Warhammer 40K Fan Fiction ❯ Wed to Faith ❯ Chapter 4: Revenge ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kasanja woke up, feeling heavier to one side. She looked over, saw the bionic arm, made of plasteel and gleaming, and remembered. It was devoid of sensation, yet she could control it just by willing it to, like a normal limb. It would clearly take some getting used to, but at least her arm was now fully functional, strong and pain-free. With a curious smile, she noted they had even made some unconventional additions: the barrel of a bolt pistol extended from the shoulder joint, and every flat surface had been engraved with blessings and scriptures.
“I wonder how the others are faring.” She mused, unaware that they were already on their way back, travelling with an Inquisitor and a captured Archon.
Galatea's hand slapped firmly against Somnifera's naked bottom. It didn't matter that the Canoness outranked the Seraphim Superior, they were lovers, so the rules worked differently. Galatea had been worried almost to tears when she saw her commander swarmed by wyches, dragged to the ground. Somnifera had acted rashly, and was to be punished for it.
Again her hand fell, all her strength behind the hard smack into the Canoness' naked backside. Over and over she struck, watching as the mildly tanned skin started to redden beneath her palm.
“How could you be so careless? What if you had been killed out there? It's a miracle you survived unscathed, and equally miraculous that your falling only drove us on, not crushing our fighting spirit!”
“You're wrong there,” Somnifera grunted, squirming over her lover's lap as the heat started to rise, “I have every faith in you and I know that you and your forces can continue even without me. Ah!”
Her response was cut off by another flurry of firm smacks all over her ass, causing the heat to rise to painful levels, and she knew that Galatea was not finished by a long shot.
“Of all the selfish things… I can't let you be killed out there! I won't allow it! You will stay to lead us for a hundred years to come. Don't just make a sacrifice of yourself, as it's not your time to go.”
“…I'm sorry, my love. I was foolish to enter combat so quickly. I wanted only to divide their forces in half, to tear them up and scatter the opposition for us to all pick off easily. I didn't want any more casualties…”
Her explanation paused as she let out a moan. Her bottom was crimson at this point, from Galatea's powerful ministrations.
“But you're right. The Emperor stepped in and saved me, but I know it won't be like that for ever. Please forgive me, my love, forgive my foolishness and watch as I learn from this lesson.”
“All right.” Galatea said, almost a whisper, “Perhaps a reward for coming back safely is in order then…”
Very slowly, the Seraphim slid her middle finger down the crack between Somnifera's buttocks. The light touch of her fingertip tickled as it trailed down, resting over her puckered anus. She pressed down gently, then started to twist, carefully working her finger inside.
“Stay relaxed, let me in so I can show you my love.” She whispered and Somnifera did as she was instructed. Soon, her lover's finger was two knuckles deep into her rear, as her spare hand stroked the Canoness' sex.
“Open your legs for me.”
Still draped over Galatea's lap, she did as she was told. Her legs spread wide, Somnifera knew she was offering herself completely to the Seraphim's view. Galatea stopped stroking then, and instead used a flick of her wrist to slap her fingertips against Somnifera's sex. The Canoness practically needed pain in order to achieve sexual gratification, and Galatea fully intended on giving it to her. Again and again she lightly slapped the Canoness' damp mound, all the while, twisting and sliding her middle finger insider her tight anal sphincter.
Somnifera closed her eyes, moaning gently as she squirmed, crossing and uncrossing her toes while her hair fell over her head in a flowing golden mess. She could feel her sensitive rear being explored - violated? - by her lover, and it felt so good, even as her nether lips became warmer and warmer from the light smacks being applied. Her juices ran free, sticking to Galatea's hand with every smack, and she could feel that she was building steadily towards climax.
“You're such a naughty girl… when we get back home, I'm going to take the belt you use to strap me, and I'll whip your asshole raw with it.”
“I can hardly wait.” The Canoness moaned, thrashing about. Only a few more slaps to her dripping, pink, swollen sex were needed to push her over the edge, granting her a powerful release as she gripped the bedsheets, legs thrust out behind her, and let out a long cry of pleasure. Her muscles clenched, trapping Galatea's finger inside her, and for a full minute she squirmed and panted, shuddering as the pleasure washed over her body. Finally, still twitching, she eased up, and Galatea eventually withdrew her finger, licking her other hand clean while she did so.
“I think we should bathe before we return. We'll want to make a good appearance, after all.”
Watching their activities via the image projector planted - with permission - in their room, Kezia smiled. As an Inquisitor, she rarely had time to develop the bonds that the Battle Sisters did, but she allowed herself the luxury of watching their bedroom activities. Catching her breath, she pulled her hand free from her moist undergarments.
“I think I had better clean up too…”
When the ship arrived, the Adepta Sororitas were waiting. They had assembled in rank and file to greet the Inquisitor and to welcome back their own. First came the wounded, patched up but in need of proper medical help. One Seraphim had suffered a number of cracked ribs, one Celestian had a pierced lung, two were missing eyes, one had a terribly scarred face and had suffered a lot of blood loss, one had lost an ear, and three had deep, serious wounds with broken bones and torn muscles. A number of concussions had also occurred.
Following them were Sisters carrying the dead: somehow, only three Celestians actually died, along with the one Repentia who had been dug up from the ruins. Four casualties, it was miraculous considering the size of the battle. Only their total victory could explain it: many of the Dark Eldar did not die in combat, but were mercilessly exterminated afterwards. Had it been the other way round, they could expect exactly the same thing.
Finally, the others disembarked, led by Kezia and Somnifera. They saluted the gathered Sisters with the sign of the aquila, and were greeted with a cheer. When it was shown that they had captured the Archon, still nude with even her helmet torn off, many expressions hardened. They wanted answers, and were determined to get them.
“Should we really have just thrown them to the wolves like that?” Commander Gerhardt asked of his lord, “We could still make use of them. Besides, if they talk, it could lead the Witch Hunters to our cells within their system.”
“Do not panic.” Lord Testament replied. “I feel that we are ready for a confrontation, but that won't be for some time still, regrettably. No, the ones I threw there haven't enough information. They will eventually be led to our followers, and when that happens, we will close in behind them, allowing for a great slaughter. And then we might have our way with those soft bodies, grind their bones into powder to fuel our vehicles with, drink their blood… it will be divine. It is all I can do to keep waiting. Bring me another Warp stone, this one is no good.”
“Yes, master.”
“Lespirau!” Sluralis cried, shocked, “They captured you as well?”
“Exactly. I'm afraid they just dropped from the sky, striking at speeds that only we usually do. They were just too fast for us to properly respond, and their heavy weapons caused such destruction, crippling our retaliation.”
“Don't worry, our revenge will be bloody indeed. In fact, their arrogance is such that they will be taking me right to our largest gathering, and then… they will all die. We will overcome them, return to tear this planet apart, then continue from there. The torment will be glorious, mark my words.”
“Silence!” Canoness Somnifera commanded. “You are not here to talk to each other. I am simply going to secure Lespirau in place so that Canoness Kasanja may practice with her new arm. It will do you good to see it, witch, as you will be receiving similar treatment later on yourself.”
It was a simple matter to get the Archon in position. She was already bound, so Somnifera merely had to chain her feet to the floor, legs spread wide, force her bent over a table, attach a collar that was also chained to the floor, and leave her like that. There was no need to do anything with her arms, still tightly wrapped in wire and cord.
“There, that about does it. Oh, I had better ensure you don't clench your buttocks.”
She took the same jar that had earlier been used on Sluralis, dipping her fingers in and taking a small amount of the paste. She then used thumb and forefinger of her left hand to hold Lespirau's buttocks apart, and began to wipe the gel around and over her anus. Only once it was properly covered, she roughly thrust a finger in, wiping the remainder of the burning substance on the inner walls of her rear.
“There. Kasanja will see you shortly. Feel free to divulge any information immediately. You could start with the location of the people aligned with you - those who are letting you into our system. But I won't instruct you on how to take your torture.”
With that, she stepped out, and Kasanja stepped in, clad in her engraved power armour, and wielding a wicked cane, four feet long and a full inch thick, sanded down but still with notched ridges and a sharp edge.
“Well, you know the information we want, and you also know that we doubt you're actually going to give us this information. So let me make this clear: we are doing this not in the hope that it will work, but to correct your beliefs that life hurts more when you don't prey on humans. For every life that you stole, we will make you pay a thousandfold. As I shall demonstrate.”
She brought the cane right back over her head, then put her full strength into swinging it down. The cracking noise was like a lascannon, and the cane bit deep across the middle of the Archon's buttocks. It sank into her flesh at over a hundred miles an hour, then emerged as her muscular bottom bounced back, rippling from the impact. The skin changed before Kasanja's eyes, first going bone white, then turning a deep red, bordering on purple, as the line swelled out into a thick welt. Where the notches, and the tip, struck, the skin was purple and very nearly bleeding. And that was just one of many.
“I will pause to allow you to reflect for a little while. A minute should be enough.”
And just as she said, Kasanja closed her eyes and offered a silent prayer to the Emperor, letting the pain build up like an inferno as she took her time to beg forgiveness for taking such pleasure in her cruelty and vindictiveness.
When the minute reached an end, she repeated the motions, and another blistering weal was brought out a few inches below. Again, the skin nearly broke, but not quite, swelling out into a welt nearly as thick as a sausage. And once more, Kasanja waited for a minute before striking again.
It took twenty three strokes to reduce Lespirau into a shrieking, wailing mess. By that time her buttocks and the backs of her upper thighs were covered in the thick, angry welts, and she had even doubled over several. Blood oozed from where the cane struck existing weals, and it looked the picture of sheer agony. There was no experimentation, no use of exotic poisons or living creatures. Kasanja found it neither scientific, arousing or artistic, merely a brutal display of deliberately inflicted pain. She put the cane aside, placing it inside a vase of icy cold salt water to soak.
“Hmm, perhaps that can suffice. You have clearly discovered that a simple beating, with enough force behind it, can exceed any fancy displays you might have learned. But maybe I'll give just one more, to round it up to an even two dozen. One to really remember this by.”
She then activated her comm-bead, speaking to Canoness Papavera.
“Papavera dear, would you be so good as to come in here and help me? I just want to really drive the point home.”
“Certainly. I'll be with you right away.”
And indeed, in under five minutes, the other Canoness was there at the doorway, looking over the well-lit, stone-walled room.
“So, what would you like help with?”
“Quite simple, could you just crouch there behind her and hold those cheeks open? There's a cloth so you don't soil your gloves with her blood.”
“Oh, that. You really are feeling vengeful. I would only be too happy to help you.”
So saying, she knelt down, took a towel in each hand, pressed them to Lespirau's bleeding cheeks and spread them as wide as she could - painfully so. Kasanja then climbed up onto the table, knelt astride the helpless Archon and let the cane rest along her groove. Holding it in both hands, she raised it up… and crack! The rod struck down the centre, viciously biting into her soft, sensitive anus, with the tip digging right into her sex. Lespirau screamed, briefly blacking out from the sheer agony of it, a thick weal already forming, forcing her pucker shut by the swollen flesh, and with the tiniest amount of blood trickling from her vulva where the outer skin was cut. The Canonesses tended to her `wounds' then, bathing them in salt water, before leaving the captive there.
“Have fun, you two.”
Sluralis merely bit her lip and looked on in fear, suddenly not so certain of her own future. Humans didn't spend hundreds of years perfecting their techniques, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of exquisite pain, and yet they could cause agony simply through brute force.