Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Knight of Nine ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Knight of Nine

By: Authoress K. C.


Ne! Its me! I'm back! Go to hell all flamers, you are merely amusement for my friends and I, we laugh at your comments! All serious, happy, yaoi-loving, me adoring, fans of Weiß! Read to your hearts content! And feel free to tell me what you think, just for Gods-sake, don't flame, I'll only laugh at you. Wellp, beyond the fact that: I don't own these people (they'd never get a moments rest if I owned them!), I stake no claim to their names, only their actions, and the whole rest of this fic! Items damaged will not come out of MY paycheck! (such as: heart attacks, sudden mental breakdowns, and seas of drool the size of the Atlantic, buy a mop for crying out loud!) It is just pointless smut and by younger and older people too.... I own not the song lyrics, they really have nothing to do with the song, I just happen to be a Savage Garden/Darren Hayes fan too, and I like the lyrics from the first SG album! God I love me! Oh, and AMERICA calls them (bakas) 'KNIGHT HUNTERS'. Sorry, but I couldn't think of a title. (Weiß Kruez means White Cross actually. Stupid America. I hate it here. I'm Japanese. Really. Feh, I wish.) Enjoy Minna!


*~If there's a way to infiltrate you~*

*~Sway your mind and complicate you~*

*~I'm gonna crash into your world~*

*~And thats no lie~*

*~Let your body move into the doorway~*

*~To the disco inside your head (Violet)~*

*~Wear a color that you want to~*

*~cling to~*

*~The color inside your head (Violet)~*

Blue eyes gazed upwards, feeling hands on his hips, pulling him up against the older man, his own arms wrapped around those strong shoulders. Omi ground back into Aya, swaying in time to the chest thumping bass line, unable to hear the music, only feel the rythem of Aya's body against his own, the crush of the rest of the people gone in this moment of charged sexual energy.

He could see the older man's china doll skin glistening with sweat, the coloured lights flitting over him, turning him red, blue, green and gold. The red hair clung in whisps to his face and neck, and Omi, above all, could feel the older man thrusting and rubbing against him in a weird, sensual parody of what they could be doing. Blasted mission. Omi finally drug Aya off the floor, and they seemed to wander aimlessly, before ducking into a room that seemed little used, as everything was coated in a fine layer of dust. Omi and Aya crouched carefully.

Omi could feel his skin cool, feeling the sweat drying on his skin, feel the waves of heat rolling off Aya's body as the older man shrugged into his gear. Omi quickly got into his own gear, his darts in place, ready to go. Aya tucked his katana under his coat's final flap, for easy access. Of course, the beautiful assassin's even better body was concealed beneath almost 12 layers of thick leather that was oiled to a dull sheen that was hard to pin point in the lush shadows.

Omi was minimal on the clothes, prefeering a pair of dark cargo shorts, his suspenders, a pair of leather gloves, and a t-shirt, and his black boots. To walk he wore a jacket like Ken's, a brown leather bomber, with the furry collar. Ken had torn his collar off, but Omi had kept his, he liked the softness of it. He imagined it felt like Aya's skin. He'd been right.


Aya's voice was chilled and they slipped out and down the back passages, hearing through the cold stone walls, the sounds of lovers, strangers and people who were just plain out wanting some ass. Omi kept close to Aya, smelling the scent of his drying sweat, that sharp smell that was only Aya's skin. They ducked into a room that was dimly lit, and then entered a closet, keeping it cracked slightly so they could get a partial visual. Aya's violet eyes were locked on the only entery way that could be discerned, the one they had used.

Finally, Omi got tired of waiting, and smiled. He was allowed, after all, he'd snuck a drink without Aya seeing and pitching a fit, besides, Aya was his favorite person. He'd been dressed in tight leather pants tonight, and a thin silk shirt in deep violet, that clung revealingly too his sweat damp chest as they'd danced. Omi wanted another dance, but not standing up. He sidled up to Aya, arms twining around his thin waist, standing off to the side, so Aya couldn't jack him in his jaw. It was prone to occuring to Yohji, why not Omi.


Get off. Omi read the stone man's voice perfectly, but he smiled in the gloom, and nuzzled behind Aya's ear, pressing his warm lips to the man's skin. He heard the almost silent hiss of Aya breathing in through his teeth as Omi touched the sensitive area. Omi's hands traced the figure he knew was under all that leather. Aya was trembling slightly, but Omi wasn't sure if he was going to die, or if Aya was enjoying the contact.


Don't start this. Omi moved his lips to Aya's ear, nibbling gently on the lobe, tounge tracing it teasingly, his hot breath blowing over it. Aya was shaking, but not much more than he had before. Omi's hands found Aya's thighs, and he slid his hands around to the insides, fingers flexing over tensile leather. His teeth tugged down the collar of Aya's coat, exposing a part of his long throat, pale skin enticing. Omi's fingers slid up the inside of Aya's thighs. Aya was really trembling, it wasn't just nerves either, the man had nerves of steel.


I'm going to take off each and every one of your fingers with a paring knife when we get home! Omi smiled. Fine. As long as he got what he wanted here. The target came in and Omi retracted himself, ready for anything. Aya shot him a violet glare and then unsheathed his katana, the cold steel glinting, lighting up his pale features. The red winged angel of death and justice. Eyes full of the judgement, he was victim, judge, jury and convictor, and he would carry out the death sentance.

Omi and he burst from the closet.

*~I don't need to try and explain;~*

*~I just hold on tight~*

*~And if it happens again, I might move~*

*~so slightly~*

*~To the arms and the lips and the face~*

*~of the human cannon ball~*

*~That I need to, I want to~*

*~Come stand a little bit closer~*

*~Breathe in and get a bit higher~*

*~You'll never know what hit you~*

*~When I get to you~*

*~Ooh, I want you~*

*~I don't know if I need you~*

*~But, ooh, I'd die to find out~*

*~Ooh, I want you~*

*~I don't know if I need you~*

*~But, ooh, I'd die to find out~*

Omi wrapped his arms around Aya as they walked away from the dead target and the innocent young woman that had been with him. Omi didn't care that he'd just killed an innocent person. All witnesses must be taken care of. Omi changed out of his gear quickly, and watched Aya as he pulled on the violet silk shirt. Omi crept up behind him, hands slipping under the loose edge, feeling the hard muscles of Aya's abs.


Stop. Omi smiled and nuzzled into Aya's back as they crept back into the crush of the dancers, fitting together automatically. Omi ground a little harder up against Aya than was nessicary, and couldn't move back, because people crushed into the space he'd left. He could still feel Aya's body against his in that closet. Aya must have been like this for a while, because he was hard already. Omi's hands gripped Aya's ass through the tensile leather. Aya's violet eyes stared down at him, and for a moment, they were normal. Never mind they had just committed murder in the back of this old wearhouse, it didn't matter.


Don't do this. Omi smiled. Everyone thought Yohji was the horny one, the one always looking for relief, the one wanting and wanting and never able to get enough. No. Omi was worse, he thought back with a smile on the many times he'd bedded the oldest Weiß assassin. And wore him out quickly with his stimulation and fast release.

Omi could search for ever, and never find someone that could keep up with him. Ken, for all his working out couldn't keep up. He'd passed out after three rounds in perfect succession. Aya was the only one left. Omi didn't want to resort to strangers.


Omi smiled up at the Weiß leader and licked the corner of his lips again, making the older man frown and flex his fingers nervously on Omi's slender hips. Omi pushed to meet Aya's shallow thrusts, rubbing enticingly. The red-haired man bit his lip and Omi nuzzled his chest, his mouth fastening on a button, pulling it open, finding a section of pale flesh and licking and nibbling at it. His lips worked their way down to the next button, baring more flesh and treating it the same way.

"Omi, no."

Omi, no, stop it, you're going to- Omi smiled as he deftly finished opening Aya's shirt, and slid it back so it was hanging on his arms, and pooled around his waist, baring his well defined chest and stomach to the swirling lights. Omi smiled as other men and women and some that looked to be something other that what they were, looked over with lust in their eyes. Omi challenged each one to take his Aya away. No on dared.

Omi looked back up at Aya and deftly had the opening to his his leather pants, unlined, smooth move, unfastened. Omi's soft, hot palm glided over Aya's cock, making the man bite down on his moan. Omi's blue eyes glittered up at him and Aya deftly fastened his pants and yanked Omi by the arm off the floor, to their booth in the back, shrouded in darkness. They grabbed their coats, knowing that they wouldn't need to worry about anything. Manx's people would take care of everything.

Omi hurried out to the red porche waiting in the lot. Aya slid in and Omi followed, smiling angelically. Aya adjusted, cliped his seat belt firmly and drove at break-neck speeds in the god-be-damned early morning. Yohji had called it that and Omi liked it. Ken hated it when curses slipped past Omi's soft pink lips, but there wasn't much to be done.

Aya pulled into the alley they'd taken as a parking lot and delivery space, and they hurried up into the flat. Omi pinned him too the wall once they were in, knowing three things.

Number One: Yohji was not in the building, and would therefore not care.

Number Two: Ken was sleeping like the dead and a neuclear bomb going off on his chest would not be enough to wake him. Ever.

Number Three: He was going to get some from Aya, and Aya was going to get some from him. Many times.

Omi nipped his way down Aya's chest and stomach, sending muscles spasming, Aya gasping as those long fingers tangled painfully in his hair.


It was a groan issued from between Aya's teeth. Omi was ready to go after that closet fun, and Aya was too. Omi stripped his pants down around his ankles, and Aya kicked off his boots, pants following. Omi shed his pants and shirt quickly, pulling Aya to roll on the floor a bit. They fought playfully, almost, nipping, biting, sucking and caressing in the light coming in the windows.

Omi finally found himself on top and he spread Aya's thighs, caressing the man's body with his hands, more skilled than Aya apparently thought. Omi laughed softly, knowing he'd not said much of anything tonight, knowing he didn't need too.


Please, do me now. Omi smiled. Who could pass up that kind of plea? Omi caressed the man's body, and then gently thust into him. Aya arched with a harsh cry, his teeth clamping into his wrist tightly to muffle it. Omi smiled.

"Yohji's gone, Ken's asleep."


Aya whined, twisting under him, stimulating him slightly. Omi purred and rocked slowly before gathering himself, muscles bunched, launching himself into the man beneath him. Aya twisted up to meet him and between them they created a wild, harsh rythem, the kind that Omi could never find in another lover. Omi thrust into Aya with abandon, while Aya screamed beneath him, fingers clawing at the thick carpet. Omi squeezed him once, hard, and then screamed at the top of his lungs, knowing he'd be mute in the morning if Aya could stand up to the punishment they would have in fun.

Aya screamed under him and Omi laughed between gasps of air, as Aya came hard and fast. The man shivvered as they distangled, and Omi licked him clean. Those amethyst eyes seared him as Aya rolled them over and pinned him face first too the floor, not more than a few feet from the heavy coffee table.


The low growl made the blonde boy laugh as he rose to his hands and knees and crawled to the table, hearing Aya coming after him. He saw a pale arm sweep the table, sending glass and plastic and anything sitting there to tumble across the thick carpet, it wouldn't break, but KenKen would be mad in the morning. Omi was pressed face first into the table, and he laughed as Aya bit on the back of his neck, making the muscles across his back spasm and twitch. Then those hard bites rained down across his back, then he yelped softly, still laughing as Aya bit the soft skin of his ass, leaving a mark.


Omi lifted his hips and wiggled his ass enticingly. Aya's hands gripped his hips hard as Omi braced his hands on the table, lifting himself up a bit, as Aya slowly started to push into him. Omi rammed himself down on him, back arching, head thrown back as he screamed, not in pain, but in pleasure. The pain felt good. He was a masochist to an almost horrifying extreme.

Aya moaned and they thrust together, hard and fast, both reaching that peak quickly, Omi without being touched once.


Cream yourself. Omi screamed out his pleasure, feeling the moltan pleasure ripping up his spine, spreading over his skin as he came hard, thick fluid spattering over the table. Ken was going to have a nose bleed when he came downstairs tomorrow. Aya pulled him off the table and Omi looked up into still burning amethyst eyes. Aya wasn't through yet. Omi yanked him down and they rolled into a table, and there was a sharp ring as the phone fell, the cord landing over them. Omi smiled and took the cord out of the phone, the curling, plastic coated wire streaching in his hands. Aya stared at him without fear or trepidition.


Do it. I want you to do it. Omi couldn't pass this up. He tightly wrapped the cord around Aya's cock, pulling it tight, and then using his hand to jack him off, the cord creating an odd sensation so that Aya came almost immediantly. Omi was licking his fingers when Aya yanked the cord away from himself, and wrapped it around Omi's hands, binding them behind him, backing him into a wall, pinning his hips to the floor, taking him in compleatly in his mouth, creating a vaccum around him, tounge dancing activly. Omi screamed. He filled Aya's mouth and watched as Aya swallowed it all.

Omi got rid of the cord that bound him, tossing it someplace into the destroyed living room. He tumbled Aya into the doorway to the kitchen, skidding slightly on the suddenly smooth floor. They ran sideways into a kitchen chair and Aya scrambled into it, raising his legs to wrap around Omi's waist. Omi drove into him, and they pushed the chair into a wall with their movements, and Aya screamed. They were both going to be mute in the morning with all their loud orgasms. Omi joined him and then laughed as he was used as a broom on the counter, almost hurting himself on the faucet until Aya, considerately, pushed it back away, shoving Omi into the sink, thrusting into him, kneeling up on the counter.

Omi screamed first, followed soon by Aya as they tumbled back to the floor, and Omi hit the refridgerator, he slammed his hand against the button for ice and the cold, frozen water skittered across the floor. He grabbed a cube and rubbed it over Aya's hole, and the man howled, twisting wildly. Omi gripped his hip with one hand and slid the thin end of the cube into him, as the cube was more of a half circle, only elongated. Aya thrashed but Omi slid the cube into him compleatly, then thrust his tounge in, pushing the cube, tasting himself in the man's body.

Aya was crying out unabashedly, and Omi finally gave in and stroked him until he came. He was still twitching oddly, with that cold cube in him, but he pinned Omi to the floor, crushing a few cubes with Omi's weight being pressed down like that. Omi laughed wildly as the man lined up their cocks, and rode him hard, until they screamed, and scooted across the floor, into the stairs. They climbed partway up before Omi pinned Aya to the stairs and fucked him again, longways, his back against the wall, both their feet pressed against the wall opposite their body, moving in fevered time.


There was no interpertation anymore. This was only about their mutual pleasure. They were pretty much animals to their desire. They finally got to the top of the stairs and Omi flopped half way over, counting on his fingers.


Aya moaned and wrapped his arms around Omi, burying his face into the youngest Weiß's hair.


*~We were standing all alone you were leaning into to speak to me~*

*~Acting like a mover shaker dancing to Maddonna then you kissed me~*

*~And I think about it all the time~*

*~Sweet temptation rush all over me~*

*~And I think about it all the time~*

*~Passion desire so intense I can't take anymore beacuse~*

*~I feel the magic all around you~*

*~It's bringing me to my knees~*

*~Like a wannabe~*

*~I've got to be chained to you~*


Ne! NINE TIMES!!!!! *sparkly lights* I'm a goddess....... Goddess Authoress Karie Chaos..... *coughs and shakes her head, looking at you with electric blue eyes* Anyhow, whaddya think? Lots of pointless smut an Omi-chan is a horny little bishonen! Of course, Aya isn't discouraging him, pretty pretty! *smile* Lemme know. I KNOW Aya can say a lot more than 'Omi' and 'No', but who needs words? All they want to do is scrump!

And I used the Savage Garden songs Violet, I Want You, and Chained To You. JA!!!!!

K. C. *muah!* =^.^= *Mew!*