Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ Comforting Friend ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss Kreuz or the idea or the characters in the show. However I do own this fanfiction idea and the characters Saberu, Toran, Walter, Mary and her little followers Sue-Ann and Beth. Don't take them, they're mine that would just be mean. :p Not to mention, who the heck would want to steal Mary? >_<;;

Warnings: Same as usual: Yaoi, strong language, lime. Implied KenxOmi and Original CharacterxOmi. Lots of stuff to do with original characters, don't like that stuff, then you probably wouldn't like this. A sort of lime part in this chapter.

Chapter 3: Comforting Friend

"I'm fine, will you just let me do it...?!"

"Aya, stop it, you can't bandage your own head!"

"He can't be that injured if he can put up a struggle like that," Yoji commented. "I guess I should be glad I didn't go after Walter, eh?" he gave Omi a small nudge with his elbow.

'I would have been better off with it...' Omi thought painfully to himself. He didn't like the fact that he had fallen for Saberu's stupid charm, he was an assassin! He wasn't supposed to get soft because of kind words from a target!

"He's not getting away next time," Aya commented, still trying to push Ken away.

"I still don't understand how they did that... I mean, I thought they were just hypnotists, I wasn't even sure if this was real."

"Well, Mary called them psychic..." Ken pointed out as he finally gave up trying to help Aya.

"Oh, give me a break," Yoji scoffed. "You can't be SERIOUS about that, Ken. You can't possibly think they were using their mind to hurt us!"

Omi felt a chill run down his back. When he grabbed him had he possibly used some kind of mind trick on him?

'No...' Omi thought to himself with horror. 'If he read my mind some how... Then he knows everything about me, everything about Weiß!'

"Hey, Omi, you look kind of pale, what's up?" Yoji asked.

Abruptly Omi quickly tore up the stairs as fast as he could.

"H-hey! OMI!" Ken called out, climbing the first step in hopes that he heard him. Then he sighed. He looked back to the other two. "That bastard Saberu... He did something to him."

"What?" Yoji blinked. "What happened?"

"I don't know... But apparently Omi's figuring something out."


Omi had rushed to his room as fast as he could, slamming the door behind him as he leaned against it for support. He felt horrified. He kept saying, 'no, no, that was stupid'. But at the same time if it were true, it made perfect sense. That's how he knew about his kidnapping, his name...and he possibly knew about Weiß as well.

He had revealed everything to the enemy!

"No...what would the others say...?" he covered his face as he began to quiver. "If they knew Saberu knew everything... Oh, God..." Omi stumbled over to his bed and fell face first onto it as tears filled his eyes. "What am I going to do now?"

There was a small knock on the door that startled him.

"Hey, Omi, it's Ken, is it alright if I come in?"

Omi hesitated. He quickly sat up and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"S-sure!" he tried to sound like everything was alright, like he was fine despite the fact that he was terrified Saberu knew everything. He couldn't tell them that though...

Ken opened the door and stepped in. "What's wrong, Omi? You just took off suddenly... You've acted really upset since after the mission..."

Omi gulped nervously.

"Oh, Ken-kun, I'm just upset about letting the target get away... You know that, I'll be fine."

"Omi... C'mon, I know it's something more than that," Ken insisted.

Omi gulped. He really wasn't any good at lying...especially to a friend.

"I'm fine."


"Ken, I just don't want to discuss it!" Omi shouted slightly as he began to lose his patience. Ken wasn't one to give up that easily though.

"Omi, that Saberu guy did something to you and I want to know what."

Omi felt as though his heart had leapt up into his throat. Ken noticed Omi tense and look away with watering eyes. Concerned, he shut the door and walked over to him, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.

"Omi...whatever it is, tell me," he said gently, trying to coax the boy. Ken was convincing, he was also persistent. Omi gave a small groan, he knew Ken would get him to confess so what was the point in just torturing himself?

He took a deep breath and faced Ken, looking into his green eyes.

"I... I think Saberu knows all about Weiss..."

Ken froze for a moment. "What??" he finally asked in disbelief. Omi clarified.

"If he's psychic... He grabbed my head and I started to dream!" Omi explained, grasping his face with quivering hands. "And then...suddenly he knew my name! He knew about my--!" he choked on the words. "What happened to me...when I was a kid... But why would he only read stupid memories like that? He MUST have found out!" Omi covered his face in shame as it was becoming hard not to weep. "...it would be all my fault, Ken-kun..."

Omi was shocked as Ken grasped him by his arms tightly and turned him to face him. Omi looked nervous... Was he mad?

"Omi, stop saying that. It wouldn't be your fault, of course not!" he explained and his grip on Omi began to loosen. "Omi... We all know how faithful you are, you wouldn't even talk when that bastard Hirofumi was beating you. The only way Saberu could get anything out of you was if he actually did read your mind," Omi became less tense as he heard it. He had been so horrified of being blamed. He felt tears begin to fall, tears of relief and he quickly wiped them away with his hand.

"Ken-kun... Th-thank you, I needed to hear that," he sniffled.

"Hey, that's alright..." Ken smiled brightly. "C'mon, now, I'm not used to seeing you this way! Cheer up!" he laughed, wiping a few tears from Omi's face. "We're going to get those guys and then it isn't going to matter anyhow! Besides, they wouldn't have any use of the information anyways..."

Omi sniffled again and then smiled with determination. "You're right!" he agreed. "We underestimated them, but next time we're going to get them!"

Ken became a bit serious again. "Omi...you're going to be, okay, right? I mean...he brought up your--" he decided not to say kidnapping. Omi understood what he meant without it. "If that makes you upset or anything we'll understand if you want to be left out of th--" Omi cut him off there with a finger upon his lips.

"No, I'm a member of his team and I'm going to help," Omi winked playfully, making Ken grin. Of course, Omi was a lot stronger than he looked.

"Alright," Ken nodded. "Anyways, it's late," he gave a quick glance at the clock. "I'll let you rest... You're going to need it when Mary comes stomping in tomorrow!" he chuckled while Omi gave a pitiful whine.

"Yeah... I guess so..." he rubbed his head. "This is going to be hard, explaining... Shoot," he muttered. Ken snickered and ruffled up Omi's hair.

"Night," he said and then stood up and walked towards the door. Omi's voice stopped him.


Ken looked over his shoulder at him, still smiling. "What is it, Omi?"

Omi looked at bit timid. Then he gave a small giggle and his wide smiled returned. "Just...thank you and I don't just mean for what you did just now... For everything, the way you came in to save me tonight and all..."

"You needed help, of course I would come running!" he laughed. "All for one and one for all, right?"

Omi nodded. "Yes, you're right..." he suddenly cast his eyes downward, blushing slightly and what he said next shocked Ken. "...you'll...always be here to protect me?" he didn't state it, he asked. Suddenly everything was serious again.

Ken frowned a little. He knew what Omi meant... No one had protected him from his kidnappers. He fought the urge to go back over to Omi and hold him and reassure him over and over he would always protect him no matter what as he cradled him. The thought made him blush, that wouldn't be right! Not between two boys! He didn't want to give Omi the wrong impression...

"Of course I'll always protect you," he said, his voice shaking slightly, still stunned Omi had even asked. Omi looked up at Ken, his blue eyes glistening.


Ken smiled. "Yeah, of course I promise that."

A small smile reappeared on Omi's lips.

"Thank you... Ken-kun..."

Ken gave a weak smile, his heart still pounding against his chest... Omi looked so adorable... Sitting there all innocent on the bed. Ken quickly cast the thought out of his head.

"Good night, Omi," he said as he quickly left out the door, shutting it behind him...

--------------------------------------------------------------- < p class="c19">Saberu lay on the soft bed which felt like a cloud. Stone pillars lined the windows as the cool air blew in the room filled with bright sunlight.

'Mmm...what heaven,' he thought to himself dreamily as he closed his eyes and relaxed into the pillow, enjoying the cool spring breeze brush against his naked form. That's when he felt someone slowly caressed his chest intimately. He didn't open his eyes to look though, for some reason right then he didn't care. He felt stress, the wandering fingers relaxed him farther and he breathed deeply.

He felt the person lean close and kiss him gently, but still so sensuous and arousing. Saberu eagerly leaned into the kiss of his lover. The kiss grew deeper and more passionate with each spent second, seconds Saberu wouldn't trade for the world. Such absolute bliss...

His lover pulled back and Saberu whined in disapproval as he was deprived of that sweet mouth. He wanted those soft rose-petal lips back on his own, his lips felt so cold without the warmer ones.

"Beru-chan... Open your eyes," his lover requested, wanting Saberu to look at him. Saberu did. His lover was an adorable bishounen, an angle with cinnamon hair and deep cerulean eyes. Saberu felt his heart pound as he looked upon his stark form... Beautiful, flawless... He sat up to run his hand across the other boy's chest and just touching him sent shivers of delight down his spine. Such skin, smooth as silk and soft as cherry blossoms...

"Do you...like my body?" the boy asked rather coyly as his toes curled with a bit of nervousness of rejection.

Saberu looked stunned. Such an angle... How could anyone not look upon him and not want to take him?

Saberu decided to play a bit hard to get either way. He wasn't easy after all, although he was more than willing to do what was obvious the other boy wanted. The other may of wanted it but just letting him touch him would be a free trip to heaven...

"What do you think?" Saberu asked as he pushed the boy down and began to nibble hungrily at his neck. The boy giggled before emitting a soft moan.

"I think you do," he sighed dreamily as he closed his eyes and allowed Saberu to do what ever he wanted.

"Well..." Saberu whispered as he began to stroke his thigh, causing a smile and an 'mmm' to escape his lovers lips. "Do you like my body?"

"Very much," the other boy smiled and opened his eyes to gaze into Saberu's.

"You're so beautiful..." Saberu breathed out and kissed him again. Mmm...so sweet, more delicious than any candy he had ever tasted. As the kiss ended the other boy panted softly as he began to kiss Saberu's neck.

"Please...please, Beru-chan..." he pleaded. "Make love to me, please..."

He was so innocent, asking politely... Such an angel, such a sweet angel.

He needn't even ask.

"Aishiteru... My little Angel..." Saberu whispered as he thrust himself forward. This was what he wanted more than anything...

"Saberu!" his lover cried out...wait...that wasn't his voice...

"Oy, Saberu!" Saberu eyes shot open as he heard that voice again. "Get up, Walter is making breakfast, c'mon...! You getting up?" standing in the doorway shouting was Toran!

Saberu rolled over onto his stomach. He looked as though he had seen a ghost.

"What's up with you? Having nightmares?" Toran asked. Saberu turned his head, keeping that same stressed expression.

"Goddamn you..." he growled hoarsely. Toran blinked.

"Well, good morning to you too!" he huffed and then turned quickly and marched out the door. "You'd better hurry up or I'm eating all your pancakes for that one!" he called back angrily.

Saberu gave an exasperated sigh as he closed his eyes, just wishing more than anything he could drift back into that dream... He had never felt happier then at that moment, lying next to the boy with the cinnamon brown hair...

He suddenly realized something.

"Oh my God!" he yelped, sitting up in bed. "I was dreaming about OMI...?!"

His heart pounded wildly. That dream... He loved it more than any dream he had ever had. The taste of his lips...he wondered if his lips truly tasted that sweet... He shook his head.

"Damnit, no..." he ordered strictly to himself. What was the thinking? Omi was out to kill him! He suddenly gulped...thinking of last night... He felt so much compassion towards him, all he had ever wanted was someone he could relate to, someone who had gone though all the same painful rejections from their parents as he did. Someone who could love him and make the pain go away and that he could do the same for them...

"Omi..." he whimpered with tears in his eyes.


Saberu finished buttoning up his shirt as he walked out of his room towards the breakfast table.

"Morning," Walter greeted him as he flipped through the pages of the newspaper. Toran looked grumpy as he ate his toast covered in butter.

"Aug... Morning," Saberu groaned while rubbing his temple with his palm. He had to stop thinking that way. He had just been in a morning daze, he convinced himself. What he had dreamed, what he had thought he wanted... That was stupid, not to mention completely insane.

"Something wrong?" Walter questioned as he noticed Saberu rubbing his head.

"No... Just--I just have a headache. I think those stupid assassins have me stressed out." Or at least one of them did.

"You shouldn't be worrying about that. You know we can take them without hassle," Walter told him as he resumed reading the paper. Saberu took a seat at the table and began to jelly his toast.

"Um...sorry for what I said, Toran. I was just having a weird dream," he explained. It was a good one, that was for sure but strange.

Toran looked at him...paused...then gave a small smile. "Okay, that's fine."

The room grew silent except for the chewing of food and clanking of silverware on the plates. Suddenly Toran asked what Saberu had been dreading and thought he had avoided.

"So, what was the dream about?"

Saberu tensed instantly. Walter must have noticed because suddenly he lowered the paper to look at him. Now he was under the pressure of them both. Luckily for Saberu he was the only one capable of getting into peoples mind...although Walter was extremely good at manipulating people to get what he wanted out of them, not to mention he and Toran could hypnotize anyone to get them to tell them anything.

"Oh...it's...personal..." he blushed. Toran's eyes brightened like a child in a candy store, his smile stretched between both ears...

"Dirty!" he laughed as he pointed at Saberu. "You have such a dirty mind, well well! I didn't think you were that kind of person, I mean, you look so innocent on the outside! So, c'mon, who was it??" he asked shaking Saberu's shoulder. Saberu's face was as red as a tomato.

"That is NONE of your business...!" Saberu growled while at the same time slapping the eager man's hand away.

"Fine," Toran grinned and pulled his cards from his pocket, shuffling them quickly and he instantly pulled out a card from the deck. "Page of cups!" he declared. Saberu's mouth dropped open. "A young man with fair hair and blue eyes. Youthful, gentle, somewhat feminine, longing for love..." Toran looked thoughtful as he tried to figure out whom it was, tapping his chin with the card. "Reminds me of you."

"Stop it!" Saberu demanded, waving his hand as he jumped up. Toran's cards shot out of his hand and flew every which way, a few of them landing in the butter and jam and onto each other's plates. Toran looked as though the world was coming to an end.

"MY CARDS!" he cried with horror in his voice. He looked to Saberu, looking as though he was about to commit murder. "You brat!" he reached out to grab him, most likely to put him in a head lock and 'noogie' him to death but Saberu reached out first, clasping his hand onto the taller boys head. Toran was stunned.

"Don't push me today... I am NOT in the mood," Saberu hissed while Toran looked at him in utter shock.

"You two, that's enough," the more mature member of the group stood up. "Saberu, I know something is wrong, it would be better if you just told us."

Saberu grunted. He suddenly let go of Toran's head and turned abruptly on his heel as he began to rush towards the door, grabbing his baseball cap and jacket off the hanger.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Toran demanded. "You get back here and clean up my cards!"

"I don't want to," Saberu put carelessly. "I'm going for a walk," with the bit of information, Saberu left out of the door. Toran stood gaping for a second before he began to throw a fit.

"ERR! That spoiled brat, he thinks he can do anything he wants, he drives me crazy!!"

Walter put a hand on his shoulder to calm the less mature boy down. "That's enough. He's just upset... We'll get him to tell us why soon enough."


Saberu walked along the sidewalk. It was still early, around nine o'clock. The birds were chirping, singing their greeting to the morning. Saberu sighed.

"Shut up, birds," he growled to himself. That noise was one that haunted him as a child, it meant a new day, a new bruise from his father's hand, another blood stain on the carpet and another bottle of vodka on the floor. Another day no one would rescue him. Screw the world. You could never depend on anyone but yourself, not for anything.

Saberu rubbed his head. Another headache was coming on... Because of his powers he was constantly suffering from headaches. Sometimes they were almost unbearable.

With his power came a price.

"Damn...ugk!" he groaned as he shut his eyes tightly. "Shit, it's another one of those..." he stumbled over to the bus stop bench and sat down as everything became a blur. Sometimes he had headaches that affected him not only by pain, but everything else too. His eyesight became fuzzy, he became dizzy, he couldn't think of anything but the pain. Luckily these only lasted momentarily but they sometimes showed up during the worst of times.

He rubbed his temples, trying his best to get the pain to subside. Soon the pain began to ease away and he slowly opened his eyes. His sight began to return to normal and he gave a small sigh of relief as he wiped the tears out of his eyes. He leaned back against the seat and rested for a moment. He was just glad it was over and he could have a promise it wouldn't happen again for a while. He stood up, his legs still shaking from the experience but he would be fine. He was tough...he could take anything.

-------------------------------------------------------------- -

"So, did you think of an excuse to give Mary?" Yoji teased as they opened up the shop for another day of business.

"No..." Omi sighed. "I laid awake half the night trying to think of something. I couldn't come up with anything... She's really going to kill me."

It was just the three of them that day, Aya was still recovering from the nice injury Walter has caused him.

"I'm sure she'll make you regret it," Yoji chuckled.

"It's not funny!" Omi gasped.

Meanwhile, Saberu continued along the sidewalk, feeling a bit ill from the attack. He found it a bit hard to breathe. Sometimes he wondered if that having his powers was really worth the pain he went through sometimes.

'Of course it is. You'd have still been there the past 7 years if you hadn't,' he reminded himself and it actually made him feel better.

That's when he noticed something up ahead. It was a quaint little flower shop. He chuckled, that seemed so normal... Sometimes he always wondered what it would be like to have something more normal. A bakery, a dress shop, a flower shop. He had never in his life been normal... He loved the idea of it though.

As he began to walk past he suddenly slowed his pace. There were a bunch of flowers on display outside. Saberu had no idea what they were, he wasn't a flower expert but it was a beautiful sky blue.

'Why could they leave them out here?' he wondered. 'Anyone could walk right up and just steal them. Who would trust people that much?'

He leaned down to touch one of the delicate petals. It felt so soft. What was that saying? 'Stop to smell the flowers'? Saberu shrugged and breathed in the flower's fragrance. He gave a peaceful sigh, it almost smelled intoxicating. That feeling was short lived though...

"Hey, Omi, pass me those scissors will you?"

"Sure thing, Ken-kun!"

'Oh my God!' Saberu immediately jumped back as his heart beat wildly. 'Baka!' he had totally forgotten Omi working in a flower shop, what a way to be caught!

He glanced into the window. Sure enough, there was the boy he recognized from the night before, cinnamon brown hair and cerulean eyes...

'Dammit, why is my heart beating so fast?!' Saberu wondered as he grasped his chest. Why was looking at him doing this to him? 'I can't possibly...!'

Something caught his eye, a girl stomping angrily down the sidewalk, long blonde hair in pigtails and blue crystal eyes, which at the moment looked like she was out to kill someone. She pushed the door open quickly and burst into the shop.

"Tsukiyono! What the hell happened?!" he demanded as she slammed her palms on the table he'd been sitting at. "Where did you take off to?! HUH?! I thought you'd been kidnapped! Well, I sure as hell am gonna make you wish you were!"

Omi gulped. Saberu was stunned. How dare that stupid little ditz yell at Omi that way!

He wasn't even fighting back, why was he cowering at a scrawny girl like this?

"Mary...I'm uh, sorry... Something came up."

"SOMETHING CAME UP?!" she yelled in fury. "You didn't even have the decency to tell me?! And another thing, just how the hell did you get back here?! You left me worrying my head off!"

"Mary-san, I'm sorry!" he gasped. "I-I'll make it up to you!"

"I don't want you to," she growled. "You left me, Tsukiyono, no one ditches Mary Wolcott in the middle of the date! That's rude on your part!"

Saberu felt his heart began to beat faster, this time in anger. He had to fight the urge to rush in there and demand she stop talking to Omi so harshly.

"I guess I know now why you never have a date if you leave them right in the middle! You probably have no idea how much that ticket cost my Daddy to get! I could have given it to one of my friends, they would have appreciated it!"

"Your 'Daddy' has a bank account the size of the Eiffel tower," Yoji pointed out. This just seemed to make Mary angrier. Omi gulped, why did Yoji have to provoke her?

"You're going to regret this, Omi," Mary growled as she walked back over to the door and placed her hand on it and pushed it open, looking back at Omi again. "Unless you come up with a better excuse you are SO going to regret this!"

Saberu couldn't remember the time he felt this infuriated. What a stuck-up! He wanted to hurt her so bad for being such a jerk to Omi... After all he had been through, she had no idea!...

An idea came to him. He just couldn't resist.

"I'll give you till Wednesday to think of a better excuse!" she told him and as she turned to leave through the door she had been holding open. Suddenly without warning, like a spring, it flew back, slamming Mary hard in the nose and causing her to fall backwards with a loud 'SMACK' on the tile as she landed. Saberu grinned, satisfied with his revenge and his anger began to subside. His powers certainly DID come in handy...

"MARY-SAN!" Omi gasped.

All three boys rushed to her aid, including Omi who helped her sit up. Saberu was stunned.

"What happened?!" Ken gasped.

"Mary-san, are you alright??" Omi asked worriedly. She looked dazed for a moment and felt her nose, which was bleeding profusely from the hard impact with the door. "Hang on, I'll get you a towel, you should lie down!"

As she realized Omi was holding her arms to help her sit, she recovered quickly and jerked away.

"I'm fine!" she shouted, despite the fact that her nose may have very well been broken. She tucked her hand beneath it to stop the blood from dripping onto her shirt, then stood up quickly and left through the door, near tears.

"Mary-san..." Omi looked saddened. "I didn't know I hurt her like that by leaving..."

Hurt her?? Saberu's eyes grew the size of plates. She had just come stomping in like a mad bull, yelled at him and insulted him! He had expected Omi to snicker or at least smirk when the door flew back into her face but he had rushed to her aid, asking if she was alright, offering her a towel for the blood and telling her to lie down!

'What kind of person is like that now?' Saberu felt like butterflies were flying around in his stomach. 'Who would care despite such a rotten attitude? Who wouldn't laugh if the person got what they deserved...?'

Yoji looked confused as he began to push on the door, opening and closing it. "What the hell caused that? Didn't you see how it suddenly flew back?"

"It was probably just the wind," Ken said.

"Ken, the girl might have broken her nose," Yoji replied skeptically. "Look outside, the trees are completely still. How could a gust out of nowhere suddenly come strong enough to slam a door so hard into a 16-year-old girls nose enough that it would break?"

"It was like someone purposely pushed it into her," Omi frowned. "But no one was around! Who would want to hurt her anyways?"

'I don't believe this... He's actually concerned for her after the attitude she gave him?' Saberu scoffed. But deep down he was touched...

"Hey, kid!" Saberu jumped as he realized he was spotted.

He tipped his hat down and tried to bury his head between his shoulders.

"Wha-what?" he asked in a deep voice that wasn't his own.

"You've been standing there for the past 10 minutes, can we help you with anything?" Yoji asked.

"No," he said quickly before he sped walk off. 'Damn, I didn't want to leave just yet...' a frown crossed his face as he continued down the sidewalk, images of Omi's sweet face flooding his head.


"Saberu, you've been gone half the day! Where the hell were you?" Toran asked, apparently playing with his Tarot cards, which appeared to have survived the swim in the jelly.

"I was walking, didn't you hear me when I left?" he replied sarcastically.

"Brat," Toran grumbled.

"Oh, Saberu, good you're back," Walter came walking out, fixing his shirt collar. "We have an assignment tonight."

"What is it?" Saberu asked.

"Hypnotize some woman into believing she didn't see some guy kill her husband," Walter replied. "Pay is quite good too."

Saberu scoffed. "You know this is exactly why those Weiß guys are after us," 'and why I don't stand a chance with Omi...'

"Saberu, what we make doing this is more than half our income," Walter reminded him. "Why are you acting so differently, we've done tons of cases like this..."

Saberu was silent as he just crossed his arms.

"Alright, you don't have to say anything. Are you coming or not?" Walter questioned. Saberu groaned.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

"Good," Walter smiled.

'Omi...you wouldn't be with me ever anyways, so what does it matter?' Saberu forced himself not to cry.
