Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ Conscience in the Way ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiß Kreuz or the characters in the show. If I did, the show would be different in quite a few ways... However this story idea and the characters Saberu, Toran, Walter, Mary and Sue-Ann and Beth are all my little creations. Do not even think of using them with out my permission!

Warnings: Yaoi, language, violence and an eventual lemon scene. Many things to do with original characters because I like writing original characters but if you prefer your daily fanfiction intake without them then you would be better off not reading this.

Chapter 7: Conscience in the Way

Saberu stood up, feeling stuffed. Once he had cast the guilt out of his mind he felt better and was able to eat and so far was able to keep it down.

'This is fine...just as long as he's happy,' he nodded to himself as he walked down the hall. He repeated it a few times in hopes that he would eventually believe it. 'We're doing him a favor.'

Saberu stopped at the hall closet. "I guess I should get a shower," he mused to himself. Suddenly playful arms wrapped around him from behind.

"Shall I join you?" a voice teased. "I could scrub your back for you!" the person added, maybe to make it seem less dirty than it actually was...

"O-Omi...!" such an idea coming from the innocent youth startled him as it had been so sudden. "I'm just getting a quick one," he informed him, hoping it would be enough to get him to erase the idea from his head.

"Aw, Beru-chan!" Omi whined as he whirled him around and pushed him against the wall so now they were facing each other. "You had an excuse last night, you were tired and I can understand. But you just slept so you should have plenty of energy now!"

"C-c'mon... Omi, it's embarrassing! I mean, you know...in the day... With Walter and Toran around the house," Saberu was already stooping to imbecilic excuses, such as embarrassment… He frankly could care less if Toran and Walter ever heard him getting intimate with someone, especially if he were enjoying himself. Which in that situation he most likely would indeed be having a pleasurable time.

'Why are you making excuses?' a voice asked in his head. 'Just go for this already! He wants it and you know you do!'

"So?" Omi seemed to be of the same mind set as he did. He gave a light giggle, brimming with energy and very eager to spend time with his boyfriend. "C'mon, it's not like they don't know we do that kind of thing!" Omi lowered his voice, holding onto Saberu tightly. "I promise not to make too much noise..."

"Omi...but--" Omi silenced him with a kiss. He didn't want to hear another excuse. So far all he heard were ones he quickly disregarded.

"Please, Beru-chan?" he asked him politely as if he were merely asking him to pass a salt shaker at dinner. "You've been having a hard time, let's just forget about that now..." he kissed him again, more passionately this time.

"...Mmm..." he moaned into Omi's mouth. This was getting harder to resist and he was no longer sure it was worth it. Omi grinned, knowing he was winning him over. He pressed against him, rubbing their bodies together just ever so teasingly. Saberu immediately submitted to him at that point, he didn't deem it worthy to think of a ton of inefficient excuses to avoid something he himself wanted so badly.

Saberu began to kiss him back as he pulled Omi closer, trying to kiss him more, taste more of his sweetness. Their tongues slowly began to dance together as the heat between their bodies raised. Saberu ran his hand down Omi's backside causing Omi to shiver. He responded to the slightest touch, touches in places that Saberu was never sure he would be allowed...

Saberu's eyes shot open and suddenly he shoved Omi away rather roughly, nearly making him fall backwards.

"Wha-what?" Omi looked a bit startled by his abrupt change and one that had been so rough. "Saberu?"

Saberu gulped.

'I'd be raping him...' Omi would never allow Saberu to touch him, let alone sleep with him. Although Omi right now claimed he wanted it, was even encouraging it, deep down what was ever left of the Omi before... That would be rape. Saberu couldn't take that, he never wanted to hurt Omi in such a shameful way.

"Saberu... Did I... Did I do something wrong?" Omi frowned. Saberu frowned with him, he hated making him sad. It was for the best but he still felt upset he had disheartened him.

"No, it's not you... I'm just not ready for this now...with all the stuff going on, you know? I just don't feel I could get into the mood."

Omi exhaled sharply. "...I guess so..." he pouted slightly. "You're worrying me, Beru-chan... You're not yourself."

"I'm sorry, Omi," Saberu kissed his forehead gently. Even that, his lips on any of him just sent ripples of pleasure down his back, but Saberu kept it well hidden. "Just...just give me a few days, alright?"

"Okay," Omi nodded, understanding but still a bit disappointed. "I could...still join you though, just to scrub your back," Omi shrugged and smiled softly. Saberu gulped. The thought of being naked in the shower with him, he wouldn't be able to resist him, with clothes on was hard enough.

"It's okay, I'm capable of scrubbing my back," Saberu grinned. "Besides, I don't trust you to just wash my back either," he said jokingly but Omi blushed...maybe it wasn't entirely unjust that he didn't.


Saberu came from the shower, dying his hair and in some fresh clothes. As he walked towards his bedroom door something stopped him at his door.

"Hey, Saberu... You wouldn't mind me asking you something, would, ya?" Toran stood behind him, shuffling his tarot cards as always.

"That depends on what it is," Saberu replied to him. "What is it?"

"Well, it's just... I just can't figure it out, no matter how many cards I pull from this deck!" Toran showed off his tarot cards to Saberu, but Saberu wasn't looking at them to see. "What is it about Omi that you like so much anyhow?"

Saberu looked a bit tense suddenly.

"I mind that question, go away," Saberu's attention was back to his door and he reached for the knob, but Toran put his hand on his shoulder causing him to hesitate once more.

"Saberu... C'mon, I know it has to do with your past... What else did you see when you 'went too deep' that day?"

Saberu shook slightly. "It doesn't matter," his voice became slightly harsh, but Toran just couldn't take a hint.

"C'mon, tell me!" Toran pressured, gripping his shoulder. He was persistent when he was curious, like a little child. One of the many reasons Saberu found him oh so annoying majority of the time. "Saberu, why do you want him? Out of everyone, why him? You hate everyone in the world!"


"Because why?" he just wouldn't drop it.

"Because I know!" Saberu snapped, turning to Toran who suddenly look at little scared he had asked him and immediately pulled back his hand. Saberu continued, panting slightly. "Because I know Omi of all people would have saved me from that bastard!" he turned again and rushed into his room.

"That's why?" Toran commented tilting his head. He was a bit disappointed. "Geez, Saberu needs to let go of his past, his father's dead," Toran began to walk back into the living room. "He made DAMN sure about that."

--------------------------------------------------------------- < p>Saberu leaned against his door, as if he thought Toran was going to follow him in. Breathing a bit heavily, he just wanted to scream. He reached for the doorknob and locked it.

"Damn him, he knows I don't like talking about it!" but it didn't matter to Toran, he was unaware of peoples feelings. He never realized someone was mad at him until they declared it or punched him.


Saberu's head shot up, startled. Omi was sitting on his bed reading a book. A book Saberu recognized from his bookshelf in fact.


Omi looked at him, confused on why Saberu seemed so aggravated. "You okay, Beru-chan? You look upset."

"Yes, I'm fine..." Saberu sighed. "Toran's just bothering me."

"Want me to tell him to stop?" Omi smiled sweetly.

"No, no..." Saberu shook his head. That's when he realized he for a moment totally forgot about the fact that Omi was brainwashed. He forgot about it all...and was having a normal conversation with him. Maybe it was possible just for him to enjoy this.

"C'mon, come sit with me," Omi said, patting a spot next to him on the bed he was sitting on. "I'm just reading."

"...A-alright," Saberu agreed rather sheepishly. He wasn't exactly sure how to approach this whole situation; Omi...him not being alone for once. 'I've been alone my whole life... Now I actually HAVE someone... Even if it's not real...it's comforting, I like it.'

Saberu sat next to him and Omi immediately put his arm around his shoulders. Saberu reluctantly leaned against him. As Omi continued to hold him he began to relax slightly.

"It's okay, Beru-chan," Omi smiled as he began to run his fingers through Saberu's hair. "I'm not going to let Toran bother you, he'll have to deal with me if he does it again."

Saberu blushed slightly. He found it so sweet that Omi wanted to protect him.

"T-thanks," it was all he could think of to say. Omi laughed.

"Beru-chan, you don't have to thank me!" he snuggled against him slightly and the book he had been reading earlier was set aside from his mind. "You should know I'd do anything to protect you."

Saberu couldn't help but smile.

--------------------------------------------------------------- < p>"Hey, what's wrong with Ken?"

"You noticed it too, huh?"

"Yeah, he seems so...cold today. He hasn't even smiled at all!"

"Uh-huh, but at least he's here... Do you have any idea what happened to Omi?"

It was the talk all day at the flower shop. Ken was distant from everyone, he felt colder than Aya even. If it weren't for Yoji the whole atmosphere would have been a complete downer.

"Ah, Ken's just upset because all his goldfish died and Omi's out of town visiting a sick Aunt. He'll probably be back in a few weeks."

Saying Omi wouldn't be back for 'weeks' just seemed to upset Ken even further.

"Aww, darn! First Aya's sick and now Omi's gone! What a week!" one girl whined.

Ken jerked around. "Omi is NOT gone!" he suddenly snapped. Everyone looked at him for a moment, frozen, before he went back to an arrangement he was working on. "He's coming back and he's going to be just fine..."

"Eh...what?" the girl looked confused at his sudden out-burst and saying such ridiculous things.

"He's just upset because of his goldfish and Omi leaving for a while has him a bit down, you know what friends they are," Yoji said nervously.

"Oh..." the girl said understandingly before turning and leaving. That was a close one, good thing Yoji was so smooth. He felt relived himself though he hardly doubted himself to be able to handle the situation.

Aya had grown tired of this. He strolled over to Ken casually as to not bring any attention to them and lowered his voice as he spoke, "I don't want to see that again," he said firmly to Ken, angered at his reactions and colder-than-him aura.

"Leave me alone, Aya," Ken growled back. He was sick of being ordered to act as if nothing was wrong, to not care. How could they ask that of him when all he could think about was Omi and his safety? Of how he had let him down.

"You're not being yourself, people are going to start suspecting something," Aya told him.

"I don't care," he retorted rather arrogantly.

"Hey, hey! C'mon, don't you guys start fighting!" Yoji whispered to them as Aya looked like he wanted to strike Ken. Ken looked like he wanted to hit Aya right back... Yoji wasn't sure what to do, Omi was the one who always broke up fights. "Aya, why don't you let Ken work and go help some of those customers?"

Aya grunted in response and walked over to the bunch of customers. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with Ken when he was like this anyway.

Yoji looked a Ken and noticed his angered expression had almost become sad looking...

"C'mon, Ken, Omi's going to be fine," he said, keeping his voice down so nobody but them would hear. Ken scoffed.

"I keep saying that, over and over and over again in my head... But it doesn't change the fact that he might be dead as we speak or dying..." he quivered slightly from the thought.

"Nah, c'mon... Those three would throw it in our faces if that were true," Yoji smiled confidently. "It'll all be fine," he gave Ken a smack on his back before turning and leaving. Ken sighed watched him as he left him and was alone once again.

"I hope so, Yoji..."


The day had gone by fast. Saberu was a bit stunned, it seemed where ever he went, Omi followed. Whether it was to the kitchen to get a snack or the living room to watch TV or outside to get some fresh air; Omi insisted he tag along. Saberu wasn't sure what to think of this.

Now he was resting on the couch, staring at the TV but too lost in his own mind to really pick up on what was going on. Omi was peacefully leaning against him, using his shoulder as a pillow. Saberu glanced at him and then back at the television. 'I'm not sure I should be enjoying this or terribly annoyed,' he thought to himself with a sigh. Yes, he liked this, but he was so used to being by himself all of the time it was strange to have this boy following him all over the place and snuggling against him every chance he got. He was always completely alone. Toran was always out doing his first love; the tarot cards. Doing readings and such. And Walter... Walter was always doing his own thing, be it touring the bookstore or going to an art museum... He was what most people considered sophisticated and it wasn't shocking from what Saberu knew about his past as he had come from a wealthy family. He still demanded elegance, so it was the only way he could have it, leaving the house, being as they were currently travelling all over Japan in a mobile home. It wasn't as though his partners left him alone, they invited him constantly but Saberu didn't like people, in fact he hated them. Going to a tarot card reading seeing a bunch of people so desperate for love made him feel sick. Going to a bookstore and to an art museum seemed boring and why would he want to spend his day with a bunch of snobs worse than himself? There was nothing left to do but stay home, he wasn't a normal teenager, he didn't have friends to go to an arcade with or grab a pizza with. So he was alone.

"I'm going to bed," he said softly as he stood up from the couch, causing Omi to nearly fall from losing his headrest.

"Oh, already?" Omi asked. It was barely 8:00PM, Toran and Walter weren't even back yet. "Okay, let's go then--" he stood but Saberu stopped him.

"No, you're not tired."

Omi blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

"I don't need you right by my side every second of everyday," Saberu groaned. "Just do your own thing, come in when you feel like it."

"...But..." Omi looked terribly confused and not sure of what to do.

"Good night, Omi," Saberu turned and walked into his room, shutting the door rather hard behind him.

Omi almost felt like crying as he just stood there, staring at the door. "Saberu...you didn't even kiss me good-night."

----------------------------------------------------------- ----

So Omi sat there staring blankly at the TV. He couldn't think right, he couldn't focus on it. He felt horrible...

Maybe Saberu never really forgave him for yelling at him the other day. Omi prayed he hadn't some how ruined their relationship beyond repair. He hadn't meant what he said...

'Then why did you say it?' a voice rang out in his head. For some reason he couldn't even remember what had caused the argument.

"No," Omi said softly to himself. "I never meant to say that, Saberu is all I know... I know he took care of me after I was kidnapped...after my father abandoned me, he's all I know."

But he didn't have many memories, that was completely unexplained. He hardly remembered any of his childhood except little bits and pieces. But for the past six years he was blank. He knew information but he couldn't bring up the images. Whether Saberu smiled during certain times, what he looked like when he was younger... Nothing.

"What's wrong with me...?" he groaned as he rubbed his forehead. "I don't get it."

He remembered some man saving him right before those men were about to kill him, and then there was nothing. He knew when he woke up he was with Saberu, whom was taking care of him and he had no idea who he was. He became Omi Tsukiyono. Omi... Where did that name come from? He supposed Saberu must have named him that, because he knew he had no idea about his kidnapping at the time, until barely a year ago... but how had he found out? He didn't remember that either.

Omi felt sick. He gave himself a firm smack in the side of the head as if trying to get his brain to stop talking. "I have to stop thinking so much..." he didn't remember but he knew. He KNEW... That was really all that meant anything. Omi groaned slightly and rubbed his temples with his fingertips. "But if I know...why don't I remember? Damn it! No, Saberu would never lie to me! How could he? I would have known! All I know is that I belong to him that's all I know... It's all I need to know. I'm his...I belong to him..." why did that disgust him? 'You don't belong to anybody!' his head screamed.

Omi gave a low groan as he felt his head pulsating. It ached incredibly as if he were fighting something.

"What's wrong with me...?!" he gasped as his felt as though his head was on fire. It burned immensely; everything just felt like there were nails being driven into him. Standing up, he instantly fell to his knees and his eyes shut tightly. His head pounded with voices, with questions… Pain surged though his ever vain and his heart beat dangerously fast against his rib cage. Tears streaked down his face and he began to shake as it all over-whelmed him as he was lying flat on the ground, grasping his head tightly with his fists. He was scared, he felt absolutely terrified. The only thing he could come up with was he must have been having a seizure of some kind. He whimpered, cried pathetically as he had no control whatsoever over himself. He would just have to withstand it and hope he was still alive in the end.

And suddenly, just as soon at it started, it stopped. He stopped shaking and everything came back in a whirl of a cyclone. He lay there for a moment as all these memories suddenly entered his head, these feelings. It was all a lie. And for a moment he was just in disbelief. He forced himself up, to his feet stumbling, dizzy, and in a strange sort of stupor. His clothes clung to him from his sweat as he breathed slightly heavily. "They kidnapped me...made me forget...just like the others..."

The door opened, Toran and Walter came walking in. He turned around quickly, nearly falling to his knees again as he made such a fast motion.

"Omi?" Walter was a bit surprised to him. A quick glance caused confusion as he realized Saberu was not with him. "What are you doing out here? Where is Saberu?"

A burst of emotion hit him. He looked at them, full of rage for what they had done to him, what they had tried to do.

"I don't love him!" he yelled furiously. "You stupid idiots! You can't make me love someone I don't!"

Toran and Walter looked alarmed.

"What are you saying?" Walter asked.

"I know who I am, I am Weiß!" he almost screamed, taking a step. "You can't change..." the next step was a stumble and his eyelids soon began to descend.

Suddenly he fell forward and completely passed out in front of them. Walter and Toran just stood there for a moment, completely bewildered and not exactly sure of what would be the proper thing to do.

"...what in the hell...?" Toran kicked Omi's face with he tip of his foot, trying to check to see if he was really out. He looked a bit disturbed. "Walter, what the hell was that?"

Walter looked angry. "Omi knows something is wrong so he's figuring it out. He's confused and it's causing the brainwashing to wear off. Damn Saberu... He's not playing along, he's just confusing him."

"So, what do you mean?" Toran asked. He didn't quite understand hypnosis as well as Walter did. All he knew was that it was a neat little thing to be able to do. "Omi is Omi... Or is he buried deep within and trying to dig himself out?"

"No, this is Omi... Omi without his memories of Weiß. See, Toran, when he was young he buried his kidnapping inside him but deep down he knew it. It's what caused him to be the way he is..." Walter explained to him. "But you can never truly erase someone's memories, you can just cover them up and manipulate them. And just like with his kidnapping something is triggering him to recover Weiß."

"But we brainwashed him, how can he possibly remember?" Toran asked. "He shouldn't be able to no matter what."

"He knows something's wrong and he's trying to figure it out. I can't explain how he's remembering..." Walter rubbed his forehead. He tired of thinking about it, it was only frustrating him as he could not come up with an answer.

"Well, he did remember, you heard what he said," Toran commented as he gave Omi another kick in the face, slightly harder than the last and this time without reason. "Can't we just kill this brat now?"

"No. This may take all night...but I'm going to give Saberu what he wants," Walter commented as he reached down and picked up Omi's unconscious form.

"How are you going to do that?" Toran blinked.

"I'll make it impossible," Walter turned and began to walk away. "I'll manipulate all his memories, he will not be able to regain control on himself again."


Saberu's eyes opened as bright light filled them... He was alone...again.

"Omi...he must have remembered," Saberu sighed. He lay there for a few moments, trying not to be sad but it was nearly impossible. Saberu climbed from his bed and threw on some clothes. Yesterday...had actually been the best day of his life.

"I'll never have that again," Saberu groaned as he walked out towards the kitchen to grab some breakfast. As he walked into the kitchen he was stunned at the figure he saw sitting at the table.

"O-O-Omi! What the hell are doing here?!"

Omi looked up from his cereal, startled. "What? What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here!" he gasped.

Saberu gulped. "So...you didn't--" he hadn't remembered, everything was completely as it was yesterday. Omi still loved him.

"Huh?" Omi looked confused by what he was saying. Saberu was confusing him a lot lately it seemed, he was acting strange compared to what he usually knew him to be.

Saberu looked away, slightly blushing. He felt really stupid for reacting the way he had to seeing Omi. Omi must have been beginning to think he was going mad. "It's nothing important."

Saberu for some reason felt over joyed he hadn't remembered, that Omi still loved him. But there had to be something, since Omi had never come to bed last night.


"What is it?" he asked, looking up at him again.

"Are you okay...?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"Just--" Saberu searched for the right words as to not sound like an idiot as he had in his previous statements. "I don't know, it's just...you never came into bed last night," to him he thought he sounded like he over reacting. Omi didn't seem to think he was wrong in asking.

"Oh, I just ended up watching TV and falling asleep on the couch," Omi answered him, blushing slightly from embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry, Beru-chan. Did I...actually worry you?"

"Sort of, I guess..." Saberu said sheepishly, not wanting to admit he had been. Not necessarily to Omi but he didn't want to admit it to himself. If he admitted it to himself he would be saying this was what he wanted and this wasn't want he wanted. Omi merely smiled, feeling a bit flattered Saberu had grown so easily concerned for him.

"I'm glad," he chuckled. "I was afraid... I had done something wrong."

"No, never," Saberu gave a small smile. He chuckled nervously as well. "I was afraid I might have hurt your feelings."

"I was confused..." Omi admitted, his expression turning slightly sad as he stared down at his bowl of cereal and stirred the milk around with his spoon. "But I'm fine, really..."

Saberu could just see it by the look his eyes that the hurt was still there. He wasn't as fine as he claimed. He knew he had been a bit cold to him the other night. He hated himself for that, the last thing he ever wanted to do was to mistreat Omi. He took a seat next to him and placed his hand on his and began to affectionately stroke it. Omi stared into his eyes once again

"Omi... I'm sorry," Saberu apologized sincerely. "I never meant to--"

That was all Omi needed to hear. He leaned close to him and kissed him gently.

"It's alright, Beru-chan..." Omi told him. "I know it's just stress."

"Yeah," he sighed, burying his face in Omi's shoulder. "Just...just too much stress."

Omi loved that Saberu was getting better, actually warming up to him again. He was leaning against him, looking for comfort. Omi began to brush his fingers through his hair. "It's all going to get better, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah," Saberu agreed. This was what he wanted, just to be comforted by Omi, to be held and cared about. That was all he ever wanted. Now that he had it real or forced he was becoming less sure it mattered.

Toran entered the kitchen, still feeling like he could fall back asleep. He had spent the whole night just thinking about everything that was going on. He froze as he noticed Omi and Saberu...close together. Saberu snuggling against Omi and Omi messing with his hair playfully.

'Well, well,' he thought to himself. 'Looks like Saberu's getting over his guilt.'

Why did that bother him though? Seeing them like that? Toran breathed deeply as if trying to let out a sort of anger that was building. It was weird to see Saberu with a boyfriend...and for one reason or another he didn't like it.

"And what exactly are you doing, standing there spying?"

Toran jumped back and whirled around. A new kind of anger hit him as he stared at Walter.

"Don't scare me like that, you-!"

"I noticed your troubled expression," Walter commented. "So I'm curious," he strolled past Toran and pushed the door of the kitchen opened slightly to take a quick view at what Toran had been looking at. "Was it because of that?" he needn't explain what he was referring too, Toran knew.

"I don't trust Omi...not after last night," he explained. Walter smiled slightly as he shut the door again and turned to his partner.

"There's something else, something much more," Walter replied, he had a smile on and a gleam in his eyes, he was teasing him. "Something that has to do with Saberu, I know."

"I'm worried for him!" Toran was not comfortable with the questions Walter was asking him. He was always like this, he was leading to a big question and he knew it.

"You care very deeply for him, I know. You've become attached to him, that day we found him on the streets... Like a child with a lost puppy they found--"

"Walter, what the hell are you trying to ask?!" Toran demanded, getting sick of the game he had started.

Walter chuckled. "Well..." he stroked his own chin thoughtfully. "I can't help but think that you might be jealous."

"Jealous?" Toran grunted as he felt a bead of sweat roll down his face. "I'm not jealous."

"Then why did you want to kill Omi so urgently last night...the way you acted when he rejected Saberu at first too. I don't think I've ever seen you so angry."

Toran chuckled a bit sarcastically. "Get a life, Walter... Quit making something out of nothing like you always do," with that said, Toran walked off, back into his room. Walter just shook his head with a sigh.


"Ha ha! King me!"

"Ugh, this is the fourth time already!" Saberu complained as he took another red checker from his pile. "Next time we're playing chess!"

"Beru-chan, you know I don't know how..."

"Well, I'll teach you then. And while you're learning I can at least win."

"Ah, you're just a soar loser!" Omi giggled playfully.

Toran came walking out from his room. He looked confused at the two, sitting on the ground with a board game on the coffee table...

"Checkers?" he asked. "You modern day couples sure are weird," he commented as he pulled up the hood of his cloak. He was slightly confused... Omi would do anything Saberu asked, so why was he playing childish games?

"Going to give more readings?" Saberu asked as he concentrated on his next move.

"My services are needed," Toran replied almost nobly. Omi snickered.

"You look like the grim reaper!"

Toran slumped.

"Well, excuse me, I'm not trying to be pretty!" he walked towards the door. "You know, you two should try coming with me."

"I have no interest in seeing one of your little readings, you give them to me all the time," Saberu told him, looking rather nervously now at the checkerboard.

"It's your turn..." Omi reminded him.

"I know, I know!" Saberu whined. "Quit rushing me!"

Omi smirked. Seeing Saberu so nervous was a funny sight indeed.

"I don't mean coming to watch me work," Toran interrupted them. "I meant to get out, I'm giving some readings at a fair today."

"No," Saberu replied but Omi immediately gasped.

"Beru-chan, why not??"

Saberu became confused as he took his eyes of the game too look at Omi. "You want to go...?"

"Sure, it'll be fun for something different!" Omi smiled. "All we ever do is hang out around here."

Saberu gulped. He didn't want to make Omi unhappy, but he just hated crowds and he hated being around people. But Omi had that pleading look on his face and it was causing him to melt... All he wanted was for Omi to be happy and he wanted more than anything to be good to him.

"Please, Beru-chan?" he asked, clasping his hands together.

"Well, are you two coming or not?" Toran questioned, tired of the delay. He had to get going, with them or not.

"...oh, all right," Saberu sighed. "We'll come along I suppose..."

"Oh, thank you, Beru-chan!" Omi jumped up excitedly. "It'll be fun, don't worry!"

It didn't matter to Saberu, just as long as Omi was happy...


It was busy as expected, most kids were just getting off from school and stopping there instead of heading straight home. The only time Saberu had been to a fair was when he and the others were doing a show at one, he had never gone there just to have fun.

Omi was tugging him from place to place like a hyper little kid. "Saberu, look, they have cotton candy over there!" and Saberu found his wallet was becoming lighter the more time they spent there. He just couldn't say no to him when it came to such things.

Saberu didn't mind though, he enjoyed watching Omi be happy. Especially since he knew that he would be busy working if he wasn't with him.

'We did him a favor...' he kept telling himself, maybe as a way of justifying what he was doing; lying to him about who he was, about the things he loved. 'Those jerks never appreciated him anyways, I doubt they even care if he's all right.'

Omi pulled him from his train of thought. "Saberu, look at that! See how high it goes? I bet we could see the whole fair from there!"

Saberu looked like he was going to be sick just looking at it. Not only did the ride go high it went upside down and topsy-turvy.

"You...can...get on it if you want, I'll just wait here."

"What? No, c'mon, Beru-chan, you have to come with me!" Omi insisted, pulling Saberu by his arm and trying to drag him towards the line. Saberu resisted him, instantly digging his heels into the ground.

"No, stop it, Omi!"

Omi wouldn't give up, he let go of his arm and walked behind the older boy and began to push him by his back. "C'mon, it's not dangerous or anything you'll be fine!"

"K-knock if off!" Saberu gasped as Omi was beginning to over come his strength. It was hard to fight him from behind. "Omi, no!"

Saberu ultimately couldn't win and Omi had pushed him all the way to the line. Saberu didn't like it though, he had been yelling shouts of protest the whole time and trying to step out of the line. Omi refused to let him do so.

"I'm not going on by myself... Oh, the line's moving, c'mon!" and resumed shoving him.

Saberu wasn't even sure what to expect, he had never been on a ride before... He realized just how pathetic it sounded, eighteen and he had never been on a ride.

Then again his father had never cared about him, all he had ever done was give Saberu chores and spend the whole night drinking and watching the baseball game. His mother, the insensitive bitch, she had run off one night, leaving Saberu behind only to end up in a car accident a few days later and dying. So he had never had fun and gone to a fair with his family like normal kids...

Omi's reassurances that the ride wasn't dangerous were starting to make him feel better. He had always heard of stuff like 'power goes out at fair, people stuck upside down for hours', 'faulty seat belts on ride, two people with serious injuries'.

He didn't know what he was thinking as the worker strapped him in...

As the ride ended, Saberu had been absolutely stunned. It was nothing like he had expected, it had actually been fun. He had kept his eyes shut the whole time, and bit his lip so hard it nearly bled to keep from screaming...but for some reason he had never had more fun in his life. It was a strange feeling.

"See? I told you it wouldn't be so bad!" Omi laughed, smoothing back his hair, which was now a complete mess from the ride. Then something happened he didn't expect; Saberu burst out laughing!

"That was great!" he commented. There was a strange light in his eyes that Omi had never seen before. "I was so scared at first but I loved it!" he looked at Omi excitedly almost like a child would their parent. "Hey, can we go on it again?"

Omi's face lit up. "Sure! C'mon, let's go get back in line!" and he tugged Saberu back towards the line, this time without resistance.

Meanwhile, Toran had been watching them. His mind off his work for a moment, he couldn't believe what he had just seen.

"Did Saberu...actually laugh?"

-------------------------------------------------- -------------

Omi and Saberu had probably rode the ride ten times before finally deciding to go find something else to do. Saberu had noticed a few game stands and decided to give them a shot; there was a plush puppy at one and he had noticed Omi glance at. It was simple enough, throw a ball and knock over the bottles. He pouted when Omi made him promise not to cheat by using his powers.

"It's the thought that counts," he had told him, giving him that sweet smile of his.

Saberu just nodded. It didn't matter to him, he had had a lot of practice aiming. He didn't have a lot of toys when he was young so he had spent most of his time throwing rocks at a tree out back. He had knocked the bottles down with ease. Omi actually looked a bit surprised.

"What? What does that look mean?" Saberu smiled as he handed Omi the newly won plush.

"Nothing," Omi smiled back. "I knew you could do it," he complimented him. "Let's go try something else." Saberu and him walked a little bit, glancing at the other games. There were tons of people trying and most of them losing poorly. "I want to win you something too," Omi suddenly commented. Saberu felt his heart jump, it was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said to him. After passing a few stands something caught Omi's eyes. "Hey, look over there! I've seen these before, you throw the dart to pop the balloon."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Saberu asked. "Looks kind of hard..."

"That's alright," Omi said as the man behind the table handed him a few darts. He glanced back as Saberu and winked. "Don't you help me either," he added. Saberu gave a roll of his eyes.

It was simple enough: Pop 5 balloons with the five darts to get a prize.

As Omi picked up the first one, he suddenly wished he had picked another game. This seemed a little harder than he had thought. It didn't seem possible that anyone could control it.

He held his breath and just threw it. Much to his shock he actually hit it; the balloon popped. He picked up the second one.

'This feels...right,' and he threw that one, perfect aim again. 'What is this?' he suddenly felt the urge to grab the rest of them all at once, grasping them between his fingers he threw three at the same time, each one landing a perfect mark and the balloons popped in unison. The man behind the desk looked stunned, as did Saberu.

"Woah... Hey, do that again, on the house this time!" he handed him a few more darts.

Omi didn't hesitate, picking up four this time he flung them all and each again hit a balloon.

'Oh, no!' Saberu thought to himself as he finally realized just exactly what he was doing. 'He's...he's using his assassin skills!'

Omi looked completely shocked as he stood gapping at the popped balloons and thinking of how he had done it.

The guy behind the stand looked amazed. "DUDE! Where did you learn how to do that?!" he asked him eagerly, full of curiosity.

"...I...I don't know..." Omi breathed out, his hands shaking. He suddenly felt very scared that he could do that. Something like that seemed one would have to have years of practice, but he never even remembered playing darts before.

"Um, what did he win?" Saberu interrupted, looking nervous. He wanted to get Omi away from there.

"Oh, here," the guy went over and got a big tiger plush. "A Siberian tiger, you deserve this thing, man!" he handed it to Omi.

"Siberian...?" he asked, gripping the plush tightly. That sounded so familiar to him. He felt like he had used that name countless times before, but... He just couldn't bring it up in his mind.

"Thanks," Saberu said quickly as he dragged Omi away.

Omi looked at him, still shaking. "Saberu...how-how did I do that?"

Saberu forced a smile, hoping Omi didn't sense his own nervousness. "Some people are just born with these things, Omi. You have a good aim, that's all."

"But...but that..." that was different, it wasn't something you were born with. The way he had done it was like as if he had practiced it every day of his life, as if he had to perfect it because his life depended on it. Saberu hushed him by putting his finger on his lips before he could continue the questions.

"Omi, that was great. Most people would love to be able to do that. You're acting like it's a bad thing!"

Omi smiled, forgetting instantly about his shock as he realized how impressed Saberu was with him. Some people were just born with these things... He ignored the logical aspect of it and forced himself to believe what Saberu was saying.

"Oh, here!" he laughed, handing over the tiger to Saberu and taking back his puppy that Saberu had been holding during the game. Saberu looked a bit embarrassed because the tiger was so much bigger than the dog...

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather the tiger?" he asked and Omi without hesitating shook his head.

"No, this is special to me because you won it for me," Omi hugged it tightly to prove how much he loved it. "Besides, I love dogs!"

Saberu felt better and gave a smile. Omi was so unselfish. To him, it just wasn't about that it was only about the thought and love put into it. Saberu thought it wasn't possible but he found himself loving Omi more with each minute he spent with him. Not only because of how they were similar but also because of how different they were. He was so loving, so happy and full of energy. He had so many traits that Saberu knew he could never have, so many reasons why he loved him so dearly...

That's when something interrupted them.

"OMI! Omi, wait a minute, hold it!" someone was shouting at them. "Omi, is that you?!"

Saberu jerked around with horror in his eyes.
