Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Angels of the Assassins ❯ A Reunion and a Revelation ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ryoko finished her third trip around the trailer before she sat down on the sofa beside Yuki. They woke up early that morning and went to the trailer only to find out that everything's already ready for the big move. After a few cups of hot chocolate, they prepared to leave. Jelmerie brought her bike inside and sat close to it to prevent it from falling while Ryoko glared at Yoji as often as possible. Ran went behind the wheel and started the trailer. They rode for half an hour until they finally made it to their destination.

"It's been a while since I last saw this place." Omi breathed.

"Are we really going back here?"

Jelmerie nodded to Yuki who passed a set of keys to Ryoko who grumbled but took it anyway.

"Stop the cheesy lines, we better get going if we want to finish early." Ryoko mumbled opening the door.

The Kitty Flower Shop looked the same, the furniture, the paint, even the sofas and the television set in the basement is there. After moving cleaning and rearranging the basement that took almost the whole morning, they proceeded with the flowers.

"My body's aching already! Can't we stop for a while?" Ryoko whined after putting down a pot.

"You can rest all you can now," Yoji started with a grin

"but when we stop for some food later on, you have to carry on with our work." He continued.

"You stupid, worthless, kitten! Can't you just drop dead?!" Ryoko glared.

"If I don't know better, I'd say that's Yoji with his younger sister." Ken muttered.

"Yeah. I totally agree with you." Jelmerie snickered

Everything was put in order by the afternoon and they had some time to relax. When Aya-chan's dismissal time neared, Jelmerie sat up from her chair with a start.

"Yuki, let's go get Aya-chan." Yuki stared at her.

"I'll pass this one, Why don't you ask someone else. Omi-kun, can you go?"

"Nani?" Omi blinked.

"Okay then, let's go." Jelmerie said dragging the clueless Omi to the door.

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"Jel! I thought we're going to meet at the coffee shop. And why are you not in uniform?" Aya asked as she saw the girl.

"Let's leave that for later. We have a surprise for you. But before that, I just want to introduce somebody to you…" she said nudging Omi

"You already met him but I'm afraid you two were never properly introduced. Omi-kun, this is my friend, Fujimiya Aya. Aya-chan, Tsukiyono Omi." She grinned.

"Nice to meet you Omi-kun…" she smiled holding out her hand

"N-nice t-to meet… you.. too" Omi stammered shaking the girl's hand.

"So, shall we go now? We have to give you our surprise."

************************************************************* ***********

"I can't believe they're back!!!" A girl said as she tiptoed to see the florists.

"But where's Omi???"

"Outta my way…" another shrieked.

"Yoji-san!!!" a girl shouted as a crowd gathered around Yoji.

"Kami-sama! I can't believe girls are actually flocking around him?!?" Ryoko thought as girls closed around them.

Girls started to enter and crowd the interior of the shop while Ryoko is trapped in the middle of the girls surrounding Yoji where girls are giving her a glare for standing so close to the blonde. While Yuki is watching the whole scenario as she sits behind the counter enjoying the view.

"What's happening here?" Aya-chan asked as they stood in front of the shop.

"You'll know soon enough…" Jelmerie grinned.

"Come on Aya-chan, your surprise is waiting for you behind that door." Omi said taking her hand.

Omi led Aya-chan nearer to the shop and the hubbub momentarily stopped when the girls turned around to look at them. Glares were thrown to the puzzled Aya-chan when the girls saw her hand in Omi's while Jelmerie walked behind them with a wide smile, raised her hand and gave a hand signal. Ryoko, being nearer to the door whistled and Yuki jumped out of her seat, made her way to Ran and dragged him out of sight.

"Tell them we're in the basement!" She shouted as they disappeared.

"She has the nerve of pulling Aya away. Who's she?" someone asked indignantly.

"A close friend of ours, and so are they." Ken said pointing to Ryoko, Aya-chan and Jelmerie.

"Where are we going?" Aya-chan asked as Omi and Jelmerie led her to the circular stairs.

"You'll know it soon…" the boy said as they reached the basement.

"Onii-chan? Is that really you?!" Aya muttered seeing her brother.

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After closing the shop for the day, they all flopped down either on a chair, a couch, or on the hard floor, exhausted of the day's work.

"I can't believe I was nearly squashed by those girls!!! Oi you, did you put a jinx on them or something?!" Ryoko glared.

"That's what you call charm…" Yoji grinned.

Ryoko faked a vomiting fit while the others laughed. Yoji threw a roll of crumpled paper at her and she shot back with a menacing grin. Moments later, Aya-chan appeared from the staircase and walked towards them.

"Yuki, onii-chan wants to see you…"

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"So, how was it?" Yuki asked sitting beside the redhead who said nothing.

"She's so happy. It's all in her smile when she asked me to come here. So, what do you want from me?"

"Quit your group." Yuki gaped at him.


"I'm telling you to stop what you're doing." He replied coldly.

"I won't. Finding you and Aya-chan is not my only reason why I became an assassin, and you don't have the right to order me Ran." Her voice started to rise

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into so before you find yourself trapped, get yourself out as soon as possible. An assassin's life is not for you Yuki." He turned to meet with her blazing eyes with his own.

"I chose this life and there's no way you can change my mind. And stop treating me like a child" She glared getting up.

"But you still are." Came the redhead's voice that made her blood froze as she saw the him walk away.

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A loud crash rang throughout her senses and Yuki slowly opened her eyes.

"Sorry if I disturbed you." She heard a voice not far from her.

She got up with a yawn and saw Ken standing beside her. She looked at her watch and was surprised by the time.

"Eleven thrity-five?! Don't tell me I've been sleeping here for almost three hours!"

"Actually you were."

"Nani?! Where's Jel? And Ryo? Where are they? " "They left already. They wanted to wake you up but Aya told them to let you rest so they went ahead of you." By then footsteps were heard going down the stairs.

"Is she awake already?" Ran asked as his form appeared.

"Yeah" Ken nodded.

"It's late now. It's better if you'll stay here. It's dangerous outside." Came the cold comment.

Yuki glared at him before she walked away. Ran followed her but went out of the shop without a word. She glared at him as he disappeared.

"What's it?"

"Nothing." She replied.

"If it's about your conversation with him…" she looked quickly at him.

"I was about to call you guys for some food when I heard you two talking. Honestly, I think he's just trying to protect you."

"I know that but sometimes he's getting overboard with it that he sometiems forget that I don't need that much protection from him anymore."

"I don't think so. He just want s you to be out of trouble that's all." Yuki gave him a faint smile.

"Thanks a lot. I should be going now I can't stay here. I have my classes tomorrow. I don't care what he says but I'm going" Ken looked at his watch

"Hey Cinderella, you better take my bike if you're going to push through with your plan. Don't worry, it won't turn back to a pumpkin." He grinned holding out the keys.

"Ah shaddup, I'm not a kid who believes in fairytales anymore Kenken. But thanks anyway fairy godfather." She smirked.

*************************************************************** *****************

The next day, Yuki squeezed into the cramped up door of the flower shop and greeted Aya-chan and Jelmerie with a smile. She noticed the harassed Ryoko cornered by a group of girls asking all kinds of things about Yoji believing that she's his long lost younger sister thanks to Omi, Jelmerie, and Ken's statements. After closing the shop, Jelmerie's phone rang and she went away from the group to answer it.

"I promise this Tsukiyono Omi, you and Hidaka Ken together with Jelmerie will pay for spreading the false news that I'm Kudou's younger sister!!!" She flared.

"Hey guys, Sora calls us for a meeting in our place. I think we have something to do for tonight."

After some food and whines from Ryoko, Sora led Aya-chan to a vacant room upstairs while the others gathered around the living room. When she came down, she distributed the files to them and turned off the lights. After the mission was given, she turned to them with a smile.

"So, everyone in?" they all nodded.

"I have a question." Yoji said making the others look to him

"Can you change Ryoko's weapons? I mean, it's too messy." Yoji whined.

"Did she use the tojo blades again?" Sotra turned to look at Ryoko.

"Why, what's wrong with it?"

"I told you to stop using it. Anything but it." she said sternly.

"Well, if you say so…"

************************************************************* *******************

"A scythe?! Are you a psycho or what?!" Yoji muttered as they walked inside their target's territory.

"We all know that Yoji-san. She's a lunatic." Jelmerie muttered

"Thanks for the compliment guys." She grinned.

The group reached the old depot and saw trucks parked around it. Yoji and Ryoko remained outside to sabotage the trucks and take care of any roving guards around while the remaining four will have to eliminate the targets.

"Ne Ken-kun, I'll be watching you for tonight since Omi's busy wth hacking the security systems back at home. Will it be okay for you?" Jelmerie asked.

"No prob Jel."

"Guys, their hq is straight ahead." Yuki said quickening her pace.

They reached a heavy door and waited for the lights to go out before dashing in. When the power returned, the guards are down and only the targets remain alive, the president of a leading ammunition company, and a wealthy tradesman.

"Okay guys, shall we?" Jelmerie grinned.

The four charged to their seemingly terrified prey but when they are inches close to them, their expressions changed from terrified to sinister and pulled the flesh from their faces revealing their real feautres.

"Erinyes! Stay back!" the two girls shouted as they avoided the attacks of their opponents.

"Our targets might be escaping! Find them, we'll take care of the pests!" Yuki directed to Ran and Ken

A blonde and a raven-haired girl charged at the two girls while the two kitties left them. The two landed on the ground and looked up to their attackers.

"Long time no see." Hecate grinned.

"Yeah. We were hurt when you left us like that so we decided to follow you here to finish you off." Tod smirked.

"That's if you can. Losers." Yuki snickered.

************************************************************* *******************

"This sabotage thing is boring. Can't we go inside?" Ryoko mumbled.

"Come on, saty for a while. We'd love to play with you."

The two spun around and saw Morgaine and Folter on top of a truck. The two jumped down and made an attack almost immediately.

"So, back to your old weapon huh? Where's the blade thing? Rotting in your closet?" Folter jeered as she ducked Ryoko's scythe.

"No. I just thought my "old weapon" is enough to separate your empty head from the rest of you." She made another effortless swing and it managed to injure her opponent.

"Oi baka Yoji, are you gonna let her kill you or what?! Remember that you can't be killed by any other person… except me!!!" she shouted as she saw Yoji avoiding Morgaine's attacks.

"I just don't want to hurt a beauty like this one. Say, your face looks kinda familiar…"

"Yeah? Well, I don't give damn!" she said pulling out a gun.

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"Are you guys all into guns now? What happened to your boring weapons?" Jelmerie asked noticing the guns her opponent is holding.

"This is not an official business we just want to play." Came the reply.

Just then, Ran and Ken came running back to the scene. Ken made a motion to go to Jelmerie but Ran abruptly stopped him. The two watched the girls fight until Tod noticed their presence and called to the other girl. The two jumped back and disappeared quickly in the dark.

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The flower shop is again full of customers and the four boys are thankful for the helping hands of Aya-chan, Ryoko, Yuki and Jelmerie who can continue their work even as the boys are trapped by girls. But now, even the girls are being bombarded by questions in relation to the four.

"Are you sure you're not Yoji's sister? Then what is your connection to him?" girls asked as they started cornering Ryoko

"Are you really Aya's little sister?" Aya-chan nodded politely to the girls questioning her.

"We're just here to help, it's not like we're after them or anything but if you really want to attract their attention, why don't some of you work for free here?" Jelmerie smirked, her suggestion made an uproar of voices presenting themselves for work.

"Ne, Aya-chan, I'll be bringing some pots here." Yuki smiled as she avoided the girls closing in on her.

Unknown to her, Ran is watching her as she went out until she placed a pot on the floor. She did this three times before she was completely trapped by the girls.

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~ Flashback ~

"Her skills are improving. I might let her face Yoshihide anytime" An old man said as Yuki swung her bokuto.

"But she's no match for Yoshihide."

"Do you think so? Yuki-chan, come here."

"Do you think you can take on Yoshihide in a fight?" Yuki nodded.

"But Yuki- you're---"

"Ran, if she thinks she can handle it then why don't we let her. Yuki-chan listen to me, Bext week, there'll be a match between you and Yoshihide so you must practice." With this the girl nodded and walked away.

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"Come on, admit it, I was able to beat Yoshihide." Yuki glowed as they walked down the steps of the shrine

"That's just dumb luck Yuki. See those bruises?" he said pointing to the marred skin.

"That's nothing Ran-kun, I'm okay." She smiled and started to run down.

"Yuki be careful! The steps are slippery you might-" a yelp was heard and he came running down with care as he saw the girl lose her balance and fall.

"I told you to be careful." He scolded while helping her up.

"I'm okay. Good thing I was already on the last nine steps when I fell." She replied brushing herself

"Are you hurt or anything?" he said trying to check on her but she wiggled free.

"Come on, I need to change my clothes, it's all wet and dirty, besides, I'm sure Aya-chan is already waiting for us." she smiled holding his hand and leading him away.

~ End of Flashback ~

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Ran snapped back to reality and went on with the day in his usual self. He didn't speak to Yuki nor ask her for anything during the remaining hours that the shop is open. When they are already sitting their tired bodies out and after Aya-chan and Omi went out ofr some food, he decided to talk to her.

"Hey, sorry for what I said last night. I'm taking it all back."

"So, you mean you're allowing me to continue with my assassin work?" the redhead nodded.

"Thanks a lot!!!" she said giving him a hug.

"What made you change your mind?"

"Remember the day you defeated Yoshihide? We went to a shrine and you fell down the steps…" Yuki glared at him.

"I was fussing over you but you insisted on going back home. It's only now that I realized you didn't cry that time. It dawned to me that even then, you can take care of yourself well and that you don't need that much of a protection anymore so I decided to let you have your way on this. But that doesn't mean I'm not watching you…"

By then,. Sora and Manx entered the shop and had a small talk then the two gathered them around for a small discussion about their previous mission.

"So, what happeend?" Manx asked.

"Those damned Erinyes appeared and almost ruined everything." Yuki said.

"Yeah, if they're here already, be better be extra careful with everything we do." Jelmerie added.

"By the way, Sora, I believe we're going to need another member." All eyes turned to Ryoko.


"The Erinyes have a fourth member, Yoji fought her last night and that's the only time I saw her."

"Can you describe her to us?" Manx chimed in.

"The place where she and Yoji were fighting was dark and I was able to see that she's tall and blonde, but I was able to get her codename." Everyone in the room tensed.

"What is it?"

"Morgaine." Manx's brow furrowed while Sora was utterly shocked.