Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Kitten In Charge ❯ I'm Yours ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(Insert legal BS here) And now everyone on to the good stuff and oh if it isn't good! ^_-

Aya returned home about a half hour later arms filled with groceries. He mentally thanked himself for investing in canvas bags. After watching quite a few people struggle to keep their paper ones from falling apart he was glad to have them. He set the bags down on the table stopping immediately when he noticed someone else's dripping wet coat hanging over his favorite chair. "Schuldig?" Aya questioned aloud finally recognizing the coat as that of his lover's. He looked around, but saw no one and heard nothing. He quickly put the perishable groceries away figuring he could get to the rest later. He slowly made his way down the hall, heading straight for the bedroom when he heard a small whimper.

He leaned over the shivering bundle of limbs that was currently taking over his bed. Careful not to startle his sleeping lover he gently brushed aside a few stray strands of rain wet hair. "Schuldig", Aya murmured trailing his fingers over cold, damp, and tear stained cheeks. He'd been crying? He thought feeling suddenly worried about the man before him.

Schuldig stirred slightly blinking his eyes open to look into the concerned depths of his lover's.

"Schuldig?" Aya questioned threading his fingers through soft flame red hair.

"Gomen…the door was open and I just…" Schuldig apologized backing away slightly from the Weiss leader.

"Easy Schu I gave you a key for a reason, just tell me what's wrong you look like hell", Aya replied trailing his fingers once more along those cheeks as the other backed away. He'd never seen Schuldig act like this it was almost as if he'd become a child again. He seemed so small and afraid of everything around him. What had happened to this usually strong, cocky, and seemingly uncaring man that could make him act like this?

"I…had another fight…with Crawford…" Schuldig confessed slowly. He sounded so ashamed and broken even to his own ears. It was beginning to make him sick and so very angry with himself.

"Did he hurt you", Aya whispered his voice taking on a dangerous tone.

Schuldig blinked and turned away as if he didn't want to answer that.

"DID that bastard hurt you Schuldig!?" Aya asked louder this time his fists beginning to clench.

"No…well not physically any way", Schuldig answered meekly. This whole situation felt so foreign, he was never like this, not ever! "Gods Aya I'm so tired…and to wound up too sleep", Schuldig added with a faint laugh. This time he leaned into his lover's gentle touch. Welcoming the gesture like a cat he nuzzled his cheek against the Weiss leader's thigh.

"Mmm I think I know what will make you feel better", Aya replied smoothly brushing soft fingertips over his lover's silken lips.

"Do you now?" Schuldig replied closing his eyes as the swordsman leaned down kissing him ever so softly.

"I do and I think you know it will too", Aya whispered his lips nestled against Schuldig's ear sending a shiver through the man's body. Schuldig was about to say something when Aya touched a silencing finger over his mouth. "But this time I take control, this time I make YOU scream!" Aya added with a sultry grin. Schuldig's eyes went slightly wide as he pulled the blanket away and crawled onto the bed.

"Aya I…you…we can't!" Schuldig gasped as his lover placed gentle kisses along exposed skin. He closed his eyes, why was he stopping this?

"Why not? Don't you like it?" Aya inquired lifting the t-shirt to expose more of that delicious skin.

"Be…because…it's not right!" Schuldig yelped as Aya found a sensitive spot.

Aya stopped completely at that pinning the other man beneath him with amazingly strong arms and legs. He looked down into the wide eyes of his lover determined to get the man he once knew back no matter what it took. Schuldig had been the one to show him, to prove to him that their relationship was right and now it was time to return the favor. "Weren't you the one who taught me how right it was? Now you're telling me it's wrong?" Aya questioned keeping his voice steady and calm.

Schuldig bit his lip, what in gods name was he saying? He knew it was perfect he new it was more right than anything and yet he still fought it. "…I…" Schuldig whispered his body beginning to unwind.

"You think it's wrong for us to love, for us to want each other to feel good?" Aya continued letting his body press against Schuldig's eliciting a groan from the others lips.

In that moment he kicked himself, how could he have let Crawford's words sink in so deep. He shook his head then, his body relaxing completely.

"Then let me take you, feel you, and make you mine. I don't care if it's just tonight let me…please", Aya murmured kissing his lover. He ran his tongue along his lover's closed lips delving inside when they acquiesced.

"Yes god, take me, fill me, make me whole", Schuldig groaned breaking the kiss. He tilted his head back offering the expanse of skin.

Aya took of the gift greedily, leaving his mark before leaning back to get some unwanted clothing out of the way. He pulled his t-shirt off from Schuldig tossing it aside then removing his own. He moaned as Schuldig's fingers wandered along his back heating up his slightly chilled skin. "Love you", Aya whispered. It was the first time either of them had said it and for some reason Aya decided it was about damn time.

"I…love you too", Schuldig replied softly threading his fingers through Aya's hair as he literally drowned in the sincere depths of his lover's violet eyes. He pulled him down for a long searing kiss relishing in the others body heat. He whimpered as Aya pulled away to lave a long line of kisses along his skin.

Aya continued in his worship of his lover's body memorizing every dip and every curve as if it were for the first time. He felt the shiver run through Schuldig's body as his fingers teased at the slight dip where hip met thigh. He smiled as those hips arched ever so slightly off the bed in a silent plea for something, anything more. "Patience", Aya murmured brushing careful fingers over the considerable bulge in Schuldig's pajama pants.

"Nhhh…Aya please…" Schuldig whimpered arching further off the bed against that teasing hand. He didn't think he'd ever wanted something so bad in his life as he wanted this.

"Shhh, are you wearing anything under those?" Aya inquired mischievously trailing a warm fingertip just above the waistband of said pants.

Schuldig shook his head a faint blush showing on his cheeks.

"Good", Aya replied pulling them off with one swift yank. His eyes roamed the expanse of skin laid out before him like that of a jungle cat stalking it's prey. He traced one finger idly, playfully along Schuldig's thigh feeling the muscles jump and quiver under his touch. "Perfect…you are simply perfect", he whispered leaning down to kiss the skin gently. "And mine", He added leaving a mark.

Schuldig let his eyes close, a soft throaty moan leaving his lips as Aya continued to tease. His fingers clawed at the bed, twisting in the crimson sheets at his lover's attentions. "Ahh god Aya!!" he gasped as warm breath from soft lips began to move across his aching shaft.

Aya smirked running his tongue along the hard, quivering muscle. He held his lovers hips in place with firm, but gentle hands, collecting the small drops of pearly essence already beginning to form at the tip with his tongue. Without waiting he took his lover's length in his mouth. He mentally thanked himself for holding his lover down. If the pressure against his hands were any warning he was quite certain Schuldig would have unintentionally choked him.

/ Got that right! \ Schuldig stated still fighting the urge to buck against Aya's restraining grip.

Aya chuckled creating a vibration that made Schuldig arch completely off the bed where he wasn't held down. He began to hum, swirling his tongue around the tip. He pulled every move, tried every trick that had driven him to near insanity when their positions had been switched and it was working.

"Mmmm…ooooh…yessss" Schuldig moaned tangling one hand in Aya's hair while the other stayed twisted in the sheets. He could feel himself getting closer to the edge with each passing second. He cried out when the sensation left him completely, his fingers slipping from his lover's hair. He cracked his eyes open to see Aya smirking at him and an evil glint in those violet depths. He gave a low moan at that look, a sound of pure lust, want, and need.

Aya toyed with his lover. He trailed one finger slowly along the now quivering flesh before him. He let a moan escape his lips at the whimpering, pleading sounds his teasing caused. He could wait, he could make Schuldig beg, but that was for later. Right now all he cared about was the pleasure of the man he loved. He took Schuldig back in his mouth and with a few more of those moves, sent the telepath over the edge. He gently held his lover's hips down, careful to swallow every drop of heaven as it was released into his throat. He dragged his tongue along the amazing length as he released his lover. Taking one last lap at the tip before licking his lips with a satisfied smirk.

Schuldig relaxed slowly his breathing gradually returning to a normal level. He was vaguely aware of the fingers and lips that were currently working their way up his body. He could feel himself growing hard again and without a thought let another moan escape his lips. Almost instantly he was pulled into a kiss that left him dizzy. He could faintly taste himself on his lover's lips, it was intoxicating.

Aya ran his tongue along closed lips begging entrance. He let his tongue slip inside when welcomed; beginning what was more like a dance than a battle for dominance between the two.

Schuldig had quickly decided he didn't mind his kitten being in control. It was kind of nice to see his lover as more than a docile house cat in bed. He was simply perfect, just enough force to let you know he was still in charge but never to harsh. Now that's not to say he didn't enjoy it the other way around. Quite the contrary, he loved making his kitten cry out and beg him for more. He did have to admit however it was kind of nice being on the receiving end for a change. "You're still wearing too many…ahhhh clothes!" Schuldig remarked arching into the gentle touches.

Aya chuckled breaking the kiss. He sat back and began taking off his pants. Before he tossed them aside however, he pulled a small tube from his pocket.

"What flavor?" Schuldig inquired lazily a faint smirk showing on his lips.

"Vanilla, just like our first time", Aya replied tossing his boxers aside. "Better?" He inquired leaning over his lover.

"Much", Schuldig replied running his hands along Aya's torso. He let his fingers wander along perfect hips to that perfect ass. Only this time he wouldn't get to be inside. It was different this time. This time his kitten would be in him and he felt like he couldn't wait any longer. "Aya please make me whole…so empty", He murmured trying to arch closer to the others body.

Aya simply smiled, "You want me that bad?" He inquired his voice silky smooth. He trailed idle fingers along his lover's sides.

Schuldig moaned his eyes half lidded his body gone lax. Oh god yes he wanted him, so bad it was beginning to hurt. "Yes Aya please!" He begged squirming beneath his lover.

Aya leaned back his fingers playing along his lover's thighs. "How far would you let me go? Would you let me…do anything?" He inquired leaning down to kiss the perfect skin. He caught Schuldig's nod out of the corner of his eye. "I could spread you wide…" He continued smirking at the moan wrung from silken lips as he forcefully parted his lover's legs. "…Take you with no warning, pound into you till you can do nothing but scream my name!" He moaned teasing at the tight entrance.

"God YES AYA PLEASE!" Schuldig cried. He was at his breaking point and felt like he would surely die if this need weren't sated.

"It would hurt", Aya reprimanded. He hadn't honestly planned on doing it that way, but god if it didn't sound good.

"I don't care…I NEED YOU DAMNIT!" Schuldig pleaded tears beginning to form.

"Well I do and when I said I would make you scream I had no intention of it being from pain", Aya replied. Kissing away his lover's tears as he reached for the lube. Knowing full well that he couldn't make the telepath wait much longer he quickly coated his fingers and himself. He also knew that Schuldig wanted it hard no matter what the Weiss leader had to say about it, he needed the pain. He held onto Schuldig's hip with his spare hand as he wriggled two fingers inside the tight opening. He knew his lover would have rather had three if not actual penetration, but he wouldn't have it. He was determined to do this right.

Schuldig arched completely off the bed a cry from pleasure and pain leaving his lips unbidden. He writhed against the bed as Aya slowly prepared him in a vain attempt to push those fingers in farther. His lover, he knew wouldn't have it and held him steady with his free hand. "God Aya…" He whimpered his fingers clawing at the bed.

"Are you sure?" Aya questioned. He knew it wasn't right, that his lover wasn't ready. He also knew how bad the man beneath him wanted, needed this and heaven forbid he should deny him anything.

"Please, need you so bad"; Schuldig replied looking at his lover with pure need in his tearing eyes. He let out a startled gasp as Aya turned him on his stomach and pulled him to his knees. He cried out his head snapping back as Aya drove into him without warning and he understood. He wanted it hard, he wanted the pain and Aya had given it to him. He took a second to breathe to let the pain sink in and remind him he was alive. He could feel his lover's nails as they gently grazed his chest and torso. He knew what Aya was doing, knew that his lover would only give him pain if pleasure could follow.

Aya didn't say a word he simply pulled out and slammed back in again. He held a faint smirk as his lover's back arched into him and a moan shook the room. "Tell me and I'll take you so hard you can't see anything, but stars", Aya purred pressing his nails further into perfect skin.

Schuldig moaned and whimpered at the same time. He didn't care about the pain anymore he had had that. He felt alive again like he was human and capable of such simple things as feeling. After all that last thrust had sent a tidal wave of pure pleasure through his body and he wanted more!

"Tell me…you're mine", Aya continued pulling back again.

"Yours…always yours", Schuldig murmured pushing against those ever restraining hands.

"Louder", Aya commanded leaning down to nibble at his lover's earlobe. "I won't say it again", He added his grip on Schuldig's hips strengthening. It felt odd to be in the position of power and he couldn't deny the fact that he was getting to like it. He held perfectly still waiting for the answer he knew would be coming. He could feel the tension in his lover's body. He could sense no resistance only need. The need and raw want to be dominated by someone who actually cared. Schuldig had cried he needed it so bad and Aya would be damned if he denied that man anything. If he wanted domination then damn it he was going to get it.

"YES I'M YOURS, GOD YES I'M YOURS", Schuldig cried not caring how loud he was. He nearly sobbed as Aya slammed back in again and again. Schuldig arched his back pressing into Aya as he set the pace.

Aya moved with hard but generally slow strokes angle ling so he hit that sweet spot each time. "Ooooh god…so hot…so mmmm tight", He purred running his nails once more along that perfect body.

"Oh Aya…harder…please harder…stars…promised", Schuldig moaned softly between panting breaths. He knew that Aya would still want to take it somewhat slow unless told otherwise.

Aya smirked against warm skin after brushing aside flame red hair. "As you wish", he murmured increasing his pace. He took hold of his lover's neglected erection pumping in time with each impaling thrust. "Mmmm god you feel soo good", Aya moaned nipping at sensitive skin.

"Ahhh Yessss" Schuldig groaned pushing back against Aya's hips. He could feel himself getting closer and knew he wouldn't be able to support their weight for much longer. He could tell that Aya knew it too when he started to push even harder. "Oh God Aya…deep…so deep", He moaned as he finally fell over the edge seeing stars as promised.

Aya squeezed his eyes shut as the room began to spin into oblivion. Schuldig's inner walls clamping down on him finally pushed him over the top. He came hard, harder than either of them expected. The rush of heat redoubling Schuldig's orgasm even as his body was still shaking from the moment it happened. Aya carefully rolled off from his lover as they both collapsed to the bed. For a few minutes nothing more then heavy panting filled the room.

"Oh my god", Schuldig commented when he finally had the breath.

"You can say that again", Aya replied crawling over to his lover. He leaned tiredly on his shoulder reaching out to brush away a few strands of sweat-slicked hair. He couldn't help but think of how different he thought this moment would be. Still he wouldn't change it for the world.

"Aya…I…gomen I forgot this was…" Schuldig stuttered reading his lover's thoughts.

Aya shook his head, "For you and only you", he reprimanded. He brushed his fingers over perfect lips leaning in closer. "Tell me what happened today…please?" Aya pleaded softly before kissing those lips ever so softly.

"Ah, but I may need another unwind afterwards. What would you say to that?" Schuldig replied with a smirk.

"I'd say I was counting on it", Aya returned matching the smirk.

Yes there is more!!! I'll make it simple 5 reviews and you get the chapter described by Watari's Girl as naughty!!!!!! Hehehe