Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Matters in Hand ❯ Part IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Matters in Hand - Part III
by Mishaela

Disclaimer: Same as in previous.

{Part IV}

Yohji carried Ran down to the soft grass with him, his hands running through the silky fine crimson hair and over the tender scalp. He broke the kiss with a sigh, his emerald eyes searching the pale face wildly. "Ran… let me touch you… let me worship you as the ethereal creature you are."

The sensual assault took the mercenary by surprise and he found his body unwilling to put a stop to it. The redhead's hands moved up, to Yohji's shoulders, and gripped firmly. The deity waited, his breath rapid, until he heard the words that urged him to continue. "Don't stop… Yohji."

One hand slipped under the loose shirt Ran wore, gently tracing circles over alabaster skin and making the lovely youth moan softly. Balinese could feel the stirrings of power, how it jumped in miniscule ways, and wondered again at the strangeness of having a conduit. He inclined his head, letting his lips feather over Ran's, and smiled gently. "So much potential in you, my beauty… I want to make you the brightest thing the heavens have seen."

There was no resistance when Yohji started working clothing off of the lovely youth. He let his eyes roam over every inch of bare flesh, remembering again that first time between them in the forgotten temple. He couldn't deny that his heart had been stolen by the beautiful warrior. He would give something back to the young man…

A gasp came raggedly from the redhead's throat as he felt lips travel down his taut belly, moving lower through short crimson hairs, until a wet warm tongue trailed up the length of his rapidly swelling arousal. Ran's hands shot down, getting fistfuls of mahogany silk, trying desperately to keep Yohji in place and not let him stray from what he was doing. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before, and yet… he knew this sensation, somehow, deep in his soul. Then, the herbalist took him into his mouth and he forgot nearly everything else.

"Yoh-ji… feels so… oh, Gods…"

The slender hips started little upward thrusts, trying so hard to get deeper and deeper into the disguised deity's mouth. Ran couldn't help himself, it was too good… too intense. He knew, somewhere deep inside, that it just got much better. "Show me… everything, Yohji…" Ran wanted it. He didn't care if he was begging so long as the intense and fantastic sensations didn't stop.

And Yohji delivered. He could deny his conduit nothing in the heated moments that they were now sharing. He held down the narrow waist, trying to keep Ran from finishing himself too soon. The God of Beauty and Pleasure wanted to drag this out, make it more intense for his young mercenary supplicant. The suction increased, making his crimson haired lover cry out again.

Knowing hands feathered up each of the mercenary's legs as Yohji let the swollen length slip from his lips. He moved up Ran's quivering body, leaving behind a trail of hot little kisses, and fused their mouths back together. He loved how responsive his conduit was. He pulled one hand back and started using it to get out of his own clothes, wanting to feel that skin against skin contact.

To his surprise, Ran was coherent enough to help him. The inexperienced touch made him harder and his heart pulse faster. Yohji smiled softly and looked down as the redhead started tentative explorations, gasping when the youth found the focus of his need. Those wonderful mortal hands ran up the length of his erection, lightly squeezing the girth, drawing a harsh moan from the deity. The power that had been building between them redoubled and backlashed at the dark haired man, making him drunk on the sensations produced. He couldn't take it anymore - he had to complete the union between them, had to claim this boy yet again.

Ran let himself be lain back on the soft grass, feeling the herbalist's body settle between his splayed legs. Their cocks rubbed together, the friction sweet and welcome. He wanted this man… this Yohji who had healed him and made him beautiful and even now made him feel special. He felt the comforting weight of the slender form settle between his thighs and sighed as Yohji's mouth worked over his chest.

"Please," he begged softly, "show me..." Ran could feel something inside of him churning and seething, almost frightening in the show of power. Yohji's hands felt like they were lighting little fires all over his flesh and the blood beneath sang with the heat that was being created from it.

The disguised deity moaned at the words. Oh, how he wanted this young mortal. Yohji finally kicked off the pants he'd been half-wearing for the last several minutes and turned his attention back to his mortal lover. Ran's eyes were so bright with need, almost glowing, as he begged again and again for the dark haired healer to show him more of what they were sharing.

Yohji reached under the youth, remembering at the last moment that he had to prepare his lover. As Balinese, it wasn't an issue, but he didn't dare do things out of character now. He didn't want to take any chances that someone on the divine level might be paying attention to them. His long fingers made tentative explorations - this was something he hadn't had to do in several hundred years. "I have to stretch you open… so that you can receive me without pain, Ran… Do you understand?"

The violet eyed youth looked up at him and shook his head, unsure of what the beautiful brunette meant until he felt the fingers on his entrance. Then, he knew - oh, by the Gods did he know. Ran moaned and pressed his body against those fingers, wanting his lover to hurry. "Don't take so long… I need you, Yohji."

Oh, but those moans would finish him alone if the God wasn't careful. He opened Ran as quickly as he dared, thinking that he could cover some of the pain if it wasn't enough. Then, Yohji was taking position over the redhead and sinking his cock into the willing body and by all things Celestial, it was *so* good.

Ran nearly screamed out in pleasure as he was finally filled in such an intimate and exquisite way. His fingers clawed at the brunette's back in ecstasy as more and more of the hard length was fed into his nether regions. "Please… oh, Gods… it feels so…"

Then, the first thrust hit and the young mercenary was crying out in earnest. His legs wound up around the dark haired healer's waist and he gave himself over to the tide of sensations that was threatening already to overwhelm him. It was like something out of his wildest, most imaginative fantasy… the way he was being stroked inside, given so much pleasure in such a way… he thought if the brunette stopped now, he'd surely die.

A wave of sheer power slammed into the deity and he gasped, increasing his efforts. It was like a drug, driving him higher and higher… this connection with his conduit was something that he could never let go again. No matter how much he wanted to protect Ran, he wasn't going to chance pushing the youth away again. Yohji drove into that sweet, shuddering body again and again and again; needing nothing more than the sweet agonizing ecstasy that was promised.

They continued to ascend in pleasure and sensation, until they'd long past the mortal zenith of such things. Yet, it still wasn't enough. Yohji could feel the power building and redoubling and boiling over, but it wasn't ready to break loose yet. His hands moved all over Ran's body, eliciting cries, moans, whimpers, and only he knew what else.

The redhead felt like his body was nearing a pinnacle of some sort. He'd never experienced anything like this… almost as if there was some kind of power building within him that he didn't understand. It was shaking him on all levels - emotionally, physically, and mentally. It was also breaking loose the memories that had been suppressed by Balinese. In the split seconds before he found his release at such a long last, he looked at the man above him and saw him for who he really was.

Then, the final crest hit them both and they were too lost in what they'd built up to really pay any attention at all to what was going on around them. God and Conduit were one with each other in nearly every way - Balinese knew that Ran had been freed, but the knowledge was not something he could act on. He hauled the youth up as he backed onto his knees, giving the last thrusts into the pale body, spilling his seed in great, devastating waves of pleasure.

Power coalesced around them both, shooting through each form, shattering the glamour that Balinese was using to disguise himself. Ran's hands were on each side of his face, holding it so that they were gazing into each other's eyes. They were entwined by the power, so much that the gold wires encasing the deity's limbs surrounded them in a nimbus of filaments.

The God of Beauty and Pleasure watched as the power transfigured his Conduit, helping him achieve his true form, breaking him free of his mortal fetters. Wings the color of blood sprouted from Ran's back and snapped taut, the rolling waves of pleasure still coursing through them both. The violet eyes seemed to glow so brightly as the golden cage around them began to tighten and shift, centering on the redhead's legs and forearms.

Finally, the power faded out - releasing them from its coils - rendering both deity and mortal unconscious.

{End of Act III}

Mish: And Act III finally comes to a close... Look for more of this arc in Old Alliances, which deals with Tsukiyono, the Joybringer.