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"Knight of Nine" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ]
 Reviewed By: Annonymous  On: March 28, 2004 15:46 CST
So why couldn't they have just left it as Weiss Kreuz? Anyways, cool fic!
 Reviewed By: Talyssa  On: March 24, 2003 09:50 CST
I think maybe you should mention pairings in either your a/n or your summaries. it'd just be nice to know. Anyway about the american title.
THe Japanese company is actually to blame here. MediaBlasters is a company that I generally respect as far as their products go. The Japanese company refused to sell them the rights unless they used a different name because the japanese were afraid that "white cross" sounded racist.
Thats what I've heard anyway, and I'm inclined to believe it because.... MediaBlasters people actually are anime fans, at least many of them are. My sister talked to one of the execs once and she actually knew about the shows. very exciting.
Anyway just thought I'd share that little tidbit!

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