Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Moon Ascendant ❯ A Hunter Found ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: As much as I wish it were otherwise, I do not own anyone here except for the weird monster, a dead guy and Seki. Please read on and let me know if you enjoy the story. Feed my ego, please!

Chapter 1: A Hunter Found

Koneko no Sumu Ie, Tokyo

Late Spring, 2000

Aya turned to look up as she heard Sakura's cheerful voice call out her greeting. Smiling at her closest friend, Aya moved aside to let her enter and greet Momoe-san who was sitting by the cash register stroking her beloved cat. Reaching for her apron, Sakura quickly tied it on before heading outside to help arrange the pots outside and to water the budding stems. Glancing up from her sweeping Aya thought she saw someone disappear behind the building on the opposite side of the road. In that split-second, it seemed like a memory from her past had come to life. A much loved face with short red hair and laughing violet eyes burned bright in her mind before she forcefully shoved it back into a dark corner of her mind. It was too painful to be remembering her dearest Nii-san.

As if sensing the subtle change in her mood, Momoe-san approached Aya and gently tapped her on the hand gripping the broom's handle. Smiling up into the girl's blinking eyes, she called out to Sakura to ask if she wanted some tea. Popping her head round the door, Sakura agreed to the suggestion. Then, gently guiding the dark-haired girl by the hand, she led Aya to the kitchen.

"You seemed a little upset about something, my dear. Care to tell me what has brought such sadness to your eyes?" Momoe-san asked her gently.

It was obvious what it was about as the girl had lost two years of her life after the accident and still grieved for her family. It had been almost a year since her awakening and Aya still felt the pain as acutely as when Sakura had first explained it to her. Her big brother had died trying to save her from some weird cult and entrusted her welfare to his boss Hanae-san, the same lady who had been with Sakura when she awoke. The problem Aya kept experiencing though was the strange feeling of something missing, like the pieces of a completed jigsaw puzzle not quite fitting together. She had questioned the circumstances surrounding her parents and brother's deaths but Hanae-san had been evasive with the answers instead giving her the usual 'classified information' replies. And Aya was tired of hearing it. Sakura barely knew more, instead she gave her a very different insight into the person who had adopted her name in his quest for justice. So many questions but nobody to give her the answers.

But this wasn't her only problem. Aya had noticed herself changing in subtle ways. She had initially assumed that it was due to her body adjusting since her coma, but now the changes were becoming a little too obvious. Neither Sakura nor Momoe-san noticed anything, but that was because the changes weren't so much external as internal. It seemed as though her body was making up for lost time with the healing process. Aya recalled a time when she had accidentally cut herself while preparing dinner and it had been quite deep. She had thought of seeing the doctor the next day but had been taken aback at what she saw. Or rather what she did not see. Her injury had healed to the point where it resembled a paper cut. The pain had also lessened to a dull ache when she had gingerly prodded it. It had freaked her out. What was going on? She knew that she healed rather quickly when as a child, her bruises and scrapes would fade after a couple of days unlike her brother who took about a week to recover. Her parents had thought it was an exceptional ability but never questioned it. Ran had often teased her about not having to play her nursemaid as long as she had to for him. But it seemed her 'gift' had increased in its power.

Aside from this, Aya had become increasingly aware of her reflexes improving in speed and reaction. She had managed to catch a falling cup of tea before it hit the floor but what had amazed her was that didn't spill it. She even managed to catch those irritating houseflies without tiring herself out like before. It had been great as she disliked having flies in the kitchen. But what had really grabbed her attention was her strength. It too seemed to increase rapidly even though she hardly handled the heavy pots alone. Aya never exercised as Sakura did because her work in the flower shop was enough to keep her satisfactorily fit. Even with the occasional urgent deliveries, she doubted that it would result in this kind of abnormal strength. She had in fact, tested her suspicions a few days ago when Momoe-san had gone off to the vet with Tabby-chan. In the back storeroom, she had attempted to lift a 25-kg bag of potting soil. The heavy sack barely strained her and she had been able to handle it comfortably. With her heart thumping from nervousness and excitement, she had added another similar bag to the first. Having braced herself, she hefted the two sacks together. The now doubled weight sat in her arms and except for their bulky nature, still allowed her to comfortably carry them about the room. Aya grew excited and began to see how much she was able to handle. Finally at about 80 kilos, she began to tire. But that was then, and if she suspected right she should be able to easily add another 10 or 15 kilograms to the weight. However, some deep-seated intuition within her seemed to be telling her of something important, but of what she did not know. Perhaps, she didn't want to know. After all, who would believe her? And if they did, what would they do to her? Being made to return to the hospital for further tests was not something she wanted to go through again since her awakening. No, it was best left unsaid.



Aya jerked up as she returned her attention to Momoe-san and Sakura's worried calls. She had withdrawn from the activities surrounding her and now both Momoe-san and Sakura who had just come in, was asking her if she was alright. Giving herself a mental shake, she smiled at them and assured them that she was fine. Unsure as to whether or not to believe her, Sakura took her hand and gently squeezed it her concern reflected deep within her worried eyes. Aya squeezed back and they both smiled at each other, the tension now broken.

Momoe-san observed this quietly, her sharp eyes hardly missing a thing. Aya was beginning to dwell on sad memories and this was not good. In truth, Momoe-san knew a whole lot about what had happened on those two crucial nights. She had seen them through the mirror and knew that Ran had survived the incident. All her dear boys had. Despite her pledge not to involve herself too much in the boys lives, she had tried her best to make sure that they had enough hope to continue to want to live. They had their role to play in the prophecy, as did another four individuals who named themselves after the colour of night. Inwardly, Momoe-san sighed as she thought of the trouble brewing. Unless things started to come together on her side, they would have no chance of surviving the approaching destruction.

Carrying the tray to the table, she sat down with the girls as Sakura poured out the tea. Aya remembered the tin of chocolate biscuits and got up to get them. Once more settled, the little family began discussing the day's events. Sakura had earlier flipped the sign to indicate the shop being closed for business as she too guessed at Aya's change in mood. And so the afternoon passed for them in companionable chit-chat and other silly talk, their laughter brightening the place more than the late afternoon sun spilling in through the kitchen window.


A week later…

Aya hurried home through the dark streets, her small umbrella hardly protecting her from the sudden downpour. She inwardly cursed at the change in the weather, her thin coat poor insulation against the rapidly plunging temperature. I can't believe this. It was so warm and clear when I left Sakura-chan's, she grumbled silently. Ducking under an overhanging shade, she shook out the excess water that was beginning to soak through the umbrella's protective lining. The limp, soggy-looking cloth caused her to sigh ruefully as she remembered how much she had paid for it. Against practicality, she had chosen the light sun umbrella because of its lovely sky blue and pale lavender shades. Needless to say, the thing wouldn't last the journey home. Pulling her coat more snugly around her shoulders she prepared to continue when something caught her attention. Turning to look, Aya noticed what looked like two people scuffling. The heavy rain and poor lighting from the distant streetlight made it seem unreal, like a poorly made black and white film. Against her better judgement she approached the pair. Closer to them she made out one of them weakening, his form slumping against that of the stronger one. As she neared, she saw him yank the other man's hair exposing his neck. The weakened man was barely struggling, his breathing harsh in the lessening downpour. Then before Aya's horrified eyes, the assailant gouged the man's throat causing the blood to spray out. Seeming to revel in the bloody spray, the man tightened his grip and brought his mouth to drink in the lifeblood. Clapping her hands to her mouth, Aya found herself rooted to the spot unable to turn around and flee. She continued to watch in horrified fascination as the ritual unfolded and only when the body was dropped on the dirty street did she look up into the face of the murderer. It didn't look human.

The man-like creature's eyes glowed with a red light and the bloody mouth seemed to leer at her. Aya wanted to scream but no sound came out from her tightly constricted throat. Taking a step back, she turned to flee when she felt a strong grip on her shoulder. Gasping in fear she instinctively swung her arm back knocking it away. But before she could move away, she was tackled to the wet ground. The creature flipped her around and she found herself staring into those demonic eyes. As she watched in sick fascination, it appeared to smile at its easy conquest of her. It was that twisted parody of a smile that shocked her system into action. There was no way she was going to let this weird creature feed of her like it did the other man. She felt her anger rising and with it the rush of adrenaline. With all her strength she brought her arms up to shove it off of her. The force sent the creature sailing into a nearby pile of garbage. Scrambling to her feet, Aya didn't think about it as her main intention was to get out of that place. She ran down the alley blindly not caring about where she was heading, the need to escape powering her onwards. Vaguely she could hear it coming after her and she ran round another corner. Only to come up to a dead end.

Turning around she could see the thing silhouetted against the exit. Glancing about her, Aya tried to find something to fight with. Except for the grimy puddles and several bits of soggy paper there was nothing. Aya began to feel the fear well up once more. She doubted that she would be able to push it away again seeing as how it seemed to watch her, almost reading her moves and predicting her intentions. The creature walked slowly towards her, its movements deliberate and calculating. It continued to block the exit, preventing her escape. Oh please, her mind cried out, please someone help me! Without warning, the thing suddenly lunged at her. Aya screamed as she struggled with it in a desperate battle. As the thing bore her to the ground pinning her with its weight, Aya thought she saw someone appear out of the corner of her eye. In the next moment, she heard the monster scream in agony as something plunged deep into its back. Using that to her advantage, Aya viciously kicked it aside and scrambled out of the way. She saw another man dressed in a white suit yank the blade out of the creature's back before nimbly stepping back. It then turned to face him and Aya cried out as it turned to attack him.

The man did not seem perturbed at the creature's charge but in fact used it to his advantage. The blade arced upward and caught the monster in the chest. Shrieking in agony, it scrabbled to get the blade out but the man slammed it in deeper. In the next moment, there was a strange muted explosion and the creature disappeared. A faint cloud hung vaguely about the blade gripped in the man's fist before the breeze blew it away. Staring on in fascination at what she had just witnessed, Aya barely noticed that the rain had stopped and a light breeze now moved through the streets. Looking up at the man who killed the monster Aya was relieved to see that he was human, even if a little strangely dressed. He sheathed the blade within its scabbard before replacing it to hang from his left side. Lightly dusting his hands he then reached to push his spectacles up the bridge of his aquiline nose. He turned to face her and Aya took in the rest of him.

He was tall, broad-shouldered yet trim with neat sky-blue hair that seemed to absorb the dim light around it. His outfit was a little unusual and Aya noticed that it was not the business suit she had first assumed. It looked like a modified military uniform. Functionality with style she noted. It gave him a serious if oddly scholarly look. It was white with pale blue trimmings and it enhanced his appearance even more. But where the clothes caught her interest, it was his eyes that held her attention. A piercing green, they seemed to emanate from behind the lenses. She didn't know how to describe it. It seemed to be almost luminous in its hue. The man too seemed to be observing her as she did him. Suddenly mindful of her manners, Aya bowed in his direction in thanks and acknowledgement. To her surprise, he returned the bow with the same depth. Straightening, he then smiled at her gently and Aya felt herself blush. The smile was warm and gentle, comforting in its sincerity. He was handsome and she couldn't help thinking how appealing he looked. Vaguely she remembered of Sakura and her having one of their numerous girl talks of what qualities made for an ideal boyfriend. Well, it seemed to Aya that he was standing in the flesh right before her. Lowering her eyes, she sensed him as he approached her.

"Are you hurt?" he asked her in a warm tone that once again brought the blush to her cheeks.

"N-no," she replied, still avoiding his eyes. She blinked and looked up when he placed his hands on her shoulders to check her for signs of injuries. Up close and personal with him was even more flustering for her. His eyes seemed to probe into hers as if searching for something. Before Aya could even start to wonder at it, he stepped back and extended his right hand in friendship. Reaching out tentatively, she allowed him to grip hers in a firm yet gentle handshake.

"I am Seki," he introduced himself. "I have been waiting for you for a long time, Aya-san."

Aya opened her mouth but no words came out. 'He knows me? But how? And from where?' her mind began questioning. As if reading her thoughts he smiled at her wide-eyed expression.

"There is much that I have to tell you Aya-san. And so little time to prepare you for what is ahead of you."

"How… I mean… what?" she stumbled over the words. Unconsciously she grasped his hand tighter still within her grip. "I don't understand," she finally said.

"I think you have some idea of what is happening, Aya-san. It's only that the full story has not been told to you. But don't worry, that's why I'm here. It's time for you to fulfil the prophecy," Seki replied, his hand still holding hers in a comforting grip. "But not here. I don't think a dark alley would make for a comfortable place to discuss such things, right?"

His eyes smiled at her as he led her out and towards a motorcycle parked near the curb. Aya took in the motorbike and noted that it too had a distinct style of its own. No doubt to go with the man himself. It had the streamline shape of a modified high-end Kawasaki motorcycle. She put on the helmet he offered her and waited for him to start the ignition before gingerly climbing to sit behind him. As he moved off, she tightened her arms around his waist and blushed at the almost intimate position. 'Stop thinking of such things' her mind scolded. 'It's only a bike ride and if you don't hold on you'll tumble off.' The ride was incredibly smooth and the engine barely roared as Seki accelerated through the dark streets. With the feel of the wind in her face, Aya began to relax and take in her surroundings. They seemed to be heading towards the flower shop she called home. She should be wondering about this man but given the fact that he saved her from that thing and seemed to know about her, calmed the chaos in her mind. He appeared concerned and somewhere deep within her soul she felt that she could trust him with her life. But there was also something else. It seemed to Aya that the answers to the questions that had been plaguing her could be found in this person. Suddenly glad in that thought, she looked up into the clear night sky and smiled. Things are definitely going to get better she believed.

A while later, Seki pulled up behind the flower shop that Aya now lived in. Carefully dismounting, she returned the helmet to him and dug around for her keys. Only to realise that her belongings were now scattered in the dark alley where the demon had first attacked her. 'Oh no! How am I going to get in?' she wondered angrily as her hands unconsciously curled into fists. She glanced up at the man beside her and blinked in surprise when he held up her soaked pouch bag.

"Th-thank you," she stuttered as she reached for it. "I thought I'd lost it for good back there."

"I picked it up before following you," he replied with a small smile. "If the police had found it beside the body of that man, I'm afraid that you'd be hard pressed to explain its presence."

"Oh…" Aya's mind went blank for a moment. How would she have explained it? "Gee, officer, there was this weird monster thing that kinda ripped this guy's head off and sucked the blood up before chasing me down a dead-end alley only to have some white-suited dude stick a really big knife through its heart and then it sorta went 'POOF!' and vanished into thin air." Yeah, that'll go down real well with the law-enforcement community. Suddenly, Aya wasn't in such a good mood. The strain of what she had seen and done were beginning to tell on her. Turning the key in the lock, she walked into the kitchen now barely acknowledging Seki's presence behind her. Closing the door behind them, Seki studied the girl's drooped shoulders and drawn face. It seemed that proceeding with what he had to tell her would have to wait a little while longer. Approaching her, he gently guided her to the kitchen table and sat her down. While he was busying himself with preparing some tea, he kept one eye on the now silent girl.

As if in answer to his silent prayers, he heard a soft shuffling coming down the back stairs. Smiling at the sound of it, he carried the tray of tea crockery and held a chair out for the recently arrived occupant. Aya looked up as Momoe-san seated herself opposite her. Opening her mouth to say something, she closed it when the old lady calmly held her hand up for silence. Looking deep into Aya's eyes, she seemed to be almost reading the thoughts and emotions that still swirled about in confusion within their depths. Finally breaking eye contact with Aya, Momoe-san sat back as Seki placed a cup of fragrant tea by her. Doing the same for Aya and himself, he then sat down at the table and patiently waited. For a time, silence made its heavy presence felt. In the end, Momoe-san broke it by saying the words that were to change Aya's life forever.

"Your destiny as the next Hunter has been awakened. The time for the prophecy to be fulfilled has begun."

Aya's prompt response was to widen her eyes in disbelief before she slipped into unconsciousness.

Author's Notes: Initially meant to be short, I decided to speed things along by introducing the main characters involved. I thought of creating my form of demon-slaying but felt that a little 'borrowing' from the TV series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' would reduce the amount of embarrassing mistakes. [Sometimes, my imagination fails me ~__~;;] I did make the monster/creature thing vampire-like but stopped short of actually making it one. [Need some original creativity here, ya know =)] I'll bring in the explanation and other details in another chapter so as to clear up any confusion or "Whaa…?" you may be having.

I think I may have messed up with the grammar and tenses. The story is still a little rough as I'm only beginning to get into the swing of things. Please excuse me for that as it's hard writing and proof-reading your own work. After awhile everything looks the same and you want to scream from having to re-read that same passage for the nth time. >:( I would like to thank Pan for reminding me that a fanfic ought to be written as how you mean the story to unfold. [Of course, within grammar and spelling rules]. Thank you!

By the by, please bear with the highly descriptive writing style. My Eng Lit teacher once commented how I seemed to write like an 19th Century novelist, more narrative and description and light on the dialogue. *lol* Truth is, I dislike fiddling about with punctuation. Never can work out the more complex uses of it in dialogue texts. I prefer writing about thoughts and feelings of the characters so that is why some of the future chapters will be more 'angsty' for want of a better word. But the next chapter will involve more dialogue - Schwarz is rather fun to write about. Please C&C if you care to, just don't strike a match. Thanks!