Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Seduction ❯ The Two Hentai's ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Not mine...anyone want to give them to me?
Warning: Yaoi, Foursome?, Kinkiness, OOC, Lemon
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ken x Aya, Yoji x Omi (possible: Yoji x Omi x Ken x Aya)
Feedback: Yes, please!
AN: Please keep in mind that the warnings may change as this story progresses. However, there will be no death or rape.


Mission Seduction - The Two Hentai's

The bright morning sun brought Hidaka Ken out of his dream-state. He could hear Omi cooking breakfast down the hall, and Yoji blasting his music while singing in the shower. It seemed Kami-sama wanted to punish him for the arousing dreams he had been having recently.

For the past few weeks, Ken had been dreaming about Fujimiya Aya, and a tub full of whipped cream. The redhead would be covered in the fluffy-sweet softness, and Ken would trace his tongue up and down the length of Aya's body. However, as soon as Ken would swallow Aya's erection, something or someone would always wake him up!

He shook his head in irritation, glaring down at his swollen arousal. A wet spot was visible on the thin, cotton boxers he wore; obviously showing the state of arousal he was in. Why did he have to dream about such things? This was _Aya_ he was dreaming about: Mr. Stoic and Anti-social. He didn't know which was colder: Aya or a block of ice.

Yet, he had to admit, there was more to Aya than the redhead led on. More often than not, Ken found himself wondering what went on inside of Aya's head; he was always so quiet and speculative, Ken would give anything to hear Aya's thoughts.

A hand slipped beneath his boxers, wrapping around the hard length trapped inside. He didn't know how many times he had masturbated while thinking about Aya; it happened so often, he didn't bother to keep count.

Slim fingers gently brushed against the sides of his swollen cock, bringing forth a soft moan that sounded a lot like Aya's name. If he closed his eyes, he could almost see Aya's handsome face: violet eyes half-lidded and peering up at him in utter pleasure; rose-petal lips slightly parted and swollen from hard kisses; and those normally pale cheeks, flushed a light pink as pleasure had its way with him...

Ken stroked himself faster as he thought of Aya's lips surrounding his thick member. He could imagine Aya gently nibbling on the tip of his erection, before trailing his tongue down its length and licking it as if it were a lollipop. How hot would it be if he buried himself in Aya's mouth?

Ken groaned and pushed his hips up, driving his cock into the warm tunnel he created with his hand. He could feel his arousal twitch as wave after wave of pleasure washed through him. What would it feel like to have Aya's hands on him? On a few occasions, Ken found himself fascinated with Aya's hands. They were so thin and delicate-looking, it was hard to believe those hands were stained with blood.

Would they feel just like his did? Slightly callused but soft at the same time?

A vision of Aya straddling his hips came into mind. Ken let out a louder moan and stroked himself faster, rubbing his thumb across the head and smearing his pre-cum all over himself.

It seemed that every time Ken touched himself, the lust he had for Aya only seemed to intensify. He couldn't understand it. Maybe it wouldn't be a problem if he had a slight chance with Aya, but he knew that he didn't. As far as Ken knew, Aya was the most asexual person he had ever met. All he could do was lose himself to his fantasies, and hope that one day he wouldn't jump Aya in the flower shop--or in the bathroom--or in his bedroom when the redhead was asleep. His imagination was always running away with him. Once, he envisioned throwing Aya upon a buffet table, where he yanked the redheads' pants down and took him right there in the restaurant.

Ken's groin began tingle as his climax soon approached. He stroked his arousal up and down faster, imagining Aya's gorgeous face looming above him. With one final stroke, Ken began to shudder as ribbon after ribbon, his hot seed shot out of his cock.

The empty pleasure never seemed to be satisfying; he still wanted more. He wanted to be buried inside of Aya, where the redheads' warm muscles would grip his hard cock. How would he ever get through the day if these thoughts continued? If Aya ever found out the way that he felt, he would be dead before Aya could say: "Shi-ne"

"Ken no baka," he muttered to himself.

He crawled out of bed and stepped out of his wet boxers. Then he tossed the soiled shorts into the dirty pile near his door, stretching out his tanned arms at the same time.

In that instant, Ken's door swung open, revealing a half-naked Yoji standing in his doorway.

Ken remained frozen for a split second, before he dropped both his hands to cover his exposed groin. His face flushed a bright crimson when Yoji just stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Yoji!" Ken exclaimed. "Don't you know how to knock?"

Yoji smirked at him lecherously and licked his pale lips. "If I knocked, I would have missed the delicious sight of your naked body."

Ken felt himself flush even further. Then he shouted: "Close the door, Yoji!"

Instead of stepping out of the room (as any normal person would do) and closing the door behind him, Yoji stepped inside and kicked the door closed.

"Yoji! I told you to close the door!" Ken scrambled for his bed-sheets and wrapped them tightly around himself. "What are you doing?!? Get out!"

Yoji just snickered at him, enjoying the sudden flush in Ken's tanned cheeks. It was obvious to Yoji that Ken was doing something naughty. He knew for certain that Ken didn't sleep naked. He once snuck into Ken's room late at night, where he poured warm water all over Ken's boxer shorts. When Ken woke up, the poor boy thought he had peed all over himself.

"What were _you_ doing?" Yoji asked while wriggling an eyebrow at him.

Ken didn't think it was possible to turn a darker shade of red.

"N-None of your business!" He stuttered.

Yoji just laughed at the embarrassed brunette. Then he threw an arm around Ken's neck, grasping him in a headlock, and ruffled his chocolate-colored hair. "You're lying, Ken-Ken. You were thinking about our gorgeous redhead again, weren't you?"

"Don't call me that," Ken growled. He tried in vain to break free from Yoji's hold, but Yoji held him in place, chuckling the whole time.

"Do you remember when I told Omi that looking at porn on the net is okay, but sometimes having a real girl is a whole lot better?" He released Ken from his headlock and leaned back on his palms. "The same thing goes for you."

Ken straightened out his hair and glared at the smirking blond. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Yoji shrugged. "It probably feels a whole lot better being inside of Aya than it is to fantasize about it."

"H-How did you know?" Ken stuttered.

"I know everything," Yoji smirked.

Ken wanted to disappear into the ground. He thought he was able to hide the desire he felt for Aya, but it seemed he wasn't as good at hiding his emotions as Aya was. On top of that, Yoji had a big mouth; he would probably tell Aya just to embarrass him.

"I've got a proposition for you," Yoji said. "I know you want our gorgeous redhead, and we both know it'll be damn near impossible to get him into bed. So, if I help you nail our beautiful Aya, you'll help me nail our kawaii chibi."

Ken could almost feel his eyes pop out of his head. "N-Nani?!?!"

"Oh, come on, now. Don't tell me you don't think Omi is the most adorable thing you've ever seen," Yoji said.

"A-Adorable?!?" Ken sputtered. He never thought he'd hear the word 'adorable' come out of Yoji's mouth.

Of course he agreed Omi was too cute for his own good. His big blue eyes were so openly warm and caring. However, Ken's desires lay within the gorgeous redhead. And...

"Isn't Omi a little too young for you?" Ken asked.

"Aa," said Yoji. "But Omi isn't like most seventeen year olds."

Ken had to agree with that.

"What do you say, Ken-Ken? You know you'll have a hard time getting Aya without my help," Yoji said. "And we both know Omi won't come to me without a little persuasion." He was, after all, labeled as a playboy. Omi would want the security--to know--that he wasn't just some kind of conquest--which he wasn't. Yoji sincerely cared for the smaller blond, just as Ken cared for Aya. He just wasn't sure whether or not Ken realized that yet.

"I won't allow you to hurt Omi," Ken said. "I know how you are with all the ladies."

"Well, Omi is no lady, is he?" Yoji laughed. Then he held up his hands in surrender when Ken tossed him a glare that rivaled Aya's. "Okay, okay. You know I wouldn't hurt our little blond assassin. Just like you wouldn't hurt our frozen iceberg." He leaned over towards Ken, who was still wrapped up in his thin sheets, and said, "So how about it, Ken-Ken? You help me, and I'll help you."

Ken nibbled on his lower lip for a minute. It would be quite impossible to get Aya all on his own, he knew that. In fact, he never even thought about pursuing the gorgeous redhead before...

He looked up at Yoji and nodded his head. "What's the plan?"

Yoji smiled. "Well, the first thing to do is make sure our prey know that being with another man is not such a bad thing."

Ken didn't have the chance to respond, because suddenly, Yoji pushed him back against his bed.


"Ken-kun and Yoji-kun have been in there for awhile now," Omi said as he placed a cup of hot coffee in front of Aya.

"Aa," Aya agreed, glancing down the hall at Ken's closed bedroom door. He had seen Yoji step inside a while ago, and although he didn't understand it, he felt a flash of anger and...something else...go through him. He decided it was because Yoji was dripping water all over the carpet. Not because Yoji was half-naked and entering Ken's room.

There was something about Ken that confused Aya. However, he couldn't quite place what the feeling was. He sipped on his coffee in contemplation, when there was an audible 'bang' coming from Ken's room.

"What was that?" Omi asked in a worried tone. On an unspoken agreement, both he and Aya headed for Ken's door.

There was another 'bang' and the sound of bed springs squeaking. Omi and Aya exchanged a confused glance. Then there was a loud groan, followed by more 'bangs'--no, it was 'thumping', Aya thought absently, and the sound of Yoji's voice, moaning Ken's name.

Omi flushed a bright red and he turned wide-blue eyes on the impassive Aya. Ken and Yoji couldn't possibly be doing _that_, could they?

"A-Aya-kun?" Omi said nervously. The redheads' features were unreadable, though Omi had a feeling Aya was not pleased.

He wasn't wrong either. Aya was enraged. How dare that-that Yoji put his hands on his Ken! No one was allowed to touch Ken except for him!

"Let's go," Aya growled as he grabbed Omi by the wrist and headed downstairs into the flower shop. First of all, he didn't want to hear what Yoji and Ken were doing in there. Second of all, Omi shouldn't be hearing things like that. Third of all, he didn't want the mental image of Ken all sweaty and panting from sex. And fourth of all, he didn't like the feelings that stirred inside of him.


"Oh, God, Ken!" Yoji cried as he jumped up and down on Ken's double bed. "Mmmm!" He moaned, barely suppressing his laughter.

Ken just rolled his eyes and got dressed in the corner of his room. He wondered if Aya and Omi had heard Yoji by now.

Yoji let out another loud moan, and there was no doubt in Ken's mind that the other two had heard him.

"You'd better not break my bed," Ken hissed as he watched his mattress sink in under Yoji's weight. "If you do, you're buying me a new one."

"If we were really having sex," Yoji said in-between bounces, "your bed would have broken by now."

Ken sat down on the floor and sighed. "Are you done yet? I'm hungry, you know."

"We've only been at it for five minutes!" Yoji nearly shouted. "I'm not a minute man, thank you very much."

"Who says you were on top?" Ken asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you saying I would let you take me?" Yoji laughed.

"And why not?" Ken asked defensively.

Yoji stopped his bouncing to catch his breath for a moment. "Would you like me to show you why I would be better being top?" He smiled at Ken lecherously, sending shivers down the brunette's spine.

Ken was about to tell Yoji to dream on, but the tall blond brought a finger to his lips, signaling Ken to be quiet.

"Do you hear that?" Yoji asked after a moment.

"Hear what?" Ken asked, not having heard anything.

"Exactly," Yoji said, confusing Ken thoroughly. "I don't hear anything."

"Do you think they left?" Ken asked as he stood up.

Yoji shrugged his shoulders and hopped off the bed. He crept quietly to Ken's door, still wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, and opened it soundlessly, peering down the hall.

The entire apartment was quiet.

"Kisama," Yoji cursed, swinging the door open fully. "They're not here," he grumbled, stepping out into the hall. He turned around to face Ken and said, "They're probably downstairs in the shop already."

Ken glared at Yoji. "You nearly broke my bed for nothing then?"

Yoji just shrugged. "It was worth a try."

Ken glared at Yoji once more before he stepped out of his room and headed for the kitchen. Yoji headed for his own room and got dressed while Ken ate. A few minutes later, they both headed downstairs into the flower shop, where Aya and Omi were already setting things up.

"Ohayo mina-san," Yoji greeted as he descended the stairs.

Aya and Omi looked up at the new arrivals. A faint blush crept into Omi's cheeks and he smiled, saying: "Ohayo Ken-kun! Ohayo Yoji-kun!" while Aya just grunted and glared at Yoji far more than he usually did.

"You shouldn't glare so much, Aya," Yoji said with a lazy smile. "You might freeze all the flowers in here."

Aya wanted to freeze Yoji's nether-regions until the blond remained limp for the rest of his life. Of course, he didn't say it out loud, he just continued to glare at the big blond cat.

Ken looked at Aya in confusion for a moment. Then he shrugged his shoulders and grabbed one of the aprons, tying it around his waist. He froze, however, when he felt a warm body move behind him, tying the knot for him. He turned around, hoping Aya was the one standing behind him. Instead, he saw Yoji smirking at him devilishly. He mouthed the words 'play along', but Ken could already feel the heat of Aya's glare burning holes through the back Yoji had facing him.

"A-Anou...Yoji-kun? Ken-kun? Is there...um...something..." Omi blushed furiously, unable to complete his sentence. He didn't want to be too forward, but Yoji was openly displaying his feelings for the brunette. Deep inside, Omi felt a little disappointed; he had always found Yoji attractive. But the older man was such a playboy, he only allowed himself to fantasize. Yet seeing him with Ken, Omi wondered how much Yoji cared for him. Was it enough to keep Yoji's hormones under control?

"Going on between us?" Yoji finished for the little blond.

Omi found himself nodding and blushing.

"No," Yoji said airily. "We're just friends that fuck."

"Yoji-kun!" Omi exclaimed, blushing furiously.

Ken could feel his own blush creeping into his cheeks.

Aya's glare only intensified.

"Ken-Ken is cute and all," Yoji said with a smirk, "but I've already got my eyes set on someone special."

Omi could feel his heart pound when Yoji tossed him his lady-killer smile.

Ken, for some reason, felt like a slut--even though he and Yoji hadn't really slept together. He sneaked a glance at Aya, only to find his violet eyes fixed on his green ones. What was the redhead thinking? He looked angry enough to go on a killing spree.

Aya couldn't believe what he was hearing! How could Yoji say that right in front of Ken? It didn't matter if they were 'friends that fuck'; Yoji shouldn't have said that. A fierce protective streak flared inside of Aya, blossoming in his chest and spreading out throughout his body. He turned his glare on Yoji, who was grinning lecherously at little Omi.

Yoji. Must. Die.

"What's with the tight face, Aya?" Yoji smirked, not missing the glare Aya directed at him. "Did you just eat something sour?"

Yoji no baka! Aya thought angrily. Instead of shouting that out loud, he balled his hands into fists and left the flower shop, furious. Why would Ken want to sleep with Yoji? Aya could offer him so much more...

Aya shook his head and jammed his hands into his pockets. What was he thinking? He shouldn't be thinking thoughts like that. Ken was...he was...Aya wasn't sure, but he was certain Ken would never want him. He was too cold and distant. Ken needed someone who could openly love him.

Love? Aya thought, scrunching up his perfectly shaped eyebrows in concentration. He frowned and wandered aimlessly down the street, thinking.


"What did you do?!?!?" Ken shouted as soon as he pulled Yoji out of the flower shop, where Omi wouldn't be able to hear them. "Aya's pissed! He probably thinks I'm a freak now!"

"You are a freak," Yoji said with a smirk.

"Udusei," Ken growled, throwing his hands into his hair and pulling the dark-brown locks. "Urgh! I never should have listened to you! If I ever _did_ have a chance with Aya, its all been blown now!"

"Relax, Ken-Ken," Yoji reassured him. "Just because that plan didn't work for Aya, it worked for Omi. Did you see him blushing?"

"I don't care about your sex life!" Ken shouted.

"Shhh!" Yoji hissed, peering over Ken's shoulder to glance at Omi in the flower shop.

Omi didn't appear to have heard them--he was watering some of the daises near the cash register.

"We just have to try a different tactic with Aya," Yoji said after Ken reigned in hold over his emotions.

"We?" Ken exclaimed incredulously. "Uh-uh; forget it! I'm not taking advice from _you_ anymore!"

"Did you see the way Aya reacted to what was said?" Yoji asked. "Green eyes," he said with a shake of his head. "He nearly burned a hole through my head with his glare."

"So?" Ken huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Didn't you see how jealous he was?" Yoji raised an eyebrow at Ken in disbelief. Then he shook his head in amusement. "Have you ever considered getting glasses, Ken-Ken? For a guy who has 20/20 vision, you're pretty blind."

Ken frowned at the leering blond.

"Aya hasn't missed your adorable good looks," Yoji said, leaning in close to Ken.

Ken pushed Yoji away in annoyance. "Shut up, Yoji."

Yoji shrugged. "It's up to you whether you believe me or not." He fished in his shirt pocket for a cigarette and a lighter. When he placed the white-stick between his lips and lit it, he inhaled deeply and blew the smoke in Ken's face. "Do you think Aya would have stormed out of here if he didn't care?"

Ken waved a hand in front of his face, pushing the smoke away. "He probably left because you were getting on his nerves."

"That _could_ be it, but I doubt it," Yoji said. Then he sighed and looked at Ken. "Do you want my help or not?"

Ken nibbled on his lower lip in contemplation. He didn't want to team up with Yoji over something like this, but he realized he knew nothing about relationships. Yoji once helped him with Yuriko; he knew what would become of their relationship.

Now, he was offering him help to get Aya. For the most part, Yoji didn't seem to know what he was doing. However, behind that aloof mask he was always wearing, he was a concerned friend who could offer Ken some help.

And Ken really wanted to be with Aya.

"What's your next plan?" Ken asked reluctantly.

Yoji grinned.

To be continued...