Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Moon Ascendant ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I wish I could own Weiss, Schwarz, and all the incredibly sexy bishounen and biseinen I've ever come across and will eventually come across. But I'll probably win a billion dollars first from Bill Gates before that dream comes true.

This is NOT a yaoi fic. [hides under table from lynch mob of yaoi fans] I may read some and have developed a tolerance for it but I can never go beyond 2nd base with writing one. I get too embarrassed at writing out the 'interesting' parts. [looks at the RK one with a red face - how to type it out? ~__~;;]

I hope you'll take this story on its own merits instead. I'm not flame-retardant by the way, but constructive C&Cs will be gratefully accepted. Thanks.

Dark Moon Ascendant


3 years previously… [1997]

The mirror shimmered briefly as its silvery glow died. A sigh followed as the old woman straightened up before turning to face her companion. A pregnant pause hung in the air as neither party said a word, the earlier vision from the mirror having spoken volumes with the series of images that flew across its surface. The tall, lean man slowly pushed the bridge of his spectacles up his nose as his thoughts tried to form themselves into some semblance of order. As much as it pained him to admit that fate was being less than kind, another part of him hoped that not all had been lost. Looking the old woman in the eye, he addressed the main thought on his mind.

"So where does this leave us, Momoe-san?"

Absently rubbing her chin, the old woman thought about the question. Despite the setback, she too shared his hopeful optimism about the situation. The prophecy was beginning to be fulfilled, and sometimes a tragedy could bring about the greater good. A faint smile crossed the lined face as she turned to look at the now dull mirror.

"I think that we will just have to be patient, Seki. I don't believe that this has brought the prophecy to an end. In fact, I think that it may just have brought it to pass."


2 years later… [1999]

The darkness began to recede like the tide on a beach as Aya began to struggle awake. She could feel the warmth of the person cradling her and she used that as an anchor to focus her energy in waking up. Eyes blinking slowly open, she was vaguely surprised at the bright red outfit of the lady holding her. A movement above caught her attention and she saw herself looking down at herself and for a moment wondered if she was still unconscious and dreaming. As she became more alert, she saw the subtle differences in the face before her and realised that it was someone else. Getting her mouth to move and her voice to come out took more effort even though at the same time she could feel her strength flowing through her body. A faint thought at the back of her mind questioned it but briefly. Something more important had to be taken care of. Focusing once more, she addressed the two strangers with her burning question.

"Where am I?"


The following year… [2000]

Catching the red blossom in his gloved hand, Shuldig gave it a cruel smile. It didn't take long to find their arch-nemesis Weiss; they were just so bold in their daily activities. Selling flowers out of that monstrous pink trailer of theirs certainly made for a convincing hideout. Only the most blatantly bold or the most covert cover could accomplish it. The hordes of hyper schoolgirls hovering and screeching like vultures around the four handsome men also helped. For the telepath, the situation bordered on the hilarious. In his opinion, a real assassin would never stoop that low before putting a bullet through his head first, or at least getting someone to do it for him. But then, he never did consider Weiss as assassins of his class. They were too 'ordinary'. Barely acknowledging the honk of the dark car that approached him by the curb, he continued to stare at the flower his smirk firmly placed.

"They're here?" The question was more rhetorical, the speaker assured in the answer he believed.

"Yeah, just like you predicted." Shuldig began to tighten his grip around the flower. "They can't run from us anymore."

"There is nowhere they can run to," Crawford amended, his hazel eyes gleaming. "The time for their punishment is near."

"Hn," Shuldig smirked as his grip crushed the fragile blossom before relaxing it to watch the wind pick up the sacrificed petals and scatter them throughout the city. As far as Schwarz was concerned, it was payback time - with interest.

Author's Note:

I know it's a rehash of sorts but I promise to post Chapter 1 up very quickly. Also, it's going to be Aya-centric. Aya as in the girl Aya or Aya-chan. I'll be sticking to the real names where needed as the story takes place after the TV series and OVA. Ran is so much more appropriate for the amethyst-eyed redhead here. Besides, most stories seem to prefer the 'Aya' name, but I want to be different. ^____^

Blatantly borrowed from the end scene of the Weiss OVA translated by Jey Kama. The scene has been slightly amended [creative license] to fit in. I personally don't like copying wholesale, unless it is too technical to re-write/amend.

I apologise if there are some grammatical errors. It's hard proofing your own stuff as everything seems either fine or totally screwed up. I'm still getting into the swing of the story writing as well. Please don't kill me for that. I think I'll be committing greater crimes in future with this story. Email me the noose then, thanks. I'm not into self-immolation.