Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games and Coffee ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is not mine, never was mine, and never will be mine. I just love the anime and I am expressing that.
Author's Notes: Yay! A new chapter is here. More Crawford and Schuldig interaction in this chapter, hope everyone enjoys. Sorry for the late update. I forgot to work on this. I've been busy lately. So many projects and not enough time. LOL. I will try and do better.
~telepathy~ aka communicating
/thoughts/ aka Schuldig reading someone's mind
Review responses: Yay! I have reviewers ^_^
Meandering - Thanks for reviewing. I really like getting feedback. Sorry the update took so long. The next chapter is written so I should have it up soon.
Beysie - Glad you like the fic. Your review reminded me that I needed to update this ^_^ I will get the next chapter out sooner. I like exploring the everyday life of Schwarz, so there will be more of that.
German words:
Großmutter - Grandmother
Arschloch - asshole
Ja - Yes
Chapter Two:
Brad Crawford sat alone in his study working on mission reports. Schwarz had been working for a Japanese tycoon by the name of Takatori Reiji for two months now. Estet had been keeping tabs on Takatori, and his increasing amount of political influence, for some time now. The leaders of Estet believed through Takatori they could gain greater power in the east, thus Schwarz had been sent to watch him. Crawford subtly led Takatori in the direction of Estet's interests, while the Japanese man believed he held power over the elite group.
Brad snorted at the idea of that fat giftless idiot in control of Schwarz. That waste of oxygen wasn't even aware of the full capabilities of the team. Takatori knew that Crawford was a precog, but unknown to Takatori, the clairvoyant rarely told him a fraction of what he really saw. Further he believed that Nagi was simply a hacker, albeit a gifted one, and that Schuldig and Farfarello where just skilled assassins. Crawford saw no reason to change these beliefs.
Pausing in his typing, Crawford removed his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose. He leaned back in his padded leather chair and stared at the files beside his computer. The top file had a picture of Takatori Reiji clipped to it, and the one immediately beneath it was a file on Schuldig.
"Takatori," he let the name roll distastefully off his tongue.
Brad pushed the top file aside and picked up the second one. Schuldig's was by far the thickest folder, as Crawford had been working with the telepath for quite a few years now. A copy of every mission report went into each Schwarz folder. Even without the mission reports the folder would still be rather large. Schuldig had a way of pissing off superiors. Inside the beige file was the German's whole life complete with every letter of misconduct.
Brad looked at the picture on the front. It was a recent photo, the picture being replaced once a year. Nagi had taken it. The representation was good, Brad supposed. Schuldig had that malicious glint in his blue eyes accompanied by that insufferable smirk. Opening the folder he took out last year's photo. It had been early in the morning when the picture was taken, and Schuldig had barely been awake. His hair had been free of that hideous yellow headband and fell into his tired eyes. A small smile, so unlike his usual smirk, graced his lips. This year's picture was good, but Brad preferred the other one.
Yes, Brad saw no reason to tell Takatori the true abilities of Schwarz. With orders to obey the Japanese pig, Crawford didn't have to be a precog to know how the swine would exploit Schuldig. That thought disturbed him in ways he didn't want to think about.
Deciding it was time for lunch Brad saved his work, stretched his cramped arms, and returned his glasses to their perch on his nose. The apartment had been quiet for about an hour now, odd since Schuldig was supposedly up and about. Hopefully no one needed medical assistance so early in the day. A study of the hallway produced no signs of life. To the right Schuldig's door was closed, thus he wasn't in there, and directly in front Nagi's was open, meaning the hacker was somewhere else as well. As for Farfarello, who knew where he would be. Deeming it safe to leave the sanctuary of his study, Crawford headed towards the kitchen.
The kitchen proved to be empty as well, but sounds drifted in from the living room. After fixing a turkey sandwich, Brad followed the noise to the room it emanated from. The noise turned out to be the television, which was turned to some anime or another. Brad neither knew nor cared what the program was about. If it wasn't the news, he wasn't interested, and even then he preferred to read the paper. What did catch his interest was a lanky redhead sprawled out on the couch. Schuldig laid on his back with one leg propped up on the back of the couch, and was clad in a yellow long sleeve shirt and red jogging shorts. Very short shorts in Brad's opinion, but then the German did have nice, long, and rather shapely legs, for a man. Upon that thought, Brad immediately focused on something else. Nagi sat on the floor between the couch and the coffee table where a bowl of chips rested. Schuldig, every so often, reached around Nagi and stole a chip.
Seemingly ignoring the others, Brad walked in front of the TV, eliciting a few choice comments from a certain telepath, and sat down in his leather arm chair. Yes, his chair. The other inhabitants of the apartment knew better than sit in his chair. Schuldig on occasion had the gall to test Brad on this, but soon found himself dumped on the floor. Said German was currently trying to pilfer more chips, but Nagi kept moving the bowl. Crawford settled himself in his chair with his sandwich in his lap, and picked up a book he had left resting on the chair arm.
"Bah, this is so unrealistic," complained Schuldig gesturing to the anime, "these people are trying to kill him, and he won't kill them. It's so stupid. And that Saitou guy, who is the only intelligent character, should just fuck Kenshin and get it done with."
"They're not even gay. Why would they do that?"
"Nagi, Nagi, naïve Nagi. Kenshin is just to pretty for his own good; he was bound to have been fucked into the ground by one of those assassins he used to work with. And the whole rivalry with Saitou, can you say sexual tension?" replied Schuldig knowingly.
"But Saitou is married," argued Nagi.
"Just a cover, plus he probably needs an heir or something archaic like that. Trust me Nagi; these are two hot guys with obvious tension between them. They are totally doing it, right Brad?" Schuldig asked while arching his back to look at the questioned man upside down.
Crawford looked up from his book, and suddenly felt distinctly uncomfortable with the conversation. Schuldig still had one bare leg thrown over the back of the couch, and his upper body was arched most enticingly. His flaming hair spilled across the armrest, and those damn blue eyes glinted mischievously from their inverted position. Crawford, face blank, stared at the telepath.
"Stop filling the boy's head with nonsense," Crawford deadpanned then returned his gaze to his book.
"It's not nonsense," Schuldig huffed and let himself fall back on the sofa. "If I wanted to fill his head with nonsense, there are easier ways," he continued while wiggling his fingers at Nagi's head.
~Much easier ways~
"Stay out of my head Schuldig!" yelled Nagi.
~Make me~
"Afraid I will find out what you really do on the internet?" the German said out loud.
"Schuldig leave him alone," Brad said without looking up.
"It's not like we all don't know what he does," Schuldig said as he lifted himself off the couch. The telepath sauntered over to Crawford, stretching his arms over his head as he went, thus exposing a good section of his waist. Leaning against the back of the chair, Schuldig draped long arms around the clairvoyant. Crawford barely stiffened at the contact; the redhead was always pawing at him. The German was just such a touchy person, and he liked being the center of attention. He liked to touch and prod reminding people of his presence, and he liked wearing outlandish colors making sure everyone noticed him. Brad had gotten somewhat used to it over the years.
"I do nothing of the kind. I'm not a pervert like you," Nagi stated while returning his attention to the TV.
"Can't deny that," Schuldig smirked.
Crawford gave a snort and turned a page of his book. Schuldig leaned further over to look at the book bringing his chin to rest on Crawford's shoulder. Brad blew orange hair out of his face and pointedly stared at his book. If he reacted to the German's presence, Schuldig would never go away. The best option was to ignore him. Ignore the long arms wrapped around his shoulders, the smooth cheek pressed into the crook of his neck, the soft hair on his face, and the warm breath against his collar bone. Brad had now read the same sentence three times. Why oh why couldn't the telepath stop invading his personal space?
"What are you reading?! I don't understand a word of it," complained Schuldig.
"It's a study of the French Revolution, in French," replied Brad calmly. The Oracle was quite proud of his ability to mask his emotions, and extremely glad the telepath couldn't breach his mental shields.
"I don't know any French," whined Schuldig.
"So," Brad said unconcerned.
"Read to me."
"Ja, you're no fun."
"I never claimed to be."
"You are all boring," announced Schuldig as he straighten himself, "I'm leaving and going somewhere I am appreciated."
"I told you to say close by today, for when Takatori calls," said Crawford as the telepath moved towards the door.
"Is he even going to call us today?" Schuldig whined and received a pointed stare from Brad. "Ok dumb question. But why should my social life suffer because that arschloch wants us at his beck and call?"
"Relax Bradley, I'm just going downstairs to visit die Großmutter," and with that Schuldig was out the door before Crawford could protest.
'Grandmother', or Großmutter as Schuldig would say, was an old Japanese widow who lived one floor down. The woman's only son lived in America, so she rarely saw him. Apparently, according to Schuldig, the old lady and her offspring didn't get on well. Upon arriving at the apartment the telepath had done a sweep of every tenant's mind. He decided she was of interest because she was lonely and could cook, and Schuldig wanted someone to dote on him. So with a little mental pushing, the old woman welcomed Schuldig whole heartedly, and the German got all the attention he wanted. In a way the arrangement was a good thing; whenever Schuldig felt neglected he just went downstairs instead of bothering Crawford. On the other hand though, Crawford didn't think such close association was a good idea, even if it was with a half senile old lady. No horrible visions concerning the 'Grandmother' had come to the clairvoyant, thus Crawford indulged Schuldig. Besides 'Grandmother' seemed to make the redhead really happy, and as long as it didn't conflict with work, Brad didn't feel the need to take her away. Crawford wondered if he indulged Schuldig to much, then he remembered long bare legs and decided that the less Schuldig was around the better for his sanity.
Yay! Another chapter done. Next time Schuldig visits Großmutter. Please feel free to review. It will be greatly appreciated.