would have normally done.
Dilly showed up after a couple of hours. Steph's and Merle's friends came up to be and asked about my hair/piercings/ know...the works. It was like 20 questions again.
I met all of the moms too. That was funny. My own mom was a sarcastic bitch all night but whatever. I was either with Dad, Steph and Merle, or my bitch all night. Muerte followed me everywhere and Allen kept his distance. Did I mention I love my doggy?
I went to get another cooler when I saw someone who looked… familiar. Wait just one snappy snap minute isn't that
“LILLUMS” I scream and run and jump on the girl who was talking to Van and Allen's back
“HITOMI HI” Lilly said in disbelief (I like the name Lilly)
“Wow Lilums I thought you would happier to see me” I said no really normally she would hug the air out of me or ruby tackle me.
“Well if you hadn't jumped and nearly broken my back I would be” Lilly said
“Oh well I want a drink so ONWARD AND FORWARD” I shout in her ear and she waddled to the drink cooler and grabbed my drink
“So Lilums what'cha doin' here?” I asked tacking a swig of my drink as Van and Allen walk over
“Well when I moved last year I moved here so I have a rite” Lilly said
“OOOOoooOOOOOooooh I didn't know you moved HERE” I said once again in an idiotic manner making Van and Allen try to hold back a laugh. This made me glare at them.
“Yupz” Lilly said and you once again started talking
&& Next day&&
I awoke in the morning, cross that out, afternoon, to find 3 guys sitting in various places in my room. All were staring at me.
"What the hell?!" I asked.
"Sleeping beauty awakes," Allen states.
Van gets up and walks over to my bathroom.
"What time is it?" I asked in a raspy voice as I clutched my head.
"It's 1:30. In the afternoon," Van stated as he came back into my room with a glass of water and some Advil liquid gels.
I took the pills as he handed them to me and swallowed them with water. I mumbled thanks and pulled the blankets over my face.
I felt a cold rush of air as my jackass of a brother ripped the blankets off of me revealing my half naked body. I took off everything but left my underwear and bra on before passing out last night.
Allen emerged from my closet and threw a pair of jeans at me, along with underwear, socks, a hoodie, a wifebeater and a bra. I groaned and tried to hide my face with my pillow only to have that taken away too.
"You wanted me to take you skateboarding. I am. Hurry up and shower. Come downstairs when you're done. The rest of the guys are downstairs waiting,” Jason told me as all of the guys left.
I went to find my blankets and pillow to try to go back to sleep. Problem with that? They took them with them when they left.
"Stupid asswipes," I mumbled as I made my way to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.
I climbed into the shower and screamed when the water came out. I rushed to turn the hot water on to. So much for going back to sleep. I was officially wide awake now.
I got out of the shower and put on the clothes Allen set out for me. I blow dried my hair and gelled it, put on some eyeliner and mascara, and put on a pair of sunglasses. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of shoes and a skate board.
I didn't bother to grab Muerte's leash because I wouldn't be holding him anyway and because he doesn't like it on.
I walked downstairs with Muerte following me and managed to trip on the last step and did a face plant. I groaned into the carpet and rolled over onto my back.
"Are you okay Tommy?" Mamoru asked while trying to hold back his laughter.
"Can we just go before the fucking people that are using my head as a drum start playing a Metallica solo?" I asked.
Van came over and helped me up as the rest of the jerk offs walked out of the house.
"Thanks,” I muttered before going calling Muerte to follow me and getting into my baby truck.
I started the engine as Allen climbed into my truck beside Muerte. He volunteered himself to ride with me because
“My truck hauled some serious ass”. I revved the engine as I waited for the rest of the guys to get into the dodge ram 3500 and the mustang.
I finally gave up and asked Allen if he knew where the skate park was and he told me he did so I pulled out of the driveway and did a burn out heading in the directions that Allen was telling me to go.
The ride that was supposed to take 10 minutes only took me 3. I found out that Allen screams like a little girl. It was hilarious. When we finally arrived at the skate park he flung his door open and launched himself at the ground.
"GROUND!!" he squealed while kissing it.
I shook my head and turned off the engine. I opened my door and got out, Muerte following, grabbed my skateboard and headed off towards the half pipe.
Muerte laid down beside the half pipe and I put my cell phone in front of him. Changing it to a ring tone that would piss him off so when it rang he would start barking.
Ten minutes later, Van and Mamoru pulled up and Allen was still kissing the ground.
All of the guys got out of the 2 vehicles and walked over to Allen who didn't even acknowledge them.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM HITOMI?!" Mamoru screamed.
I shrugged in reply and started skating.
After 15 minutes I got sick of the silence and pulled my truck closer to the actual skate park, rolled down all of the windows and blasted music.
After an hour of skating more people started to show up. My truck was still the source of music and there was quite a few people rocking out, skating or just standing around bull shiting with friends.
A crowd started to gather around me as I started doing tricks.
When I finished doing a 360 shove-it, I heard a few guys call out some stuff. But one guys comment pissed me off.
"Yo Sweetheart! You may be alright, but girls don't belong in a skate park unless they're hanging off their boyfriends!"
I ignored it and kept skating. Guy must not have liked that because he kept calling out comments.
"GO BACK TO FREAKVILLE SWEETY YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!" He then turned to his friends and kept talking. "Green hair, tattoos, piercings? My god this chick is a FREAK!"
I walked up behind him while he was talking and he didn't notice me so I tapped his shoulder. By now there was a crowd around us and my brother and his friends were trying to get through.
"You got a problem with me, you say it to my face. They say jealousy is a disease. Get well soon." With that I turned to walk away as I heard his friends and everyone else around us laugh and yell out "BURN!"
Dude didn't like getting told by a chick so he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the center of the crowd.
"Chicks don't fucking belong in a fucking skate park. Let alone on a fucking skateboard. So why don't you be a good girl and leave," he snarled while tightening his grip on my wrist.
Muerte made his way into the crowd and started to growl when he saw the guy holding onto my wrist and his friends encircling me. His friends got scared and backed away but the guy who was holding my wrist didn't.
I smirked at the guy and simply replied “Then what are you doing here sweetie. Girls don't belong in a "fucking skate park".
The crowd laughed again. I felt a burning sensation on my cheek and I realized that he hit me. Mamoru and the guys had now got through all the people. When Van and Allen saw what the guy did it took the rest of them to hold them back.
I touched my cheek and then looked at my fingers. They were covered in blood. The fucker had on a ring.
I smirked at him again, ignoring the pain. "You shouldn't have done that."
"And why not? Is the little princess going to tell daddy?" he asked in a baby style voice.
Mamoru was struggling to hold back Muerte.
Instead of replying with words I brought back my fist and punched the guy in the nose. I felt and heard a crack as he fell to the ground clutching his nose.
"Self defense. You know, you really shouldn't start something you can't finish," I growled at him.
The guy got up and you could tell that I had broke his nose. Allen looked like he was going to faint. After all I threatened to break his nose yesterday.
The guy hit me again and I snapped. I tackled him to the ground and just kept hitting him.
It took Mamoru, Van and Allen to get me off of the guy.
They shoved me through the crowd who was congratulating me and the rest of the guys followed.
Van must have grabbed my cell phone because he gave it back to me.
"Thanks," I said, and then flinched because my cheek hurt so badly. When the guy hit me again he hit me only a little bit higher than last time.
Muerte got into the middle seat of my truck and I forced to be in the passenger seat. Supposedly they didn't want me to faint from blood loss while driving. My reply? I rolled my eyes. Allen got into the drivers seat and turned on the engine.
"Where are we going?" I asked, ignoring the pain.
"My house. My mom is home and she's a nurse. She can fix up that cut," he replied while keeping his eyes on the road.
After a few minutes we were there followed quickly by Van and Mamoru we all walked up to the door that was opened by a woman with blonde hair in a tight bun and crystal blue eyes. Well now I know where Allen gets his looks from.
“OH MY GOODNESS WHAT HAVE YOU BOYS DONE TO HER” she shouts well that explains some things as well!
"Hey! We didn't do anything. She got into a fight at the skate park. Some guy was mouthing off," Allen claimed defensively.
"She kicked his ass too," added Mamoru.
Mrs. Paul sighed and went to get a first aid kit from the bathroom.
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Van asked.
"My friend taught me," I replied.
Thankfully Mrs. Paul re-entered the room before they could ask any more questions about my fighting techniques or the person who taught me.
"I take it you won?" Mrs. Paul asked sheepishly.
I smirked in reply while Allen started telling her everything that happened.
"Wow," she said. "Who was the guy?"
Brandon answered this one. "Josh Palmer ."
"Well in that case, good job Sweetheart. He deserves to be given a taste of his own medicine," Mrs. Paul replied while patting my back and smiling.
All the guys laughed.
Ten minutes later by cheek was disinfected and had gauze overtop.
I got up and looked in the mirror that was hanging in the hallway.
"God that looks bad. Can't I go without the gauze?" I asked Mrs. Paul.
"If you want it to get infected and scar go for it," she replied.
"Battle wounds," I said while smirking.
The guys just laughed.
"I want ice cream," I said randomly after the laughter died down.
"I SHOTGUN HITOMI'S TRUCK!” Allen screamed while running out of the house.
"HITOMI SHOTGUNS HER OWN TRUCK!" I yelled while running after him.
Allen has mysteriously got my keys and was now in my truck, in the driver's seat, revving the engine. Sighing, I got in the passengers side and stretched Muerte behind the ears.
"Nobody lets me drive my own truck anymore," I pouted.
"Awww poor Hitomi," Allen said like he was talking to a baby while he pet me.
"Drive," I commanded.
"YES MA'AM!" he replied while saluting and speeding off down the road.
Damn I hated him!
When we walked into the ice cream shop, the first thing I noticed was some guys that were at the skate park when the fight happened.
I walked up to the cashier person and asked for large chocolate ice-cream. Paid, got it, and then went and sat down. While I waited for the guys to get theirs, one of the guys from the skate park came up to me.
"Are you the chick who beat the shit out of Josh earlier?" he asked.
"That'd be me. Why?" I asked suspiciously.
"Just wanted to say that was totally kick ass! He had it coming. You're a great skater," he commented.
"Thanks. I'm Hitomi by the way. Who are you?" I asked.
"Oh I'm James," he replied. "How old are you?"
"17, and you?" I replied.
"I see. Is there any particular reason why your friends are staring over here James?" I asked while waving to them.
James looked over at them and shook his head.
"I don't know. They have issues?" he asked.
"Looks like it. So what do you do for a living?" I asked.
"I work at a law firm," he replied.
"My daddy's a lawyer," I stated thoughtfully.
"Who's your dad?" he asked.
"Jim Kanz-"I started to say but I was picked up and flung over someone's shoulder.
"MAMORU PUT ME DOWN!"I screamed.
"Uhh no," he replied.
"Maybe I'll see you around something?" I asked James while Mamoru carried me to the door.
"Maybe," he said while walking back over to his friends.
"BYE JAMES' FRIENDS!" I said waving.
They said bye back and one guy waved like an idiot. I liked them. :D
"Mmmmmk," he replied as he dropped me on the ground.
"Totally not what I meant you asshole," I said I slowly stood up.
I walked over to the garbage and threw away my empty ice cream thingy then went and smacked Mamoru upside the back of his head before going out to my truck.
When we got back to the house I went straight to my room. Wait. Cross the last part out. I TRIED to go straight to my room. Linda saw me trying to sneak upstairs and called me into the kitchen.
"What did you do?" she asked in a pissed off manner, while inspecting the gauze on my cheek.
"Fight," I replied shortly. I really did not want to talk to her about this. It will just end up in another fight.
She sighed. "When will you realize that you are a girl, not a deprived little boy?" she asked.
Mamoru ushered the guys out of the kitchen. He, and I, knew that a fight was about to go down.
My mother looked discussed with me. Frankly, I didn't care.
"Do not take that tone with me young lady," my mom said in a threatening voice while emphasing 'Lady'.
“I've had to put up with enough shit over the past 3 years."
I felt pain in my cheek for the 3rd time today and realized that she had hit me, the sound echoed. I felt my cut re-open. I'm almost positive that I will have a scar.
I just flipped her off and kept running past the guys in the living room, up the stairs, and into my room, where I slammed the door behind me.
I got into my truck and started the engine. I pulled out of the driveway and headed for the hospital. It looked like I needed stitches in my face and hand. When Linda slapped me it made the cut on my cheek open even more.
Mrs. Paul mentioned earlier that she had to work tonight so I went into the emergency part where I knew she would be. She was at the front desk and saw me right away.
"What happened?" she asked in a concerned tone when she saw my hand.
"I, uh, punched a wall," I replied in a quiet voice.
"So then why is your cheek open more?"
"Linda hit me," I replied in an even quieter tone.
'Nurse' Paul pulled me into a hug and then told me to follow her to an empty room so she could fix my old wound as well as my new ones.
She told me to wait while she went and got the proper stuff she needed.
She returned fairly quickly and told me to stay still.
"This might hurt a bit. Do you want me to numb it first?" she asked.
"Nah I'll be fine," I replied.
She nodded and started to work on my hand first. It was bleeding the most.
She was right though. It did hurt. Like a bitch. I refused to have it numbed though.
"I really like your scrubs Mrs. P," I said while laughing.
"I kind of figured you would," she joked back while doing the final stitch in my hand.
"Do you want your cheeked numbed this time?"
I shook my head in response and inspected the stitches in my hand. There was allot.
Mrs. P started stitching up my cheek and was done in way less time. She wrapped my hand in gauze and walked me back to the front desk.
I paid for everything I needed to and then went to the gift shop and bought some flowers. I walked back into emergency and gave them to Mrs. P thanking her for helping me twice today.
She gave me a hug like a mother would and told me to come back in 2 weeks to get the stitches out. I thanked her again before walking out of the hospital and getting back into my truck.
When I got im my truck I went to turn my phone back on I noticed I had 7 missed calls and 3 messages.
The calls from Dad, Mamoru, and Steph all asking where I was and when I would be back and the messages where from Lilly. One said `call me' so I did.
“Hello you fuck tard what do you want?” I asked
“Oh hi Tommy you ok?”
“Yeah im fine just had stitches though” I stated dully
“Why?” she said sounding kind of alarmed
“Linda hit me” Lilly already knew about the fight due to the fact my brother can't not tell everyone in a second
“That bitch” Lilly spat you see this is one of the things I love about my dear friend Lilly she also hates Linda's guts even more than me infact. Linda hates her as well because she went to juvenile hall for a couple of years. Lilly has neon blue hair which was cut like a boys and I think even more piercings than me and a lot more tattoo's infact she has flames going all up her arms. A lot of people miss take her for a guy Steph still doesn't know she's a she he, he. But I love her she's the bestest her and her sister Bambi are the nicest people you could meet.
“Hey do you and Bambi want to come over just to piss Linda off that and I WANNA SEE YOU” I scream like a 5 year old making Lilly laugh
“Ok lemme ask Bambi HEY BAM” I herd her scream OW my ear dude.
“YEAH” I herd reply
“NOW! Ok she can come”
“I KINDA GUESSED” I shouted down my cell phone maybe I should of rolled my windows up I think I scared the senior citizens.
“Ok be there in a few” Lilly said
“Ok hurry up you know peddle on the right” I said sarcastically and hung up oh yeah this was going to be good. I revved up my truck and zoomed off home.
I pulled up to the house and turned off my truck. I slowly got out and walked into the house, straight for the kitchen where my family was having dinner.
Van, and Allen were still there making me think `do they even have a home god'. Steph was talking to Merle and a girl her age that I didn't know. Linda and Daddy were talking quietly amongst themselves.
I walked in and sat across from Linda and just smirked at her. She gave me a somewhat scared look in return. I received weird looks from everyone else at the table but just kept on smirking.
"Where were you?" Mamoru asked curiously while looking at my hand.
"Hospital. Your mom is an angel Allen. Second time today she's fixed my owies. I had to get stitches," I replied, never taking my eyes off Linda.
Allen laughed. "My mom is pretty great isn't she?"
"I love her. Think I could borrow her on weekends?" I asked jokingly. I still haven't taken my eyes off of Linda. She was starting to twitch.
"Sure. But you'd have to share with like 10 other people too," Allen replied.
"Your mom is totally worth it."
Everyone went back to eating. Linda twitched more while I continued to stare at her.
"What are you so happy about?" Linda finally snapped.
At that exact moment the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it.
I opened the door and immediately was pulled into a bone crushing hug.
"Missed ya too dudes," I said while patting Lilly's and Bambi's on the backs.
I dragged them in to the kitchen and made Bambi sit next to where I was sitting and Lilly sit where I was sitting, across from Linda. I then sat on her lap.
"What happened to your face Princess?" Bambi asked concerned while Linda glared at her, Mamoru and Dad smiled, Steph and her friend drooled while Merle rolled her eyes, I like her, and the other 2 guys just looked genuinely confused.
"Linda is a bitch," I mumbled into Lilly's shoulder.
If looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under.
You see, Linda really doesn't like Bambi at all more so than she dose hate Lilly. And Bambi REALLY doesn't like Linda. She hit me once before and Bambi threatened to kill her. It was great.
Bambi's looks don't really help either. She is about the same as Lilly apart from the long purple hair and lip piercings. Besides that, Linda didn't like how she was 18 years old, smarter than her, and snuck me into clubs.
I looked up from Lilly's shoulder to introduce her.
"Van, Allen and Merle this is Lilly and Bambi Blake. Lilly and Bambi this is Van, Merle and Allen. Oh and chick who I don't know this is Lilly and Bambi. Lilly and Bambi this is a chick I don't know," I said motioning my sister's friend.
"My names Kiera," she said.
"So Lilly and Bambi. How long are you staying?" Dad asked while I cuddled back into Josh's chest.
"Probably a week. Depends I guess. I hope that that is alright with you sir," Lilly replied.
"It's perfectly alright with me. Make yourself at home," Dad replied while clapping his hands together.
"I don't want THEM to stay here," Linda spoke up.
"Sounds like a personal problem to me," I stated coldly.
She glared at me. I glared back.
"Come help us with our stuff, Tommy," Bambi said while getting up with Lilly who carried me and walked out to her truck
"I hate her," I stated for the millionth time today.
"We hate her too," they replied thoughtfully.
I grabbed Bambi's skateboard and guitar while she grabbed her duffel bag and hauled it up to my room and Lilly grabbed hers .
"Where am I sleeping?" Bambi asked.
"You guys can have my bed. It's big enough, and uber comfy!" I said while setting his stuff on my couch in my room and jumping on my bed and turned on my TV to Viva la bam (best show EVER XD).
“Tommy did you know that your hair dye is starting to fade?” Bambi stated
“Really? Ok well im going to go was it out toddles” I said and went to have a shower
After washing my hair and getting out the shower I looked in the mirror this was the first time in ages that my hair had been natural. It was all sandy blonde. Wow I forgot about that. After taking one last look in the mirror at my natural hair color I left.
“HOLY SHIT TOMMY” Lilly screamed
“Yeah I know it looks weird” I pouted and sat down and started watching again
“No it suites you” Bambi said and kept watching `hum well I think I can leave it like this for a little while' I think and watch TV again.
After a while I fell asleep till the next day which was going to be a lot of fun.
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Pure hope: Flame and it's your own shame so there! And by the way I only made Hitomi's hair normal again to make her a bit more Hitomi if anyone doesn't want me to change her tell me in a review XD
Black cat: and NO FLAMES
Pure hope: thank you to all the reviewers out there I love y'all bye