Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ White Darkness ❯ Welcome to Meifu ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All rights and privileges to Weiß Kreuz are copyrighted trademarks and property of Project Weiß, Koyasu Takehito, and all peoples associated. And all rights and privileges to Yami no Mastuei are copyrighted trademarks and property of Matsushita Youko and all peoples associated. The characters of these fictions are used WITHOUT permission for the entertainment purposes only. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit. As if anyone would actually pay money for this thoughtless dribble. And even if they like it, it's right here and money is not required. So there! Bottom line: I don't own them I just like to play God with them. (oh no Farfie's gonna come kill me now!) Like an ant walking back and forth across my feet for what seems like miles upon miles. Or an bug with a magnifying glass as it slowly burns into nothingness. *Ahem* Yes, I don't own them. Never have. Never will. *Sigh*

Pairings: Yohji/Brad, Watari/Tatsumi
Summary: Yohji wakes up in what he assumes is the hospital
Contents: Angst, Yaoi, kinda general
first volume of Yami

White Darkness

I am in the hospital. Nothing new, but still not a welcome sight. But then, I thought that I was dead, so the hospital is a bit more welcoming than the alternative. I took a bullet to the lung. Let it never be said that Kritiker slacks on its medical facilities.

I am not hooked up to a respirator or an IV, which is just a bit peculiar, being in a hospital with a bum lung. My breathing is normal. Odd. There is no pain in my chest. That could be the drugs. But my breathing is normal, without the help of a respirator.

I quasi-quell the sick urge to stick my finger into the entrance wound.

Out of pure curiosity, I snake my hand under my shirt searching for the stitches.

Firmly groping my chest, I come up empty handed: there is no wound. Damn, Kritiker technology is so advanced, they sealed the wound. I bet it involved lasers. On my honour, I will never tease Manx again.

I wonder how long I was out for. A few hours? Days? Weeks? I hope not weeks. The team has worked with three before. Hell, we always used to. But now we've become dependant on each other, so extended bed rest is not the best of plans.

"Good. You're awake." I don't recognize the voice. It's male. Odd. Kritiker usually employs pretty, female doctors.

The male comes into view. He's an odd one. Bright blond hair and a bright smile to match. I can see why Kritiker has him under employ. Being stuck in a minuscule room with no windows, I want the sunshine brought to me.

I smile back, flashing my seductive grin, hoping it would have the same effect on him that it has on the pretty nurses.

It doesn't.

He just putters about, checking my vitals, with a tiny frown of concentration.

The silence starts to itch, so I scratch it.

"So when can I get back to work, doc?"

That snaps him out of his work-filled haze.

"Back?" He chuckles. I don't like the sound of that. Don't get me wrong, he has a nice laugh and all, but there are some things that are never funny under any circumstances. Going back to killing people is one of them.

"Yeah, back," I repeat skeptically.

"But you haven't even started yet." His eyebrows frown. Something is very wrong.

"Doc, I don't think it was my head that was hit. It was a chest wound," I tell him, feeling the dread mounting. "You're not with Schwarz, are you?"

He raises confused eyebrows.

"No," I conclude. He would have cackled manically like the Irishman if he were. They don't bother to hide who they are when confronted. What they are, yes, but not who they are.

"This isn't Kritiker," I deadpan.

His lips thin out as if he's going to tell me I have another week to live but can't find the right words.

This is going to be interesting.

"Welcome to Meifu."