Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ Date on a Mission? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss Kreuz or the idea or the characters in the show. However I do own this story idea and the characters Saberu, Toran, Walter, and Mary. Don't take them, they're mine that would just be mean. :p

Warnings: Yaoi, strong language, lime, and a lemon scene.


"Ugh... It's been a long long night, I just want to lie down and relax."

"I'm not feeling too well," a young man said. "I can feel something coming, someone..."

"Don't worry you two," a third man chuckled. "When they show up, we'll be ready. We have the advantage."

"Lemme see what we have," the first suddenly spoke up, shuffling up his deck of tarot cards quickly. He pulled up a card and glanced at it. "Hmm... This is interesting. I would have expected something like the two of pentacles...but this..."

"What is it?" the second man asked.

The man stopped walking and turned the card towards his two partners to let them get a good look. "The Magician. This is only the beginning of something big..."

Mind Trick of the Heart

Fanfic by Chrysoprase

Chapter 1: Date on a Mission?

"You're welcome, come again!" Yoji smiled as he waved as the customer left. When they were out of sight, he sighed. "Man, can't we get any older customers in here?"

"It's been rather slow this week so far," Ken commented, not that he minded. Some days you felt like you couldn't move about the shop without a circle of high school girls screaming around you.

"Yeah, I wonder what's up with that," Yoji wondered aloud.

"You all never go out, I think you work here too much!" a voice suddenly said. Everyone looked up quickly only to see a much too familiar face.

"M-Mary-san!" Omi gulped. Mary had been a girl that as soon as she had found out he existed, found every reason to stalk him. But she wasn't an ordinary fan girl, she took things to a different level...

Mary was a pretty girl, in fact she was gorgeous. She had bright blue eyes and long blonde hair, which she usually wore in pigtails. She was rich, popular, pretty... Most girls wanted to be her, most men would kill to date her. Unfortunately for her the one boy she wanted showed no interest, in fact, acted very indifferently to her...

Mary gave a giggle and approached the table Omi had been sitting at, her two friends (or followers more or less) Sue-Ann and Beth walked a few steps behind her. "Good day, Omi-kun!" she almost crooned.

"H-hello, Mary-san," Omi gulped. She always made him so nervous; she was unpredictable. Some days she was in more of a flirting mood than others. Some days it was traditional, a bat of the eyes and pretty discreet. Other days... It was obvious, she'd rubbed her body against his while casually asking how he was doing, or sometimes coming from behind him and pinching his--

"If you're not buying anything, leave," Aya said impatiently. Mary scowled at him. She had been thrown out by Aya so many times while attempting to flirt with Omi she had lost count.

"This will take only a few seconds!" she told him. She looked back at Omi and smiled widely. "If you all went out you would know that everyone around here is going to see the adorable three guys at a club down town."

"Guys? Doing what? What kind of club is that?" Yoji said coolly, with his arms behind his head. Mary shot him a dirty look.

"Don't be perverted!" she shouted angrily before looking back at Omi and resuming to smile. "They're a bunch of hypnotists and psychics, and they're really good I hear but you know most of the tickets are impossible to get," she giggled. "But guess what? My Daddy pulled a few strings and was able to get some and you are the lucky man I've chosen to be my date!" she pulled out the two tickets as proof. "Well, Omi-kun, should I pick you up at say... 7:00?" he voice suddenly became low and seductive as she leaned close to him and winked. "...that'll give us an hour to--"

"I'm busy!" Omi yelped, maybe a bit more loudly than he had intended to. "I-I have a lot of homework and a ton of flower arrangements and I just don't think it would work."

Mary's face turned into a pout as she pulled back. "Omi-kun, the guys can handle your flower arrangements and you're smart, your homework shouldn't take more than an hour."

"I'm sorry, Mary-san, I just can't..." Omi gulped. Mary looked like she was about to explode.

"Fine! I should have known better than to ask YOU... I... GRR!" she yelled and clutched her hands into fists as she turned on her heel. "Let's go, Beth, Sue-Ann! I should have known Omi's not like normal people who would jump at something like this!" she quickly rushed out the door.

Beth and Sue-Ann looked at Omi. "She's not going to give up, you know."

"It would be easier to just give into her."

"'Give in'?" Ken asked skeptically.

The two girls didn't reply, just turned and left out the door.

"You may be afraid of Mary, Omi, but her little followers are more scary to me," Ken commented.

"Tell her to stop coming here if she isn't going to buy anything," Aya suddenly said. He was quite annoyed with Mary, she never bought anything there. If she wanted to give Omi something it was usually exquisite chocolates or champagne, or something else she knew no one could get their hands on so easily.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, Omi, she's cute!" Yoji said. "Even for a high-school girl. If she were a bit older I wouldn't hesitate. Why don't you go for her?"

Omi sighed. "She's just not my type."

"You have a type?" Ken chuckled. "Well, what is it?"

Omi shrugged. "I dunno... Guess I'll know when they show up."

It was about that time that they heard a soft tap on the window. Outside stood a familiar redhead.

Yoji chuckled. "Well, look who's here."

--------------------------------------------------------------- < p>"Good evening men," upon the screen came Persia's shadowy figure. "There is a threesome whom criminals have been hiring to erase peoples memories. Witnesses whom can put these criminals to jail have suddenly without warning have had no recollection of what had happened, or their opinions have suddenly changed drastically. The culprits are these 3;" a picture of three guys on a stage came up. A young boy who looked to be no older than Omi, bright orange eyes and short blonde hair. An older man in his twenty's, black hair wearing almost a bob and half-moon glasses. The last had dark green hair, just above his shoulders and looked to be around 18. "Saberu, Walter, and Toran. No last names are given. They have been working as hypnotists at random clubs over the past years," a few pictures of clubs flash onto the screen. "Hunters of the Night, Deny these dark beasts their tomorrows!" with that the transmission ended.

"Hypnotists... Say, Omi, didn't Mary ask you to go with her to see three hypnotists?" Ken asked.

"Uh, yeah, she did," Omi said nervously. "You think it's the same ones?"

"So, are you all in?" Manx interrupted them.

"Of course I am, this can't be tolerated," Yoji commented.

"I'm in," Ken agreed.

"Me too, people can't abuse their profession like this," Omi nodded.

Aya gave a silent nod.

"Good, and it seems you already have an idea where the targets might be," Manx said as she passed out a few folders with some more information inside.

"First things first," Aya said calmly. "Omi, call Mary and tell her you'll go with her. I've seen her slip you her phone number on several occasions."

"I--... Wait a minute, you want me to what??" Omi gasped.

"We need a location and she has one. She also has a ticket. We'll need someone to keep an eye on them until they slip back stage and we can't get in and sit down without a ticket," Aya explained, still leaning up against the wall as always.

Omi was shocked. He jumped to his feet. "NO! I can't go with her, she'll eat me alive!"

"You heard what she said though," Ken commented. "Tickets to get into the club to see them are nearly impossible."

"K-Ken-kun...!" Omi gasped, looking over at him for a moment. He wasn't supposed to agree! He looked back over to Aya. "No, please, Aya-kun, don't make me go with her!" he begged, clutching his hands together as if in prayer.

"Geez, stop complaining, Omi!" Yoji scoffed. "You've got it easy, you get to go on a date with a pretty girl and watch some entertainment."

"If it's so appealing to you, why don't YOU take her?!" Omi asked.

Yoji chuckled, pushing up his sunglasses. "She's not my type. I told you I only date girls 18 and older."

"She's only 2 years away!" Omi griped.

"Quit whining," Aya ordered, standing up straight and becoming a little harsh. "We don't have time, get on the phone and call her before she asks somebody else."

Omi gave a pitiful whimper.


None the less Mary had been over joyed to receive Omi's phone call accepting the invitation. "A good thing too!" she had said. "I was just about to call one of my friends!" Omi had never wanted to bang his head against the wall as much as he wanted to then.

He had been told to dress formal. Apparently the club was fancy. He didn't like this, not one bit. He'd be stuck in a limo for an hour with a girl who wanted to get into his pants. Great. Of course the guys hadn't been too nice about it either.

"Just don't have too much fun and forget you're on a mission, okay?" Ken had snickered.

"We'll try to keep our distance so you can have some privacy," Yoji winked.

"Don't get distracted," Aya had said in his usual cold voice. Didn't these guys give him any credit? He wasn't going to enjoy this at all! This was the last place he had wanted to be that night.

They had rigged a special sort of 'walkie-talkie' that was so small it was hard to spot. One part slipping into his ear and the other part was like a watch that was easily concealed under his sleeve.

Now he stood outside the flower shop awaiting his ride.

"Bombay, this is Siberian, do you copy?"

He brought his wrist closer to his mouth. "Copy, I read you clear," he whispered. Suddenly he heard a snickering voice.

"Good luck, Omi, maybe you'll finally become a man tonight, eh? You've gotta have sex in a car once in your life, it sure would be nice if it was a limo."

Omi growled. "Shut up, Yoji-kun!" he had to force himself not the throw the piece on the ground and stomp on it. He quickly pulled his sleeve back down over it. "Pervert," he muttered.

"Hey, I heard that!" Yoji's voice filled his ear once more and he blushed.

Almost immediately following Mary's expensive limo pulled up. She opened the door and stepped out. Omi was stunned; she had on make-up, a white sleeveless dress that was just above her knees with a big bow done in back, while gloves, a pearl necklace and had her hair hanging down.

"Good evening, Omi-kun," she giggled. "You look very handsome."

Omi wasn't sure what to say. She really WAS a beautiful girl.

"Err...you too. Uh, wait, I don't mean you're handsome, I mean you look really nice!" he stammered, blushing a little. This caused her to laugh again.

"Shall we?" she gestured to her limo. Omi gulped and climbed in, a bit worried at how this would turn out...

"So, is this your first time being in a limo?" she asked as she closed the door.

"Um, yeah," Omi said as he sat down. At least it was big enough that he could keep his distance. Mary sat down next to him.

"Winston, we're ready," she nodded to her chauffeur and quickly put up the window between them, it was also shaded so he couldn't see what was going on in back. Omi gulped. "I'm so glad you could make it, Omi-kun!" she smiled while grasping his hand tenderly. "I told you, you would have enough time, silly."

"Uh-huh," Omi's voice cracked slightly, becoming a bit nervous. Mary giggled and released his hand, maybe shocking him for a moment. She leaned back against the seats.

"I knew I'd get you to go out with me one day. Isn't this nice? I always wanted you to see my limo."

It became rather silent around that time. It was a smooth ride and much to Omi's surprise, Mary didn't try anything fishy. It wasn't like her.

He wondered how the guys were doing, they were supposedly following them. He didn't know why he always got stuck with the little minor things. He was just as capable and tough as the rest of them and dammit, he had been in Weiss longer than any of them. Sometimes when they did stuff like this to him it really made him feel small. He might have enjoyed the ride if it wasn't for the fact he kept thinking of the reason why he was even there in the first place; he was just the look out. He hadn't been trained all those years to be a look out, he was a sniper.

"You seem a bit tense," Mary said, causing him to snap from his thoughts.

"Oh, I uh...was just thinking to myself," he replied.

"Oh," she looked out the window for a moment before she spoke up again. She almost seemed...timid. "Uhhh... Hey, Omi-kun?"

"What is it?" he asked.

"Um, I get the feeling sometimes...that...well, you don't really like me, do you?"

Omi was stunned.

"I... I like you," he said nervously. Where had she come up with this?

"Oh, don't lie," she looked at him sadly. "You always get annoyed with me, I can see it in your eyes. I don't even know why you came with me. Are you taking pity?"

Oh boy.

"No, that's not it!" he denied. This wasn't all a lie either.

"Omi-kun, I really really like you!" she admitted, her face becoming pink. "But you always try to avoid me and I want to be friends!"

Omi looked skeptical. Just friends?

She gulped and looked away from him. "Why don't you like me?"

"Mary-san, I like you just fine!" Omi told her, grasping her hand. She looked at him in shock and her face went from pink to red.

"Well then... How come you never go out with me?" she asked.

Omi sweated nervously as he pulled his hand back. "I don't think I understand, I mean... You've always been so confusing... Sometimes you're really sweet and sometimes you're-um-..." he didn't know how to word it without sounding incredibly insulting.

"I don't know how to act in front of you," she said sheepishly, looking down at her feet and fidgeting with the rim of her dress. "I mean, I don't know a lot about boys."

Omi froze. Was this coming from MARY?? The same Mary whom everyday was coming into the shop and rubbing against him?

"Um, huh?" Omi looked confused. She giggled, her face turning even redder.

"Well, I've never had a serious boyfriend before!" she told him. "I mean, most of the guys I know only want one thing. It makes me so mad!" she clutched her hands into two socked fists. "I saw you and you were so cute and bashful with all the girls, I thought it was so nice," she looked him in the eyes again, smiling softly. "I wanted to get to know you so bad but flirting with you in such a way was the only way I could think to catch your attention. Everyone else was helping in the shop and stuff so I--I needed something that would make me stand out from the rest!"

Omi was shocked. He couldn't believe he was hearing this.

"I-I've always wanted to ride with you on your motorcycle, Omi," she gulped nervously. "I always pictured us riding down the road together and I've never been on one. I've never even been in a CAR..."

Omi clutched her hand tightly and looked deeply into her aquamarine eyes.

"Maybe I judged you too soon..." he whispered, smiling softly. "I'm sorry, Mary-san, I shouldn't have done that. I pictured you just like everyone else when you were trying to prove you weren't... Can you forgive me for that?"

Her eyes lit up. "Of course I will!" she gasped. "You don't even have to apologize, I know I seem like everyone else, I just really like you is all..."

"Listen, how about sometime after school I'll let you ride with me on my motorcycle?" he suggested smiling. Mary looked like she was about to explode, but for the first time it was from happiness.

"Oh, yes, Omi-kun, I'd love that!" Omi was stunned as she threw her arms around him and hugged him. He smiled, this was sweet. She was giving him a hug...

Suddenly, her foot reached out, touching a button on the door. It caused the lights to go dim and suddenly some romantic saxophone music began to play.

"Um, what did you just do?" Omi questioned. Mary giggled.

"Don't worry, Omi-kun, I'm just making the atmosphere a little more...romantic, that's all."

"You're...what?" he blushed.

Suddenly, before he knew what was happening, Mary pushed him back against the leather seats and straddled him.

"Wha-what are you doing?!" he yelped.

She giggled. "C'mon, don't act so naive. I wanted to ride on your motorcycle but I've always dreamed of the moment I could get you in here all to myself..."

"MARY! Wa-wait a minute!" he gasped as she fumbled with the buttons on his vest.

"Please, Omi-chan, I'm aching with desire..." she whispered seductively as she leaned close to him.

"MARY, STOP IT!!!" he almost begged. Suddenly he heard the most horrifying voice in his ear.

"C'mon, Omi, don't chicken out now!" it was Yoji.

'Oh, my God,' Omi thought to himself with humiliation. 'I left the transmitter on...!' Yoji, Ken, Aya... They could have all heard every word he said since he had left the house.

That was his last thought as Mary hurried to kiss him.


2 words crossed Omi's mind as the car stopped; 'Thank God'. It had been a fiasco, trying to fight Mary off for a full 5 minutes and she was nothing if not persistent. Omi just hoped he didn't look too messy as he climbed out, Mary behind him with a scowl. She hadn't taken his rejection too kindly.

"You're lucky; I have a good mind to leave you out here for the evening," Mary growled as she walked past him. Omi sighed. What a threat...

There was a huge crowd, mostly of hyper girls. Outside was a poster of the three guys all looking as handsome as ever.

'It's kind of hard to believe guys with such faces could do such things; especially that blonde... He looks so innocent!' Omi thought to himself. '...But I guess looks aren't everything.' He experienced that saying everyday, every time Ken teased him and then ruffled up his hair. He wasn't a kid yet all the Weiss members seemed to think he was because he looked so young and cute. That's another reason why he was here... With Mary.

They had finally managed to get in although Omi had been in such deep thought he had hardly paid attention to the wait. It was quite a fancy club, looked expensive too... Omi wondered just how much you had to pay to get into the place. He suddenly felt a bit guilty because Mary had invited him along.

"Nice, huh? I bet you've never been in such a place," Mary said whom was apparently getting over the struggle in the limo.

"No," Omi said, still glancing around. "When does the entertainment start?"

Mary giggled. "Eager? I knew you would be! I should be starting in a minute, c'mon, let's get a table..."

The place was already packed; these guys must have been good. But wasn't it a hoax? All stuff like this was.

Mary was talking to him about something, but he was too lost in his thoughts to quite understand it. He just kept thinking about he was about to watch these men; and then kill them. Seemed strange and he wasn't sure he liked it.

"Omi-kun... HEY! OMI! Aren't you paying attention to me??" Mary's shout and tugging on his sleeve made him jump.

"G-gomen," he apologized. "I guess I was daydreaming..."

Almost instantly after that the lights dimmed, people grew quiet. Omi realized, this was it, it was time.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," it was the tall one, black hair... Omi remembered from the picture that it was Walter. "So glad you could attend. May I introduce my partners?" there was a puff of smoke and as it cleared there stood the other two; Saberu and Toran. Claps filled the room. An act; Omi had seen that done a trillion times on shows.

It had started out, random guessing of names from the audience and such, a few things that could have been guessed in Omi's opinion. It went on for awhile, Omi stayed focus; these were the targets, the ones they needed to. He found himself looking a Saberu, he had such an emotionless expression on his face. He had such bright eyes... And he looked so young, why would he allow people to get away with acts they've done, ones they should be punished for...

Suddenly a chill ran down Omi's back as Saberu's eyes met his. They stared and while Omi wanted so desperately to pull away from his gaze he couldn't; those eyes...they were so...beautiful... Like jewels.

Suddenly Saberu's emotionless expression changed. A grin creeped onto his face, a small one but it was there surely enough. Omi nearly fell from his chair. He was smiling at him?

"Toran," Saberu whispered, making sure to keep it from the audience's ears as he tapped his foot with his own. He used his mind now, keeping that small grin and continuing to gaze into Omi's eyes. 'See that guy in the audience? The cute one with the blonde date?'

'Yeah, a blonde GIRL...' Toran empathized as he glanced at his younger friend. 'I don't think he swings that way.'

Saberu's grin became a frown. 'Damnit! I don't mean that, don't you feel it from him?'

Toran looked at Omi. Suddenly the grin Saberu had had just seconds ago returned on his face. 'He's the one.'

Now it was time for the finale; a member of the audience was chosen, some girl whom was blushing came upon staged and did as instructed; sitting on the chair.

"Now," Walter told her, unhooking the golden pendant from his neck which hung from a chain. "Concentrate as hard as you can on the pendent, my dear."

She was trying not to giggle, obviously shy and loving being close to the 3 hotties.

'They must be done soon,' Omi thought to himself. It was time to act.

"I'll be right back, Mary-san," Omi told her. She looked at him for a second and nodded, just thinking he was probably getting up to use the bathroom. He stood and quickly left.

'I am not being left out of this...' he thought to himself. 'I'm going to help them.'

************************************************************* **

Omi finished pulling on his gloves, double-checking his jacket for the darts he had stashed there. The clapping from the dining room decided it, the mission was beginning now.

"This is Bombay, do you copy?" he whispered into his watch. Soon there was a reply.

"Balinese, here, we ready to commence?" he asked.

"Hai, it just ended," Omi told him. "I'm moving in now."

"You're...what?" Yoji sounded confused.

"I'm NOT just sitting around," Omi informed him as he ran down the hallway. His tone stunned Yoji. Omi wasn't one to demand anything.

"So, you're leaving Mary? Think that's a good idea?" he almost teased.

"I'm on a mission, everything else is obsolete."

"Alright then, whatever you say. I'm not in the mood to argue with you, let's just get this over with. I'll alert the others. Balinese, out."

Omi followed his way down the hall, crossbow in hand. He followed the signs to the backstage, the dressing rooms where they head after their shows would most likely be there. Omi hurried, hugging the corning before he turned until he found his destination.

Saberu, it read on the door. Omi gulped and reached for the knob, ready to pull the trigger as soon as he saw those eyes again. He did it quickly as he did on other missions he jumped in, crossbow in hand, ready to shoot anything that moved.

He froze. This wasn't right, the room was empty!

"Nani...?" Omi stepped forward, keeping his guard up. He supposed if he wasn't back yet he'd just have to ambush him when he did arrived.

Something alerted him. Someone was behind him! Omi jerked around, but only a second to late.

Something slammed him, hard. So hard he flew back and even the impact to the floor didn't stop him, he slid until he hit the wall. He opened his eyes quickly and aimed, standing above him a Saberu. How had he been able to hit him so hard that he sent him flying? He wasn't exactly all that powerful looking...

"Hello," he said all too sweetly to someone who was about to kill him. "Aw, you're not going to use that on me, are you?" Suddenly a force jerked Omi's crossbow, flinging it across the room. He was shocked, what happened?

"You hurt my feelings," Saberu said sarcastically, looking at the crossbow now discarded on the ground. "You must not like me very much, didn't you like my performance?"

Omi didn't reply, he jumped to try and grab his crossbow back. Something stopped him, something threw him immediately back into the wall, harder his time. He cried out in pain.

"Oh, did I hurt you?" Saberu asked, tilting his head rather cutely.

'How did he...do that?' Omi wondered shaking slightly from pain. He hadn't even moved, not even a punch nor a kick, how did he slam him into the wall??

"So, who are you? Why do you have such intentions of hurting me?" Saberu became a bit serious.

Omi just glared, trying to figure out how he could get past him to get his crossbow back. He knew, he could try throwing his darts at him just long enough to distract him...

Saberu had other plans in mind.

"You want me to dig?" Omi was confused by that phrase as Saberu began to become cute again. "Very well, I'll encounter your private thoughts though, but it's your fault for not talking to me."

Saberu lashed out and Omi braced himself, expecting a punch. But he didn't clutch his hand into a fist, instead, he reached out like and eagles claw and it grasped the front of his head firmly. Omi's heart beat sped up, what was he doing?

Saberu smiled sweetly. "It's okay, it'll only hurt for a second."

He gripped a bit tighter. Pain shot though Omi's head like a lightning bolt and he screamed.
