Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Angels of the Assassins ❯ First Mission ( Chapter 6 )
/N: After a lot of hindrances, the chapter six is out!!!!! Thanks a bunch to Hanazaki for the review!!!!! And by the way, Darkstar-chan, you;ll never get away for what you did! Remember that!!!!! Again, thanks to my readers!!!!
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opened the gate silently and led the group in. They stopped inside the living room where Sora motioned for the others to sit down and told them to wait for a while. Sora walked to the phone and gently put it to her ears. With a smile, she said something and hung up. Soon, footsteps were heard thundering down the stairs.
"Jelmerie, Yuki???" Omi exclaimed as he saw the two.
"What're they doing here?!" Jelmerie asked.
"Just as I thought, you guys already know each other." Sora smiled.
The two walked to the living room and faced the four. Sora and Manx introduced them to each other and they just nodded in disbelief.
"So, you were the ones who followed us for some nights?" Omi asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. And you together with Ken-kun went after me, remember?" Jelmerie smiled.
"Hey, isn't there a third one?" Yoji asked looking around.
"Ryoko? I bet she's out there having fun." Yuki smiled.
"You mean that girl who was with you yesterday? She's an assassin too?" Yoji blurted out.
"Well, I think she will be coming home already. It's raining hard outside." Ken said looking out the window.
"Yuki, you're not forgetting something right? It's raining outside, the garage is missing something that you left in front of the gate when you came home and it's getting wet." she snickered
"Yay! Of course! Excuse me guys, I just have to do something important." She said while running to the door.
They heard the garage door open at the same time with the gate. Ryoko came in, drenched from head to foot and went straight to her room. Yoji, Ken and Omi just looked at her in puzzlement and wondered how she never saw them. They were only able to snap out of it when they heard the garage door slam and Yuki appeared afterwards.
"She didn't notice a single thing did she?" she asked looking at them.
"Is she always like that?" Yoji asked
"Yeah." Yuki and Jelmerie nodded.
"You better change, you're dripping wet." Ran said for the first time.
"Huh? Ah, okay." She complied.
"What did I tell you?" Yoji whispered to Omi and Ken.
Ryoko went down and went directly to the kitchen where Jelmerie followed her. After some time, she came back to the living room with Ryoko who gaped at the four at seeing them.
"I swear I didn't see them!" She said.
"You were too occupied to see us and you just passed us by." Yoji said grinning at her.
"Why you…"Ryoko glared.
"Looks like you can't go home just now. The rain's getting worse. Why not eat with us? I'll be preparing some food." Sora smiled.
"That'll be nice. Mind if I help?" Yoji asked earning a glare from Ryoko.
The group ate together and stayed in the living room for a lively conversation until the rain stopped. After dinner, they stayed inside the living room again until Manx cleared her throat.
"I believe it's time we get down to business…"
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Morgaine sat in front of the fireplace while Tedesursache is braiding her hair and Folter and Hecate are playing chess.
"I hate it! Why did we have to run away like that yesterday? We could've faced those two, right Folt? I mean, it would be fun!" Tod whined as she finished her braid.
"Because there will be plenty of times where you can play with them." Hecate said as she moved her bishop.
"When will we be our first official battle?" Folter asked trying to se a way on how to counter act Hecate's move.
"Soon enough." Came Morgaine's answer.
"Hey, I heard Nelchael's with them now. Haven't done that for some time." Hecate said as she made another move.
Morgaine placed her book on the table beside her and went to the window. Folter made a move and frowned when Hecate moved and announced a checkmate. Tod teased Folter and the latter was about to hit her when they heard the blonde speak.
"Nelchael? So, it's not Guinevere anymore is it Sora? Nevertheless, I'll be waiting for a chance to meet face to face with you…" She said softly
"Uh Morgaine, what are you talking about?" Tod asked looking at her.
"Nothing. I just remembered something back from the old days." She smiled.
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"Weiss, from this mission onwards, you will be working not only with your group mates but with the Rebelling Angels as well. They will be here to "guard" you in every mission. But it doesn't mean that you won't look after them. You have to watch each other's back all the time understood?" Sora smiled inwardly as she saw the four nod.
"So, who're we going with?" Yoji asked.
"I hate this…" Ryoko muttered.
"Abyssinian, Siberian, you will be working with Sachiel." Manx said pointing at Yuki.
"Bombay, you will be guarded together with Aya's sister by Habuiah. We have a hunch that Schwarz is still after her." She continued as she saw Ran's questioning look.
"Balinese, Rochel will be in charge of you." She said pointing at Ryoko who flinched.
"Well then, I think there is no need for further instructions, we'll be giving you your first mission…"
With this, Manx switched off the lights and Persia's silhouette appeared.
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Silence reigned as they made their way to their target's hideout. Their destination is a public hospital with unlicensed doctors practicing their arts and are engaged in selling of human body parts, countless medical malpractice, and illegal activities. They arrive at the place and entered its premises silently.
"Are you sure this is a hospital? It's creepier than a graveyard." Jelmerie breathed as they looked around.
"It sure is. Look there."
Omi motioned to an open door and they saw people tucked in their beds with a pained expression on their pale face.
"Can we proceed now? The sooner we do this the sooner we can leave. I don't like this place a bit." Ryoko mumbled.
The group separated and ran to their destinations with Ran leading the way. Jelmerie and Omi went right with Yuki and Ken running close while Yoji and Ryoko disappeared in a hallway.
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"Uh, we're not in the morgue right?" Jelmerie said uncertainly as she saw the carcasses covered in mantles.
"I'm afraid we are Jel." Omi replied.
"Okay, so what do we need here? Frankenstein?"
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"I can't believe this is what the brain looks like." Ryoko said prodding the glass jar in front of her.
"Stop that Ryoko. Are you an assassin or what?" Yoji spat.
"I am! But I'm just marveling how your brain will look like if I place it here." She snickered.
"Enough with that. Our target's just behind that door come on." He hissed.
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"What is this place?" Kem asked looking around the lines of padlocked doors on both sides of the hall.
"It is where the insane patients are locked up. According to the reports. The doctors here make their own experiments using humans as the guinea pigs and some of them die. Most of the survivors of the gruesome tests go insane and are brought here." Yuki mumbled.
"Where did you get that info?"
"I'm doing my homework." she winked
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Omi and Jelmerie walked between the tables carefully while looking around. The two checked on every corner of the room for a sign of their targets but saw none. They tried to find secret passageways but in vain, until the two noticed something peculiar.
"I don't think this is a true morgue." Jelmerie said.
"Well, It doesn't smell funny. I mean, there are supposed to be dead bodies here all the time right? But then, I don't smell anything. This smells like an ordinary room." Omi began to sniff the air.
"Your right. And by what you said, I don't think these are real…" he said pulling the covers over a corpse that only revealed a dummy.
"And to think that they nearly scared me." Jelmerie laughed.
"Hey what's that?"
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"I told you to stop playing!" Yoji said irritated.
"I'm not playing, I'm just staring you stupid worthless fool!" Ryoko spat.
"We have a mission here remember?"
"I know! In fact, I'm walking towards that door while looking at the jars while you stop at about every ten seconds and shout at me!" Yoji's veind started to pop out at what the girl said.
"Why you little brat!"
"What?!" she jeered.
"Who's there?" Ryoko and Yoji's blood froze.
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"I just wish we don't crash in the middle of an operation or an experiment." Yuki said.
"Well, we can't be too sure about that."
"So, once behind that door, we will mind our own business. Good luck." She smiled.
"Here we are."
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and Omi heard the sound of faint voices somewhere and decided traced it. It appears to be coming from behind the opposite wall. Omi walked there while Jelmerie examined the shelves near it. then, after opening a cabinet, she pulled down a book and the wall opened.
"How did you find the lever?"
"Simple, only an idiot will place a cookbook inside a morgue." She said pointing to the book.
The two walked inside and saw a door on their left where six persons are gathered around a table and they all appear to be poring over something. Omi fired his darts and two fell to the ground at the same time, Jelmerie managed to open the door and was inside before a nurse can strike her.
"They're all under drugs!" Omi shouted as he fended off a frenzied doctor.
"That's what makes them more difficult to handle!" she shouted as she threw her needles at them.
"There's only one of them left." Omi said, looking at the approaching guy.
"Yeah, why don't we get rid of him together?"
Two silver streaks sliced through the scene as they released their weapons, and in no time, the man fell dead on the floor.
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"This guys don't know how to fight. They just keeps on going like they're not in their right minds." Yoji muttered as he wired another fellow.
"I don't give a single damn. I'm going to kill them all!"
Ryoko managed to dodge her attacker but the jars next to her broke and the contents fell on the floor. With utter disgust, Ryoko jumped away but was hit in the head unexpectedly. Yoji, noticing what happened finished his opponent in an instant and attacked Ryoko's assailants
"I told you to be careful!" he scolded as he helped her up.
"I'm okay you jerk!"
She rubbed her head and bent down for her weapon. When she stood up again, her eyes went wide and she pushed Yoji out of the way and drove her weapon into the person in front of her.
"We're quits again Yoji." She smirked.
"Yeah. But look at you, you're a whole mess. Your weapon is great when it comes to close combat but it creates a mess." He said looking at her clothes.
"Well, I like my tojo blades. It's a great way of kiling people like the one behind me now." She said turning around and striking.
"Yeah. I just wish you didn't do that in front of me. You dirtied my clothes." He mumbled.
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"Looks like you will still need my help here." Yuki said.
"Yeah. I didn't know they were holding a conference here or something."
The doctors and nurses, all out of themselves attacked the two of them simultaneously. Things and dead bodies fell to the floor as their enemies lessened. And with one last blow to a doctor, Yuki went on to the door at the far side of the room. She entered the room lighted only by a few lights. No one noticed her coming for a while until someone looked back and saw her standing, did the doctors raise the alarm and attendants attacked her.
"Okay, so who wants to die first?" she said casually preparing to fight.
One by one, the attendants' bodies fell to the ground but the doctors still stood huddled close to each other.
"I'm afraid my time is precious and I don't usually waste it for guys like you so who's ready to die?"
The other doctors, about four of them were dispatched to attack her but they all died in vain. Only one doctor is left alive but he's still busy with the lifeless body in front of him that he didn't notice Yuki's footsteps approaching him. She looked over the shoulder of the doctor and saw a boy, with his internal organs exposed, with the heart still beating. The stake in her hand fell with a loud clank on the floor and the doctor spun around and looked at her. At the same time, she felt a gush of wind and a katana struck the doctor's shoulder. Coming to her senses, she pulled it out and drove it to his heart and walked away, passing Ran who stood by the door. ************************************************************************
"Do you think they will approve of it?" Jelmerie asked as they walked to the trailer.
"I don't know and I don't care." Ryoko glared.
"I'm sure they will."
The three girls waited for the crowd of girls to vanish before they walked to the trailer. The smiling face of Omi greeted them and led them inside with Ryoko and Yoji starting their own bickering session.
"So, what brings you here?" Ken asked.
"We have something important to tell you guys." Jelmerie said with seriousness in her face and eyes.
The four gathered around them and they laid out their plan. After a few questions, bickering, suggestions, and finally the approval, the three girls stood up and thanked them.
"We'll be there to help you out on Monday. I'll be going there to discuss it tomorrow but I'll keep it from Aya-chan. We want it to be a surprise for her." Yuki grinned.
"Thanks a lot for agreeing with us." Jelmerie smiled.
"We'll see you guys around. Bye!" Omi called as they left.