Warhammer 40K Fan Fiction ❯ Wed to Faith ❯ Chapter 5: Discipline ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

That evening, forty two candles were lit, one for each Battle Sister who took to the field, and one for the Inquisitor. A prayer of gratitude was uttered, thanking the Emperor for watching over everyone and assuring victory. Then, they prayed for the souls of the fallen, wishing safe passage to the Emperor's side, as one by one, four candles were extinguished. Words were spoken for each of them - Sisters Lynette, Terra, Julia and Madison - as the Sisters remembered each comrade as they were in life. Finally, cloth was draped over their bodies and they were lowered into caskets, never to be seen again.
When the sombre ceremony finished, everyone present felt lighter of heart, as though a burden had been lifted from them. The deaths were finished, the suffering ended. The time of mourning was officially over, and the time for renewal had begun. They would look ahead, and focus on the opportunities that had been bought with the lives of the deceased.
When Seraphim-Superior Galatea reached her room, she noticed the door was slightly ajar. Smiling, she had a good idea who her guest was, and when she opened the door she knew she was right. She grinned at the sight that lay before her: Canoness Somnifera lay face-down on her bed, hips supported by a pillow, with her legs wide apart, and utterly naked. Furthermore, she was reaching back with both hands to spread her slightly pink cheeks, revealing her puckered rosebud to the Seraphim. Her own belt was draped across the bed as well, ready for use.
“You remembered my promise… but perhaps we need a really good demonstration. As my commander, would you consent to me inviting my unit to sit in and watch? Perhaps the Inquisitor as well, even?”
Blushing, Somnifera licked her lips and nodded. “Embarrassing as it might be, bring an audience. Let them see that I am not above the rules.”
“Oh, they know that. I feel it might just aid their morale, giving them something to look at - and someone beautiful to look at, too.”
Leaving her door wide open, Galatea left to go find the witnesses to the thrashing that was to take place. It didn't take long. Her unit were gathered in the dining room, sharing a meal. Sister Melanie was reading while she ate, and Sister Sakura was snuggled onto Sister Angelica's lap, the two sharing an intimate moment.
“Girls, I was wondering if you would mind being a witness for a moment. I need to punish our Canoness Somnifera for heading into battle on her own, and I thought it would help if some people were there to watch. Interested?”
The four Seraphim grinned, liking the idea - they knew that, given the relationship the two shared, it would be an interesting punishment session, so they were quick on their feet.
“Excellent. Now I'll just see if Inquisitor Kezia wants to watch as well.”
Kezia was currently sitting in a bath, up to her shoulders in almost-scalding hot water. She sighed, feeling her muscles relax. The one problem with terminator armour, despite the protection offered, was that it was so constricting and stuffy. Muscles always ended up aching afterwards, and neck bones felt tight and sore. The hot water really helped, and she lazily scrubbed one of her smooth, muscular legs, making sure to remove every trace of dirt. After all, Nurgle caused disease, it was true, but poor hygiene also caused disease. Besides, she still had her irrational fear of ork spores infecting her skin and sprouting from her body.
It was a welcome distraction when Sister Galatea knocked.
“You may enter.” She replied, trying to sound firm in her relaxed state. Upon seeing who it was, she smiled.
“Oh, Seraphim-Superior… Galatea? How am I able to help you?”
“Perhaps I should wait a little… Canoness Somnifera was most careless, nearly costing her life. You may have seen the earlier punishment, but she is to receive another. I have my squad gathered to watch, and she requests your presence as well, if you would agree to do so. We can wait for you to finish bathing.”
“Oh, I think I am done.” The Inquisitor said, rising from the water. Her body was shrouded in steam, covered in moisture, but the Seraphim could still see how athletic and attractive she was. “I would be delighted to watch, but you know, I was equally careless. I threw myself into battle as well, and it was only your help that saved me. I insist that I be punished as well. You will not hold back in fear of harming me.”
“…yes, my Lady.”
“Very good, lead the way.”
Soon, there was a gathering in Galatea's room. All four members of her unit were there to watch, wearing their pale blue robes as they leaned against the walls, and Inquisitor Kezia, still nude and wet, stood in the doorway, her aquila-tattooed bottom facing everyone outside who might be watching. Her dark nipples already stood erect as she watched the proceedings.
“Our visiting Inquisitor also demands to be punished, after you've had your turn. She feels that it was equally rash and dangerous of her to run headlong into the misshapen beasts controlled by the Haemonculus. To thrash a Inquisitor by her own instruction is not something that happens often…”
Galatea then picked the belt up. She wound it, buckle-first, around her hand a few times to get a good grip, and so that only a foot of leather was extended past her hand. She then knelt on the bed, between her lover's legs, raised her arm…
The sound of leather cracking against bare skin filled the room. She had brought it straight down in front of her, with the same accuracy as she used when wielding her blade, and the belt smacked hard against Somnifera's groove. She barely paused, before lifting it again, and delivering another hard lash to the same spot. Everyone watched the Canoness, eyes glued to her twitching, puckered anus. Every slap of the belt stung her delicate rosebud, each time causing spasms that amused everyone. But it came down again, and again, not stopping until a full twenty lashes had been delivered, turning her anus and the surrounding puckered skin from a pale tan brown to a burning red.
“This is usually where I would slide a pair of fingers in and really have you squirming,” she said to the Canoness who was gripping the bedpost and panting, such was the pain, “but with our guests here I think we have something else that needs doing. So come on, ma'am, please rise so that the Inquisitor may receive her punishment.”
Somnifera nodded, rising slowly and wincing. And yet, despite having tears at the corners of her eyes, she was smiling as she carefully let go, her buns closing painfully.
“All right. So, Inquisitor Kezia, please adopt the position of your choosing. How would you like to be punished, and by whom?”
“Mmm, perhaps all of you should take a turn? I want my buttocks punished hard, crimson in fact. And maybe my thighs, my sex, my bottom hole as well… punish me thoroughly, like I was one of your own. Keep going until I cry, as I need this to feel whole again. I need it to feel human. I've gone so long as a machine, a mere vessel that carried the Emperor's will, I need to feel the surge of pain and pleasure that shows that I am human.”
The Adepta Sororitas all nodded as she got into position, kneeling on all fours with her knees wide apart and back arched. Her bottom was thrust out invitingly, and her outer lips slightly parted, so with a motion from the Canoness, Sisters Sakura and Angelica each sat on one side, pressing their hands to her rump.
“We'll just get you warmed up for the real pain. We'll make sure to cover you well, though.”
Even as they spoke, Sister Melanie gave a sly smile and slipped out of the room, hurrying for the kitchen. The two Seraphim didn't wait for her return, however, and began slapping away at Kezia's bare bottom. She was certainly strong, her buttocks had little soft tissue and took the smacks easily. However given her recent bath, she was still covered in moisture, so droplets of water flew from her skin as it bounced beneath the impact.
By the time Melanie returned, wooden spoon in hand, only a little progress had been made. The Inquisitor was sporting a somewhat pink posterior, but little more, yet still the Seraphim lovers worked away, each smacking one cheek over and over, even going down to her thighs. After a full ten minutes of hard spanking, her bottom was finally beginning to look quite red and sore, and yet Kezia was breathing steadily and peacefully. Once they had managed to give it an overall strawberry-red sheen, they stepped to the sides.
“Okay, next?”
Melanie stepped forwards.
“I'll take over, if you like. I'll work on your bottom hole, Kezia, with the back of this spoon. Could someone..?”
She gestured pulling the cheeks apart, and Sister Lavender nodded eagerly, sitting beside Kezia and gripping her bottom cheeks, before spreading them wide apart to show her secret treasures to the entire room.
“Okay, here we go.” Melanie said nervously, having never spanked another before. She held the wooden spoon fairly far along the handle, so as to not give to much force with the swing, and turned it so the outer curve would strike. She peered at her target for a moment, taking in Kezia's unblemished pink rosebud, then swung the spoon against it.
The noise was somewhat disappointing. It wasn't a loud smack, yet she knew she had an effect - from the first, Kezia gasped, and her anus twitched. Knowing she was getting somewhere, Melanie repeated it, smacking the Inquisitor's pucker over and over again. Every time, she twitched, gasped, moaned and squirmed, and soon the surrounding skin was looking fairly pink, her anus itself beginning to take on a red hue. So she continued.
After another thirty hard smacks, all to that one area, Sister Melanie felt she had delivered enough. Kezia's puckered rosebud was puffy, red and swollen, and the surrounding skin was also fairly red and puffy, showing the sign of a hard spanking. She reached her hand over, gave a couple of rough pokes to the very centre, then delivered a hard flick to the bullseye, grinning.
“Oooh… don't tease me like that… I should order you to kiss it better if you're going to poke and prod.”
She was joking, it was obvious, but Melanie shrugged and got on her knees behind the Inquisitor. She leaned in, and pressed her lips right up against the swollen pucker, kissing it as though it were a pair of lips, moving hers around and poking her tongue out a little to lick the outer rim, before finally pulling away. She was blushing when she did so, but the others were only pleased and aroused.
Sister Lavender let go of Kezia's buttocks, and they bounced back together. Kezia gave a quiet “Oooh” at this, feeling her sore skin rub together.
“Okay, roll over so I can work on your vulva. I'm going to spank it all red just like you asked.”
The Inquisitor did as she was asked, rolling over onto her back, with her legs still spread wide apart for ease of access to her sex. Lavender knelt between her knees, as though to lower her head and offer pleasure, but instead, she brought her hand down hard with a slap. It was the first of many. It didn't seem to have much of an effect at first, until a few dozen smacks had landed, but eventually the skin started to get puffy and pink. She was already damp from arousal, so each time the Seraphim pulled her hand away, a thin thread of her juices stuck to it, dripping off.
After a few more minutes, she was getting the desired effect. Kezia's mound was becoming a bright red, and the Inquisitor herself was gasping, breathing deeply through her mouth with every slap. Lavender could see in her eyes that she wanted more, so was only too willing to grant her that, repeatedly smacking away until the outer skin was a deep, deep red. She finally stopped, massaging her sore hand.
Galatea then stepped forward.
“And I'll work the insides. Love, would you kneel over her and hold her lips open? It'll give her something nice to look at, too.”
Somnifera nodded, smiling, and knelt over Kezia's face, giving the Inquisitor a view right up between her legs. She then leaned forwards, arching her back to make the view even more exciting, and carefully held her outer folds open for her lover. Galatea smiled as she took the position vacated by Lavender.
“Excellent. Now to begin.”
Knowing the Inquisitor's inner folds would be soft and vulnerable like any other human, she was careful. She went for light, flicking slaps that didn't carry too much impact, but still stung. Carefully, she smacked at the delicate inner petals and tapped her fingertips on Kezia's clit, even giving a hard flick from time to time. After a few minutes of this teasing, she could see that the Inquisitor was on the verge of climax, so sought to bring it to a powerful conclusion.
“Okay, can someone please hand me a ruler?”
When it was handed to her, she smiled. It was light and made of plastic, perfect for the intended use. She held it halfway along and got to work delivering a series of stinging smacks with it, first along one side, then the other, then back down, until she could see Kezia just about to come. At that moment, she slid her clitoral hood back and kept a sustained assault of blows directly on her sensitive clit, even as the Inquisitor bucked and moaned, leaking copious amounts from her sex while her most tender pearl of pleasure was being struck. When she finally settled down, Galatea delivered one last, hard smack with the ruler and stepped away, licking it clean.
“And now, I shall finish up.” The Canoness said, getting to her feet. “Would you be so good as to bend over, legs spread, and hands on the bed? I'm going to use the strap, and you never know where it might land.”
Kezia did as she was told, rising slowly and unsteadily to her feet. She turned around, sliding her legs as far apart as she could, almost doing the splits, and leaned forward to rest her hands on the bed, Somnifera took hold of the belt, and stepped to the side.
“Right, so you wanted it to be until you cried. I'll make sure of that, then perhaps we could all hold you and comfort you.”
She swung the belt with full force, and it collided with Kezia's rear with a resounding crack. She swung again, letting it smack with all her might into the Inquisitor's rear, before then changing her target and letting it strike the back of her left thigh. And then the right thigh. She varied the blows, spreading them out to work across the entire surface of the Inquisitor's bottom, before delivering a vertical lash up, then down, smacking the leather over the back of her aching sex, as well as her red ass hole. Several more landed on her swollen lips, before she again changed target, going for the full, muscular buttocks once again. She kept it up, varying, and saw that Kezia's bottom and thighs were a deep cherry red, almost purple in places, and even her sex and anus were a bright red, painful just to look at. But she kept going.
Finally, Kezia let out a moan. She was crying freely, tears trickling down her cheeks as she sobbed, throwing her head back, hair scattering wildly around her naked shoulders. Shown the sign, Somnifera delivered one last lash of the belt, then dropped it aside, leaning over to embrace her in a hug.
Kezia slowly straightened, her bottom and nether regions burning and throbbing with a fierce pain. It was unlike any battle wounds, it was nonlethal but focused and intentional and sexual as well, all reminding her how human she truly was. As the Canoness embraced her, she returned the favour, and soon found herself surrounded by Seraphim.
“Perhaps we should sleep in the common dormitory,” Somnifera suggested, “that way we can all hold one another through the night.”
There was general agreement, so they headed to the large room - one where many of the ladies could all share each other's company, for those times when they needed others around them. A few beds were pushed together, and all seven clambered in, clothes left on the floor, as they held one another, silently praying as they all drifted to sleep…