Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Fallen Angels ❯ 'The Elf, the Telekinetic and the Angel' ( Chapter 36 )
Chapter 36
The Elf, the Telekinetic and the Angel
Nagi looked up at the sounds of footsteps on the stairs praying that it was Omi. But they sounded too light for that. They reminded him of Aya Fujimiya, the ex-Weiss swordsman moved that silently, and that only made him more afraid.
As the figure came into sight he saw that it was neither and what was more the person seemed to be able to see him hidden in his shadows. He pressed back farther into his corner but realized immediately that it was no good.
The other person moved a little bit closer then dropped down on one knee. Nagi watched him closely, his eyes suspicious. He knew better than to drop his guard, his years on the street and his training through Essets had taught him that.
:::::"I won't hurt you.":::::
Nagi felt his lips twist in small smirk despite the pain it caused, he couldn't help it. How many times had he fallen for those words before he'd learned not to believe them? Even Crawford had used them on him once, just before dislocating his shoulder throwing him against a wall. The longhaired blonde spoke again dragging Nagi back out of his thoughts.
::::::::::"I heard you whimper. Are you alright?" he asked. "Who hurt you child?" he asked. "Who hurt you child?" he asked, moving forward.::::::::::
Nagi was too tired and his head ached too much to use his powers long so he picked up the knife that Farfarello had given him earlier and held it out in front of him. The other man backed off slightly and Nagi sighed, maybe he would go away.
::::::::::Then the blonde began speaking again. "I swear that I will not hurt you. We'll make a trade. I'll show you something about me if you let me treat your wounds for you." He reached up for the bandanna. ::::::::::
`Secrets…' Nagi shook his head whimpering again at the pain that caused. Nobody shared truly important secrets with a stranger and not over something like this. It was only a ruse to get him off his guard. He kept his eyes pinned on the other man watching his every move.
::::::::::"My name is Legolas..." he said, removing the strip of cloth and freeing his pointed ears, "I'm an Elf..." He held out his hand, very slowly to the boy. "Will you place your trust in me now?"::::::::::
Nagi's eye widened in surprise and in his already agitated state his powers leaped to the fore. His eyes began to glow and a sudden soft breeze began to stir his hair.
"Stay back. I don't need your help. I'm just waiting for my…. Omi!"
Omi wrapped his arms tighter around Enzeru's neck and laughed excitedly as the Angel swooped down, diving towards the alley at the back of the Koneko. Their silver haired lover had held them for an hour at the club while they slept. Then one at a time they had used the tiny shower to clean up before heading home.
True to his word the dark angel had taken them flying around the city and to Omi's delight it had been almost a roller coaster ride with rolls and dips. They would shoot straight up and plummet down almost to the tops of the buildings before leveling out to do it all over again.
But the big angel was tiring and Yohji swore that if he did one more barrel roll he wouldn't be held responsible for the consequences. So they had turned for home and the chance to sleep a few more hours before opening the shop.
He looked down as the approached and stiffened seeing someone, two some ones on the second floor walkway. "Yohji there is someone at the apartments, " he said urgently then he heard Nagi's voice.
Legolas nodded at the child. "Then I'll keep watch until your Omi comes. But I will not leave you alone in this condition." he said, settling into a cross-legged position, brushing back blond hair that was stirred in the strange breeze.
Enzeru saw the shadows and dropped his lovers outside the door and closing his eyes, walked right through it and shot up the stairs. He sensed no danger, but anyone who would break into anothers house most likely was up to now good. He landed softly on the steps and prepared to draw his scythe, looking into the darkness at the two figures, the feathers of his wings fluttering in the breeze.
"Who are you and why are you in my mates home?"
Legolas turned slightly at the voice, his eyes widening a fraction. It was the angel from the club. "Legolas," he said to the angel. "I'm here to help but if you wish to harm this child, then you face me." He moved into a position to protect the young boy from this black wing angel.
Enzeru growled at the elf. His keen eyes picked up the pointed ears clearly. He looked to the boy and saw a familiar face beneath the tear stained cheeks. "Nagi? Omi's lover?" He picked the elf up and tossed him aside, leaning down to the boy and didn't notice the knife that was raised to him. "You are much more beautiful in reality than Omi's memories. He is downstairs waiting for you. I am Baraku Enzeru, I am Yohji's mate."
Omi landed on his feet outside the back door of the shop and ran for the stairs. Yohji tried to grab for him but missed.
"Omi stay back!" he yelled running after the other boy. "Only Enzeru can handle them if it's a death angel!"
"Nagi is up there! Nagi!" the younger blonde yelled distraught as he grabbed the stair railing and began pounding up the stairs.
"Omi!" Nagi pulled himself to his feet his eyes riveted to the two men wondering if he could get around or between them to his lover. He watched as the winged man grabbed the elf and tossed to the side before coming at him.
As the winged man leaned over him he panicked and throwing out as much power as he could muster he pushed he and the other man away from him towards the other end of the walkway and tried to make a break for the stairs.
Legolas hadn't seen the angel moved before he found himself flying across the balcony. He twisted in the air, landing on all fours. No, the angel was at the child. He froze when he heard the angel say the name of the one that the child was looking for. He turned at the sound of voices coming up the stairs then found himself thrown off his feet by an invisible force. "What the..." Was the child a young wizard?
Enzeru couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as he felt the boys' power. It didn't budge him in the slightest but he crossed his arms over his chest and stepped back so the boy could run to his lover. His grin turned into a fake pout as Yohji walked up to him.
"Why does everyone always think I am the bad guy?"
Legolas sighed softly. Well, it seem that the child would be taken care of. Picking up his bandanna, he quietly began to make his way back down the stairs. He did have his classes to get ready for. He would just have to bury that lonely feeling again.
Omi hit the top step just as Nagi came stumbling towards him. He swept his young boyfriend into his arms and held him tight. "Nagi are you all right? What happened?" he growled seeing the bruises and split lip on his lover's face. He looked toward the blonde with the pointed ears ready to seek vengeance of necessary.
"Crawford," Nagi gasped as Omi squeezed too hard on his bruised ribs. "He knows Omi, he knows." He sagged against the older boy as the shock he'd held at bay all evening set in.
Yohji stepped up beside his lover, wishing he could muster a smile for the pout but the injuries to Nagi and words left a sick feeling in his stomach. Seeing the stranger starting to leave he called out to him.
"Wait!" He leaned in kissed his lover then stepped over to the stairs. "Wait, Thank you for watching over Nagi. He doesn't trust easy, I hope he didn't hurt you. And I'm Kudo Yohji, I remember seeing you at the club do you live around here? We'd like to thank you properly after we take care of Nagi."
Enzeru watched his lover talk to the elf and then walked up to Omi. /Would you like me to heal him, little one?/ He said to Omi, placing a hand on his young lovers shoulder. /I can take away all his pain. Including the pain in his mind if he chooses./
Legolas was placing the bandanna back on his head. He turned when he heard the older blond human call out for him to wait. "No, it's alright. The child was scared and he had every right to protect himself." He said. He pointed to the building across the street, "Legolas. I live on the third floor." He shook his head; "You can thank me by taking good care of the boy."
Omi looked up at Enzeru he was torn. He knew that his lover had a large number of painful memories. Things that haunted him, but they were what made him who he was. /Just his body,/ he answered silently. /He should decide on the other. But I wish he would./
He bent and caught his lover under the knees happy for once that the younger boy was so small and slender and that his training had made his upper body so strong. He started for his own door but realized he didn't have his keys. He looked back over at Yohji to see him smile and nod as the stranger turned to leave then start away from the stairs towards him.
Yohji gave the elf a small smile. "We will and you're welcome over here any time. You'll find one of us in the shop downstairs anytime during the day. Thank you again for watching over him." He stayed at the stairs for a moment longer before turning to get his apartment door open for Omi.
He stepped back to let Omi and Enzeru go first looking back one last time as Legolas crossed the street to the other set of apartments.
Legolas made his way up the stairs to his apartment. 'I would think they would react to me being an elf but I guess being with an angel must make it not so strange.' he thought to himself. He made his way to his closet, pulling out a nice shirt and a pair of slacks. "I'll stop by after classes to see how the child is doing." he said, making his way to the bathroom to change into his clothes.
Yohji waited until the other man walked into his building and then went into his apartment. He closed and locked the door behind him and looked towards the bed where his lovers were sitting with Nagi.