Warhammer 40K Fan Fiction ❯ Wed to Faith ❯ Chapter 7: Celebrations ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On board the ship, the Sisters Hospitaler had their work cut out for them: some Sisters had broken bones, many had cuts and lacerations, some still bleeding or with splinters embedded in their flesh. There were missing eyes, one hacked-off limb, all kinds of injuries that needed their attention. Yet somehow they managed to perform their duties, keeping the survivors as survivors. While this happened, Kasanja sat before the two prisoners.
“So, Sluralis, it looks like we win. Now, I seem to remember a deal, or was it a bet, that was made. So let's see, you can have double what the other one had, plus two for every time you attempted a power - I'm told that was thrice, so we're up to fifty four now… you also tried to lure us into a trap, but we expected that, really, so let's just add another six for that, for sixty strokes total. I really will look forward to that - especially considering a good friend of mine will be returning, and she may want to assist. I'll let her decide what you shall receive for the casualties.”
At the same time, Galatea and Somnifera held each other, gently kissing each other's faces all over, tracing over the scars with their lips.
“I was careful this time. I didn't rush far away out of reach, nor did I get in over my head. I performed duties befitting a leader.”
“Yes, you did, ma'am. I'm sure I can think of a reward for you, a way of showing you my gratitude…”
Kezia and Sylvana likewise rejoiced at their reunion, Kezia already out of her armour and as naked as the Battle Sister she had rescued (the latter declining something to wear). They sat snuggled into a corner, Sylvana on Kezia's lap, holding each other tight.
“I missed you, my lady Kezia. I worried I would never see you again, and so I prayed to the Emperor that He would see me through, and grant me the strength to return to you. It looks like He felt that was the right thing.”
“Yes, it couldn't be otherwise. I would search to the ends of the galaxy for you, beloved. I don't know how you could have gone so long without the tender touch of another… perhaps that honed your killer instinct?”
“Possibly… I know I am in desperate need of your special discipline, however, my lady. The kind only you can provide…”
“In due time. When we return to the shrine-world, we will find time for this, and we will be able to make it last. For now, let me just share my love with you.”
And so the two rested in each other's arms, calm in the warmth and peace of their embrace.
As the great vessel landed, the legions of the Adepta Sororitas - the Orders both of the Sacred Lilac and the Emerald Shroud - were gathered, waiting to greet their sisters and hear of the victory, as well as to help transport the wounded and ease the fallen to their resting places. That only eight bodies were carried out was a blessing. When so many walked out of their own accord, particularly the commanders, they could rest easily, not having to worry any longer. To see that yet another Dark Eldar leader was captive was even better.
The celebrations lasted long into the night - when given the chance and reason, the Adepta Sororitas would party and let their hair down like any other. And they had reason to rejoice. They had removed a major threat from the nearby system, and would soon be able to root out the heretics who let them in and ensure that it never happened again. For the time being, they could enjoy themselves. As they didn't use alcohol outside of religious ceremonies (where it was usually used to anoint one, rather than being consumed), their senses wouldn't be dulled in case of an emergency. It would do no harm, would not lead to excesses, they could simply have fun and be human.
However, in the common dormitory, a smaller, private celebration was taking place. Kezia and Sylvana, naked again, were cuddled up on one of the beds, even as Canoness Zaela of the Order of the Emerald Shroud pulled Canoness Kasanja in, both clad in power armour, to awkwardly hug, and lean in to kiss one another. Neither couple minded the presence of the other.
“You don't have to treat me so gently,” Sylvana whispered to Kezia, “I'm strong and fully recovered. You can give me the discipline I need.”
“Perhaps, but I want to hold you and love you and show the passion you cause in me.”
The Inquisitor ran a fingertip up Sylvana's slit, gently stroking her until her finger lay resting right at the top, slowly pressing its way in to seek out her clit. As she did so, her other hand slid along the Sister's cheek, down her neck and to one bare breast, gently fondling her. She then fully extended her legs, pulling Sylvana astride one thigh to rock and slide her along, sex rubbing against her leg.
“How much will I need to smack your bottom, Sylvana? How much punishment do you need?”
“A lot, you must make up for lost time! Make my flesh as red as the armour of the Bloody Rose!”
Kezia smiled, gripping her lover's buttocks with both hands and pulling her closer. By then, Sylvana was dripping, her quim opening to allow more direct stimulation from the toned leg of her Inquisitor. She gasped, reaching out to roll her thumbs over Kezia's nipples.
“Mm, I could arrange that… and do you need your sex spanked too?”
“Very much so, inside and out. My rear entrance too, I need it everywhere!”
“Well it just so happens I was given a recent demonstration in that.”
Kezia then leaned back, spreading her legs as she pulled Sylvana upon her and pressed their crotches together. The Battle Sister moaned and shuddered at the touch, arching her back and reciprocating the action. She kissed Kezia passionately, then backed away so that their legs could scissor one another, grinding together.
Sylvana closed her eyes, feeling the pleasure the Inquisitor was giving her. She hadn't felt a moment of pleasure since her last mission assignment, but it suddenly seemed worth it. She forcefully pressed her slick, soft womanhood into Kezia's, their pearls of pleasure rubbing against each other. Kezia shivered, knowing it wouldn't be long as the mounting sensations built up towards a peak.
Trying to hurry Sylvana along, wanting her guardian to feel the crest of ecstasy before she did, Kezia turned a little, reaching over. Once she could reach, despite their warm folds no longer against each other directly and instead gliding over one another's thighs, she pressed her finger up against Sylvana's pucker. It was the Battle Sister's weakness and she knew it. Ever so slowly, she twisted her digit, easing it inside her lover's tight, inviting rear, making Sylvana moan and shudder. Once she was up to her second knuckle, she circled it about, rubbing her inner passage as she pumped her finger. It was all it took: Sylvana came first, convulsing in a chain of spasms as she reached a crescendo of pleasure.
Sylvana rode it out, grinding fiercely against Kezia and in turn brought the Inquisitor to a moaning, shivering release. The two just lay there, thighs and silky mounds smeared in their sexual fluids as their chests heaved from the deep breaths taken.
“…may I have my spanking please, Inquisitor?”
“You really do have incredible endurance. Let me just get a drink, I will return soon.”
Kissing her lover's lips, she headed out, noting that Zaela and Kasanja were naked by then and kissing all over each other's nude, luscious bodies…
“See? Just look at the annihilation performed on our pawns!” Commander Gerhardt shouted, “Surely a valuable tool like that is worth more than a massacre that suits our rival more than anything else?”
“Calm yourself,” Lord Testament replied lazily, rewiring his daemonic amplifier, “They were not traced back to us. Besides, I understand that our master is pleased. Think: The Adepta Sororitas hate us, they fight us every step of the way. But their strive for perfection, their extreme methods of exterminating their foes, the tortures they use, indeed the punishments they inflict on themselves and each other for falling short of perfection, do you not see it? Their existence feeds our master. All we need is to give them a little push. One day, whether they like it or not, they will be servants of Slaanesh.”
“Be that as it may, Lord Testament, but what do you propose now?”
“Now? We just watch and wait. Soon, the captives will likely speak, if only through spite to redirect wrath towards their former helpers, and then, we may enjoy a war that will make Khorne himself envious!”
If anyone noticed Kezia fetching a glass of the sweetened, spiced water, dressed only in a flimsy gown, they didn't say anything. Given she smelled of sex, the gown hardly served any purpose. But no comment was made, so she soon returned to Sylvana, eagerly awaiting her discipline. Since the two had first met, at the suggestion of her Canoness, Kezia had applied firm discipline to the Battle Sister's rear. She sat down, placing the glass on the bedside table and smiled.
“So, come on over my lap so I can properly smack your bottom.”
She smiled, glancing over at Zaela and Kasanja engaging in cross-order love, and smiled. She could feel the passion - human love with a little lust. It was good to be in the company of people who knew how to be human. Her lover hurried to clamber over her lap, rubbing her damp sex against the Inquisitor's thighs as she spread her legs and arched her back.
“I'm ready, my lady.”
The first smack was hard. Kezia never built up with a soft warm-up, and Sylvana would have it no other way. The following blow was just as hard, bouncing off her scarred, muscular bottom and causing it to tingle right away. Slap after slap rained down, covering her entire rear with the stinging heat. But that was just the beginning - Sylvana demanded a deep red bottom, and that's what she would get. Kezia quickened her pace as her guardian gasped and moaned, gyrating her hips as her crotch rubbed against Kezia's thigh.
Kezia decided to change her tactic. She started rapidly smacking just one spot on one soft cheek, slapping repeatedly as she built it towards a deep, sizzling red. Once she was finally satisfied (and Sylvana also seemed to be), she moved a little, continuing on a different patch of skin, same buttock. This technique seemed very effective, getting obvious results in the hue of Sylvana's skin, but also in her reactions as she moaned and kicked her legs wildly. Finally, her entire bottom was blazing red.
“And now, to punish some other places of yours that are in need of discipline.”
She picked up the belt she had left there before specifically for their meeting, wrapping it round her right hand so that only the last few inches would be used. With her free hand, she stopped massaging Sylvana's breasts and used her thumb and forefinger to spread the crimson cheeks, exposing her lover's light, puckered anus to her view.
“Well, let's see how much you missed this.”
With that, Kezia swung the leather strap, not with too much force, but with enough that, when the end of it snapped against the soft, coffee-toned pucker, Sylvana squealed and bucked forwards, her sex grinding against Kezia's thigh. That was the reaction the Inquisitor was after, so she did it again. Several times, in fact, she whipped the leather belt against Kezia's little rosebud, stinging the sensitive tissue and letting it slowly build to pink, then to a deep, painful red.
“I think that's enough there…”
“No it isn't! Please… just another one or two, extra hard…”
With a faint smile, Kezia shrugged. She didn't mind, certainly - as the damp patch in the sheets below her testified. So she raised her arm up in the air, then swept it down, swinging with full strength to wallop Sylvana's poor abused groove with the strap. Sylvana gave a shrill cry, legs shooting out straight, and for almost a minute she lay there, pucker twitching as it clenched and unclenched. She then unwound the belt, putting it aside, before taking a sip from her drink.
“There, your bottom hole has had enough, so how about I spank you where you'll really notice it…”
“Please, mistress, please do so, punish me hard!”
Kezia placed the glass aside, dipping her finger inside the drink before applying it to her lover's pucker. She rubbed the liquid into the red, swollen skin and waited for Sylvana's flesh to notice the spices within. As soon as Sylvana was squirming about, she smiled and began to ease one finger inside the tight opening - even tighter as a result of swelling from the belting it received. And then she raised her right hand.
“Okay, keep your legs spread, I'm going to start by smacking your vulva raw…”
In the dungeon, Sluralis and the new captive were both chained naked to the wall, while Lespirau was still bent over the table, welted bottom pointed at the pair.
“I can't believe that we were defeated. Still… this torture they use, do you think it will keep the pursuers at bay?”
“If it doesn't, their religious fanatics will. But should they decide to kill us, well... it doesn't really matter what protection they have, our souls will still be claimed.”
“I feared as much. And it seems we can only hope for rescue, not escape, and let's face it: we're not getting rescued. I hate to say this, but we are at their mercy. It's humiliating, to think that the Mon-keigh can defeat us and make us submit.”
“I know. The thought that our lives are in their hands - that the best we can hope for is to be held as torture subjects for the next few hundred years… shall we just give them the information they want? At least that way they can go to war and perhaps get themselves killed… or better.”
“I have no love for those who let us in, setting us up for this defeat. I'll draw them a map if asked. Fuck their traitors, their lives are nothing compared to ours.”
Finally, Sylvana's silky petals seemed red enough to Kezia, who licked her lips, ready for the next step in the discipline/love-making session. She withdrew her finger from the Battle Sister's rear, enjoying the twitching that followed.
“Okay, now hop off my lap, and lie on your back, legs spread. Hold yourself open with your fingers, and I'll beat your tender clit until you scream with pleasure.”
Nodding eagerly, Sylvana did just that. She spread her legs out as wide as possible - nearly doing the splits, she was that flexible - and used her fingers to hold her sex open, inner folds exposed and the hood to her secret delight pulled back. Again, Kezia picked her belt up and wound it around her hand so only the last few inches of leather could be used. It would slap and sting, but not carry the bruising weight of her hand.
The smacks that followed were quick and many. She started to strike along the inner folds first up one side, then down the other. Always careful not to hit Sylvana's fingers, she nevertheless made sure to cover a lot of the skin, quickly turning the inner lips from pink to red, before she moved on to her true target. Six rapid smacks struck Sylvana's little pearl, and she cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, body shaking from the spasms of her release. As she hit that plateau of ecstasy, juices dripped and flowed from her sex. Finally, she was done, gasping for breath, and Kezia lay beside her, one arm draped across.
“I waited so long for that…”
“Me too, my love. Me too.”
Both Canonesses Kasanja and Zaela, clad again in their power amour and robes, descended into the dungeon, pleased to see the three Dark Eldar captives were nervous.
“So, let's see how you did on the more recent one… Lespirau, is she?”
“Yes, that's the one. Take a look - I regret losing flesh to gain this mechanical arm, but you can see the strength added there.”
“Oh my, those are very thick welts. And just two dozen… so you say the witch is getting sixty?”
“That's right. But I'm sure you'll be able to add something as well.”
“Oh, certainly. But I think you should start off.”
The pair unchained Lespirau and attached her to the wall again, with little room for movement - just enough to sit (though she had no intention of doing so). They then moved Sluralis over the table, chaining her into position. Her legs were spread wide, small breasts pressed against the rough, wooden table. Kasanja lifted the thick cane that had been soaking in brine.
“Sixty of my very best, coming right up.”
“Bring it to me! Give such excessive pain beyond measure that Psykers in the next system over can feel it!”
“Oh believe me, I intend to give you exactly what you deserve. But it's good to see you're in the spirit of things.”
The cane struck, biting deep into the witches' pale buttocks. She remained silent, feeling the agony course through her system, but aware that it was not enough - it would have to exceed her previous suffering to keep the pursuers at bay. She just hope - oddly enough - that as more strokes landed, it would build up and hurt even more.
The second stroke suggested this would be the case. It landed just an inch above the first, digging into her flesh, and causing a pulse of throbbing pain. She remained silent, even as the third struck yet higher…
Zaela watched the reactions of the witch. It was clear she was in pain, but she seemed to be inviting more. She didn't enjoy her own pain, that was obvious, but seemed to need it, afraid that there would not be enough. Well, she needn't fear that, Zaela mused, there would certainly be enough.
By the twentieth stroke, she started to react. Sluralis cried out with pain, her buttocks no longer pale, covered in thick, purple welts. And yet she still had so many more to endure. Kasanja moved down to start landing strokes on the upper reaches of her thighs. Were it not for the fact that the witch was responsible for so many deaths, she would show some sympathy, and not be so fierce, but as it was, there would be none. She continued until even Sluralis' smooth, tender thighs were covered in the thick, ridged weals. She managed to reach thirty before almost every trace of skin was covered, and where there were no welts, there were bruises instead. She just shrugged, ignoring the weeping and screaming, and lined the cane up to strike the centre of the witches' backside once more.
If anything, the second set was worse than the first. The only small mercy was that Sluralis was barely able to feel this additional pain, her bottom blazing with such agony. Several times, as the cane bit deep into an existing welt, it broke the skin, a small amount of blood oozing from the wound, and yet she just kept going - what could she do but continue?
Finally, when the Psyker was reduced to one long wail, her buttocks and thighs a bruised, welted, bloody mess, she stopped. Fifty eight strokes. Only two left. And she had made her mind up about where those two would fall.
“Zaela, will you hold her?” she motioned with her hands the spreading of cheeks, and her lover nodded. While Zaela soaked some cloth in the painful salt water, Kasanja took the opportunity to wash the blood from her cane as well. Sluralis let out another shrill cry as the cloth was held tightly to her cheeks, lighting up with pain once again. She could vaguely feel her cheeks being spread wide, but couldn't comprehend why, through the burning sensation.
And then the cane struck. Kasanja was kneeling astride her on the table, careful not to put her armoured weight on the eldar for fear of crushing her, and the cane fell vertically, striking with full force along her groove and biting into the soft, sensitive tissue of her anus. Almost immediately she shrieked like a banshee, struggling against the chains to no avail, as a purple welt started to form, causing her pale rosebud to swell, inured flesh rubbing together painfully. But that wasn't all. The last stroke then flew at full strength, almost striking the exact same place, and Sluralis could only let out a blood-curdling cry as her abused sphincter twitched and spasmed, every movement merely hurting more.
Kasanja moved to the floor, placed her cane back in the water, and admired her handiwork. Admired was too strong a word, perhaps, as it sickened her a little to have to inflict that kind of pain. Yet she hardened her heart at the knowledge that the xenos would cause at least as much suffering to anyone they captured.
“I doubt she could benefit from any further pain today.” Kasanja mused, “she's in too much of a state. Still, there's someone else here who could learn a thing or two from your methods, my love.”
“Yes, perhaps the new captive could take what I have to give… tell me, how many have we lost to them in total?”
“Hmm, eight in the last double battle, and four before that, and four in capturing the witch… before that there were a few raids by them resulting in nine dead between them, so twenty five. Twenty five of the Adepta Sororitas lost their lives due to these fiends.”
“Well in that case, after a break - maybe even tomorrow morning - we can get her in position and she can suffer four times that number with my strap. It shall be something for her to look forward to. But for now, let us go and join the celebrations. We have a lot of loved ones up there who are still amongst the living, and revelling in their lives.”
“Good idea. We can't let our captives, sources of hatred and fury and sadness, get in the way of our hope and joy. Until tomorrow, xenos, we bid you farewell.”