Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ Unknown Person ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiß Kreuz, the idea, or the characters in the show. Saberu, Toran, Walter, Mary, Sue-Ann and Beth, and this story idea are my works. No one is allowed to use them with out permission from me. *Glares* Got it?

Warnings: Yaoi, Strong language, lime, and an eventual lemon scene. Lots of original characters, because that's what I enjoy writing. If you're purely against them then, don't read this. You've been warned.

Chapter 8: Unknown Person

Someone was approaching them. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, two girls with brown hair following behind her. She looked to be angry. She only stopped stomping when she stood a foot in front of Omi, looking up at him. "Omi Tsukiyono!" she shouted at a much-confused Omi. "What are you doing here?!"

"... What...?"

"Don't you what me! Talk of the town is you're visiting a sick Aunt, so what are you doing lolly-gagging around here?!" the girl suddenly blushed as a sweat drop rolled down her cheek. "Err... Not that I'm keeping tabs on you or anything, I'm still mad at you," she pouted. "Well, it's close enough to Wednesday so answer me now; I want a good excuse on why you walked out on me that night!"

Omi blinked. He had positively no clue who this girl was or what she was rambling on about. "Um...do I...know you?" the girl's mouth dropped open and she looked offended.

"I'm MARY!" she hollered in disgust that he would ask something so obvious. "Don't play dumb with me, Omi!"

"How do you know my name??" he demanded, looking at her sternly, placing his fisted knuckle on his hip. "I've never seen you before in my life!"

"WHAT?!" she shouted, shocked at what Omi was saying. She suddenly looked like she was going to explode, her hands fisted and her cheeks puffed up like a blowfish. "It's one thing to have a lousy excuse but then to act as if you don't even know me... Omi Tsukiyono, how dare you!" she wanted to slap him for being so cruel, for taunting her the way he was.

Saberu suddenly stepped between them, looking as though he wanted to do permanent damage to Mary.

"Don't you dare yell at him like that," he ordered her, glaring at her coldly. She didn't understand the pain Omi had gone through, no one had the right to talk to him that way. As he loomed over her, she took a step back, not enjoying the look she was receiving from the blonde man. "You have no idea who you're dealing with and if you yell at him again I'm going to be forced to take drastic measures."

Mary could have sworn she recognized the taller man. It finally registered with her where she had seen him before. Her date with Omi, she remembered seeing him. "Wait a minute...aren't you... Saberu, that guy from the show at the club!" but she could not think of a reason of why on earth Omi would be with Saberu of all people when he was supposedly with his sick aunt.

"So you do know what I'm capable of," he growled. She would be stupid to challenge him. She may have not known it, but he was definitely not one someone anyone would want to end up against. "If you don't want to deal with me then calmly walk away NOW..."

"Beru-chan..." Omi looked a bit panicky. He could hear it in his voice how serious he was with this woman. He knew that if this girl was stupid enough to stand her ground with him that Saberu wasn't afraid to hurt her. "C'mon, it's alright, she's not bothering me that much...!" he tugged on his sleeve to get him to stop with the threats. He didn't like it when Saberu became so grim.

"...Beru...chan...?" Mary looked astonished. "Omi... That's what you'd call a boyfriend! What are you--??" her heart pounded as the only logical thing entered her head, the last thing she wanted to think of. "Omi, you're not actually dating him or something are you?!"

"Please, I have no idea who you are!" Omi frowned. He was getting tired of her attitude quickly and he didn't like how she was upsetting Saberu. Still holding on to his won puppy plush, he asked, "Will you please tell me where I know you from?" He knew he must have at some point because she knew his name and even after looking at him for so long was still convinced that they knew each other somehow though Omi was still puzzled on who she was exactly.

"The flower shop!" she informed him, a slight fear that maybe he actually had somehow forgotten her arose within her. That there may be some chance that this wasn't a cold-blooded act.

"Flowers...?" Omi clutched his chin thoughtfully with his free hand. He must have met her in a flower shop when he was buying something for Saberu. That was the only thing he could come up with. So this woman wasn't of any value to him, he decided. He shrugged and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I can't remember you."

"What do you mean?! Quit faking!" she shouted. This couldn't be happening she told herself. There was no possible way that Omi had truly forgotten her, he just had to be faking this.

"He's not faking. My BOYFRIEND has no idea who you are so drop it..." Saberu told her while placing a possessive arm around Omi, warning her that he was officially off limits. That she might as well go find someone else to bother because he wouldn't allow her to do that to Omi any longer. Mary looked crushed as he said the word she dreaded.

"...Boyfriend...?" her voice quivered in a hushed tone.

"C'mon, Omi, let's go," Saberu released him only to quickly take hold of his hand, pulling him away while at the same time thinking; 'Damn it! That was close...' he had hardly gotten out of that one, it had just been too close. But Mary was apparently taken care of so he tried already to forget her. She was nothing but a snobby spoiled brat as far as he was concerned.

Mary stood there, still frozen and near tears. Sue-Ann and Beth looked as though they were about to faint. Mary gritted her teeth and quickly wiped any tears that had started to descend down her face away with the back of her sleeve. She gave a sharp exhale as she began to think of something. This was all a sick joke. That's what this was, it had to be, she told herself. He couldn't come up with an excuse so now he was acting like he was gay and didn't know her.

"You're going to get it for pulling my leg like that, Omi Tsukiyono!" she screamed.

Meanwhile Omi and Saberu continued to walk through the crowds of people, Saberu leading and not exactly sure where he was going. But at the moment he refused to let go of Omi's wrist or slow down at all. He was still very nervous and shaken up from the previous encounter with Mary.

"Who was that girl?" Omi asked, still confused and trying to bring her up in his head.

"If you don't remember her, she must not be important," Saberu commented quickly, still dragging Omi along. 'It's not safe to even take him out in public around here,' he thought to himself with that realization. He didn't even want to think about what would have happened if they had bumped into one of his teammates.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Omi said, shrugging it off. "Still, she was really pushy... I feel like I've seen her before..." Omi mused and Saberu gulped. Somewhere in the back of Omi's head, he remembered dealing with that same attitude before. Suddenly Saberu began to walk faster and Omi nearly tripped as their walking went out of sync but quickly regained his balance and adjusted his pace to keep up. "Saberu, slow down!" he begged, but Saberu ignored him.

"Don't-don't think about it, it's not important," he repeated, still talking of Mary. He suddenly realized what he was doing and cursed himself. 'Damn it! What is this, I should be wanting him to remember, now I'm afraid he's going to!'

"Beru-chan?" Omi asked. "Your hand...is shaking," he said with a bit of concern as Saberu continued to drag him through the crowd. Saberu couldn't be upset because of that girl, Omi didn't think it was that big of a deal. "What's wrong?"

"I just want to go home."

Omi was instantly dejected as he heard it. "Saberu...but we were having fun..." he pouted. He hated the thought that it had all been ruined due to their encounter with that girl. She was meaningless. Saberu didn't possibly think that something had been going on between her and him, did he?

"I'm sorry, but I can't take this," Saberu groaned, now extremely worried that they'd see someone else whom knew Omi. He bumped shoulders with someone and immediately yelled at them to watch where they were going, startling the person tremendously and Omi along with them. Panicked and concerned, he forced himself to calm as he spoke to Omi again. "Please, Omi...please let's just go home."

Saberu was stunned as Omi suddenly jerked him into a dark alley between two stands and pushed him against the wall.


Now that they were out of the public eye, Omi snuggled close to Saberu, brushing his lips against his cheek.

"Saberu... I don't know what's been wrong with you lately," Omi told him he pulled back to look at him in the eyes. "But whatever it is, I want to make it better! But I can't if you don't tell me what is bothering you. Don't you understand? All I want is for you to be happy!" he frowned and he was so sincere as he spoke, every word he said he meant. "Seeing you laugh today...that was the best thing in the world."

Saberu pulled Omi close, embracing him tightly. He wanted to hear that from him, he wanted Omi to care...

"I'm just so scared...of them taking you away from me," he wasn't exactly sure why he had told him it, but he couldn't lie and keep saying nothing was wrong, Omi didn't believe him and he knew his high-strung mood was quite obvious.

Omi was stunned and pulled out of his embrace to look at him. "Saberu! Who? Who are you afraid of taking me?" he cupped his hand over his mouth as he realized-- "Those assassins that attacked you at the club!"

He nodded. This wasn't a lie either, but Omi took it another way. He thought Saberu meant he was afraid of them killing him, taking his life away and in the end taking him away from Saberu. He brushed Saberu's hair back with his fingers as he smiled softly, a bit relieved now thinking that that was the only problem.

"Oh, Saberu... You don't have to worry, Those people have no idea where we are...we're safe," Omi whispered as he kissed him gently. Trying to relax him, he began to rub his arms trying to relieve all the muscles of their tension. "Don't worry...don't worry about such a thing. We can't spend our whole lives worrying, let's just be happy, Beru-chan..." That was all Omi wanted; to be with Saberu and just be happy, not think about the bad things that had happened to one another, just forget about it all. To build a life together with no pain, nothing but happiness.

Saberu groaned slightly. Omi didn't understand it, just exactly what he was worried about and he knew he couldn't tell him. "Omi... I just--"

"Shh..." Omi hushed him, smiling and sure that he had finally figured out all of what was bothering his love. "It's okay, I know why you're worrying. Please, Beru-chan... Let's just try to forget about that. We'll be leaving in a few days and then we'll never have to worry again."

Saberu pulled him close again, hugging him tightly. It was shocking how instantly Omi could calm him, comfort him and just make his woes all vanish with his words. He was so lucky to have him, no matter what the circumstances were.

"I'll never let you go," he whispered. "My little Angel..."

-------------------------------------------------------------- -

The two of them returned back to the mobile home. Unlocking the door with his key, Saberu peeked in. "Walter?" he called out. There was no reply. "Ah, he's probably out as usual..." Saberu stepped inside, Omi following behind him. He didn't bother to call out for Toran because he knew he was still at the fair.

Saberu was a bit stunned as Omi wrapped his arms around him from behind and placed a chaste kiss on his ear.

"You feeling better, Beru-chan?" Omi asked hopefully. Saberu nodded managing to smile just for Omi. He was the only one he would ever try to smile for.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better... I just need to forget about those assassins," he replied. If he did that, he didn't have to be reminded of how he was betraying Omi.

"Hey, are you hungry? How about I go make lunch?" Omi suggested with a shrug.

"It's almost dinner," Saberu chuckled, glancing at his watch. They had stayed longer at the fair than it seemed. Saberu guessed it was true about the saying 'time flies when you're having fun'.

"Okay, dinner then," Omi smiled and handed Saberu the stuffed puppy he had won for him. "Put him in our room for me, okay?" he kissed Saberu quickly and then headed towards the kitchen. Saberu headed off into his bedroom. He didn't know why but when Omi wasn't with him his guilt ate him alive. When he didn't see how happy he was he fell apart thinking of what he was doing. 'This is wrong, this is so wrong...and yet I claim I love him...' he shook his head. 'I DO love him!'

He set the animals on their bed as he rubbed his face. He hated that he couldn't just let it go. "Damn you, Saberu... Can't you just be like Walter and Toran?" but he wasn't, he wasn't like them at all. Somewhere deep inside him he had a conscious. At that moment it was more of a nuisance than ever. "Err! Why does it matter, Omi was miserable anyways! He's happy now, I make him happy and that's all that matters!" but that was forced on him. He wasn't what truly made him happy. He thought for a moment if anything actually did.

Saberu felt his heart pound. He knew he had been very taken with one of his teammates, he had seen that when he read his mind... Some brunette, in fact that same guy whom came rushing in that night. Ken Hidaka or something like that. Saberu never bothered to keep track of names he felt were meaningless.

He shook his head. Omi's mind hadn't said anything to contradict that their relationship was purely platonic. He merely admired him and cared for him deeply...but then again, Saberu hadn't gone THAT deep. If he had been denying it to himself then it would have took some more time searching, it wouldn't be on the surface.

"NO!" he shouted, grasping the side of his head, appalled at the thought of Omi loving another. "Omi doesn't love that man...!" that was ridiculous. Saberu stiffened as he clenched his hand into a fist and gritted his teeth. "I'm just looking for excuses why I shouldn't love him. I deserve to be happy for all the shit I've been through, so does he. This way we can both be happy if he just remains ignorant to Weiß."

'...or if you kill them,' a voice in his head rang out. Saberu gulped.

"No...I'm not a killer."

'What are you talking about? You killed your own father!'

Saberu shook his head and covered his ears as if to block out the voice. He felt as though he was slowly going insane. "Shut up, I couldn't take it anymore!" he whimpered. "I never meant to...I just lost control..." he felt himself ready to sob. "And he deserved it...he deserved every stab..." he growled, though at the same time he knew he was in no position to make that judgement. "He didn't deserve to live!"


Saberu jumped. Standing in the doorway was Omi, looking sad. He worried how long he had been standing there and what exactly he had heard. He had been talking aloud to himself, Omi must have thought he was going crazy. What scared Saberu was he thought he was too...

"Beru-chan, you don't have to explain what you did, not ever," Omi walked over to him and embraced him gently. "You're right; he deserved to die for what he did to you," he was whispering softly into his ear now, allowing his hot breath to tickle his ear, though unintentional. "Don't ever regret it."

Saberu gasped, thinking that Omi must have though that he had meant to take his father's life. He had never meant to go that far, he never meant to take his life. He was also a bit startled at the fact that Walter had actually hypnotized him to know of what he had done to his father in the first place. "But I didn't mean to--! I was only trying to scare him!" he choked on his words as he shut his eyes tightly, disgusted at his own words and despicable defense.

Omi looked up at him and caressed his face, slowly convincing Saberu to open his eyes again. Omi continued, "I know, but it happened and you shouldn't go looking back on it. You did what you had to do to live, Saberu... One day he might have killed you," Omi knew Saberu was a kind person, deep down. It was only what happened to him caused him to have very little respect for that of the human race, it caused him to resent them. But Saberu could be so loving towards him, it was almost like he was someone else when they were together.

Saberu wondered; was what Omi saying caused by the brainwashing or would have Omi really felt that way? People could excuse anything because of love, some even killing. Some would stand by the one they loved no matter what horrible crime they did, even if it was a crime against them. Like his own damn mother that had stood by his father for so long and took his constant physical and verbal abuse. Such an idiot that woman was...

Then again Omi was a murderer himself. His hands were stained even more so than Saberu's in fact. It seemed unreal that Omi was capable of killing anyone at all. He was so loving and tolerable of other people.

"I don't want to think about that, not anymore," Saberu replied. Killing his own father, stabbing the life out of him wasn't something he was proud of. Even if he thought the man deserved it he was always revolted by himself for killing him, for keeping what he had vowed.

"You're right, me either..." Omi replied while nuzzling his neck, his mood becoming upbeat again. "But don't ever think what happened changes my opinion of you, I know you're a wonderful person, Saberu."

Saberu laughed, though the laugh was almost cruel. Omi pulled away and looked at him, obviously hurt that he would laugh at him that way.

"Right, I'm just so wonderful, Omi..." he said sarcastically. 'If I'm so wonderful why did they have to brainwash you to get you to love me?' Whatever he thought of him under the hypnosis Omi originally claimed he never could care for a man such at him, that he was just as bad as all the horrible criminals he helped. He had even questioned him on his ability to love. Now he could never be sure if Omi would have felt that way or it was merely Walter's creation.

"Saberu, don't be sarcastic!" he frowned. "You're a good person, I know you are and I don't blame you for hating people! I wish so badly I could take back what he did to you but I can't!" he clutched his hands defensively against his chest as he stared at Saberu in the eyes. Saberu was a bit taken aback by how hurt he looked. He realized how much Omi had meant the statement. He seemed mad at himself that he couldn't take it back. Saberu stroked his shoulder, trying to calm him and it did seem to relax him somewhat.

"I'm sorry, Omi... I didn't mean to upset you."

"Stop being mad at yourself," Omi pleaded. "You can't change what has happened, neither can I so just forget about it...that's all we can do, Saberu. I'm trying to forget all about the horror of my kidnapping, you should forget all those horrible years you spent with that man... He wasn't your father, he never had the right to call you his son."

'God, how much this would all mean to me... If it were fucking real!' Saberu gritted his teeth, he just couldn't take this, he couldn't take the guilt of knowing what he was doing when Omi was so oblivious to it. Thinking how much he wished everything he said had been on his own, that it had not been said only because of Walter but because Omi truly felt that way. That he truly loved him. But Saberu was so mad with himself for feeling the way he did, for feeling guilty. "This is so STUPID!" he yelled, gripping his hair. "Why do I feel guilty, I shouldn't feel guilty!"

Omi blinked, immediately thinking he was talking about feeling guilty about his father. He didn't believe he should feel guilty for that, not in the slightest.

...Although... He wasn't entirely sure why. He really couldn't see how he could actually justify Saberu killing his own father. As much as he loved him, it didn't seem that he could honestly justify that.

He tried not to think about it, it really wasn't all that important to him anyway.

"Don't feel guilty," Omi whispered, holding Saberu's hands in his tenderly, a small smile shown on his face though slightly forced. "There isn't anything to feel guilty about."

"Yeah right," Saberu grumbled looking away from him scornfully. If only he knew all there was to feel guilty about.

Omi leaned close to him, kissing him. Saberu was taken by surprise at first but soon he began to enjoy it, as he always did when he just let all the guilt go for that moment. He decided to try something. The first time he had kissed Omi he had gotten mad when he tried to make it more intimate. He wondered if he would now.

He held Omi gently by his sides and pulled him a bit closer and began to push his tongue through Omi's slightly parted lips. To his shock, Omi didn't hesitate to accept the advance in the kiss. Saberu pulled back when this happened. Omi looked confused, Saberu kept doing that. Changing his mind when things began to get more intense.

It was beginning to frustrate Omi, he kept giving him mixed signals; one minute it was 'I want you' the next it was, 'get away from me, you're too close'. He was acting so weird and he didn't have any idea why. Saberu was being completely ridiculous. He shook off his frustration this time and leaned close again, smiling sweetly

"Beru-chan," Omi crooned as he ran his finger in a playful circle around Saberu's chest. "Please... I want to--"

Saberu wouldn't even let him finish. "No."

Omi pulled back not hurt, but angry. He was angry because he was confusing him. He understood Saberu was too stressed out to want to be intimate with him but what he didn't like was being led on to believe he was finally ready only to have him pull away and tell him he didn't want to. He knew damn well that it was a lie and a miserable one at that. He hated being lied to, he refused to stand for it.

"Saberu, I don't get you! One minute you're really enjoying it and the next you look like you're going to catch fire if you touch me!"

"I would, don't you understand that?" Saberu groaned in exasperation. Omi had NO idea how hard it was to say no to something he wanted so badly. Omi knew he wanted it, what he didn't understand was why he was saying no. Saberu wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this charade up. Omi didn't understand that it was for his own good.

"What would be wrong with that?" Omi frowned. "Saberu...you act like we've never slept together before."

'Good God, they just had to make him believe that!' Saberu felt his anger for his two teammates returning. Kissing, acting like they were a couple was one thing. Sex was something entirely different. Omi had no idea what he was even saying! Of course if he thought they had been together before he would think it was no big deal. That this was what he was supposed to do even. "Omi, I just don't feel like it," it was a weak excuse and one he had given before. Omi wasn't dumb, he didn't believe it for a second. Saberu did the worst job hiding his excitement at that.

"Saberu, that's a lie," Omi informed him. It was stupid of him to lie when it was so visible. "I know how much you want me, I can see it," his eyes cast downward and Saberu felt his face heat up with blush even more so than it already was. "There's nothing wrong with that, I just don't get why you're acting this way."

"Omi, I don't want to, can't you just drop it?!" he suddenly yelled and Omi stepped back, in shock. He never remembered Saberu ever yelling at him...

"Saberu...!" he gasped. Saberu realized he must have yelled too loud, seeing the pain in Omi's eyes.

"Omi, I..."

Omi didn't want to hear it. He hadn't done anything wrong, Saberu had no right to yell at him! Omi turned on his heel and immediately walked out of the room. Saberu cursed, this whole thing was messed up. He hated himself more than he ever had in his entire life. He had done the one thing he said he would never do, hurt Omi. He had yelled at him and he had done positively nothing wrong. He had every right to question him on his behavior. Saberu followed Omi out, shouting at him though he knew at the moment that was probably the worse thing to do.

"Omi, wait a minute!"

"Leave me alone, Saberu!" Omi growled. "I need... I need to go and think by myself."

"Omi, I didn't mean to raise my voice!" he insisted. He truly hadn't but Omi just plain refused to listen. He was too confused, too hurt to even think about accepting an apology from him right then.

"I'm going for a walk!" Omi shouted back as he reached to open the front door.

Out of the intense fear he felt when he saw Omi place his hand on the doorknob Saberu yelled, "Don't you DARE leave!"

Omi felt a strange urge to stay, something was telling him he had to listen to Saberu. He fought that urge like a child fighting their conscious telling them to obey their parents. He was not a kid and Saberu wasn't in charge of him.

Omi stomped out, slamming the door behind him. Saberu was stunned, his heart broke instantly. He rushed to the door to follow Omi, to explain how sorry he was... But as he reached for the doorknob he stopped himself. Maybe this was a good thing, a blessing in disguise.

"No... It's better like this," He turned and leaned against the door and he forced himself to believe that as he felt sadness begin to overwhelm him. "I hope he doesn't come back."

--------------------------------------------------------------- < p>Omi walked down the sidewalk. He was so confused. He was confused about the way things were. He didn't remember them being so awkward. He no longer knew what exactly Saberu wanted from him, what he felt for him anymore. One minute everything was fine and the next...

Omi became horrified as a thought entered his head. "What if he's lost interest in me... What if he's falling for someone else and doesn't know how to tell me??" he bit his lower lip, contemplating the theory with worry. It couldn't be true though. Saberu would never love someone other than him. Besides, he hated everyone, who could he possibly fall in love with?

"Damn it, what else could go wrong?" Omi sighed sadly. The question was almost immediately answered as thunder rumbled over head, followed by a droplet of water...and then another...and another until all the little droplets were falling in an entire sheet of rain. As his hair began to fall into his face Omi cursed. "DAMN IT!" he nearly screamed it and he wondered when his life had suddenly become so complicating.

Omi was beginning to get cold as he continued to walk. He remembered how nice the mobile home had been, how warm Saberu was when they were sleeping close to one another. He shook his head and he refused to head back yet. That would make it seem as though he couldn't even be on his own without Saberu for 5 minutes. He'd freeze to death before he'd give him that pleasure.

He sighed and leaned up against a light pole as the rain was getting so heavy it was hard to see through. It made him think of how much he wished he had other friends, other people he knew besides Saberu. He wondered what they would be like, what their names would be, how they would look or dress. An almost sad smile curled onto his face as he thought about it. What it would be like to have friends...

------------------------------------------------------------- --

Saberu nervously paced around the room as the rain fell down loud upon the roof. As thunder rumbled he jumped, his concern increasing. "Damn it!" he cursed loudly. "Omi...where the hell are you?" he just hoped he was okay, but unfortunately if he never came back he would never know, then again he didn't want him to come back, did he? He didn't know what would be the proper thing to think and he continued his pacing the room nervously.

As the door opened Saberu rushed to it with a gasp.

"OMI! ...oh, it's just you, Walter," Saberu raked his hand through he hair quickly and resumed his pacing across the floor. He was convinced he had gathered enough static from the rug to light a light bulb. Walter closed his navy blue umbrella, looking confused and wondering why Saberu looked so troubled. He had thought he was Omi so it obviously meant he was not there.

"Omi? What are you talking about, Saberu?" he inquired.

"We...we kind of fought," he groaned. That's exactly what it was, a fight. One that could have been avoided all together.

"...Fought?" Walter's eyes widened. That was impossible! Omi should have never doubted Saberu no matter what!

"Yeah," Saberu chuckled sarcastically. "A couple for a few days and already we're having lover spats, how pathetic."

"Where is he now?" Walter almost demanded. He was slightly worried Omi may have actually regained himself somehow. Saberu sighed dismally, rubbing his face. He was just as worried as Walter although for a different reason obviously.

"I don't know... He just got mad and left and I have no idea if he's coming back. Maybe...maybe that's just as well... Shit, I need to go sit down," Saberu quickly rushed off into the kitchen to sit at the dinning table.

Walter stood there aghast. 'No...! I spent all night brainwashing that twit, he shouldn't do anything that even might slightly upset Saberu! Why does he still have his own will...? This makes no sense!'

Toran walked through the door at that moment. He noticed Walter and pulled off his cloak, dripping wet with rain. "Oh, hello, Walter... You home already? Is Saberu here? He kind of disappeared today at the fair..."

"Yes, he's here," Walter told him, still thinking to himself. He wasn't interested in Toran at that moment. He had never come across someone who kept their own mindset while brainwashed. How could Omi be so strong to resist total submission? It was a question he couldn't come up with an answer to. 'I wonder... I wonder if somehow his kidnapping put some kind of wall up that keeps anyone from total control. But that's...that's so unlikely! What is it with that kid?'

"Hey, why are you looking so pissed off?" Toran questioned as he noticed Walter's expression.

"I'm thinking," he replied tersely.

"You think too much," Toran yawned while hanging up his cloak. "I'm going to get a snack," and he walked into the kitchen. As he entered he noticed Saberu sitting at the table, holding his head in his hands as if in pain. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah...my head just hurts," he replied while massaging his temples.

"You know, I was always a little jealous because you were the only one of us who could get into peoples minds...but you... You always suffer for it!" Toran commented. Saberu just growled at him. He wasn't in the mood to deal with him.

Toran walked over to the fridge. As he reached out to open the door he suddenly stopped. Something was on his mind, a question. He had asked Saberu before but had not been satisfied with the answer he had given him.


"What?" he didn't sound happy and it was due to the fact that his ears were beginning to ring.

"You said you wanted Omi because he would have saved you from your father," Toran walked over to him, placing his palms on the kitchen table to lean upon it. "Was that the only reason?"

Saberu looked up at him. He didn't look angry as Toran had expected he would. His forehead was glistening with sweat because of the pain in his head, Toran could only imagine how bad it was. He knew that this had probably been the worst time to discuss it. Saberu forced his focus off the pain so he could reply to him.

"No, it isn't," he laid his head on the table in hopes that it would help the throbbing of his head. "I'm not sure why I wanted him at first, just... Because he was fighting for good even though his own father rejected him and left him for dead. Not like me, instead I murdered mine, became heartless and careless... I love him because our pasts are alike but we're different. Knowing that, he changes me..." he smiled thinking of him despite his pain. "He makes me want to be a better person... I can let my guard down with him, I'm not so cool and collected and I like that. And while I'm with him my love for him dominates all the hate I have," he wiped away some of the sweat that was beginning to drip down his face. "It...feels nice to love."

Toran was taken by surprise. He was not sure what to say to that.

Meanwhile, Walter was still wondering; this whole thing made no sense! Omi shouldn't be in his own mind, he should only truly know of what Walter had 'programmed' into his mind.

The door opened not soon after, walking in was the only person left to walk in.

"Omi..." Walter almost growled. "You're back."

"I got tired of standing out in the rain," Omi said as an excuse. He looked extremely sad.

"Are you going to apologize to Saberu now?" Walter asked and Omi looked stunned.

"Apologize? I didn't do anything wrong!" he frowned. Walter grunted at his answer.

'Now I know something's wrong, he should always say he's at fault when it comes to Saberu...'

Saberu came stumbling out of the kitchen, his head was just getting worse and he planned on going to his room to lie down. He noticed an extra pair of feet standing in the room and he realized Omi must have come back.

"You're back."

"I got tired of standing in the rain," he said quickly, using the excuse on him too. He was dripping head to toe. "I'll go change," he announced but Saberu stopped him.

"Omi, I didn't mean to yell at you!" he said, causing Omi to stop for a moment. He whirled around angrily.

"You've been acting strange to me a lot lately, I didn't do anything wrong!" Omi defended, looking still sad. Saberu exhaled in exasperation.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"It's not okay!" Omi gasped. "You can't be rude on purpose and expect me to automatically accept your apology every time!"

Walter scowled. This was NOT right, not at all. Toran emerged from the kitchen, sandwich in hand. Hearing the yelling he was interested in seeing the fight. He found it quite amusing and was trying not to smirk. He wondered if at the moment Saberu still loved Omi as much as he claimed, he was being such a pain right then.

"What else can I do?" Saberu grumbled. He had apologized and he had meant it. He knew it just didn't sound sincere because of the pain in his head and he kept having to grit his teeth to keep from wailing.

"Maybe at least act like you mean it!" Omi shouted, his voice full of hurt. Saberu flinched as he raised his voice, his head rang very time he shouted.

"Please...stop yelling..." he groaned, clutching his head.

"I have every right to yell!" Omi didn't lower his voice an inch. "Besides, you yelled at me today, that's what started this whole argument!"

Saberu shook slightly, his head felt as though he was carrying 500 pounds on top of it. Omi's yelling was just making it worse. He felt tired, his version blurred. He was having another attack again and this time it was the worse ever. Suddenly his legs wobbled and he fell to the ground. Omi gasped, immediately catching him and falling to his knees with him.

"Saberu! Saberu, what's wrong? Saberu!!" Omi's panicked cries were the last thing he heard as he fell unconscious and went limp in Omi's arms.


Night was drawing near, another day without Omi... It just didn't seem right.

'I'll do whatever I can to save you, Omi, or I'll die trying,' Ken thought to himself with determination as he clicked away on the computer. He was hoping to find some kind of information about people with telekinetic powers. They couldn't make the same mistakes as last time. Beating them would be impossible unless they found a weakness. There just had to be one...

Ken wasn't nearly as good on the computer as Omi was but he could at least navigate around the net without messing up. Though he occasionally broke down cursing at the computer for booting him off.

"Hey, Ken, are you still down here?" Yoji's voice pulled him from the computer momentarily. "We're getting ready to order some Chinese take out, you want anything?"

"I'm not hungry," was his reply and his clicking of the mouse resumed. Yoji sighed; he had said that yesterday...and the day before. Ken was going to be nothing but skin and bones by the time this entire thing ended if he didn't start eating.

"C'mon, you need to keep your strength up," Yoji told him. Ken was a bit shocked, there was a distinct tone in Yoji's voice that sounded strangely like concern. "What are you doing on that thing anyways?"

"I'm looking up stuff on telekinesis," Ken replied leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed only resting to chat with the blonde for a second. He still continued to stare at the screen and nothing else. "I figured we need a plan...and since we don't have Omi to do that we're going have to think of one ourselves."

"Well, I give you credit for that one, didn't think you were one to be so smart," Yoji chuckled, making Ken sigh and close his eyes for a second to calm himself from making a curt retort. That was the Yoji he knew. "I guess when it comes to Omi you suddenly grow a brain."

Ken was silent as he resumed searching on the computer again, looking aimlessly as he had done for hours. He hadn't managed to pull up anything really insightful, nothing that would help them in anyway.

Yoji's small smile faded as the other man was silent again. He wasn't exactly sure what to say. He wanted some reassurance Ken wasn't going out of his mind but he hadn't seen anything contradicting that theory. His mind was nonstop on Omi's well being. It didn't seem like he was even taking care of himself now.

Yoji had to admit, most of the time they were all 'every man for himself', but when it came to Ken and Omi they didn't exactly follow that policy. They constantly were concerned for each other, even risked their lives for one another. It was undeniable that Ken and Omi were close. But Yoji was starting to question just how close...

"Ken, you're going to be okay, right?" Yoji asked. Ken froze for a moment, whether he was thinking of an answer or stunned by the question Yoji couldn't tell.

"I don't know," he finally replied and the clicking of the mouse was the only sound in the small room again. Yoji turned and headed back up the stairs, there was nothing more he could say or do. That was the best he was going to get from him.

As he left Ken continued searching. He didn't plan on giving up until he found what he was looking for even if it took him all night. Suddenly he froze as he brought the next page up. A grin formed to his face, he had finally found just what he had been looking for.


Saberu felt dazed as he began to awake. His headache was gone but he couldn't quite remember anything for a moment. It took him a second before he regained anything but slowly he remembered the pain and falling. 'Am I dead?' He wondered to himself.

He opened his eyes slowly, the image above him almost made him think he was; an angel was above him.

"Saberu...you're okay..." the angel clasped their hand over their mouth to muffle the sobs that began. "I was so worried..."

Saberu's eyes opened all the way. "...Omi..." he murmured. He was lying on his bed, head rested on Omi's knees. Omi was running a damp wash cloth over his forehead. Saberu noticed that outside it was already getting dark. It had only been the afternoon last he checked. "H-how long have I been out?"

"Almost two hours..." Omi replied, brushing back Saberu's hair with his fingers. He was still scared by how Saberu had actually fainted. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel okay," Saberu replied but he really didn't care about his own health at that moment. "Omi...have you been with me this entire time?"

"Yes, I was afraid you might..." he couldn't even bring himself to say 'die' because when he fell into his arms he thought that's what might have been happening. Saberu was touched beyond words to hear that he had stayed with him, even if it wasn't real. It was always so nice to pretend.

He had been afraid that he would never wake up, that he would never be able to truly apologize for yelling at Omi the way he did. "Omi... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for earlier..." He hated himself for hurting Omi, it was the one thing he never wanted to do.

"Forget it," Omi smiled at him though tears still dripping from his eyes. "I'm sorry too. I was just afraid you wouldn't wake, that we would never have the chance to make up."

"I didn't mean to scare you," Saberu reached up and touched his face. Omi nuzzled against the palm of his hand affectionately. "I don't want us to fight anymore."

"Me either," Omi took his hand and kissed it gently before placing it against his face once again. "And I...I shouldn't have yelled at you, I just made it worse."

Saberu shook his head. "No, normal boyfriends yell at each other once in a while... It's fine and at least you had a good reason. I was just...grumpy," he groaned, shaking his head at himself. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Omi told him, reassuring him and reaching down to caress his face. "Let's just not yell anymore."

Saberu sighed. This was so relaxing, the feel of Omi caressing his face. This was what he wanted. He needed to stop feeling guilty, Omi was happy this way and so was he. There was nothing wrong with this at all, he would convince himself. They were both happy together and that was all that mattered and all that ever would.

'I'm going to stop feeling guilty about this,' Saberu told himself. 'I'm going to enjoy Omi loving me, even if it's not real. Omi is mine now... And I will kill anyone who tries to take my happiness away, just like my father...'
