Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Blood* ❯ Fallen Beast ( Chapter 107 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fallen Beast
There's been someone following me. I can't see him, but I know he's
there. I don't know what he wants from me. Why won't he leave me
“Thank you for today,” I said, bowing.
“Good night!” the receptionist said back. I walked out into the
night. Japan is a safe country, but I still must be careful. I am a
single woman after all. There are still creeps around. I have
pepper spray in my purse.
It's quiet tonight. I know that Halloween is coming in a couple of
days. The decorations looked welcoming. That's when I notice that I
am not alone.
I stopped in my tracks.
“Hello?” I asked. Nothing. No sound at all. My stomach turned. I
don't like this. I picked up my pace. I just need to get home. Just
get home, lock up, take a bath, and go to bed. I took in a breath.
I can do this. I force myself to keep walking.
I made it back home with no trouble. Still, I can't rest. He is
still near. I can feel it. I shook my head. Don't focus on that.
You don't know anything about it. It could be friendly. You don't
know that.
I frowned to myself. It didn't feel like it. I shook my head. Don't
think about it. Just stick to the plan. I took another breath.
I had no idea I wasn't safe in my dreams.
So cold. It's so cold in here. I looked around. Where was I?
Goosebumps formed on my skin. No. I shouldn't be here. How do I get
out? There was nothing but darkness around me. When did it get
Suddenly, I wasn't alone anymore.
Against my better judgment, I turned my head. He has no face. He
has no body. But I know he's there. His fingertips touched my
cheek. My body froze. He spoke in my head.
“Don't be afraid.”
I opened my mouth to speak. He quieted me down.
“I'm not here to hurt you.”
I couldn't move. My body was frozen. My eyes stayed locked on the
empty air. The voice spoke in my head again.
“I'm not here to hurt. Please listen to me. I have to tell you
I had no choice but to listen.
“You are going to die. I don't want to lose you. Please! Let me
help you!”
I wanted to back away. I still couldn't move. Who was he and what
did he want from me? Suddenly, he started to kiss me. I could feel
a heavy pressure on my lips. Invisible hands wrapped around my
body. The grip grew tighter around me. I thought I was going to
choke. I didn't want to die. I was pushed to the ground. It started
to rip at my clothes. The tongue was forced into my mouth. It
pushed apart my legs.
I suddenly woke up. My body was covered in sweat. I panted as I
winced at the burning sensation on the back of my right shoulder. I
felt the number fourteen burned into my skin.