Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss From a Rose ❯ Here Comes the Rain Again ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Here Comes the Rain Again

by Yanagi-sen
Weiss Kreuz fanfic (not a songfic)

Usual disclaimers apply. Don't own them, don't sue me.
Warnings: shounen ai, angst, spoilers if you haven't seen the series,
maybe some OOCness

/character thoughts/
'mental speech'

It's raining again. It always seems to rain when bad stuff happens. I hate
this day, even more than I hate my birthday. Why would anyone hate their
birthday? Cause it's just a yearly reminder that the man who sired me
didn't care enough to help me when I needed him. Takatori Reiji said he
wasn't my father. Then who is? And why didn't he do something?

Unfortunately, those who might have known the truth, Takatori Reiji and
Uncle Shuuichi, are dead. So I hate my birthday.

But today is worse. It's the anniversary of the day Ouka died. I thought
she was my sister. But if Takatori wasn't my father... it's too confusing.
I just consider her my sister and leave it at that.

The others, have forgotten. Not about her and what she meant, what she
means to me; but that TODAY is the day. Youji of course, isn't even out of
bed yet. He stumbled in around three this morning. Aya and Ken are tending
the shop. I have the day off. That's the advantage of doing the
scheduling; I can give myself the time off when I need it.

I lock the door behind me on the way out, more out of habit then any sense
of danger. Schwarz doesn't seem to really be a threat now, though that
could always change. We seem to have reached a wary truce. Our teams seem
to do more dancing around each other than confrontation now. Whether it's
chance, or careful manipulation of our respective leaders by our
teammates, who can say?

I hunch into my coat, turning up the collar in an attempt to ward off the
worst of the rain. Now I have nothing against the rain, when it's warm and
soft and fun to walk in. But today is none of those things. It was one of
those cold, driving rains that soak you to the skin unless you're wearing
a fisherman's dry suit. My coat and hat are truly pitiful attempts to stay
dry. By the time I reach the bus stop, the dampness has worked its way
through to my back and into my shoes. At least I timed it right and my bus
is just coming up the street.

I jump on, taking the ticket and sitting to stare out the window. It's a long
ride from the Koneko to the place where Ouka's shrine is. I just sit, and
let my mind drift.

The weather hasn't improved any by the time I get off the bus. Two streets
over, I pass thought the torii and enter the cemetery. I know Takatori
must have paid for the space. There is no way Ouka's mother could have
afforded it. Space is at such a premium, many cemeteries are on rooftops.

But Ouka's is on the ground, on a beautiful rise that looks out on the
sea. I just stare down at the stone for a moment. It looks nearly black in
the rain.

I bow and kneel, clapping my hands and then try to light the incense. It
splutters and fizzes, I don't think it will light. I sigh and give up,
Ouka will just have to do without it this year...

'What are you doing today, Prodigy?'

'Nothing really.'

'I'd have thought you'd be with your Kitten.'

'He said he had something to do.'

'Wait a minute... what's the date?' Nagi told him. 'Ah shit... that's what
he's doing.'

'What, Schu?'

What a nasty day. These things always happen in the rain. I still remember
that night when Schu and Farf returned. Schu was obviously nervous when he
told Crawford they'd killed Ouka. They'd killed our nominal boss's beloved
daughter! Good going. That was certainly not one of their more brilliant

I was minorly amused, watching Takatori beat the crap out of Schu. Served
him right for being such a cocky asshole to me. I knew Crawford couldn't
let Takatori hurt them too badly. I was right. He stopped that lecher just
before he was about to brain the redhead. We, of course, shifted the
blame; we're good at that.

Now I feel bad for what happened. Omi's lost so much. So have I, but for
some reason I feel worse about what's happened to him. I should have
realized he would be doing this today, regardless of the weather. The bus
ride is going to take forever. Schu had offered to drive, but I don't
think Omi would really want to see him today.

It bothers me a bit that Omi didn't feel he could tell me about this. I
suppose he could just want to be alone, but... He likes to be with other
people, except when he's in pain. Then he closes up tighter than Aya-kun.

The bus drops me off close to the cemetery. I hate it when the rain drips
down through my hair and into my eyes. If I weren't in public I would use
my telekinesis to keep from getting wet, but Crawford frowns on public
displays of our 'talents'. So I guess I'll suffer.

I've never been here before. But the torii marks the entrance and is
unmistakable. Now, where would Omi be? I have no choice but to wander
around till I find him.

I finished my prayers a while ago. Now I just kneel in the rain, watching
the rivulets run down the stone. What was, and what could have been, run
through my mind. Things she said. The gifts she gave me. The way she moved
and looked. I hold on to those things. I can't risk letting them go and
losing her forever. I've lost too much already.

It takes a minute for me to realize that I'm only hearing the rain fall,
not feeling it anymore. I look up, and see the rain bounce off 'something'
roughly a meter over my head. I realize suddenly that he is standing
behind me. I twist and look up over my shoulder.

He looks miserable. I check, there is no one around. I half-close my eyes
and stretch out my powers, instant invisible umbrella. I step up behind
him. I wonder how long it will take for him to notice me? It's not a long
wait, my kitten is very aware. He looks up at me and I feel guilty all
over again. I may not have killed Ouka, but I also did nothing to prevent
it. Not that I could have done anything, but...

I offer him that sad, half-smile that people give at wakes and funerals.
He smiles back the same way. It doesn't reach his eyes. I bow and kneel,
clapping my hands and offer my prayers.

He kneels beside me and pays his respects. He must have been in public
most of the way cause he's soaked though too. He opens his midnight eyes
and looks at me, and then he reaches into his coat and pulls out the
single flower he has brought. He lays it on the shrine and once again his
eyes meet mine. They are filled with so much guilt and sadness, I can't
stand it. I don't blame him. I don't even really blame Schu or Farf
anymore. There's no point, it won't bring her back.

I rise and pull him to his feet and into my arms. I allow myself to be
comforted by his presence. I feel him shiver slightly. That helps me make
my decision, it's time to go. There is nothing else to be done here. We
hear voices and he drops the shield allowing the rain to pour over us once

We turn to walk back to the bus, my arm around his shoulders. I glance
back once, at the black stone, and the lone calla lily lying in the rain.


I have no idea where this came from. I just started writing... and this
was the result. Maybe it was all the rain we've had the last couple days.
That and the comment I made to Blaze that usually when something tragic or
serious happens in Weiss, it starts to rain. One of these days I'm
actually going to watch the series and count the number of times it
rains... I keep thinking they're gonna have to start building an ark. ^_^
I hope people picked up the symbolism of the calla lily… it's a flower of
death, just like black roses. See, Shoori… symbolism… I dimly remember
English class.