Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ Secrets that Aren't Meant to be Kept ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiß Kreuz nor do I own the characters. However I do own my characters Saberu, Toran, Walter, and Mary. Ain't that the beauty of having original characters? ^^ They're something you actually own.

Warnings: Language, violence, yaoi, OCxOmi, some implied KenxOmi, and my God it's finally gotten to that lemon scene. I'm begging anyone who is going to comment to please be nice... This is only my second attempt at a yaoi lemon.

Actually, I'm not even sure if it's a lemon at that. I was going for more of a sweet and romantic scene rather than hardcore smut. ::Everyone stands up and leaves:: H-hey, wait a minute!! O_o;;

Chapter 9: Secrets that Aren't Meant to be Kept

"You stupid brat! You ain't worth nothin' and you wonder why your Mom left you!" the man's fist pounded again and again into the boy's chest, his face... But this time he wasn't going to take it. A grin on his face his eyes glowed, and suddenly the man was thrown backwards onto the floor. Dumbstruck, he looked at the little boy whom stood up and took a step forward though a slight stumble in his step from the pain just induced.

"You're the worthless one, all you do is sit on your ass all day drinking vodka," the boy looked angered, he had been tortured, pained, and hated by this man for the last time. "You see, Father, I discovered I have these powers," he looked down at his hands. "I have the power to even over come YOU now. Those headaches...they were all because of my power. I'm going to make damn good use of them too!" with a wave of his hand, a bottle that had been lying on the floor flew up and slammed into the man's head, a grunt coming from him as it broke against his skull. He leaned over, gripping the back of his head in pain, blood seeping through his fingers.

"You...you...what are you--?" he stammered. The boy waved his hand again, causing the man to slam back into the wall with a yell of pain. The boy smiled.

"Isn't it great? Everything you said I never could have I can have now... I can beat anyone, I can do anything! I never have to take pain ever again!" and he looked as though he was about to cry from happiness. "And I can also... I can get into people's minds, I can tell what they're thinking, and I can pull anything from them! Do you have any idea what kind of advantage I have?!"

The man looked at him. "You little freak!" he hollered. The boy was stunned, even now he hated him? "That's all you are, a freak! You're not normal, they kill people like you!"

The boy shook his head. "You...you don't get it..." he frowned. He was supposed to fear him but instead the man looked disgusted by him.

"I can't believe I helped create a freak... I knew there was something wrong with you the minute I saw you..." he hissed cruel words of hatred to him as he had done nights before. But for some reason these just seemed to hurt more.

"Stop," the boy begged. Tears fell from his eyes and he covered his ears to help block the hatred the man continued to spat at him. "Don't hate me anymore...Daddy..."

"Don't you dare call me your father!" the man yelled. "I never cared for you, you were always good for nothing!"

The boy snapped. His usual carnelian eyes almost changed to garnet as he looked at the man with the same hatred he had always looked upon him. "THEN YOU CAN ROT IN HELL!" A drawer flew open, silverware spilled out. He spotted just what he was looking for; a huge butchers knife. He instantly brought it to his hand with is mind and dashed forward, a look of malice on his face. "YOU CAN JUST ROT!!" As the man's eyes widened, there was something in them other than hate, something the boy had never seen before; fear.

Saberu gasped and opened his eyes, filled with tears as always after a nightmare. His nightmares were always replays of his horrible childhood and of his horrible father.

"Why...why did I keep my vow...?" he asked himself, covering his eyes with his hand trying to keep from crying. He always asked himself that. Why did he have to kill him?


Omi opened his eyes slowly, for some odd reason he had woken up despite the fact that he felt tired still and it was the middle of the night. Before going back to sleep, he wanted to snuggle closer to Saberu, he liked being close to him while he slept.

He reached over lazily only to feel nothing. Fear fully awoke him as he opened his eyes wide and gasped out his lovers name.



Omi felt instant relief as he realized Saberu was just sitting at a lower end of the bed, staring out the window.

"What's wrong?"

Omi sat up, shaking his head. For a moment he felt silly, it was stupid to grow so fearful so quickly. He hadn't even been out of the room.

"I'm sorry...just...when I reached over for you I didn't feel you, it startled me..."

Saberu smiled at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he reached out his hand to the younger boy. "Can't sleep? Why don't you come sit by me for a while?" Omi being near him would comfort him as well, his nightmare was still fresh in his mind.

Omi liked the idea. He crawled over to him, sitting next to Saberu as he rested his head on his shoulder. He gave a content sigh, being close to him, feeling his warmth. He felt safe with him.

Saberu felt instant comfort. He loved being near Omi, he was never happier. He titled his head, resting it on Omi's and enjoying the feel of his soft hair against his face. He never ever wanted a day to go by where he didn't get the chance to see his smiling face.

"I want you to stay with me forever..." why he had said it out loud, he wasn't sure.

Omi lifted his head from Saberu's shoulder to rest his chin upon it so he could look up at him. "I'm not going to go anywhere," he reassured him, locking his arms around Saberu's tightly. He suddenly looked a bit serious. "Are you happy with me, Saberu...?"

Saberu was stunned. He looked Omi in the eyes. "Why would you think I'm not?" Omi was the most wonderful person in the world, anyone should have been grateful for his presence!

Omi sighed, his eyes falling downward. "Just...today," he shook his head, it was past midnight. "Yesterday when I was walking around, I couldn't figure out why you were so mad at me, I thought... Maybe you wanted someone else."

"Someone else?!" Saberu laughed and it surprised Omi, causing him to look up at him again. It was always nice to see Saberu laugh... "Omi, you're the only person I've ever truly wanted in my life... Besides, you're the best there is. I'm the luckiest person to have you. And I wasn't mad at you, you never upset me... I was just mad at myself."

Omi's smile brightened. He was so happy to hear that. "Not sick of me then?"

"No, never..." Saberu kissed his forehead affectionately. "Omi..." he whispered as he grasped his chin and ran his thumb over his cheek. "I've never been as happy as I am now," it was the truth. He had never been happier than with Omi and he doubted he ever would be. "You're the only one who's ever truly made me happy."

Omi looked into his eyes. "Saberu...why were you up?"

"Nightmare," he answered. He placed his head in his hand as his elbow rested on the window sill. He was looking outside up at the billions of stars. "Counting them," he whispered. "Sometimes it makes me sleepy," he counted them when he was child, trying to fall asleep. Sleep never came easy, he was always so scared his father would come in and beat him again just as he had done some nights when restless and drunk. "I wonder, just how many there really are."

"Uncountable," Omi looked thoughtful.

"So it's pointless to try and count them all," Saberu commented.

Omi shook his head. "Not if it's fun... Just to see how many you can spot. I'll count them with you, Beru-chan."

"I'd like that," Saberu answered. He was no longer alone, he didn't have to do anything alone anymore... He had Omi. Someone who would help him count the stars in the sky, even if they could never count them all. To them, it wasn't pointless. "Let's see how many we can count, Omi..."


Another day came, another day in the flower shop. The days seemed to become more depressing each day without Omi's cheerful voice. Even Aya looked like he was being affected by his absence, each day he grew a bit more colder. Yoji seemed like he was constantly reaching for a cigarette to calm his nerves because he couldn't help but think the worse. Of course, none were worst than Ken...

He was on this mind set; save Omi or literally die trying. His aura rivaled Aya's, he was so cold and seemed like nothing in the world mattered. Nothing but Omi's safety... To him it was all that mattered.

'We're falling apart,' Yoji thought to himself, blowing his bangs out of his face. Every one of them was worried. It reminded him of the saying, 'You don't know how important something is until you've lost it.' They all cared about Omi even though they didn't always show it. Just as they all cared about one another as a family...

Omi was always open with how much he cared for them all, they were always the ones to act like it didn't matter.

Ken looked like a wreck; the stress and sleepless nights were having quite a toll on him. Yoji and Aya were both worried about him. Of course Aya didn't show it though. Yoji had even one night heard him scream in his sleep. He almost felt nervous around him, any minute it seemed like he was going to snap... He wondered what he was dreaming. It was most likely the same dreams he was having. Finding Omi's battered corpse lying on the floor, his eyes wide and lifeless, burns and cuts all over him, lying in a pool of his own blood. His face still wet with tears, obviously indicating that they had been just a second too late...just a second.

The door slammed open, pulling Yoji from his horrible thoughts.

"TSUKIYONO, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Mary's enraged voice filled the flower shop. She marched right over to Ken and slammed her palms on the counter in front of him. "All right, where is he?! I know Omi's here!"

Ken looked like he could strangle Mary. "...Are you here for his excuse? Well, he's not here, so go away."

"Don't give me that, I know he's here!" she shouted, pounding a fist into the counter and crushing a small flower that had been unfortunate enough to be left there.

Ken scoffed. "Mary, he's not here. And I am NOT in the mood to deal with you today."

"I don't believe this!" Mary turned on her heel while putting her hands on her hips. She assumed they all must have been in on it as well. "You all are in on it! If that idiot Omi thinks he can fool ME for one second..."

Ken looked like he was going to kill Mary as soon as the words 'idiot' slipped from her lips. Yoji quickly jumped in, most likely saving her life, because Ken was so out of his mind Yoji wouldn't have been shocked if he had strangled her.

"Mary, he's not here. Why would we hide him from you?"

"Because he can't think of a decent excuse!" she yelled, stomping her foot down and clenching her fists. "Did he tell you about the stupid act he put on yesterday? He's lucky I didn't kill him then!"

The three men instantly froze.

"...yesterday...?" Ken managed through his shock. Mary looked at him. She was a bit curious of why they all looked so shocked to hear of her running into him. She decided it must have been because they had been caught in their little act to fool her.

"Yeah, I ran into him yesterday at the fair so you can all stop playing dumb!"

Aya walked over to her and stared down at her and she looked up at him to meet his gaze. "Mary, are you positive it was Omi?" Aya spoke up and Mary just groaned exasperatedly under her breath. She thought they were all so lame for continuing with this. Tossing her hair, she placed her hands on her hips.

"Yes, I talked to him face-to-face. He acted like he didn't have any idea who I was... If I had ever come upon a worse act to get out of--"

She couldn't finish. Aya quickly pushed her out the door.

"HEY!" she protested. Before she make her way back in, the door shut in her face and the closed sign hung. She had to force herself not to scream in rage. Why was she always treated this way?


"Do you...think what she said was right? She saw Omi?" Yoji asked, still shocked. Aya seemed to be the only one able to keep his composure.

"It's quite possible," Aya informed them. "She claimed she talked to him face-to-face. I don't see how she could mistake someone else for him like that," after all the time she spent gazing at Omi it would be shameful of her to make such a mistake.

"Then that means--" Ken gasped. Suddenly his smile returned, one that no one had seen for days. It was almost scary. "Omi, that means he has to be alive! He's alright!" without warning suddenly he threw his arms around Aya, hugging him. "He's alright!"

Aya's face turned the shade of his hair. "Hidaka, what the hell are you doing?!" he demanded. Ken picked up him up and spun him around before pulling back, still looking as happy as ever.

"If they didn't kill him... We can still save him!" Ken informed them. "This is great! Now all we have to do is find a location--" a location. They still didn't have that and they may very well have kicked out the one person who did. "Oh, shoot! Mary, hang on a minute!" he quickly dashed out the door.

Aya stood there, face red, teeth gritted, sweat rolling down his face with his fists at his sides. All composure lost. "I can't believe he did that!"

Yoji stood there, not nearly looking as pleased as Ken. "Aya...didn't she say she saw him at the fair?"

Aya brushed back his hair and fixed his shirt, forcing himself to forget what Ken had just done to him. "Yes, she did."

"Aya... If she saw him at that fair..." Yoji started. Aya finished his sentence.

"What was he doing there...?"

------------------------------------------------------------- --

Saberu awoke. Omi was still sleeping soundly next to him. He sat up, looking down at the boy and smiled gently. He brushed some of the loose strands of his hair out of his face causing Omi to shift slightly.

"Sleep well," Saberu kissed his face softly and climbed out of bed. He'd just let Omi sleep, there was no reason to wake him. His nightmares had kept him from his desired rest but he knew now that the sun was up he'd never get back to sleep. He pulled on a fresh pair of clothes and left through the door. To his amazement, the house was empty. He blinked and glanced over at the VCR clock. It was one-thirty, later than he had thought...no wonder it was empty.

"Guess I'll make breakfast...err...lunch," he said to himself. It was an odd habit he'd gotten into, talking to himself. All those lonely nights praying for a savior he talked to himself a lot, he supposed to comfort himself because his savior never came...

Saberu quickly searched the fridge. He instantly cursed for the lack of food. No one had been to the store for a while and Toran had eaten the last of the bread, so a sandwich was out the question. "That hog," Saberu grumbled and pulled out the carton of milk, taking a quick glance at the date on it to be sure it wasn't spoiled. It may have been lunch but he was stuck with cereal.

He ate alone. It was a familiar feeling. For some reason he felt so tense. He wanted to go wake up Omi so he could have some company but it seemed like a rude idea. Omi was probably tired from all the shit that had been happening between them lately. He took his time eating...glancing at the clock almost every minute. Two o'clock it now read. How late could Omi honestly sleep? He sighed and finished eating before putting the bowl into the sink to be washed later. As he did, a familiar voice filled the room. Omi opened the door to the kitchen, yawning.

"Oh, Saberu, there you are... How long have you been up?"

Saberu smiled at his arrival. "Not long, around thirty minutes."

Omi walked over to him and wrapped his arms around him. Saberu didn't hesitate to do the same to him. Omi looked pleased by the return of affection, things were beginning to return the way he knew them to be. So it was all just because of those assassins, now he was getting over them so he was going back to his normal self again.

Omi kissed him, testing his theory. Saberu was a bit tense at first but returned it none-the-less.

"Mmm, Beru-chan," Omi breathed as their lips broke contact. "I'm so glad you're feeling better."

"Yeah," Saberu said softly, his face a bit red. "Omi, I'm sorry for all I did, I know I worried you and made you sad..."

"No," Omi shook his head. "It's all fine now...you can make it up to me!" he winked playfully.

Saberu took full advantage of that. "Alright," he pulled Omi close again and kissed him. Omi was stunned as he felt Saberu run his hands down his back and cup his backside. He hadn't exactly meant this or now for that matter...

"Beru-chan!" he gasped, pulling back, pushing him away as much as he could. It was difficult because of Saberu's firm grasp on him.

"What? This is what you've been wanting, right?" he placed soft kisses down Omi's neck, trying to encourage him. "I'm ready now."

Omi smiled, cupping Saberu's face and forcing him away from his neck to kiss him again. There wasn't hesitance but Omi could still feel the tension in him. He pulled back again to look him in the eyes.

"Beru-chan, you're tense...are you completely sure?"

Omi gave a startled gasp as Saberu pushed him against the wall and bound him by his wrists with his own hands.

"This is just what I need to relieve all that tension," he replied with a sly grin. He began to kiss Omi feverishly. He had to hurry and start this, he was afraid his conscience would stop him again. He began to force Omi's shorts down his slender legs but Omi immediately stopped him, ending the kiss.

"Not here!" he protested, his face turning bright red as a horrifying thought entered his head. "What if Toran or Walter come back?!"

Saberu nodded hastily and scooped Omi up into his arms making Omi gasp again and fling his arms around his neck just incase he was dropped. Saberu didn't have time to slowly push him towards his bedroom or to walk hand-in-hand with him. He had to get this started before his guilt would start to take over. He pushed his door open with his foot quickly laid Omi on the bed, went back and locked the door, walked back over to him then resumed their kissing. The shirt he had just put on not long ago he unbuttoned quickly and threw off. He froze as he felt Omi's hands trail over his chest and his firm nipples. It made him shiver, he loved being caressed there. His hasty actions began to drift as he suddenly just wanted to take this slow, savor this... Their first time together.

He reached down and un-tucked Omi's shirt from his shorts, Omi lifting his arms up for an easy removal. Saberu sighed softly, drawing close to kiss him again. He had seen Omi shirtless but it was always such a sight! Omi gave a small purr as Saberu began caressing his bare chest, his soft skin feeling wonderful against his palms. His lips trailed down to his neck again. Omi groaned as he felt Saberu begin to nip at his tender skin, arching slightly to allow Saberu more room to explore.

Saberu sighed again, this was like his dreams. His good dreams. But this was better, it was better because this was really happening. He wasn't going to wake up, he wouldn't wake up alone.

Saberu's hands shook slightly from his own nervousness as he reached down and pulled off Omi's shorts while at the same time pulling off his boxers along with them. He pulled back to shyly look at him, at his body. He was so beautiful, so sensual! He felt his heart rate sped up, his need increased. He wanted him so badly.

Omi blushed as he realized Saberu was hesitating just to look at him. He felt embarrassed about Saberu inspecting him, taking in his sight. He could feel his face heating up with blush again as Saberu eyes ran up and down his naked body. He didn't know why he felt so embarrassed about it, since he was sure Saberu had to have seen him naked dozen of times before.

Saberu's eyes looked into his again, much to his relief. He was gasping slightly as he kissed him again, running his hand down his stomach.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered while kissing him again. Omi felt his hand drift down lower, to his thigh and then slip between his legs as he teasingly stroked his inner thigh, moving his legs apart. It all seemed so unfamiliar to Omi. He liked it, but he felt although this was something entirely new. It almost felt a bit uncomfortable but at the same time he felt himself enjoying it.

"Saberu!" Omi blushed as his hand moved up. Without hesitating Saberu's fingertips slid up, touching Omi in the place he wanted to be touched most. Omi gave a small moan, it felt so strange... It all seemed so new to him, these feelings he was having.

Saberu nibbled his earlobe affectionately. "Do you like when I touch you?" he asked, breathing the words into his ear. The touches he gave were very gentle and teasing. As Omi began to get used to the caressing in that place and gave a small sigh, relaxing and no longer feeling strange about Saberu touching him.


Saberu grinned. 'I want you to enjoy this, Omi... All I want is for you to enjoy this as much as I am.'

His hand came back up to his chest and Omi whined, a bit disappointed he had stopped.

'Why do I feel so ignorant? Shouldn't I be doing something more? Talking dirty?' he couldn't even come up with something dirty to say. He felt like a virgin! But he and Saberu had done this before, he was sure of it.

Saberu began to trail his lips downward, down his neck and to his chest where he softly began to lick at his nipples. He felt nervous not only because this was this was his first time with Omi, he was nervous because it had been a long time since he had been with another man. It made him realize how long, that he had not done this since he moved in with Walter and Toran. Casual sex had just never been his thing. A soft moan from Omi encouraged him and he continued teasing. Omi moaned louder as Saberu took his nipple into his mouth and began to suckle on it gently.

'I deserve this...' Saberu thought to himself as his teeth gently bit the tender knot of flesh, causing his partner to give a jerk and a sharp gasp of pleasure. 'I deserve to be happy.'

Saberu was stunned as he felt Omi begin to undo his jeans, almost what would be considered hastily. Saberu came up and captured his lips once more. As he pulled back, he grinned again.

"Getting eager?" he teased as he allowed Omi to slip his jeans down. He could have sworn Omi actually smirked. As Omi went to the task of removing his boxers, Saberu actually felt his face heat up with blush. The thought of Omi not liking his body caused his heart to beat a bit faster.

It was a stupid thought; he was brainwashed to love every part of him!

Saberu ignored his conscience as it was already beginning to haunt him. With all the horrible sins he had committed he shouldn't have felt wrong about this. Omi wanted this, there was nothing wrong with this... This wasn't rape. It couldn't be. Rape was horrible, violent, and a violation of another human being.

This was love.

It just couldn't be wrong.

Omi finished removing Saberu's last piece of clothing. Saberu felt slightly embarrassed, looking for a reaction from Omi; he just had to ask him.

"Well? Do you like what you see?" he felt nervous for a split second until Omi smiled brightly.

"Of course I do," he replied and leaned close to Saberu for another kiss. As Saberu felt Omi's chest press against his he felt a shiver of pleasure travel down his spine. It was a strange feeling, he had never wanted, never loved anyone this much ever in his life. It almost caused him fear to feel the emotion so strongly. To know that if he ever lost Omi he wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it.

He felt Omi kiss his neck and it felt so gentle and chaste. This was all driving him nuts. He wanted Omi desperately and he prayed to what ever higher being heard him that they would have more times like this, that they would always be together.

Saberu suddenly reached down and gripped Omi tightly. Omi gasped, a bit startled at first. As Saberu began to stroke him he moaned softly. Saberu loved to hear him moan, his moans were so adorable, almost like a cat purring. He gave Omi pleasure that way, stroking him, watching him whimper and begin to move his hips in rhythm with his hand as he desperately wanted to reach that peak of pleasure. Saberu kissed his lips, his face, his neck, while his free hand gently twisted one of Omi's nipples between his fingertips, but being sure it was pleasurable and not painful. He couldn't get enough of him. Hearing Omi's breaths begin to quicken he realized he was ready to slip over the edge, and he stopped, denying him that pleasure. Omi instantly whined in disapproval, taking a hold on his wrist and trying to place his hand back onto his erection but Saberu refused to end this so quickly. Saberu giggled though as they fought for control over his hand but with a quick twist of his wrist he managed to gain it back. He pushed Omi down, lying him on his back, looking him deeply in the eyes as Omi's breaths slowly began to return to normal.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked again, as if expecting if Omi really didn't want it, brainwashed or not he would say no. Omi looked at him, still smiling softly.

"Of course I'm sure about this," he replied as he stroked Saberu's face. "I want you, Beru-chan... Make love to me."

Saberu was a bit stunned. He had said the same thing in his dreams. He suddenly felt very unsure about this. If this was right or if he was about to do something horribly shameful to the one he loved most.

No, it couldn't hurt him. He wasn't going to hurt him he was going to make him feel good, he was going to love to him the closest way anyone could.

Saberu quickly reached over to his nightstand and pulled open the drawer, immediately finding what he was looking for; body oil. He usually used it for his hands but it would serve this purpose just as well.

He poured a good amount onto his fingers; the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Omi more than he had to. He opened Omi's legs wide, making Omi blush again. The instant he slipped his finger inside him Omi immediately flinched.

"Are you okay?" Saberu questioned. Omi just looked at him, obviously a bit uncomfortable but he smiled none the less and nodded, urging Saberu to continue. He moved his finger slightly, trying to get Omi used to the new feeling. Seeing Omi relax he decided it was okay to slip another finger inside him though doing so only caused Omi to flinch again. Saberu hated seeing him flinch.

Omi never felt this, it was so awkward! He and Saberu had done this before he thought, but he didn't remember feeling this.

Repeating his actions yet again, Saberu finally decided Omi was prepared enough. He swallowed hard, there was no turning back now. He looked down at Omi again as he moved closer to him, placing his hands on either side of him.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

For an instant, Omi almost said no. He stopped himself before the word could slip past his lips, his own reluctance surprising him. He felt so nervous but he didn't know why, a fear of a new experience though that was ridiculous. He had done this before, he was convinced of that. He closed his eyes for a moment, calming himself. There was no reason to be scared.

'I'm being silly,' he decided as he looked up at Saberu once again and nodded. "I'm ready..."

Saberu didn't hesitate; he couldn't, he was too afraid he'd change his mind. He thrust forward, penetrating Omi maybe a tad harder then he intended to. Omi cried out as he did, not in pleasure but in pain. Saberu winced as he heard his cry, he hated the fact that he was hurting him. Omi most likely wasn't prepared for such pain, being as naive as he was.

Omi forced himself not to allow the tears in the corners of his eyes to fall, he didn't want to make Saberu think anything was wrong. Saberu kissed his face softly, trying to keep his mind off the pain as he adjusted to the feeling of him inside of him. He moved slowly, extremely slowly, afraid that if he went too fast he might rip Omi's tender skin. Omi panted slightly, trying his best to relax. As he did, he felt the pain begin to decrease. 'This is so strange... I don't remember feeling this, I don't even remember being with Saberu like this before...'

Why couldn't be remember anything?

As the pain began to drift from Omi's expression, losing his tension, Saberu felt himself able to enjoy this. He caressed Omi's face, brushing his bangs back affectionately. Omi opened his eyes, staring deeply into Saberu's bright orange ones.

'They remind me jewels...' Omi thought to himself. He blinked. He remembered thinking that same thing before.

He felt Saberu push deeper into him. He gasped as he felt a shiver of pleasure run down his spine. Saberu grinned slightly, knowing he had hit the right spot. He moved a bit faster, getting into a rhythm. Omi's breathing became heavier as he did.

"Saberu...!" he gasped, arching his back. All thoughts lost, anything he had been previously thinking of forgotten. All he felt was the pleasure. Saberu pressed against him, kissing his neck, tasting the small beads of sweat that had already begun to produce there. He felt Omi's arms slip around him, holding him close as his breathing began to increase. A small plea for more escaping him, begging him not to be so gentle with him.

It stunned him. Saberu was a bit reluctant at first but then decided to give Omi as requested, quickening his thrusts. Omi gave a long moan and dug his nails into Saberu's back. Saberu's mind went blank, focusing on nothing but pleasing Omi and himself. He wanted to hear Omi scream, he wanted hear him cry out his name. He kissed him passionately, almost instantly having to break contact from their heavy panting. Omi began to move slightly against him, trying to bring Saberu as much ecstasy as he was giving him. This felt wonderful, like nothing he ever imagined. Saberu emitted a small groan, gripping Omi's thigh as he continued grinding into him. Both lost in the pleasure, all worries, all thoughts gone.

"Oh, Omi...!" he breathed out. It was so different. Though he had been with other men before this was his first time ever truly making love to someone. It was so much more then just sexual fulfillment.

He pumped into him quicker, Omi giving small cries and moans with each thrust into him. As much as he wanted this go on forever he could hardly stand it anymore he was so mindless with pleasure. He tensed and his nails dug into Saberu's skin. Omi threw back his head and called out his lover's name. As Saberu felt Omi go limp he allowed himself to slip, gripping the sheets as he shut his eyes tightly and shivered intensely. He gasped for a moment, trying to regain his wind as he pulled from his lover, his arms actually quaking from such an experience as sweat glistened down his body. He leaned down, sharing another kiss with the man beneath him. Omi sighed contently as he closed his eyes, obviously ready to fall back to sleep.

As their breathing began to return to normal Omi spoke;

"Beru-chan...arigato..." he murmured. Saberu chuckled softly.

"Omi, honestly...you don't have to thank me for it," he caressed his chest. Guilt about this was the last thing on his mind. He had never felt this happy.

Omi smiled, keeping his eyes closed. "Saberu..."

"What?" Saberu asked softly, his fingers dancing through Omi's hair.

"I love you."

Saberu froze, his eyes widened. He had to think for a moment before it truly began to register what Omi had just said to him. Omi had said he loved him. He stared down at him, almost in disbelief.

"Omi..." he felt tears in the corner of his eyes. "I...I love you too."

Satisfied with that answer, Omi pulled Saberu against him and held him as he drifted off to sleep. Saberu remained awake, still stunned by what had just been said. Omi had said he loved him. That had been all he had been longing to hear from someone his whole life, for someone to love him...

He closed his eyes, resting as he listened to the beautiful sound that was Omi's heart beat.

In that moment he knew he'd die before he'd let him go.
