Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ It's Not Him Anymore... ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiß Kreuz, the idea, or the characters in the show. This story is mine though including the characters Saberu, Toran, Walter, and Mary. So don't steal them please.

Warning: For the rest of the story some language, violence and angst.

Chapter 10: It's Not Him Anymore...

A peaceful sleep; that was often so rare. A nightmare, he was used to that. Somehow, the feel of the other boys skin, his arms around him as they lie naked together, caused all those horrible times to drift and stay in the back of his mind where he usually buried them.

'I'm so happy...' Saberu thought to himself. As he stared at Omi's sleeping form and his smile grew wider. 'He's happy like this too.'

A few hours had passed. Saberu lie there quietly now, lying on top of his new lover and awaiting for him to awake. He knew Omi needed his rest from their earlier actions, but he always missed him while he slept.

He reached to brush back his bangs, he loved playing with his hair. Omi shifted slightly and groaned. His eyes slowly fluttered open, a bit dazed at first. Saberu just smiled at him.

"Hey," he whispered and kissed his lips softly. Omi smiled at him, pausing a moment to stretch. Giving a sigh, he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up fully. "Mmm...Beru-chan..."

"You're finally awake," he chuckled. "As sweet as you look sleeping, I prefer you awake."

Omi giggled and wrapped his arms around Saberu's neck. "If you were lonely you could have woken me up. I wouldn't have minded, you know..."

"You needed your rest...after this afternoon. I guess I wore you out, eh?" Omi's face turned bright red as Saberu teased him.

"Saberu!" he protested, slightly embarrassed. Saberu was a bit stunned by his sudden shyness.

"You weren't saying anything a few hours ago!" he continued to tease, wanting to make Omi blush. He looked so darling when he blushed... "You were begging for it," he accused him with a pointing finger, then playfully tracing around his lips. "You know it too, that's probably why you're blushing."

"I'm not blushing!" Omi sputtered nervously. He knew he was, but he couldn't think of a good come back, though he tried to hide the red in his face by placing his hands over it, looking at Saberu through his parted fingers. "Saberu, don't tease me. You know, you're no better than I am," he pointed out.

"True," Saberu took Omi's hands away from his face, bringing one to his lips he began placing soft kisses along his fingertips. "I doubt most people would be able to resist you," he was too beautiful, too adorable. Saberu could spend the entire day thinking of compliments to give him and he liked the thought of it. Just him and Omi alone together, him whispering how much he cared for the younger man, assuring him of his love for him.

"Flattery?" Omi asked with a small giggle. "That's sweet of you to say."

"It's the truth," Saberu scooped Omi into his arms and cradled him as Omi rested his hands on his chest. "Tell me," he requested. "Tell me what you said...right before you went to sleep, I want to hear it again," never had he heard such words that caused him such happiness.

Omi blinked. Thinking for a moment, he looked up at Saberu once again. "You mean I love you?"

"That's it."

Omi smiled, his arms locking around Saberu's waist as he held him tightly. "I love you so much, Saberu... I love you more than anything," he truly believed this, he felt it, he saw no reason to deny him the words.

"Forever?" he sounded serious... Omi kissed him softly, almost as reassurance.

"Forever, I promise."

Saberu's grip on him tightened as he buried his face into his shoulder. It was strange almost, he was shaking slightly... Omi almost thought he was going to cry. Those words meant so much to him and it hurt Omi to know he had lacked that emotion so much that now that he finally felt it, it was so overwhelming to him.

'Love me forever, Omi...' Saberu thought to himself. It was all he could ask of him. 'Because I'll always love you so much longer than that.'

------------------------------------------------------------- --

He was alive, that was what mattered. He could rescue him and take down the beasts whom took him in the first place. Those people... For once he was going to enjoy a mission. They would pay for it. They would pay dearly for taking Omi away and any pain they had caused him.

Their rescue mission was that night. Mary had informed them of a show the three hypnotists were doing that night and Kritiker had actually come through with a location where they were living. So they were headed there tonight, every second that passed Omi's chances of remaining unharmed diminished.

"Are you ready to go?" Aya asked. Ken grinned, gripping his hand and causing the metal claws to spring forth.

"Of course I am," he replied.

Aya turned quickly and left out the door. A thousands thoughts were running through his mind. Ken was excited because he hadn't thought the information through. Omi was alive, that was a fact. But why had he been at a fair of all places? Enemies had kidnapped him, if he were to escape he would have fled back home. It didn't make sense. Aya was sure they would find this out soon enough... But for some reason he couldn't help but feel a bit worried, his heart wasn't completely ice. He did have a soft spot for his teammates though it was usually kept well hidden. If Omi was hurt in anyway by those men, that would be unforgivable.

Yoji was already waiting outside, smoking a cigarette as usual. He was just as concerned as Aya was about the situation, feeling a mix of curiosity and confusion. Mysteries that were sure to be answered eventually.

"I don't think Ken understands," Aya commented to Yoji, startling the blonde and snapping him from his thoughts.

"Didn't hear you come out," he replied, dropping his cigarette to the ground and smashing it into the pavement with his foot as he casually threw his arms behind his head. "We shouldn't say anything though, the last thing we need is him losing it again."

"Right, we can't afford that now," Aya nodded in agreement.

Not only that but it might crush him to hear negativity about the situation. He had been happy all day about Omi being alive, there was no need to smash that now. After all, no matter how slim the chance, there still was a chance that maybe nothing was wrong and Omi was okay.

Ken came out not soon after. "Let's get going," he said eagerly. The other two nodded. They were finally going to get Omi back, things would be back to normal. 'This is it... I'm finally going to save you, Omi. I can still keep my promise.'

---------------------------------------------------------- -----

"I should probably get up now."

"Do we have to?" Omi asked. Saberu chuckled, happy that Omi wanted to stay with him. Reaching to stroke his face he nodded.

"You don't, I do. I have a show tonight... If I don't get up now, sooner or later Toran is going to come barging in here and break up our fun anyway," and he really didn't want to see the look on his face when he saw them in bed naked together.

Omi sighed in disappointment mainly because he knew that was the truth. "You're right..."

"Wait a minute," Saberu said. "I want..." he reached behind his neck suddenly, unlocking the pendent that always hung there. "I want you to have this." He handed over the golden pendent to the shocked looking boy.

"Beru-chan!" he gasped, looking surprised. "Don't you need it...?"

"Nah," Saberu kissed him softly. "Walter usually handles the hypnosis anyway. I just wanted you to have something... I don't know," he scratched the back of his head, hoping he didn't sound stupid as he explained his reasoning. "Just a symbol of how much I love you, how wonderful our future is going to be together."

Omi smiled brightly, throwing his arms around Saberu. "Thank you, Beru-chan!" he pulled back to put on his gift from Saberu. "It means so much to me..." knowing how secure it all was. That he and Saberu would always be together, that their future was with one another and they would always be happy.

"Don't thank me. Just loving me is enough, that's all I ever wanted from anyone, Omi..." it was something he had never had. Now that he did in a sense he was happy, content with it. He had never felt this happy, this sure of anything, especially love in his life. He had always thought love was so fragile but this just felt so strong.

Omi took his hand and gave it a tender squeeze. "I'll keep loving you...forever."

"Good," Saberu laughed and hugged him tightly. Omi resisted though, pulling back to look Saberu in the eyes.

"You'll always love me too, right?"

Saberu looked at him seriously, gripping his chin as he stared at him in the eyes. For some reason he had thought of Omi's teammates, denying that he cared for him, claiming he was too horrible and cruel to ever love someone. Maybe at one time this had been true but Saberu knew his love for Omi was real he knew that he loved him with everything and that it would never change. He felt so comfortable when he spoke because he knew he was not lying.

"Omi...no matter what anyone ever says, never doubt my love for you. I'd do anything for you... I'd never want to hurt you, you're the only one I've ever truly loved."

Omi smiled and buried his face in the crook of Saberu's neck. He trusted the words completely, not questioning them at all. "I know you love me," he whispered as his arms slid around Saberu's waist. "I know you'd never purposely hurt me, not in any way."

Saberu smiled a bit halfheartedly this time. Was what he was doing hurting him? Not allowing him to have any memories of his true self? His life, his school, his friends...

'No, those memories would only cause him pain,' Saberu had made a firm decision on this. 'It's better for him this way... This way I can always protect him and make sure he's happy.' Ignorance is bliss.

Saberu climbed out of bed and quickly dressed. Omi sighed and laid back on the bed, still feeling a bit dazed and tired.

"I wish you didn't have to leave," Omi said, making Saberu look back at him as he finished buttoning the buttons on his shirt.

"I could always stay home," he shrugged. "Toran and Walter can handle it..."

Omi was shocked he'd be willing to that for him, though at the same time it flattered him. "Oh, no!" he gasped, quickly sitting back up. He didn't want Saberu dropping his responsibility's just for him. "You can't let them down...or your audience. Just be back soon," he laughed.

"Alright," Saberu walked back and gave him a kiss-good-bye. He messed his hair some more and he was beginning to think it had become a habit. "I'll see you in an hour or so... I love you, Omi, just remember that always."

Omi nodded. "I'll love you always too, Saberu..." and kissed softly. "Good luck with your show!" he added. Saberu gave a small chuckle before turning and leaving out the door.

He shut the door behind him, fixing the collar on his shirt one last time and brushing himself off as he entered the living room. The shirt had been slightly wrinkled due to it's careless discard onto the floor earlier. Toran and Walter sat in the living room waiting for him, looking smug, Toran holding up a card and teasing...

"Finally got over your conscience? Good for you!"

On closer inspection, Saberu realized he was waving the 'lovers' card around. Blushing, he tried to maintain his composure as he walked over to Walter and stood in front of him.

"I want to leave this damn city. Somewhere...anywhere but here Omi and I can be normal and happy. I don't like sleeping with one eye opened."

Walter smiled. "We'll leave first thing in the morning then."


"I'm glad you're finally thinking clearly, Saberu," Walter said as he stood up. "Ever since we found you, you've always been the one with a hint of compassion in you... But seeing this it seems you're very good at over coming any obstacles that block your path."

"I'm only concerned for Omi's happiness, nothing else matters," Saberu almost growled back.

Walter merely chuckled. "Very well then, whatever you say," he walked over to the front door and grabbed his jacket. "C'mon, you two, it's time we get going. We don't want to be late," he said as he left. Saberu gritted his teeth. He was not being selfish! Omi deserved happiness and this was the only way he was ever going to have it. If he forgot about his horrible life as Weiß and focused purely on this new one, one where he would be loved and taken care of forever.

"Hey, Saberu," Toran said as he stood from his seat. Saberu looked at him.


Toran looked serious. Serious and...worried. "Don't ever love someone too much, okay? I don't want to see you getting hurt."

Saberu was a bit stunned. It was weird hearing something like that from Toran. He always seemed so careless, like nothing in the world mattered to him but himself. Could it possibly be that he was concerned for him?

He replied nothing to his remark and quickly left out the same door Walter had just exited. Sighing, Toran threw on his cloak and followed after them, knowing that Saberu had not taken his comment as seriously as intended.

'Aren't you concerned at all Walter?' Toran asked telepathically as they walked, being sure to keep the conversation from Saberu. 'Saberu... He was always so cold, a 'take no shit' kind of person. When it comes to Omi it's like he does a total 180 on us.'

Walter smirked. 'That's what love does to you.'

'I don't like it, he's becoming too vulnerable.'

'Toran, I understand where you're coming from but there's no need to worry, we can handle Weiß. If they show up we'll kill them. Simple as that. You worry too much.'

Toran's steps slowed down. No longer talking to Walter he thought to himself. 'And you don't worry enough. We may have these powers but not even we can take one blow from Weiß. We're not immortal. And Omi... Omi is Weiß. If he ever regains his memories...and having him just makes them want to fight harder,' he reached into his pocket, checking the gun that he always kept there for emergencies. 'If this gets to be too much I have no problem eliminating him. I'll kill Omi if I have to... No matter how much it hurts Saberu he'll get over it.' He quickened his steps again, catching up to his two teammates as they walked into the dark of night...


It was silent, the entire house was completely still and silent. Omi finally forced himself from the warm bed and dressed quickly. He made his way out to the kitchen, he supposed he should eat since he didn't have anything that day.

Yawning, he stretched again, still having trouble becoming fully away. The house was so empty, he missed Saberu already. He was starting to think he should have asked to go along or something. He sat at the table as he held his head in his hands. He felt so lonely. He didn't like to feel lonely, he never did. All he could think about was when Saberu would be back and hold him in his arms once again... Maybe repeat some of their earlier actions... That made him blush.

"I love him," he sighed. "I don't remember ever being this happy," though he was sure he had felt this high before being with Saberu. It just made him happier to think that they would always be together. Suddenly, a noise alerted him. He jumped out of his seat. A smile came to his face. Maybe Saberu had decided not to go after all. Although he did not want to be selfish and keep Saberu all to himself he also couldn't say he would have minded. He walked out of the kitchen and into the back room where he had heard the noise, sure that it must have been Saberu coming in the back way.

"Saberu--!" he started. But he immediately stopped. The man was not his Saberu. It was someone whom he had never seen before in his life.

The man's eyes widened. Omi stood there, unsure exactly of what to do, to say. He wondered, who was he and why was he in his house?! Omi immediately thought he was a burglar whom must have thought when he saw the others leave that the house had been empty.

"Omi! You...you're okay!"

Omi was now extremely confused. Standing there, he could do nothing else but mutter a small. "...what...?"

Before he realized exactly what was happening, the man rushed over to him and embraced him tightly. Omi's whole body tensed, frozen in shock. The man began to speak and it seemed like he was struggling not to cry as he held him tightly against him.

"Omi... I was so scared... Please forgive me for not being able to stop them."

"What?" Omi repeated, though it was slightly hard because of the mans tight hold.

"I'm so sorry... I'll never let this happen again..."

As Omi began to reclaim his composure, horror stuck him. This man, this STRANGER... Was hugging him! Omi struggled fiercely and a bit to his shock as the man felt his struggling he allowed him to slip from his grasp without hesitation.

"Omi?" he looked confused. Omi thought it was stupid of him to be acting confused on why he refused the touching.

He stepped back, looking almost horrified. Stumbling towards the doorway he had just came from he forced himself to speak. "Just-just what do you think you're doing?! Who the hell are you to even touch me?!" and he was now holding on to the doorway for support.

Ken was absolutely dumbstruck. Was Omi so mad at him for letting him down that he didn't even want to be touched? Did he hate him? By the look on his face it seemed like he did. Ken gulped thinking that Omi had every right to be mad at him. After all, he must have thought he had broken his promise to him, but Ken was convinced that it wasn't too late.

"Omi... I understand why you're mad, I don't blame you... Omi, please, please forgive me for not being able to protect you."

Omi blinked. "What are you talking about...? And further more," he yelled. "How do you know my name, who are you?!"

Ken froze. He could make sense of his previous statements but this...

"Omi, what are you--" he started to approach the boy but he immediately screamed again.

Still disturbed by the hug the man had just given him, he gave a terrified yell, "Don't come near me, you pervert!"

Ken immediately stopped. Had Omi just called him a PERVERT?

"Who are you?" he demanded. "Why are you in my house?"

"Omi...your house...?" there was something wrong. Something was wrong with him. He almost seemed like he was someone else. But this had to be Omi! And he replied to the name. But this couldn't be... "Omi, your name is Omi Tsukiyono, right?"

"I'm not giving you any information until you give me some!" Omi shot back. Ken was shocked. Omi was shaking as if feared him. He would never hurt him! Omi knew that! Why was he suddenly acting so scared of him? Questions began buzzing around in his head as he felt a slight nausea suddenly caused by his own fear he had begun to feel.

'Saberu...please...I need you...come back, please....' Omi could only desperately think to himself. He had nothing to defend himself from this man, whom ever he was and was still confused on exactly what he wanted. He now doubted he was a mere burglar due to the hug and was afraid he may have wanted something else.

Then he noticed something that caused him more horror than he was already feeling. This man had a weapon. A bugnuk. He looked at him, his eyes wide in shock. He remembered Saberu talking of the assassins that had attacked him and the others at the club. "Oh my God... You're one of them," his shaking was extremely noticeable now. "You're one of those assassins who want to kill them! You want to kill Saberu!"

"Omi, what's wrong with you??" was all Ken could manage out through his shock.

"I won't let you take him away from me!" Omi hollered. "I'll die first!"


Saberu felt interrupted from his thoughts. Something wasn't right. Omi needed him, he could feel it.

"Let's hurry home, I have a feeling something is wrong," Saberu said, the show over now as they walked back stage, Toran and Walter walking on either side of them. They were both a bit confused when Saberu suddenly said this.

"Wrong?" Walter asked.

"I knew we shouldn't have left Omi alone..." He gritted his teeth, his footsteps quickening. If anything happened to him while he was gone Saberu would never be able to forgive himself. He kept hoping that this feeling of his was just his own nervousness thinking about Weiß and the anticipation of them leaving tomorrow, never having to think of it again. Then he would be able to devote all his attention to Omi without worry and he could take care of him. He could make sure he was never sad again.

He suddenly caught something in the corner of his eye. He whirled around quickly as he realized what it was.

"Look out!" he yelled to his teammates. Toran and Walter reacted quickly, both jumping out of the way as a silver sword struck, being carried by a familiar red-head.

"Ah, we meet again!" Walter chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Come to play with us again?" Toran grinned with a hand on his hip. "So where's the rest?" he took a quick look around. "I'm ready to kill all of you this time, I'm not holding back an inch!"

Saberu shook slightly. He knew he would have to kill them. Saberu never enjoyed killing or becoming violent, but he knew he was capable of it. He had promised himself to be strong, he had promised himself he would never let anyone ever try to steal his happiness away. He'd kill them.

He would kill them before he allowed them to take Omi.

'I won't let them take him,' he had prepared himself for this.

"We've come here to take something back that you stole from us," Aya told them.

"Not only helping criminals but kidnappers as well! You all really are lower than we thought," Yoji smirked, settled in the shadows.

Something hit a nerve in Saberu. He would never ever do that to Omi, he'd never hurt him like those horrible men had. "We're not kidnappers!" Saberu gasped. "I would never put him through that again!"

Toran and Walter were stunned. There was a shaking in his voice very unlike the Saberu they knew.

"If you wanna fight, let's go then," Toran smirked, casting aside Saberu for the moment. He arrogantly placed his hands on his hips and gave a quick glance between the two of them. "Which one wants to die first?"

"You're asking us? You're the ones who aren't going to last," Yoji informed him, pulling his wire from his watch.

"You talk big for someone who's lost every round with us so far!"

Saberu blinked. They were talking so much. They weren't fighting right away. Something was up, he knew they were up to something. It was...as if they were stalling.

Toran shuffled his cards. "Let's see what we pull up, eh?" pulling a card from the deck he glanced at it and immediately looked baffled. "The moon card...? I...don't get it."

It struck Saberu though; deceit, all is not what it seems. They knew where they lived, they knew where Omi was!

"Where...where is the other man?!" he yelled as he realized it. "You bastards, you tricked us!" he clutched his hand in front of them and he wanted to kill them horribly for not fighting fair. But he knew he didn't have time to deal with them. "This isn't over yet, I'm not going to lose him!" Saberu quickly rushed off, Yoji and even Aya smirking. Omi would be out of there and safe by now. By the time he got there he would be too late.

"Wha-? Hey, Saberu!" Toran called out after him but he was completely ignored.

"Ah, trickery..." Walter rubbed his chin amusement, thinking that maybe Weiß wasn't as stupid as he thought. One thing was certain though, they still underestimated them as well. He just smiled at them politely, as if chatting with old friends. "What makes you think Omi would go willingly with a stranger?"

Aya and Yoji froze as they could not comprehend what the man meant by that.

"We don't have time to deal with you now," with a wave of his hand Walter sent both Aya and Yoji flying back into a wall.


This was wrong... This was wrong. It was not supposed to go like this, he and Omi should have been out of there by now, this was getting too risky. The targets could be back at any second by now. Ken gave a quick glance to the door, his adrenaline increasing with each second that went by.

"Omi...Omi, what did they do to you?" Ken asked though deep down he knew Omi had no idea himself. Omi sensed something in the man's voice. It sounded like sadness, concern. He couldn't make sense of why the man would be feeling those emotions at that moment for him.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Omi said, still clinging to the doorway as if for dear life. Ken took a step towards him and he instantly screamed in fear. "STOP! Don't come near me!"

Ken froze again, his teeth gritted in frustration. Omi wouldn't allow him to get close and he was afraid that if he forced this the boy would just lash out and cause him to trust him even less.

"Why...why do you want to kill Saberu?" Omi asked. "Please, just answer me why you would want to hurt him!"

Ken tried to bring up the words, but he was having a hard time understanding, not wanting to believe Omi was afraid of him...didn't remember him...his best friend didn't know him. "You...don't know? You-Omi! Omi, you were going to kill him too!" he blurted, immediately realizing this was not the right thing to say. Omi looked horrified.

"I WOULD NEVER HURT SABERU!!" he roared, pain from the very thought in his voice. His voice seemed to make the whole room shake. Ken found himself shaking slightly. It didn't seem possible that this was Omi. He felt devastated. Of how things could have gone tonight this was one that had never crossed his mind.

"It wasn't suppose--this shouldn't be..." Ken stammered. He took a deep breath, calming himself in order to speak properly. "Omi, don't you remember anything?"

"I don't know what you're trying to pull..." Omi said, looking fearful and yet furious with the man for trying to trick him. "You're lying to me and it's not going to work! I'm not dumb!"

He thought every word he said to him was a lie. He didn't trust him in the slightest. "Omi..." but there wasn't time for this, he needed to get Omi out of there even if it was by force, he couldn't treat this situation delicately, he couldn't continue trying to coax the boy into trusting him because it wasn't working and they didn't have anymore time to waste. He would have to get him out of there and figure out what was wrong later. "Omi, I know you don't understand but... We have to get out of here now!"

"No!" Omi shouted firmly. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" what Ken didn't realize was Omi was stalling himself, their show was only a half hour and he knew Saberu and the others would be there any minute. His eyes darted back and forth between Ken and a nearby clock on the wall. The show was over he knew, it couldn't be much longer now.

Finally Ken saw, following his eyes he knew he was stalling. He could tell Omi was watching the clock. He really hated the thought of forcing Omi to do anything but he was running out of choices. If he had to he would carry Omi out over his shoulder.

"Omi..." he approached him again and Omi did the same as before.

"No, just get away from me!" he took a step back and he was shocked as this time the other man didn't do as he had requested. "Stay away! No!" he turned to run, but Ken quickly grabbed him by his arm before he could take off and it only caused Omi to give a glass shattering scream for help. As much as he hated seeing Omi so afraid, he also found it amusing, because if Omi truly wanted to get away from him, he had the training that he probably could do so.

"Omi, I'm sorry, but I have to get you out of here," this only caused Omi to turn back around suddenly, countering with a hard slap in the face. Though it startled him, Ken didn't relinquish his grip on Omi a bit. Deep down he knew Omi didn't really mean it, it hurt emotionally to receive a slap from him.

"Why won't you just leave?!" Omi cried out, trying to pull away. "Why... What do you want from me?! Let me go!" he ordered, still twisting his wrist, trying desperately to get away from him. Ken did not listen, in fact did the very opposite. He wasn't sure why he did it but he pulled Omi towards him and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. Just as the day...the same day he had lost him. Omi gulped nervously as he found himself once again in this mans arms.

"Omi, listen, I'm not here to hurt you," Ken whispered into his ear in the most caring gentle voice he could muster up at that time. "I care about you. Trust me, if I was here to kill you I could have done so a long time ago with the way you're acting."

Omi just didn't understand why, he just couldn't comprehend why he felt a slight twinge of quilt for hitting him even though he felt he had justified reasoning for doing so. As he was held by him though he wanted to relax, to enjoy his embrace and he didn't know why. Why it wasn't bothering him like he knew it should have. Ken pulled back, placing his hands on his shoulders as he stared into his blue eyes once more.

"Omi, please... Just trust me, let's get out of here," he begged him one last time and Omi wasn't sure what to say all of a sudden. His brain was telling him to say no as he had done many other times that night but while he was looking into the intruders eyes he just couldn't seem to say it.

Suddenly, the door behind them flew opened, a blonde man came in rushing in and looked horrified instantly, before becoming enraged.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU BASTARD!" Saberu waved his hand, sending Ken flying into a wall. Ken gasped, giving a loud grunt of pain as he hit the wall with such force it caused a nearby painting to fall. He never felt so frustrated. They had been taking up too much time, he and Omi should have been out long ago. And what made it worse was that he knew Omi had been about to comply with him.

Omi was full of relief, now with a wide smile spread across his face he quickly ran over to Saberu, throwing his arms around him.


Ken's heart skipped a beat as he watched, as he watched Omi hugging the evil man. He felt a ache in his chest as he witnessed the scene, the happiness and relief on Omi's face directed towards Saberu that should have been directed towards him.

Suddenly he heard something come over his communicator. It was Yoji.

"Ken, Saberu should be there any minute, did you get Omi out?" his voice was a bit shaky. Ken had the feeling that the three hypnotists must have hurt them a bit before taking off.

"N-no... Something's wrong with him."


"Just get over here and hurry up," Ken told him. "I think they did something to him... He doesn't remember anything."

Aya and Yoji realized instantly. It all made sense, that's why Omi was at the fair, he hadn't remembered the flower shop. He hadn't known he was supposed to escape.

"Damn," Yoji cursed while Aya gritted his teeth. "We'll be right over, just try to stay alive until we get there."

Aya and Yoji both felt instant doom.

"They hypnotized him," Aya said as he came to the conclusion, rubbing the back of his neck again to try and rid himself of the pain that had been caused when he went flying back into the wall.

"Things just got complicated..." Yoji scoffed. They were both worried. If they had hypnotized him would it be possible to get the real Omi back? They both knew one thing for sure, they wanted to kill the targets more than ever now.

"Saberu, who-who is this person...?" Omi meanwhile asked, looking to his beloved for answers.

"He's a killer, an assassin... The one who attacked me and the others at the club last time."

Ken recovered quickly, standing up and clutching his hand tightly, bringing forth the mental claws. Enraged, he had never hated anyone as much as he hated Saberu.

"What...what did you do to him?!" he demanded. He knew it was him, it was all his fault that he had lost his best friend.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Saberu lied casually. "You're going to pay dearly for messing with my lover... You've crossed the line."

Ken gasped, for a moment in complete disbelief of what he had just said. He had called Omi his lover, but that couldn't be possible. Omi would never be with Saberu willingly! Then he realized it, how stupid he had been not to see it. The one thing they specialized in, the reason they were Weiß' targets in the first place. They could make people forget. Omi was hypnotized, he had been brainwashed by them. It all made sense now, the fair, why he had not been harmed, why they had felt okay leaving him alone, and why he feared him so much.

"You brainwashed him!" Ken accused, never feeling more furious in his life. Never had he wanted so badly to sink his claws into a human being as much as he did Saberu right then.

"...what...?" Omi looked confused as he clung to Saberu tightly. Again this man was making no sense to him. He was still trying to figure out why in the back of his head he was sure he had seen him before. Suddenly Saberu urged him away, pushing him off to the side.

"Omi, don't watch."

"...Saberu...wha-what are you going to do?" Omi asked nervously, though part of him already knew what Saberu was going to say.

"I'm going to kill him and I don't want you to see."

Omi gulped and nodded in confirmation, backing away.

"Saberu, just be careful..." Saberu nodded and then quickly rushed at Ken.

Ken readied himself to strike. He rushed to Saberu, and pulled back to slam his weapon into the man but he was a lot quicker than Ken had expected. He dodged the swipe at him and slammed his fist into his stomach, causing the older man to gasp for breath as he tried to maintain his balance.

"Pathetic," Saberu growled. He held out his hands and used his powers, causing Ken to fly back onto the ground. Omi winced and quickly shut his eyes, placing his hands over his face. He couldn't bear to watch Saberu become violent...

...but for some odd reason especially with this man...

As Ken regained his movement he sat up, coughing pathetically as the strength of Saberu startled him. Before he could even stand all the way up Saberu held out his hands again, knocking Ken back onto the floor without effort, a sharp gasp of pain coming from him as he hit the ground again. At this rate, he wouldn't stand a chance as anytime he got up, Saberu merely tossed him back onto the floor. Saberu approached and suddenly crushed his hand beneath his foot and Ken almost felt his bones crack as Saberu stood on it to keep him from using his tiger-claw. He suddenly took a hold of his hair and brought his other knee up, slamming it into his face. Ken tried to used his other hand to stop him but Saberu used his free hand to take a tight hold on it, holding it so tightly that Ken his bones smash together.

He kept tight hold on his hair so he wouldn't fall back and slammed his knee into his face once more. He did it again, and again...

"I don't like being fooled..." Saberu growled. "You're going to pay for trying to take Omi away... Don't you understand? He's happy this way..." he lowered his voice as he said the next words and for a moment his assault on Ken ceased. "Happier than he ever was with any of you, you never gave a damn about him..." Saberu hated them all for that. For never giving Omi the love he needed, the love he deserved.

He slammed his knee into Ken's face once more and as he did released his hair, allowing him to fall back. Bruised and hurt, Ken grunted, he felt dizzy, almost ready to fall unconscious from the beating he had taken as blood dripped out over his bottom lip. But he would fight back, he would fight back until Saberu killed him if he had to. Managing to hike himself up on one elbow, he glared up at Saberu, challenging him.

"...that's not true..." he managed out, looking angry. He felt insulted that Saberu would say that he didn't care for Omi. Saberu was even angrier at him for saying he cared when he was convinced it was all disgusting lies. If anything especially from Ken. He hated Ken the most because he knew of how fond Omi was of him and he didn't deserve it anymore than he did. In fact he was sure Ken deserved it less for being so unable to give Omi the attention he needed. He didn't get it, not any of his stupid teammates did, Saberu was convinced. He glared at him and suddenly Ken was forced flat on the floor again, only this time the pressure did not let up. This time he felt as though something was crushing him.

Saberu used his powers, in his own way crushing him into the floor. The force so great Ken could no longer even move his legs or arms and he was beginning to feel his rib cage give way. A yell of agony couldn't help but escape his throat. Saberu wouldn't grant him the simple death of just crushing him however, he wanted to feel the life flow from him and he hadn't felt that urge since his father. He would suffer for neglecting Omi and he would be the one of his teammates to have their pride crushed beyond anything because he would die so pathetically, he would suffer the most for being the one to try and take Omi away behind his back, the coward. Saberu got down and straddled himself over Ken's chest. Ken was still bound by his psychic powers and he could do nothing as the man slid his slender fingers around his neck and tightened.

Ken gagged and fought for breath, trying to fight Saberu's psychic powers. It was more than frustrating, the target was right in front of him, choking him to death and he could do nothing despite the deadly weapon he wore. But no matter what he did he could not get his arm to move.

"Give it up and die already..." Saberu stared down at him bitterly. "You lost."

Weak already from the beating and the tremendous weight he felt on him from the other man's powers it wasn't taking long to begin making everything black around him. No longer able to breathe, he managed the only words he could, knowing that the end was near. He was going to die, they were going to win. They would never get Omi back.

"...Omi...I'm so sorry I couldn't keep my promise..."

Suddenly a voice cried out, a loud cry came over his struggled gasps.

