Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Kitten In Charge ❯ Couch Confessionals ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok here it is! Thank You all for reviewing! ^_^ Since mediaminor has decided to work I'll upload it here. Otherwise in 2 more reviews it will be up on adultfanfiction.net! So yes please keep up the reviews and no it's still not done yet! ^_^ So be on the look out for more! ^_^

After a quick shower and some cleaning up the two sat silently in the kitchen. Schuldig like Aya was dressed in cotton pajama pants and sat at the table while Aya made some much-needed coffee. "I'm not getting out of this am I?" He inquired resting his head in his hands.

Aya shook his head as he brought the two mugs to the table. He dished out two perfect spoons of sugar and one cream. He then pushed the two containers towards Schuldig. "I'll find out somehow might as well tell me now", he replied taking a small sip of his coffee.

Schuldig looked up to see a small smirk on his lover's lips. He simply sighed then proceeded to dump over half the contents of the sugar into his mug after adding two spoonfuls of cream. He let out a muffled curse as he burned his tongue on the hot liquid earning a chuckle from his companion. He chose to just glare mockingly at the other man as he pushed the coffee away for the moment.

Aya rose from his chair to put the Sugar and Cream away. He stepped behind his lover tracing warmed fingertips along exposed skin. "If you tell me I promise to make it up to you", Aya purred nestling his lips in Schuldig's ear. He pressed his body closer planting soft promising kisses along freshly cleaned skin. He moved away then only to have Schuldig follow him. He could feel persistent hands roaming his torso and couldn't help but moan softly.

"Why not make it up to me first?" Schuldig inquired smoothly. He let his hands roam lower, tracing along the waistband of Aya's pants.

Aya inwardly sighed. "Is it impossible for us to spend ten minutes together without jumping each other?" He questioned aloud hanging his head with another sigh.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Schuldig replied with a laugh.

Aya covered Schuldig's hand with his own letting a small laugh escape. "Tell you what lets go relax in the living room…"

"On my favorite couch?"

"On your favorite couch, have a talk and I'll make it up to you twice!" Aya offered bringing Schuldig's fingers up to his lips. He waited patiently for an answer kissing each fingertip separately as the silence lapsed.

Schuldig decided it was probably the best offer he was going to get. "Twice hmm?"

"Twice" Aya confirmed, "And shower time doesn't count!" He added guessing what his lover was about to ask.

"Dang who's the mind reader now?" Schuldig laughed. He allowed Aya to lead him into the living room. He settled himself between Aya's legs resting with his back against his lover's chest on the spacious leather couch. He was almost purring as his lover began to play with his hair and run soothing fingertips along his shoulders in reassurance. "Where should I begin?" He sighed closing his eyes.

"It's up to you, but I want to know everything", Aya replied softly.

Schuldig nodded and began to tell the story of what had happened. For the most part his lover stayed silent, simply placing reassuring touches along exposed skin. He fell silent when he got to the part where he had slammed the door leaving Schwarz for good. Why did he suddenly feel so afraid? Would Aya reject him? Would he be mad? Could he understand what was going on?

"You believed him?" Aya whispered finally his tone unrecognizable.

"No…I…well…it just made me think", Schuldig answered meekly. He still felt unsure of what to expect from his lover.

"Even though I was so afraid of the exact opposite in the first place?"

"I…what if your feelings changed"

"Do you know now that I love you? That I wanted you to stay every time you had to leave?" Aya whispered his lips nestled in his lover's ear. He let his hands roam Schuldig's chest and torso earning a soft moan from perfect lips.

Schuldig nodded arching into the tantalizing touch. "Aya!!" he whimpered as the touch softened. He could feel soft lips traveling his neck and shoulders. His hair pushed aside for better access he could help but tilt his head back. "Mmm Aya…wha…wha…mh!"

"Shhh", Aya whispered teasing a nipple idly. He felt his lover's back arch against him. "Told you I'd make it up to you didn't I?" He murmured his hands wandering lower. He shifted moving Schuldig so he lay on his back under him. He leaned down capturing those perfect lips in a searing kiss. Skin warmed beneath his fingertips as he massaged all reachable skin. He felt his lover's moan in his mouth and a rush of heat flew straight to his groin. He broke the kiss reluctantly almost forgetting the one rule he actually still enforced around his lover. No sex on the leather couch! It had often raised arguments between them, but Aya had always stood his ground.

"Don't tell me…" Schuldig grumbled as his lover backed away.

Aya gave a stern look, "Not on the-"

"Oh for god's sake Aya would yah just fuck the couch?" Schuldig yelled cutting the Weiss leader off. He was thoroughly annoyed that a stupid piece of furniture could ruin everything.

Aya blinked once, twice, then with a smirk rival to the telepaths he held down his lover. He leaned in close nestling his lips in Schuldig's ear. "I don't want to fuck the couch. I want to fuck you!" Aya purred his voice husky. He traced the outline of his lover's ear with his tongue earning a soft moan in response. "But you're right forget the couch", he added leaving his mark once again.

"Mmm Aya", Schuldig moaned trying desperately to get closer to his lover's warm body. He closed his eyes a sigh escaping as he felt smooth skin against his own. "Love you", he murmured softly wrapping his arms around his lover.

"Ah" Aya replied nearly melting in the embrace. He leaned in capturing the lips he just couldn't seem to get enough of. He rolled his body forcing his lover to break the kiss as he tilted his head back with a hearty moan.

"Need you in me", Schuldig moaned, "need...mmhh."

"Patience…this time we do it right", Aya whispered. Making sure his lover knew he wasn't breaking the couch rule for an all out fuck. Not to say that he didn't enjoy earlier, but this was his favorite leather couch after all.

Schuldig smirked at him reading every thought. He knew it wasn't really the couch, he knew and he couldn't help but sigh. He could feel soft lips traveling his neck and his eyes fluttered closed. Hands roamed his skin touching and teasing. He reached out blindly his fingers finding and threading themselves into hair that felt like pure silk. He moaned softly letting his lover know he liked what he was doing.

Aya smiled against perfect skin gently prompting Schuldig to lift his body from the couch a bit. As his lover did so he gently pulled at the pajama pants till they slid off from perfect hips and then pooled at the man's ankles.

Schuldig shivered in anticipation as his pants where removed. He was now fully naked and a slight chill from the leather touched his skin.

"Don't worry you'll be warm enough soon", Aya murmured kissing his lover's cheek softly. He sat up ready to remove his own pants when smooth fingers stopped his.

"Let me?" Schuldig queried softly kneeling before his lover.

Aya nodded with a smile letting his hands fall to his sides.

Schuldig moved slowly kissing a trail from Aya's chest down to the waistband of his pajama's, his hands staying at Aya's hips as a way of steadying him. He heard his lover moan, felt the muscles ripple beneath his lips and he smiled. Slowly inch by wonderfully agonizing inch he worked his way down till at last he began to pull the pants away. He let them fall to Aya's knees then helped pull them off till they joined his own on the floor. He allowed the swordsman to take control once more lying back down on the couch.

Aya reached for his pants, pulling a small tube from their pocket. "Pajama pants with pockets gotta love em", He stated with a wink noting his lover's puzzled look. Schuldig simply laughed parting his legs willingly as Aya grasped his hip. As quickly as possible he prepared his lover careful to cause more pleasure than pain.

Schuldig moaned writhing against Aya's restraining hand. "Aya!!" He whimpered trying desperately to push those teasing fingers in further.

"I know I could probably get you off with just this, but I kinda had something different in mind", Aya replied with a sultry smile that left Schuldig groaning in response. With no more hesitation than one takes when breathing Aya shifted pulling Schuldig with him.

The mind reader hovered over Aya's thighs where he sat on the couch. He waited with what little patients he had left while his lover smoothed lube over his aching shaft. Then oil slicked hands where placed on his hips and he was slowly lowered till skin met skin. "Oh…My…God!" Schuldig moaned feeling each inch of Aya open him further.

Aya gasped at the feeling of being encompassed once more. How could someone feel so good? He thought absently.

/Because it's love\ Schuldig answered in his mind.

Aya moaned the voice sounding hazed and warm. He felt so safe like no one could hurt him. Then Schuldig began to move and the world he was in shook as a shiver ran all the way up his spine. He opened his eyes to see his lover in pure ecstasy and he wasn't even moving. Then he thought, what if I…?

Schuldig cried out as Aya thrust up catching his lover's rhythm flawlessly. "Oh god you feel so good in me", he moaned pushing down a little harder. "I don't know how I could have lived, breathed without this feeling!" Schuldig stated tilting his head back with a moan.

Aya leaned forward licking and kissing the offered skin. "Scream for me!!" The Weiss leader requested, "want to hear you…NEED to hear you", he groaned pulling Schuldig down as he thrust up.

"AH GOD AYA!!!" Schuldig all but screamed gripping his lover's shoulders as if for dear life. It felt like a coil was tightening in the pit of his stomach and he knew it was only a matter of time before it sprang loose.

"Don't stop…everything…so gooood", Aya moaned increasing to a feverish pace. He could feel himself getting closer his hands clenching on Schuldig's hips. Suddenly a thought dawned on him. He took a hold of his lover's neglected erection. He apologized in his mind, but it seemed the mind reader didn't really care at the moment. If he did he certainly didn't show it.

Schuldig felt Aya's hand wrap around him. The gentle strokes heightening the feelings of pleasure washing over him and he couldn't help but let out another moan. "So close…god Aya yes…harder please god harder", Schuldig cried.

Aya did the only thing he could think of, he shifted. He could hear his lover whimper at the loss of contact. Throwing Schuldig's legs over his shoulders he slammed himself back inside and continued to do so. "Love you", he whispered before leaning down. He thrust his tongue past half parted lips nearly taking both their breath away.

Schuldig arched his back and with one final cry the coil snapped. He sent this overwhelming feeling into Aya's mind as The Weiss leader continued to thrust hoping for release.

Aya pushed as hard as he could one last time, the feeling of Schuldig's orgasm finally pushing him over the edge. He was dimly aware of perfect muscular legs sliding from his shoulders. Something told him to just give in and he did so collapsing softly to his lover's chest.

Minutes passed in silence allowing sweat too cool and heart rates to slow. "Mmm kitten you shouldn't try to think so hard give your mind a rest for a bit", Schuldig chided cracking an eye open to peer down at his lover.

Aya ignored the comment staring past the Mind reader to the black leather of his couch. "We just…my couch…we just…violated my couch!" He stuttered numbly.

"Yes and it was fun wasn't it!?" Schuldig answered like a parent asking how their child's first merry go round ride was. He tapped Aya playfully on the nose.

Aya glared then the look softened and ended up in a smirk. "Maybe", he offered. "We'll just have to try it more often to be sure!"

Schuldig just stared at him for a moment. He couldn't help but smile as Aya nuzzled his chest. "We need a shower…again." Schuldig sighed feeling the leather begin to stick.

"Yes we do…and then…" Aya replied moving so his lips where nestled in his lover's ear. "I want you in me!" He finished with a soft purr.

Schuldig went slightly wide eyed. "Just got done with once and your already thinking about twice? You've been hanging around me too long", he chuckled noting Aya's slight blush.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm starting to stick and I'm getting cold", Aya stated beginning to get up.

Schuldig was quick to follow leaving their pajama pants in a heap on the floor.