Warhammer 40K Fan Fiction ❯ Wed to Faith ❯ Chapter 8: A New Day ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Again, Kezia slept peacefully that night. Her body was tangled up with Sylvana's and she didn't let her go, all night, holding her guardian close. Her nose was pressed into her lover's hair, the scent easing her sleep all night as her mind recuperated from the assault it had been taking.
Galatea and Canoness Somnifera also slept peacefully, holding each other in their thin night gowns. The two didn't seek pleasure together that night, too exhausted. They merely held one another as their bodies healed from the scratches, aches and pains of the day. Likewise the Canonesses Zaela and Kasanja were not in the mood to explore one another's bodies again, so just cuddled as they slept.
A great many of the Sisters, in fact, merely spent the night in innocent company, hugging and sleeping soundly, though there were plenty who did indulge themselves and each other. But largely, it was a night to sleep soundly, to recover from the previous few days. Soon, they would need to find out where the traitors were based and flush them out, and after that, it was possible they would go to war. Not just the simple invasions and rapid strikes, but a fully-blown war that raged across an entire planet, with thousands of casualties, even calling upon the existence of other forces. But not yet. For the time being, they could rest up, get their strength back, and prepare for the future.
“Are the legions ready, Gerhardt?”
“Yes, Lord Testament. Look at the forces we have gathered, ready to unleash as soon as they step into our trap.”
He was impressed with the legion: fifty Noise Marines in Rhinos, as many Obliterators, a Hellhammer and Lusthammer, three Defilers, four Subjugators, a haphazard Doomsday Device, three Hell Knight Titans, forty possessed Space Marines, a pair of Dreadnoughts, a pair of Predators, ten Chaos Terminators, ten Havocs, two Daemon Princes, two Lords of Slaanesh - three, if Lucius himself would turn up, a Sorcerer, two Harbringers, three Soulgrinders, any number of Daemons of Slaanesh, and a corrupted Emperor-class Titan.
Testament smiled, knowing the battle would cause such excesses simply by its very nature. It could very well overrun the entire planet and spread across the system, causing such a breakdown of order and bringing all that happens in the wake of battle… he licked his lips at the thought.
“Very good. One way or the other, great things will happen. If we kill them? We get control. If we capture them, well, they would make lovely playthings, and if they should win, we will probably have pushed them so far that, without even knowing it, they are serving our master. The thought alone makes me hard.”
The morning went ahead as normal: morning prayers, light exercise, breakfast, bathing, and service, which involved more prayer, a sermon, and of course, confessions. Kezia remained at the back, Sylvana at her side. She smiled, aware that it was a confession that brought the Battle Sister to her in the first place. A dozen Sisters confessed to their weakness and unworthiness - their feelings of having let each other and the Emperor down due to not having fought at the level they felt they could have, or not feeling that they had as much love or devotion as they should. Canoness Papavera smiled. She was used to this - the Sisters expected more of themselves than of each other, and would always feel guilt over such little things. She knew that they could not be convinced otherwise, that the only way to help them would be through a light punishment.
A couple of Sisters confessed to having stolen chocolate rations from another and gorging themselves on it, one felt she had excessive lustful thoughts - so much that she found herself masturbating as much as once a week. Papavera sighed, realising she'd have to explain human sexuality to the girl, who at age thirty should know. And that was all. There was nothing that could be considered a real sin. She had already decided that for the ones who had doubt in themselves, they would each receive ten lashes with a light whip, sufficient to make them feel at ease, as well as being assigned to look after the newer Initiates to teach them care and love, or additional combat training for those who felt they lapsed in that field.
For the so-called lusty Sister, she felt a birching might help her, as well as a hand-spanking on her sex, followed by a long conversation about how normal it really is, and how she mustn't burden herself with such guilt. As for the greedy thieves… Papavera paused. They were well-behaved girls, usually, and one, a Sister Hospitaller, had saved more lives than Papavera had ended, while the other was a fierce warrior who had been known to risk her life to protect her fellow Sisters. Both looked ashamed.
“For each of you, for the sin of theft, an act of dishonesty, and for your greed, twenty strokes of my riding crop across your buttocks, to be followed by six smacks with the wooden spoon upon your bottom holes. You will leave your lower garments off for the rest of the day, unless we are called to battle. Learn to love the lash and the hand that wields it.”
“Thank you for the punishment, Canoness Papavera, and for setting us on the path to righteousness.”
The service was then brought to a close, so the punishments could be delivered in relative privacy. Kezia and Sylvana quietly left, so that they could properly clean Kezia's armour together - Sylvana had been gifted with a suit of sparkling new golden power armour with a jump pack built in, ornamental wings standing out with razor edges.
Kasanja and Zaela, on the other hand, had business to attend to, even as many Sisters started their daily training regimes.
When they reached the dungeons, they saw that Sluralis had recovered somewhat - aside from being able to speak normally and no longer bleeding as expected, her body showed signs of having healed some of the damage already, with the swelling down a little, bruises fading, and welts even more of a deep red colour as opposed to the ugly purple of the previous night.
“Interesting, it seems she heals quickly. Perhaps she can look to many more beatings as time goes on.”
“Hurry up and do what you will to me,” the newest captive spat out, “do you really think we can just wait for the pursuer to finish feeding and come back here?”
“I assure you that no pursuer will reach us here.” Kasanja said with full confidence, “That would be impossible. Our faith alone could keep any daemons at bay. But if it's pain you want, to feed this predator of yours, then you are in luck, because it's pain you shall receive.”
They got to work releasing Sluralis from her position and returning her to the wall. As with Lespirau, she didn't feel like sitting, merely kneeling on the floor. They then moved the Archon into place, lying on her back with her legs splayed wide and pulled back, before strapping her down. Her buttocks, anus and open sex were all displayed to everyone in the room, that way, as Zaela took a thin leather strap from her backpack.
“So before we begin, what is your name?”
“Falaal is the condensed version, for you Mon-keighs. Now hurry up and begin, then we can move onto the part where we work out what you want and whether we can give you that.”
Zaela smiled as she took her time oiling the strap up. Finally she was content, before swinging it down hard, causing a deep pin stripe to form on the outside of Falaal's delicate folds.
“That was one. Ninety nine more to go…”
The strapping ended up being a lot faster than the caning. She lashed the leather down rapidly, each time striking sensitive skin. It didn't take long at all for Falaal's mound to be glowing a deep, painful red, swollen to the point that it looked ready to burst. The Canoness then changed her target a little, this time laying stroke after stroke upon the Archon's tender groove, leather stinging her puckered rosebud every time until it too was a deep red and twitching wildly - Falaal had no control of it by this point. And yet still, there were still twenty lashes left. Zaela looked to Kasanja, holding two fingers up and then separating them to form a “V” shape.
Kasanja nodded, stepping over and carefully holding the Archon's silky petals wide open, opening her flower to feel the kiss of the strap Zaela wielded.
And wield it she did. Time and again, her lash struck the delicate skin, bringing deep pink welts up and causing incredible pain to such sensitive skin. With five left, she didn't hold back and landed each and every one right onto the exposed pearl, slapping it hard and making it red and swollen. The captive shrieked as she squirmed about, trying to get free but to no avail.
“There, that's her punishment, so I suppose now we discuss the location of those who helped lead you into the system. Anyone here, feel free to talk.”
“With pleasure. But we will not be left here, alone and unable to fend off the pursuer. If you wage war, then leave people here with their faith, and their pain, and anything else that can feed its mad desires, or take us with you. The hatred we have for those who mislead us so that we would be overpowered by you is more than the hatred we have for you. We would rather fight alongside you and flee at the first opportunity, taking as many captives from the enemy as we can, than watch as you crush them and us as well.”
“A generous offer, from someone we are utterly unable to trust. But perhaps we could find a way to field you in battle. Maybe. But go on, tell us who and where.”
“…fine, I'll do so.” Sluralis said. She was defeated and just wanted a chance to get out of her position.
“The planet is one that I believe the Mon-keigh call Avalon nine, it is one with no moons. They first contacted us when they reached our frequency by chance. It seems they are a cult of some kind, not so much for any particular force, but just against your Imperium. They helped provide us with information that allowed us into the area - gaps in the defences, that sort of thing, as well as linking us up with their allies in another world. That world… we showed our gratitude by cleansing it of the Mon-keigh, keeping some slaves for a while but killing most. You'll find it very boring now. But Avalon nine is the one you want to attack, it has our helpers there.”
“Avalon nine… I heard through the Inquisition that the Arbites there were reporting higher incidents of crime and suspicious activity. I guess we're going to have to investigate there, and possibly strike out. I don't suppose you know how many they number, or what part of the planet they are on, or anything like that?”
“No, merely that they have powerful Psykers and communications equipment. That's it.”
“Well I suppose it will have to do for now. Perhaps we can ask the Inquisitor for assistance.”
“Remember, we can assist you with the slaughter!”
But the two Canonesses had already left, leaving Sluralis and Lespirau chained to the wall, and Falaal strapped to the table in her exposed position.
“Falaal, your asshole looks like the time I filled it with wasps. Good times.”