Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Young Luv <3 <3 ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )
(*whistles* wow it's already halfway through summer and I haven't written one chapter since!! Plz forgive!! And is it Gadeth or Gades? Or Gadess? Who knows. In tha movie it was Gadeth but in the show it sounds a whole helluva lot like Gades…w/e!! This chapter is on Dildo (dilandau excuse me ^^;) and his dragon slayer buddies…it's pretty amusing…no, really, I mean it…lol*)
Chapter Eight
"Ouija board, Ouija board, who does Hitomi Kanzaki liiiike?"
"Don't ask it that!!" Dilandau said in an exasperated voice, blushing. Miguel grinned at him from across the board, all ten fingers resting on the Pointer.
"Why? You afraid of the answer?" Miguel teased, his deep blue eyes laughing.
Dilandau turned away with closed eyes, "No, I'm not. And this is only a game, anyways, it can't possible know the truth."
"Whatever you say…" Miguel winked at Chesta, and was given an adorably confused look back.
"What about that Van guy?" Chesta said innocently, leaning off the side of Dilandau's bed on his stomach, his head between the other two boys. He waved his feet in the air absentmindedly.
"Who cares about him…let's just ask the question again!!" Miguel said cracking his knuckles and resting them back on the Pointer. Dilandau and Chesta followed suit.
"Ohhh Ouiiija board, ohhh Ouiiija board, whooo does-."
"Miguel, be serious." Dilandau snapped.
"Ok, ok…" Miguel answered, chuckling, "Who does Hitomi Kanzaki like?"
The three boys held their breath after Miguel said the words, the air still except for the rattling vent. Dilandau was crossing his fingers in his mind.
"Look!" Chesta gasped softly, the Pointer moving slightly beneath their fingertips.
It drifted first up the board to the word OUIJA, then back down to the numbers, giving no answer.
"Maybe it really doesn't know…" Miguel said in a whisper.
"Look! Look!" Chesta said again, the Pointer moving ever so slowly to the picture of a smiling sun and the word YES. The boys watched in disbelief as it moved…closer…and…closer…
"Oh my god!" Dilandau said, grinning like he was mad. The tiny needle hovered precariously next to the Y of the YES, almost reaching.
"I think…" Miguel said.
Then, the pointer slid unceremoniously to the word NO, stilling right above it.
"WHAT!?" Dilandau yelled in that nasally voice of his, and stood up with the board in his hand, the Pointer hitting Miguel in the head. Then, he took the board and smashed it against his upraised knee with a roar, splitting it in half, "DAMN YOU!!"
Then, he threw the two ragged board pieces against his wall, watching them thunk against the gigantic poster of Hitomi he had.
"Hey, that was my game!!" Chesta whined, still on the floor. Dilandau answered by picking up the Pointer off the floor like he was ripping it away from wet cement and
Gnawing on it viciously. Miguel and Chesta started chasing their mad friend around the room, trying to calm his sincere ire ^^;
Van sat next to Yukari on the bottom step, chin resting in hand. He sighed loudly, "Where's the damn handy-man?"
Yukari sat next to him, her knees drawn up to her chest, "He'll be here soon, not to worry…" She giggled as she finished, and Van gave her a `what's so funny?' look.
"SCORE!" Hitomi yelled while raising a fist in the air, sitting in between Amano and Van's father on the couch. The audience on the T.V. screen cheered right along with her. Amano and Go-al laughed merrily.
Yukari peered over her shoulder at the back of their heads, "I didn't know Hitomi was so into college basketball. Bizarre."
"Yeah. She doesn't seem like the type." Van leaned back and rested on his elbows sighing once again.
Yukari turned back around, now peering through the blurry glass of the front door window, "Huh? That doesn't look like Gadeth."
Van's eyes widened as he saw a patch of orange-pink hair through a section of oddly-shaped glass, "No way. It can't be her." He stood up and started backing up the steps.
Yukari raised an eyebrow at him. She turned back to the front door window and squinted. She widened her eyes too in realization, "Oh…my…God…what is she doing back here!?"
Mrs. Fanel strode through the Dining room, "My, that's probably Mr. Gadeth!"
Van shook his head, silent with fear.
Mrs. Fanel opened the door, and before she could even greet the guest…
Merle glomped Van before he could even so much as turn away.
"Ohmygoodnessdidyoumissmehuh!?!? Huh!?!?" She said in a blur, licking him across the face cat-like once before letting him breathe.
Instead of answering her question, he said angrily, "Just what are you doing back here!? Go back to Canada!!"
Mrs. Fanel chose to shake her head and ask questions later. She strolled to the sofa, seating herself by her husband.
"Don't you remember?? Daddy only had to work there for eight years!!"
Hitomi and Amano were twisted around on the couch, hands perched on the back edge. Hitomi said incredulously, "ONLY eight years!?"
Go-al chuckled, more apt to ignoring them and watching the game.
Hitomi jumped up and steered around the couch, Amano following her (again). She walked cautiously over to where the others stood, Merle still glomping Van. Yukari was pulling her red hair and walking around in circles, muttering curse words.
"Umm, Van, who is this?" Hitomi asked innocently.
Yukari went straight from silently boiling to bursting with rage, "This THING is the one and only Merle, who is the most clingy and annoying thing known to man." Yukari pointed to the cat-girl accusingly. Merle hissed in return.
"What's up with the ears?" Amano said, pulling on one while Merle kept herself occupied with Van. Her tail went stiff at the action and puffed out three times bigger. She whirled around and promptly smacked/scratched Amano across the face with a, "Humph!"
"Owww!!" Amano said hurtly, rubbing his cheek. Merle stuck her tongue out at him daringly.
"…She doesn't like people teasing her about her looks, either." Yukari stated dully, crossing her arms observantly. Amano shot Yukari a deathly look for her lack of sympathy. Yukari smiled back innocently.
Merle gave Van a hug and a giggle before noticing Hitomi. The cat-girl glared at her and hissed, while Hitomi just looked confused. Her ears flattened against her head, and she said with a hiss, "Van, just who is that girl?"
"Umm, well, Merle, I've made a few other friends over these past EIGHT FREAKING YEARS!!" Van screamed directly into her ear, making Merle swat at him with her claws. Hitomi backed away as Merle shot another icy glare in her direction.
Van took this chance to peel himself away from the cumbersome burden with orange fur. Merle pouted in return.
"Keep it down, you hooligans." Go-al yelled over the couch, annoyed at the ruckus they were making. Mrs. Fanel observed curiously from her seat next to him.
"Sorry Mr. Fanel, we'll go outside!!" Yukari said politely, ushering the group outside the front door, having never been closed since Merle's big entrance.
"We're sorry!!" Hitomi said also, the last to go out the door. It slammed shut quickly, rattling the picture of young Van by the doorframe. The silence filled the air accordingly.
"I can't believe that Merle girl is back." Mrs. Fanel said tiredly, curled up on the couch against her husband, "Now things are going to get a lot more interesting."
"No kidding. I thought that whiny little brat was out of our existence for good." Go-al responded, channel surfing. Mrs. Fanel punched Go-al's arm for his rude comment. Go-al huffed.
"At least that Hitomi girl and Amano have their heads on their shoulders. Yukari, too." Mrs. Fanel forgave him and cuddled next to Go-al, appreciating his warmth. He stopped at the cooking channel for his wife, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"Today we will be cooking Octopus Stomach using four sticks of butter and twenty four cloves of garlic…" (*lol*)
(*Ok, so not the best chapter…w/e. Merle annoys me, but I figured since I have pretty much every other Esca chara in there, I better add her too. I know I said this b4, but…why do all my chapters keep on getting shorter and shorter? oh well…I don't write well in quantities…I like to cover everything in as short a format as possible…plz forgive lol…*)