Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Hopeless Dreams ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hopeless Dreams

By Goth Koneko

Warnings: Rape, prostitution, pimping, language, torture and other bad things

Disclaimer: I do not own WK.

Pairing: CrawfordxOmi (will change later)a lil' Nagi+Omi/Omi+Nagi

Rating: R

Feedback: yes plz!



I found it! I must really clean out my files so I can actually find things when I need them. :p

Well, here's chapter 3! Thanks for all the suggestions and comments, they mean a lot to me! Remember, a review from you is another chapter from me!XD


Cups clattered and the table shook as the young bewildered brunette slammed his fists upon the hard surface. "WHAT?" Nagi practically yells at the petrified youth that seemed to huddle further into the cushioned booth where they sat.

Patrons eyes stared at the standing, angry youth. Their eyes fixated with curiosity to what was happening, like vultures circling their prey. Nagi gave them a shivering glare and sat down again, his head in his hands.

Omi's head was bowed; his dirty tresses covered his eyes and the ugly yellowish bruise that marred his cheek. His hands gripped the hem of his worn out tee-shirt; trying to attempt not to cry like a baby in front of his friend, but he was a little bitter as how Nagi just yelled at him and he couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed.

"I'm sorry Omi," A muffled voice said. "I didn't mean to burst out like that." Nagi sighed and folded his arms on the table, avoiding the spilled coffee. "But the way Crawford treats you, pisses me right off!"

Omi smiled sadly, feeling now guilty on what he just felt before, he knew Nagi always had a deep hatred for the man. Omi grabbed a few napkins from the dispenser and started to wipe the table off.

"I can't stay long." Omi said throwing the dirtied napkins aside.

"You don't owe that bastard anything Omi." Nagi said gently but firmly. "He doesn't deserve you."

The honey haired youth stared at his coffee cup, avoiding midnight eyes. "I do owe him Nagi. "

Nagi's eyes narrowed, anger once again building. "Omi, the guy gave you a place to sleep and a meal, and as you told me he said he didn't want any favours returned."

Omi nodded sadly.

Nagi continues, "So, he just comes to you and says he's in financial difficulty and then he asks you to become a....a..."

"A whore." Omi added.

The young brunette winced at the word, it sounded so foreign coming from Omi's mouth, too dirty for the angelic boy. "I suppose you could say that. But I would never in all the years I live call you a whore. Never."

Blue eyes met midnight blues, and Omi smiled. "I know you wouldn't." He reached over and grasped Nagi's hands with his own, pulling their hands to the middle of the table. "You really are my best friend." Omi bends his head down and kisses the top of Nagi's hand.

A faint blush crosses Nagi's cheeks and he smiles shyly. "I will always be here for you Omi."

Just then, a dark figure loomed over the two boys. "What a touching scene." Sneered a voice, startling the boys.

Crawford stood there with his arms folded across his chest, dressed in his usual suit and tie, glaring at them .

"C-Crawford." Omi stuttered, cowering further in the booth, while Nagi just glared at the man with all his hatred.

"You were suppose to be at the spot 5 minutes ago." Said Crawford passively, ignoring the glares he got from Nagi.

Omi gulps, knowing that he is going to be severely punished later for his disobedience. "I'm sorry Crawford." He apologizes. "It won't happen again."

"It better not." Crawford turns to leave, signaling the youth it's time to go and work.

Omi hurried out of the booth and grabs his knapsack. He gives a forlorn glance at Nagi before exiting the diner.

The young brunette gazes sadly at the door, his heart was hurting to see his friend live like this, but all he could do was offer advice and see if Omi would take it. He sighs and looks out the window at the other side of the room. "Be careful." He whispers to himself.


Another chappie done! R+R!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!! I'm starving, feed me!!!!!!!!! XDDDD