Warcraft Fan Fiction ❯ A Savage Land ❯ Sigrid Iceborn ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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“Do not bother me, pest. I am studying the inept fighting of these so-called combatants. I will best them all, and then I will be elevated to serve the Lich King.”

“Taste my steel, little boy!”

“You fight well, little one. I am bested for now. We will meet again I assure you. When we do I will be better prepared.”

“I can hear Sigrid Iceborn approaching from the northwest. She has been informed that she cannot use her proto-drake in battle here. Do not leave the battle ring!”

“Sigrid Iceborn has returned to the heights of Jotunheim to prove herself against Nathaniel. When last they met, Nathaniel bested her in personal combat. Let us see the outcome of this match.”

“Ah, there you are! Remember me? Of course you do! Wait right there, I'm coming down.”

“I told you I'd be better prepared when next we meet. I've fought and won the Hyldsmeet, trained at Valkyrion, and here I am. Come and get some!”

“Nathaniel has defeated Sigrid Iceborn for a second time. Well, this time he did it with the help of his friends, but a win is a win!”


“I feel bad for her, you know. I've been the big obstacle in her life that she just couldn't overcome, and now that I've killed her, I still can't leave her alone,” Nathaniel said as they walked the slopes of Jotunheim.

“That just goes to show how attracted to her you are,” Aylenn suggested, winking slyly at him.

Nathaniel shook his head, “She may have had the rack of a goddess, but I'd take Varna to any Frost Vrykul.”

“Not what I meant. It could just be destiny's way of showing you two belong together.”

They crested the last hill overlooking the ring of Valhalas, then began descending. Nathaniel's hand reached out to grasp hers, and they laced their fingers. “You know you are the one who has my heart.”

Aylenn smiled. “And you are the one who keeps mine beating, no matter how slowly.”

Hand-in-hand, the two lovers entered the arena ring, glad that it was currently empty of inhabitants. As they studied the corpses that had been pushed against the wall, Aylenn reminded him of their plan, “So I'm going to pull her soul back to the living world, making her a Val'kyr, and either she agrees to being part of this harem or I bend her will into it. That sound about right?”

Nathaniel's face was expressionless as he turned a fallen Frost Vrykul's face to the side and moved on. “Are you sure you don't know any other bitchy aspirant of the Lich King's more deserving of this? I actually liked Sigrid.”

“Your Svala Sorrowgrave, but you already banished her soul back to the grave. Besides, dear, if you like Sigrid, she's definitely the one we should get. If she finds any injustice about it, I can make her euphorically pleased about joining us. I can make it where she orgasms just from having your eyes pass over her.”

“None of that, please,” he sighed, checking another Frost Vrykul. He studied the face for a few moments and slowly removed her frozen helm. Lifeless eyes glared back at him, jaw locked in the same stern expression the woman had died with. “This is her.”

Aylenn approached and studied the woman. “Sheesh, it's already been several weeks and she hasn't even begun noticeable decay. These races of Northrend certainly are tougher than any before.” She brushed her snowy hands off on her black armor and began to call upon unholy energies. “Let's get started, shall we?”

Her energies shot into the corpse of the fallen warrior. It didn't take long before a form began to arise from it, and a black-winged Val'kyr unfurled her wings above the corpse. Nathaniel recognized easily the portion of the face visible under her smooth, metal winged helm, as well as the hair cascading around it.

Sigrid Iceborn studied them past the eyeless plate covering the top of her head. She was as large as she had been in life, which was to say around Varna's height, and had ethereal skin now white in color. She wore armor shaped like a bird with its wings stretched, each wing covering a breast where the tail latched onto her black belt, which was centered by a skull image. She wore a cloth similar to an undergarment under that, and her legs were wrapped in bands of black cloth and adorned with armor similar to her breastplate and helm. In hand was the polearm she had used in life, retrieved from her frozen corpse.

The woman obviously recognized him, and she huffed. “Come to gloat about your victory? We both know I would have killed you had you not called in for help.”

“That battle was well fought, Sigrid, and yes, you would have slain me had I come alone,” Nathaniel acknowledged. The woman seemed surprised at his admission, and she gave a stuttered flap of her wings that had her rise and fall briefly. “My reason for coming and calling back your spirit is of a different matter.”

Seeing her husband hesitate, Aylenn stepped up. “He liked you. Admired your battle prowess and personality. While perhaps not feeling guilty about slaying you in honorable combat, he... Well, he's making a harem, and we want you in it.”

“Elegant,” Nathaniel muttered to her, and Aylenn smiled cheekily at him.

Sigrid was silent for a long moment, studying the two in disbelief. She shook her head. “You did well in winning the tournament. I observed after my death, and I recognize I wasn't yet strong enough to slay those you did after me. You honor me, Champion Nathaniel.” Her voice was the same it had been in life, accent similar to that of the Vrykul.

As the duo watched her in silence, Sigird continued, “You, death knight, I know well of your abilities beforehand. You have a power over those already experiencing the grave. If I do not give into the Champion's wishes, you will force me, will you not?”

“I will,” Aylenn answered simply, unashamed about it. Nathaniel's jaw tightened, but he didn't disagree on the point.

Sigrid spun her weapon in her hands, pulling off an expert show of her mastery over it. “I was a maiden before my death, intending on fame and glory before having my pick in a mate. I wanted only someone who was worthy of me, not some simpering dog. I am not cowed by your abilities, death knight. If you are to have me with my free will, you will earn me in rightful combat. Overcome my strength and take me by force, on this very ground of my death!”

Come and get some!” Nathaniel remembered her shouting, and he smiled at her. Slipping into the shadows, he stepped back out of range of her weapon. Aylenn was the one who could better handle Sigrid's blows.

Unlike the normal death knights running out there belonging to the Ebon Blade, Aylenn had been gifted by Arthas. She was the strongest he had ever met and been able to beat single-handedly, well beyond most of those in the Ebon Blade. She had been a lieutenant before he subdued her.

Aylenn smirked frostily, calling upon more energies of undeath. Beams reached the corpses surrounding them, ghoulish forms of the fallen heroes rising from the dead to her command. “I see now why my husband likes you so much, Sigrid Iceborn. We accept your challenge. Your will will remain your own. Now, let us begin!”

Sigrid prepared to swoop down at her, but Aylenn death-gripped her, throwing off Sigrid's momentum, and their weapons – massive runeblade and enchanted polearm suiting Sigrid's size – clashed heavily. Diseases, unholy energies, and frosty death began to assault the Val'kyr.

The moment the conflict began, Nathaniel stepped through the shadows to get behind Sigrid, and he ambushed her from behind with the most powerful blow he could manage with a dagger. At the same time, the army of undead heroes began to assault Sigrid. One thing became apparent right from the beginning: in death, Sigrid had grown no weaker.

However, Nathaniel himself had grown much in strength in the weeks following his victory here, up until he met Aylenn and left the ruthless struggle to better know her and marry her. Now his ally and wife, Aylenn made a better comrade in this fight than the previous group of Alliance warriors had, her ability to manipulate blood healing her wounds as she took them.

Ethereal blood oozed from Sigrid as the battle raged on, and she gave them no notice as she cried out and fought Aylenn with a savage ferocity. It was apparent that she could even out-woman the death knight, wearing Aylenn down faster than she was returning, but fortunately Nathaniel was there to support her. With his daggers in hand, he was able to even the playing field in their favor.

Aylenn began to tire, her blows slowing down in their coming and becoming more defensive, her panting as she struggled against the Val'kyr. Sigrid appeared no better, each swing of her massive weapon coming with great exertion that began to slip into sloppy form. Nathaniel noticed this and judged how to end this with her spirit still intact on the mortal plane.

He dismantled her weapon from her, watching it spiral once from her hands and bury into the bone-riddled soil. Aylenn's eyes lit up, and she bashed Sigrid in the chest with the hilt of her sword. Sigrid fell back, wings unable to assist her, and she landed against the ground. Nathaniel jumped on her, straddling her chest with his dagger against her throat.

Sigrid was laughing, sounding exhausted and yet so excited. “Kill me or take me, but I won't give up yet!” Her hand swung up and slapped him from her, knocking Nathaniel into the soil.

She began to sit back up, but Aylenn replaced him, driving her knee into Sigrid's stomach as she landed on her. Sigird exhaled heavily, and before she could recover, the redhead gripped her bird-shaped breastplate in a fist and ripped it from her, revealing the black cloth that bound her breasts.

Sigrid reached up to throw her off too, but Aylenn's small hand found her wrist and slammed it back to the ground with an inhuman force. She was grinning viciously as her head dipped down to smash against Sigrid's lips, and the other hand ripped the cloth free of her breasts.

There was a panting grunt, and Sigrid finally tossed Aylenn off by jerking upright. The elf landed on her feet, still grinning – a look Sigrid was matching. Nathaniel was there then, appearing behind her and using a hand to rip the black cloth that covered her rear from the belt. Sigrid twisted her torso to bat at him, but Nathaniel was faster, moving to her other side and throwing his body into her, leaving her flat on her back again.

His hands were steady as he quickly yet carefully reached down and cut the black cloth from her front with his dagger. He didn't take the time to admire his handiwork before he discarded his dagger and grappled with her wrists, holding her arms pinned. She struggled, and his muscles groaned at her immense strength. “Aylenn!”

Sigrid was grinning up at him, bucking her hips and arching her back in a playful manner, and she licked her lips in anticipation. It was obvious he had the upper hand over her. Aylenn reached them again, her hands replacing his on holding her wrists. Nathaniel sat on her writhing body, both of them panting.

“I want to see your face when I take you,” he muttered, hand coming up to discard her special helm. Eyeless sockets filled with energy, similar to Aylenn's death knight eyes, stared back at him, Sigrid's face looking pleased by this outcome.

“I want to rip your heart from your chest and eat it before your eyes,” she panted back at him, licking her lips again. Aylenn laughed from her place.

Nathaniel's eyes finally ran over her body, noting the odd way he could see through her flesh to the ground beyond. Her breasts were the well-shaped Vrykul kind, with nipples a dark contrast to her light skin. Down his eyes took in her smooth stomach, free of the scars her body had likely taken in life. Down still revealed a trimmed thick strip of pubic hair, unlike Varna's – perhaps a copy of what Sigrid had before. Her legs were bent with feet flat against the ground, still trying to buck him off unsuccessfully.

As he worked at freeing himself from his pants, he looked back at her face and intoned, “Sigrid Iceborn, we have bested you in honorable combat. You – are – mine!”

“ Then take me, Champion!” she shouted back at him, excitement matching her defiance. “You must make me yours!”

Aylenn cursed as one fist broke free, but Nathaniel caught it between both hands, looking down at Sigrid's grinning face. He forced it up and kissed her wrist, then slammed the limb back to the ground where Aylenn recovered her hold. “Then I shall.”

One hand retrieved his length, and he wasted no time in burying himself in her, Sigrid making a sound that could have been a moan or a yell. Like with Varna, Vrykul virgin tightness was still not near Aylenn's own, but this time Nathaniel felt himself punch through a thick hymen, and he himself masked a wince for her. If that had been a human girl's, she'd be screaming.

However, Sigrid was far from human, and she only made that one sound before resuming her struggles against him, still locked between resistance and excitement. She turned to face Aylenn who looked disheveled with locks of red hair falling in front of her face. “What about you, little elf? Will you also claim me?”

Aylenn's eyes flashed as she turned to face Nathaniel. “Before you begin, remove my leggings! I want that mouth of hers to be put to a better use.” Sigrid spat a curse at her, still looking pleased and beginning to moan, black wings curling up at them from their place pinned at the ground.

Nathaniel shivered as he pulled free of the Val'kyr and used his knees to keep her pinned as his hands deftly undid Aylenn's pants. He tugged them down, eyes catching the signs of her arousal on her undergarments, then pulled those down too so that both were caught below her knees. Aylenn thanked him, still struggling with Sigrid's arms.

With a hop that kept her pinned and knocked another breath from Sigrid's lungs, Nathaniel lowered down her body and reentered her. The ethereal woman felt as real as any, but instead of a warmth or chill from her skin, there was only an indescribable tingle from wherever he touched it. It intrigued him immensely, and he began to claim her through nature's oldest ritual.

Still fighting the woman about it, there was no slow passion in the act. There was only the rush to finish and the pleasure between, the beat measured by her sounds and rhythmic struggle that strangely seemed a mix of her trying to kill him and work with him. The bucking of her hips stopped seeming to throw him off and more of meeting his thrusts. Her lips still spilled promises of death.

Suddenly, the sounds cut off, or at least grew muffled, and Nathaniel looked to see Aylenn had finished repositioning herself and now sat on Sigrid's mouth, Val'kyr's hands still bound. There was a moment Sigrid tried turning her head away, but Aylenn's thighs locked it in place. Sigrid moaned into her and began to lick.

The feel of the larger tongue entering her had Aylenn throw her head back suddenly, tightening her grip on the wrists. “Oh, darkness! It's fantastic!” Her back arched as her hips began a subtle movement against Sigrid's mouth, trying to draw more of that tongue into her. The slippery appendage tingled inside her, the movements sliding along inside her walls and even coming out at times. It went so deep too!

Nathaniel's eyes watched them for a time before dropping to Sigrid's breasts, bouncing slightly from their movements and dominated by the woman's labored breaths. He wanted to enjoy them, but she still fought like a savage against the two of them, though now she had grown weaker both from tiring and no longer opposing the pleasure.

He wasn't sure if she had reached a climax yet when Nathaniel's own began to approach, but he didn't concern himself with it. He only continued thrusting powerfully into her, faster than any Vrykul male could if not as naturally large as them. He made a sound of relief as it finally reached him, spilling his seed inside her.

Sigrid's resistance ended abruptly, all of her limbs relaxing the moment she first felt the discharge inside her. She smiled against Aylenn's slit, lowering her head to break from it – having grown a zeal that lifted her head and the elf's hips off the ground. “And so it ends,” she muttered, sounding as exhausted as they felt.

Once he softened enough, Nathaniel pulled his pants back up and rolled off her, utterly spent. Aylenn did much the same, releasing the limbs and weakly fixing her own leggings before sitting down next to Sigrid's head. Sigrid herself didn't move yet, still smiling. “You have proven yourself worthy, my Lord. I am yours now.”

“Sigrid...” Nathaniel sighed from where he was lying. “...where I come from, you'd be called a crazy assed bitch.”

The Iceborn Val'kyr only laughed heartily.


“I feel like I shouldn't be surprised,” Sigrid muttered as the three of them swept down the halls of Utgarde Keep. The eternal flame spiraled up the Furnace of Hate in the center of the chamber, the lack of the guiding chains being pulled having it safely channeled upwards only. She smiled. “Lovely new home.”

It was in the Reaver's Hall they met Varna, and the hooded woman studied the Val'kry impassively as she stroked her worg along the back. “Welcome back, my Lord.”

“Varna, this is Sigrid Iceborn, a defeated contestant of the Valhalas trial I took part in. She is now a Val'kyr by Aylenn's hand, free of the Lich King to follow who she wishes,” Nathaniel introduced. He cast an eye around the room he had helped slay Prince Keleseth in, finding it a good war room for when they had built up their... whatever they were building.

“A Valhalas combatant?” Varna echoed, the interest apparent in her voice. “I am honored to meet you... Forgive me, but what happened to your clothes?” She only just noticed the more... liberal approach Sigrid seemed to take regarding modesty.

The Val'kyr smiled at the memory. “Our Lord claimed me on the field of battle. He didn't have the patience to keep them intact.”

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow at Aylenn. Patience. As if Sigrid hadn't been trying to kill us the entire time...

Varna's head cocked, but as they began to pass her towards the Njorn Stair, she turned to follow them, Whitefang at her side. “I still find the thought of such a tiny person besting anyone in Valhalas unbelievable. Honored Sigrid, how did our Lord...” She trailed off.

“Before the trial, our Lord bested me single-handedly before the Vrykul observers. I vowed revenge for the humiliation, training myself at Valkyrion. I won the Hyldsmeet before reentering Valhalas, where I found him competing with four other little ones. Perhaps it was a mistake that I was unwilling to share my glory with a team, for despite my much greater strength, they were my downfall,” she explained, head turning briefly to study Nathaniel. “And after my ascension, I challenged them the right to my allegiance. Needless, I was bested a third time by these two.”

“And she is to take my place as your new wife?” Varna presumed. Normally such a situation would have her demand trial to the death between her and Sigrid to see who took their place at Nathaniel's side, but she knew well that the Val'kyr well out-powered her, and the contestant of Valhalas had earned her place to be by his side.

“Oh? I had assumed myself to be a concubine,” Sigrid mentioned.

They mounted the final portion of Nidvar Stair. Nathaniel finally spoke up for them, “Varna, you are to be my wife. We follow no ceremony, but if there is a Vrykul ritual, we will follow it to the best of our ability. Sigrid, you are to be an honored concubine. Aylenn and I don't want our bed growing too crowded, though. You may choose any room in the keep to be your own, but it would please me if you chose somewhere near ours.”

Satisfaction grew on Varna's face at his words, and she bowed her head to him. “Thank you, my Lord. We have no ritual either.”

“Then you are to consider yourself my wife,” he concluded. At the top of the stair, instead of turning right to Tyr's Terrace where he had fought Ingvar the Plunderer, the group turned left, a grand door now opened into a torchlit chamber. “The king's bedchamber, I presume.”

“I will take the room directly below this then, my Lord,” Sigrid mentioned. She stopped her low hovering to kneel before him. “By your leave, my Champion?”

“Honored concubine,” Aylenn reminded her, leaning against Nathaniel's chest. “You have no need to bow or kneel before us, nor must your every action be by our permission.”

“Much appreciated,” the Val'kyr said as she rose. “Do not hesitate to call for me. I eagerly await the next time I can test my strength against yours.” She turned, black wings flapping again, and swooped leisurely down over the stair rail to drop to her room.

“So, thoughts on our new home?” Nathaniel asked as the three entered the bedchamber.

“It feels... empty, my Lord,” Varna answered, “but it is better with your return.”

“We'll be fixing that soon enough,” he mentioned, casting an eye over the bed. It was Vrykul large, likely able to fit the king and a number of women. It would do splendidly. “Now, Aylenn and I are simply exhausted from the day's events. We wish to retire immediately; no mating tonight.”

Varna shrugged, sending Whitefang out and watching as the two began to disrobe. She hesitated for a moment, feeling an outsider to the familiarity the two shared, but a questioning glance from Aylenn had her start moving to disrobe as well. Odd as it was, she was wife to the small human now, and she would not stand for being anything less than worthy to it.

Unlike the blood elf who stripped as far as her red undergarments, Vrykul women slept entirely in the nude. Nathaniel didn't seem to mind, smiling at her form appreciatively as she joined them on the bed. Varna felt a flash of pride that her new husband at least considered her attractive; it was hard to tell what the smaller races preferred with all their odd personalities and quirks.

As they pressed in close together despite the bed's size, Aylenn muttered, “As much as I like Varna and Sigrid, dear, I think that they are the extent of my want for such large women. Let's aim for the smaller races next, shall we?” Varna's presence was a foreign presence in their close embrace, but the blazing furnace of heat that was the Vrykul was not an unwelcome presence. Aylenn knew she only needed to adjust to her.

Conscious of Varna listening in to them, Nathaniel's hand reached down to rub her firm side as he spoke: “Any ideas for who to go for next?”

Aylenn smiled sleepily. “Oh, I may have an idea or two...”

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AN: There are some serious errors going on when posting. My italics especially are getting screwed up left and right here. I'm just making sure that my intro sections keep the format by this point...
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