Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ Knowing What is Not to be Known ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss Kreuz or the idea or the characters in the show. However I do own this fanfiction idea and the characters Saberu, Toran, Walter, Mary and her little followers Sue-Ann and Beth. Don't take them, they're mine that would just be mean. :p Not to mention, who the heck would want to steal Mary? >_<;;

Warnings: Yaoi, strong language, lime. Implied KenxOmi and OCxOmi. If you don't like stories with original characters... Then you should probably read something else.

Chapter 2: Knowing What is Not to be Known

"Should be around here somewhere," Ken commented to Aya as they walked back stage. The hassle of getting past the guards were hard, especially when you had to knock them out and not kill them. "I guess I'll be helping you tonight," he suddenly said, maybe trying to strike up a conversation for the time being.

"I don't need your help," Aya said. That was expected.

"Yeah, yeah," Ken replied, nothing else to say. He had no where else to be now that Omi had decided to join. He could have sat this one out. Man, he wished he were with Omi right then, even Yoji. Anyone was better than ice-cold Aya. "Hey, there it is!" Ken said, although he really didn't need to, Aya was already reaching out to grasp the knob.

Something stopped them both. A scream, a glass shattering scream echoed down towards them. Ken immediately knew who it was.

"Oh, my God, that's Omi!" and he started to rush off, only to be stopped by Aya's cold hiss.

"Don't get distracted!" how could he say that?! They weren't talking about some random victim, that was Omi!

"But he's in trouble!" Ken retorted, not even sure why he was bothering to reply to him.

"If you let your emotions get in the way, won't last long in Weiss," Aya informed him. Ken would have punched him if it weren't for the fact he couldn't risk injuring him during a mission.

"I can't believe you!" he yelled and resumed running towards where the scream had come from. Aya didn't need him anyway, Omi did and he wasn't about to let him down.

"Idiot," Aya grumbled. "He's going to get himself killed one of these days," For all Ken knew, he was running right into a trap. But he didn't think, he never did. He was too much of a hothead. His emotions always got in the way, especially when it came to Omi. He always had to be the hero...

"Isn't that a shame, your little friend had to leave?" a voice asked from the shadows. Aya gasped, dammit, he hadn't been concentrating! Someone had snuck up on him. Before he could turn, something knocked him over with intentions of slamming him into the ground. The impact nearly knocked him unconscious. Feeling dizzy he tried to force himself up again, to fight back, but someone stepped on his head, forcing him back down and he grunted in pain. It must have been Walter. How could he get away now?

"It's too bad he ran off to save his friend," Walter chuckled cruelly. "Right now I think you need him more."

His foot came up but only for a moment. Immediately it was slammed back down into the redhead's skull.

--------------------------------------------------------------- < p class="c13">Not again, please not this again!

"Help me, Daddy! Come and save me, I'm scared Daddy, please save me!"

He was kicked hard back into the wall. "Your father said he wouldn't pay, brat!"

"No! That's a lie!" he refused to believe that his father had abandoned him.

"He screwed us," the first man said. "Let's just kill him."

"Boy, you've got some cold parents, kid. They don't love you..."

"It's hopeless."

"Why don't you just give it up?"

Omi's whole body trembled as he was lost in his mind as the images played. Tears began to run down his face and Saberu's heart pounded. He hadn't meant to go this deep.

"...You..." he whispered, his hand beginning to lose it's grip on Omi's head. "This happened to you?"

"Tasukete..." Omi cried. "Daddy...please help me... D-don't let them kill me..."

Saberu pulled back, feeling a strange pain in his heart. Compassion? He hadn't felt that for so long... Omi's head fell forward as Saberu released him, totally limp and his eyes lifeless.

"Shoot..." he whispered innocently, nibbling the tip of his finger. "You poor thing, I can't hurt you... They already did that, didn't they, Omi-kun?"

Omi's head shot up as the saying of his name pulled him from his daze, tears still falling down his face like a stream. "Wha-what?" What was he thinking about? His mind was blank for a moment. Why had he been thinking on his kidnapping? He looked up at Saberu. Had he just said...? "Wha-what did you call me?!" he demanded.

"Omi-kun... Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you now," Saberu said soothingly. Omi's heart jumped to his throat. Omi...

'How does he know my name?!' the last thing he remembered was Saberu reaching out and grabbing his head...but...how did he know his name? What else did he know?? "How do you--" he gulped.

"It's okay... I was hurt too," Saberu explained, smiling down at him. "Just like you, they hurt me..."

"What...?" obvious confusion was in his voice.

"They wouldn't pay."

Omi gasped. Oh God... No... How did he-- Omi whimpered, he didn't want think of that. Suddenly he was crying again. "Why didn't he save me...?" he asked subconsciously while covering his face. "Why didn't he save me?!"

Saberu kneeled in front of him, shocking Omi by cupping his face.

"You're so adorable... You make me ache watching you cry," Saberu explained, still smiling gently. "It's alright, my little Angel... Even angels need angels..."

Omi was confused. What was he saying? He couldn't even think right, he could hardly hear him anymore... 'Attack him!' one part of his head screamed but for some reason...nothing was complying with the thought.

"BOMBAY!" someone screamed as they rushed through the door. Omi looked up.

"Ken..." he murmured, so much in pain he couldn't even remember to use his code-name. Saberu cursed and leapt to his feet.

"Shit," Saberu jumped over to the window. "I don't want to leave...but I guess I have no choice." With that he left, jumped right though the closed window. Omi knew he should have followed him out, he was a target...but...but he couldn't even move... He just sat helplessly on the floor against the wall. Why didn't he attack him while he was talking? Why had Saberu almost acted like he cared? He had just melted... Lost it. Damn, it must have been a plan to get away.

"Omi!" Ken gasped and ran over to Omi, kneeling in front of him as he realized something was definitely wrong with him. "What did he do to you, did he hurt you??" and he grasped his face to check for any noticeable damaged.

"...Ken...!" Omi sobbed. He did something Ken would have never expected him to do; he jumped forward and hugged him tightly as he cried into his shoulder.

************************************************************** *

Yoji had been walking down the long hall in hopes of finding the third target; Toran. He was trying not to chuckle to himself. God, Mary was going to kill Omi for abandoning her in the middle of a date. She could be so hotheaded some times she could probably rival Ken.

Suddenly he found right what he was looking for, the dressing room.

Taking caution, he opened the door slowly. It was dark, not as he had expected. Hadn't Toran come back yet? He took a few steps into the room, squinting in hopes of seeing through he darkness. Suddenly, the lights flashed on and something flew right in front of his face, just barely missing him. He froze as it slammed firmly into the wall. Was it a throwing knife? No! It was a...

...a tarot card?

Yoji jerked around, ready to fling his wire at whomever had thrown it in his direction. Something stopped him. Sitting in a chair against the wall was Toran, shuffling his cards madly, almost similar to the dealers in the casinos.

"Shall I tell your fortune?" he chuckled. After a bit more shuffling he pulled out a card from the deck and glanced at it. "Well, this is expected, it's the five of swords. Would you like to know what it means?" he grinned evilly. "It means defeat."

Yoji growled and quickly flung his wire to wrap around Toran's neck. "I'm not playing card games!" he shouted as the silver whip lashed out.

Toran looked at the wire and suddenly while it was in mid air, fell right to the ground. Yoji was stunned. Toran stood up angrily.

"How dare you say the deck of the taro is a GAME!" he snapped. "It sees the future, it has the power to see the fate! You cannot change your destiny!" suddenly his grinned returned. "I'll prove my cards know."

With a wave of his hand Yoji was slammed back into the wall, so hard he almost blacked out and he emitted a scream of pain as the wind was knocked out of him. Toran chuckled. Suddenly, something entered his mind.

'Toran, they're all here, all four of them. Don't screw around, get out now!' Walter's voice was in his head. Toran gave a disappointed sigh and pouted.

"I don't have time to play with you, maybe next time..." he grinned. He quickly rushed over to the window with a smile. "Ta-ta for now!" he replied and then leapt right though it.

"What in the--?" Yoji groaned, trying his best to get up. He forced himself to stumble over to the window, now broken with glass shards all over the floor. He looked out, only to find that Toran had fled. "That coward..." he muttered. But he was still confused. How the hell did he get slammed back into the wall? And why had his wire froze in mid-air? "Damn, maybe we're dealing with more than just a group of magician pretty boys."

--------------------------------------------------------------- < p>"I can't believe I let him get away," Omi groaned as he wiped his tear stained cheek.

"Don't worry about it, Omi... He did something that hurt you and put you in a state of confusion, it's alright," Ken said comfortingly as they walked back strange. "We'll get him next time."

Omi forced a small smile. "You're right, Ken-kun..." he said softly although he still felt like he should have fought harder. He had such an opportunity at the end to throw his darts at him and retrieve his crossbow, why had he become frozen? Why had he let himself just melt right into the palm of Saberu's hand?

Something suddenly caught their eyes, causing Omi and Ken to freeze. Something was on the ground, something black with a bit of red. Horror stuck them at the same time.

"Aya-kun!" Omi shouted.

"Dammit, what happened to him?!" Ken asked aloud as they rushed over to him. He remained lifeless as Ken kneeled down and picked him up, limp like a rag-doll.

"Ken-kun... He's not--" Omi whimpered as he felt tears returning.

"No, he's just unconscious," Ken replied. "Aya... Aya, wake up!" he said while lightly hitting his face. Aya groaned slightly, he felt as though he had been hit by a train and Ken's soft smacking wasn't helping his headache.

"Stop it," he growled as his eyes fluttered open. "Wha-?" he forgot exactly what had happened, he felt confused for a moment. Oh, no, the target! Suddenly he forced himself from Ken's grasp and stood up quickly, stumbling. "Where is he?!" he demanded as he clutched his katana.

"Aya-kun, don't!" Omi insisted. He was in no condition to even consider trying to go after him.

"Aya, he's gone, you need to rest!" Ken said.

Aya didn't appear to be listening, but as he took a step he stumbled immediately, causing him to fall back to his knees and cup the back of his head. That's right; Walter had slammed his heel right into his head. The injury left him a bit dazed and trying to stand up so quickly hadn't been the brightest idea.

"Aya!" Ken said as he noticed there was a different color of red in his hair. "You're bleeding!"

Aya looked at his hand, now stained with his own blood. He grunted and stood up again, fighting the pain in the back of his head. He turned to Ken, that same emotionless glare on his face.

"This is your fault."

Ken was taken aback by that.

"It's my--? What do you mean it's my fault?!"

"You're stupidity distracted me, that's when I was attacked. It's your fault the target got away."

"Why you--!" Ken could hit him now, the mission was over... Then again, Omi was standing right there so he decided better of himself.

"This is why you don't let your emotions get in the way," Aya growled. "Because this is what happens."

"Is that what you did, you were worried about Ken-kun?" Omi blinked. Aya nearly fell over as he lost his cool for a moment.

"No!" he hissed. Ken grinned smugly.

"Aw, well that sure was sweet of you, Aya!" he laughed. "And all this time I thought you were heartless!"

Aya's face turned red, whether it was from anger or embarrassment was a mystery. He didn't like this feeling, losing his cool. And he certainly wasn't one to blush!

"I meant you running off to play the hero, Hidaka!" he said harshly, raising his voice nearly to a yell. Ouch. Maybe it was better not to tease Aya when he was in a bad mood as it was...

"Hey, at least I care!" Ken replied back.

"Right. That's exactly why we're in this position now," Aya replied, regaining his composure.

Omi gulped, Ken looked like he was about to explode. (He reminded him of Mary and how she was going to look tomorrow)

"Wait!" Omi shouted, stopping the two. "What about Yoji-kun?" he supplied, trying to change the subject. Not to mention, really, where was he?

"Nice to know I'm important," Yoji groaned sarcastically. He was walking toward them, rubbing his head.

"Yoji! Hey, are you alright?" Ken asked, taking his attention off Aya for the time being.

"No," he replied. "That damn coward fled as soon as he got the chance. So, what's this? Looks like you all had similar luck," he commented as he stopped in front of them. Ken and Omi looked a bit embarrassed while Aya sneered. Yoji chuckled and pushed up his sunglasses. "Great, well this was a waste of a Friday night. Perhaps we're losing our touch."

"No. There's something more to these people," Aya replied.

"Yeah, it was like all they had to do was look at you and they slammed you against the wall!" Omi said. Ken felt a bit left out since he had really no idea what they were talking about.

"So, you guys too? Nice to know I'm not going insane," Yoji replied. "Well, this mission was a complete failure," he said while putting his arms behind his head.

"I'm not resting until I kill them," Aya growled. He wasn't enjoying this loss. He winced again though as the pain in the back of his head made itself noticeable again.

"No, you're especially going to have to rest, Aya-kun..." Omi said with a frown. "That guy got you pretty good." Aya didn't like hearing it though.

"Well, c'mon, we've got to get back," Yoji said. "Guess you're just going to have to come along with us, Omi, since I'm sure Mary didn't wait this long for you."

"No, she probably didn't..." Omi whispered, looking down at the ground. He was glad, he didn't feel like dealing with her

tonight, he felt horrible... What had Saberu done to him?


"What a bunch of dorks," Toran commented as he shuffled his deck. "To think I was actually a little worried they were going to hurt us!"

"They were quite easy to deal with," Walter agreed, sitting with his arms crossed. "Did you have any trouble, Saberu?"

Saberu didn't appear to be paying attention, he was sitting on the window seat, staring blankly outside as the rain fell.


"HEY! Saberu!" Toran yelled.

"H-huh?" Saberu looked over his shoulder at his two teammates.

"Yo, what's with you, you're acting strange!" Toran commented.

"Oh..." Saberu looked down at the ground. "N-no, I didn't have any trouble."

"Then what's the matter?" Walter asked seriously. Saberu sighed.

"You know how... If I touch someone, I can read their mind?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, we know," Toran nodded.

"I-I read that kid's mind... It wasn't what I expected."

Walter knew immediately what had happened. He sighed and pushed his half-moon spectacles up the brim of his nose. "You went too deep, huh?"

"That's you, Saberu," Toran chuckled. "Always stickin' your nose where it doesn't belong!"

"Shut up!" Saberu bellowed. With a wave of his hand the cards Toran had been shuffling flew everywhere.

"HEY!" Toran shouted. "You don't have to be such a brat!"

"Please, it'll take you barely 3 seconds to pick up," Saberu scoffed. Toran put out his palm and one by one all the cards flew back into his hand.

Toran made a face. "Nearly 4."

"Oh, shut up."

"What did you find?" Walter interjected. "Do you know who he is? Who they all are?"

Saberu gulped. "Well... They're assassins alright, but not the kind we expected. They kill the criminals the police can't touch."

"Hey! We're not criminals!" Toran protested.

"No, but we're helping them," Walter commented. "But what on earth has you so upset? It can't be that..."

Saberu looked a bit reluctant to tell them. He brought his knees to his chest as he sighed. "He was...kidnapped when he was little and his parents didn't care. They didn't care, just like mine never cared about me."

Walter sighed. "And for some reason, knowing there's someone out there like you makes you feel strange."

"Yes, I suppose that's it."

"What kind of 'strange?'" Toran asked skeptically while cocking his eyebrow.

Saberu stared out the window again, a sad look on his face... "I don't know."

*************************************************************** < p>"The rain's getting harder," Ken commented as he and Omi rode on his motorcycle. "Are you alright, Omi?"

"I'm fine, Ken-kun," Omi replied softly. But he wasn't, he couldn't stop thinking of how he had been persuaded by Saberu so easily, why when he acted like he cared he just--

'Why did I get so soft? I've never shown compassion to a target before, I've never hesitated... But he acted...so nice. I should have been horrified when he discovered who I was and my kidnapping but I didn't! That should have pushed me even more to want to kill him but it only made me weak... Dammit, do I want to be loved that bad?' Ken felt Omi's grip on him tighten and he was beginning to shake. '...Am I that desperate? I feel so pathetic...'

'Omi,' Ken thought to himself with concern. 'What did he do to you?'
