Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Matters in Hand ❯ Part III ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Matters in Hand - Part III
by Mishaela

Disclaimer: Same as in previous.

{Part III}

Yohji gazed at the redhead all during dinner. He caught each of the young man's fleeting glances, even when the youth thought he wasn't looking. The deity found himself wondering where he would be sleeping that night. After the meal, Ran excused himself so that he could go take care of some things out behind the house.

"Why don't you go out there and talk to him?"

Blinking, the God looked at the young woman. "Excuse me?" The young woman had spoken so suddenly, he hadn't expected it.

"Yes, Yohji. Go talk to him. Except for those he sometimes works with, Ran hasn't had many people his own age to talk to." Aya's head lowered. "He's so lonely… he thinks to be brave for me, but I know. He needs companionship. For the last month, he's spoken of nothing but the mysterious healer who made him whole again."

Balinese gazed at her hard, seeing the truth in the words. How could he have not realized? The memories might have been changed, altered, but the imprint on Ran's soul would be lasting. "He's… There's no one else?"

"The Ruby Demon has always been alone. Not even his shield mates would look to him." Aya continued speaking as she took up the dirty dishes. "I love my brother, Yohji, but I'm not the type to try and keep him from being happy with someone else. If you make him happy, then I want you to stay."

Stepping forward, Yohji put one hand on the side of Aya's face, caressing her cheek gently. "You are a magnificent young woman, Aya." His hand fell away then and the dark haired figure turned slowly, his feet taking him out behind the house.

Ran stood outside, his body bathed in full moonlight. Sweat glistened on his skin as he remained poised, sword held to one side of his chest; his stance unwavering. The young warrior had taken note of the other man's exit from the household. He knew that the beautiful healer was watching him. Somewhere outside of his meditative state, he even felt a little thrill at being the object of Yohji's attention.

Then, he felt that spark inside of him. The little burst of his power that he could call on at needed moments to quickly end a battle. Some times, it just presented itself in a flawless strike. Others, it became a blast of his fury, his rage, his anger at the entire world for his loneliness. Two quick steps and then it seemed as if he were screaming forward, his blade coming around almost in slow motion, to strike at the target he'd chosen.

He found himself ten steps past his intended target and he slowly slid his sword back into its sheath. Behind him, the column of straw and wood shuddered and the upper half slid to the side, coming apart from the rest of the construct. Then, it toppled to the ground with a dull thud.

Yohji gave a low whistle at the display. That had been the performance of a master. Ran knew that he'd done well in that attack. It was one of his favorites and he'd practiced it repeatedly over the years until he could do it within a heartbeat's notice. He turned, his face beaming at the words of praise that started to fall from the herbalist's lips.

"That was absolutely flawless and amazing…" Yohji came towards him and the warrior felt a little surge of panic. Would he find himself submitting to the older man's presence? Would he allow himself to succumb to the aura he felt and give himself over, body and soul?

He stepped back, trying to maintain some dignity. "Thank you." Ran's words were carefully schooled and neutrally given. He *had* to keep it together. Something inside of him fell when the brunette frowned in response.

"Ran, have I done something to offend you?"

Nearly violet eyes closed at the softly spoken voice. Everything he'd felt before dinner… what he was feeling now… Who *was* Yohji and why was he having such an effect on him? "No. I'm… I've never had someone treat me as you do now. Answer me this… Was I beautiful to you before - when I was scarred and wounded?"

Yohji considered his answer. This was a test of sorts. "I can not answer that in truth and you know it. I did not really know you then. Back then, I was doing what was right. Had you remained there, for me to get to know you, then I might be able to give you an answer."

The deity stepped closer, his hand reaching out to stroke one side of the perfect face. "Now, I look upon you and see a beauty that had been hidden… but I know that I'm not seeing the whole picture. A painting is more than just the picture it presents. Its true beauty lies also in the strokes of the brush, the true color of the pigments, and the heart of the artist."

Nodding, the crimson haired swordsman let his skin be touched. "I understand. Am I wrong in thinking that you wish to see what lies behind the picture I present then?"

"No, you are not wrong," Yohji answered, moving closer still. "However, I think I've gotten a good look at the whole of who and what you are, Ran." His other hand came up, cradling the opposite side, the touch as gentle as could be. The God of Beauty and Pleasure knew this creature that was his conduit. He knew him down in the very depths of his own timeless soul.

"Ran… Ruby Demon… You are a truly wondrous being indeed." Yohji's breath feathered over the flushed face as he leaned down. "You are passion incarnate. You are pain, and fear, and loneliness; but you are also light, and love, and truth. You have been tempered in misery and cruelty, but you shine like the brightest star above these things."

Balinese let his lips brush over the ones that waited beneath his, feeling the soft gasp that passed between them. He watched the vulnerable gaze close off as Ran's eyes shut and smiled. "You, lovely boy, are beauty in the truest sense… and you have something that no one else does."

The eyes opened, slightly glazed over with several emotions that warred for dominance. The redhead licked his lips slowly in anticipation. "What's that?"

"My complete and undivided attention." Yohji let his lips hover over his conduit's, stretching out the moment.

"You, Ran, have what's left of my heart."

With that, the God of Beauty and Pleasure pulled the young warrior to him and let his mouth fuse to Ran's. He would insure that the youth understood just how important he was, and not because of the power he carried. The last month of watching his conduit had completed what the two previous meetings had begun.

{End Part III}

Mish: Sorry it took so long to update this one... Real life sucks sometimes, you know.

Treats... those are good.