Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Love potion #9 ❯ I took a drink ( Chapter 1 )
Meah, what can I say? I'm a pervert for one and two, hello! I'm Crimson Twilight. This is my first Weiss fanfic, please be kind. I like comments! And if you intend to flame me, make sure you have good grammar.
And for all you out there who like your Aya stoic.... well....um...this might not be the best fic for you, some OOC Aya running rampant throughout here, but it's funny so there. Please don't flame me for that.
Love Potion # 9
Youji sighed and lit up his seventh cigarette within the hour. He hated all this waiting for something to happen but not happening, it was boring. Above that, he couldn't move, Aya wouldn't allow him to go anywhere, not that he could. He couldn't feel his fingers anymore.
He glared at the red head sitting across from him, who didn't notice him-or didn't care, either one was possible with him.
"How much longer are we going to have to wait?" Youji took a long drag. "It's cold and I'm bored." He brushed some of the white snow off his pants.
Aya glared at the blond in a way that stated 'For as long as I say so, that's how long.' That man was the only person Youji knew that could form complete sentences out of one look, er, glare in Aya's case.
"So what's so bad about this guy again?" Youji heard the briefing of the case at least seven times--ok, maybe more like two, but who was counting-- and now was just trying to make polite conversation to pass time.
Aya glared again. 'Just shut up.'
'Right,' Youji thought, 'Silent as the dead, that's how we work here as Weiss.' He adjusted himself on the crate he deemed a chair and wished he had brought a magazine, one preferably with pretty girls in revealing negligees, red--and high healed slippers with poofy feathers that reveal pretty painted toes. Now, he really wished he brought his Victoria Secret catalogue.
"I haven't got a good lay in weeks." Youji growled.
"What?" Aya raised an eyebrow.
"I said it feels like I haven't got paid in weeks." He snuffed out his cigarette.
Aya gave him a confused look, "We got out paychecks yesterday." He shook the thought out of his head and went back to focusing on the weapon his fingers were now frozen to.
Damn the cold weather.
Youji sighed and arched his back slightly, trying to crack out a few kinks, as he heard the slight sneeze.
"Bless you." Both assassins mumbled in unison. Then stopped.
Youji pointed to Aya and raised an eyebrow. Aya shook his head.
Both looked up in time to see the target walking past the shadowed alley that was their hiding spot.
He was a straggly fellow that was probably picked on throughout his schooling years, his greasy brown hair stuck up in every-which direction and he gave the impression of being very sickly.
He pulled a handkerchief out of his trench coat pocket and noisily blew his nose. "Damn cold." The two assassins heard him mutter and stick the soiled cloth back into his pocket.
Youji groaned to himself and rolled his eyes at the sight of the target. He was all set for this big brooding wall of muscle that could easily beat his sorry ass into next week. This poor excuse of a computer geek looked as if he couldn't scare the cat.
Youji glanced over to Aya. Although his demeanor hadn't changed, The blond saw in his violet eyes that he too was a bit disappointed.
Nevertheless, Aya drew his Katana as if this were any other real threat to society that Weiss Usually took care of.
"I got him." Aya murmured and silently moved forward.
Youji turned away and felt his pockets, trying to find another smoke. He hoped Aya would hurry with the kill. He always hated this part of the job, even if it contributed to the greater good.
He heard a slight rustle of cloth. It seemed the geek would be putting up a fight. It was a feeble attempt, Aya would kill him.
Then there was the smashing of glass and loud cursing.
Youji turned quickly, the lighter in his hand went back into his pocket and he got ready to use his own weapon. He ran to where Aya was, kneeling on the pavement and holding a hand over his left eye.
Youji quickly looked both ways down the street. Empty. The target was gone, he couldn't even see his footprints in the snow past where Aya's met his. There was a sign of struggle and then Aya kneeled over the rest of the footprints. The bastard just disappeared. 'How the hell...'
Youji shook off the thought and knelt down by the redhead. "What happened?" He brushed some small glass fragments off of Aya's shoulder.
"He was faster than I thought." Aya groaned and didn't move his hand from his eye. "Smashed something with chemicals over my head and ran."
"Chemicals?" Youji took Aya's upper arm and hauled the younger man to his feet. Upon closer inspection Youji did notice a liquid clear substance greatly resembling clear syrup amongst the glass fragments in Aya's hair. He grimaced. That would be a bitch to get out of hair. "Did you get it in your eyes?"
Aya glared with his one good eye.
Youji took that as a 'Yes, damnitall, it burns like a sonofabitch too, if that's what you really want to know, now get me the fuck out of here, Kudou' Ok, Aya would probably use less profanity, but that was the basic gist of it.
"Let's get back." He was glad the mission wasn't too far from the Koneko, if it were, he would have to take Aya to a motel or something. Youji wasn't a genius when it came to all the sciences, but he knew that chemicals in the eyes were a bad thing and Aya needed to rinse his eye out immediately.
Youji groaned and forced Aya to lean on him. The redhead seemed a little out of it right now and the art of walking was not something Youji wanted Aya to try.
Softly the snow fell, leaving the world enveloped in a cold blanket. The winds began to howl in misery, promising an even colder tomorrow.