Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Model Behavior ❯ Model Behavior ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Category: PWP, Lemon
Rating: R-ish
Pairings: Aya x Yoji
Spoilers: AU based a little on episodes 6 & 7 of Weiss Kreuz Gluhen
Warnings: Yaoi lemon (don't like? don't read.)
Feedback: C&C
Notes: While I'm basing this PWP partially on Weiss Kreuz Gluhen episodes 6 & 7, you really don't need to know a lot about the show. Heck, if you don't even want to think of them in the Gluhen character designs you don't have to. All that is borrowed from Gluhen is the name of the school Aya & Yoji are working undercover at, and the jobs they have at the school ... that's about it. Also this one is not a sequel to the other stories of a Gluhen nature that I might have written.

Now the standard notation notes... '--denotes thoughts--' and "--denotes speech--"

Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz and WK Gluhen belong to Koyasu Takehito, Project Weiss, Marine Entertainment and other company (but not me). This is only being used for non profit entertainment purposes.

Model Behavior

by babaca

Yoji was walking down the hallway on his way to his class. This Persia must have had some sense of humor to assign him a teaching post here at the Koua Academy. At least he was given a subject he could adequately bullshit his way through. Not like Aya. He shuddered. 'History ... how boring. Especially since everyone knows there's no point to history because it perpetually repeats itself into infinity.'

Speaking of Aya, he spotted him up ahead talking to Tuji sensei. She had been his model in class the day before. She took offense at his flirting remarks outwardly to the class, but he knew deep down she was flattered and a little intrigued. Yoji smiled. Kudoh magic was in full form. He would soon know all her secrets, but he didn't want to push it too soon.

Yoji sighed. He could tell by body language alone that Tuji must be asking Aya questions that were pissing the guy off. He had better control of his shi-ne glares these days, but the man looked wound up like he was ready to spring into action, katana in hand or not at any second.

"Ah, Aya sensei, just who I was looking for," Yoji said with a big smile, "And Tuji sensei too, the gods are smiling upon me today."

"The name is Fujimiya sensei, Kudoh sensei," Aya gritted out.

Tuji sensei blushed. "You are not forgiven for yesterday Kudoh sensei."

"Gomen ne, it seems I can't win with anyone here," Yoji bowed slightly. "I am an artist, Fujimiya sensei, and as an artist, we don't always follow tradition. Tuji-chan, I meant no offense yesterday and if I have to formally apologize to the entire class for you, I will.

"Now, since my model, Tuji-chan refuses to model for my class today, I thought I would ask Fujimiya sensei do to it. But just for today," Yoji said.

Aya looked puzzled. "You want me to model for your class?"

"You have a free hour, and I thought I would give some of the female students something to inspire them, not that they weren't inspired by your beauty Tuji-chan."

Tuji glared at Yoji before saying, "I have things to do today anyway. Fujimiya sensei is rather popular with the student body so I can see the logic in your choice."

Yoji winked at her. "Thank you. Let's have dinner later and we'll discuss your return as my favorite model soon?"

Tuji flushed, "I don't know. I'll think about it. I must go," she said as she walked away from the two men.

The two men began to walk to Yoji's classroom.

"What did you do that for?" Aya asked.

"You looked like you were ready to kill her, I thought I'd defuse the situation before you started screaming 'shi-ne'," Yoji laughed.

"She was asking some rather pointed questions, I'm just wondering what her involvement is in all this," Aya said in a low voice.

"Leave that to me," Yoji said, "Remember that's my level of expertise."

Aya groaned in mock frustration, "Really? I've never hear that before."

Yoji laughed in earnest. "Let's go."

Half the girls in the classroom blushed as they noticed the new handsome art teacher had the gorgeous history teacher with him.

"Class, since Tuji sensei was busy today, I managed to capture Fujimiya sensei to be our model for today's class. I hope you don't mind," Yoji said, winking at the class.

A chorus of 'no, we don't mind at all' could be heard by the class.

"Fujimiya sensei if you would be so kind as to sit in the chair over there," Yoji said, "Oh and if you want to strip out of your clothes I don't think you'll hear much by way of objection from the class."

Aya turned to Yoji to glare while half the class tittered and others sighed in hopeful anticipation.

Aya said, "I think I'll keep my clothes, thank you." He sat down facing the class. 'Yoji is going to pay for that.'

Yoji continued to smile knowing that after the class he would probably be put into a world of hurt by Aya. 'Might as well have a little fun while I'm still living.' He walked over to Aya and started to create a pose, having Aya cross his legs, while letting his hands run teasing light touches over his model's body. He moved behind Aya.

"I think it would be lovely if your hair was unbound, but I suspect you'll say no, so why don't I slide this braid here over your shoulder," Yoji said as he let his fingers caress the other man's neck before gathering the braid to move it over Aya's left shoulder. Soon his hands moved to Aya's jaw. "Let't tilt the head, just a little. Let's see how this looks." Yoji stepped back a little to observe the very faint flush on Aya's skin. He smiled. The class was far enough back that they wouldn't notice the slightly lustful glare Aya had staring at Yoji. This look made Yoji's smile turn into something a little more wolfish.

"Let's begin class. I'll let you use any medium you have before you. However, remember Fujimiya sensei is just our temporary model for today. So maybe a charcoal for quick sketching would be the way to go. If I could guarantee he'd be our model for the rest of the semester I would say, he would be lovely in watercolor or oil. But as I said, go with whatever you like."

Aya for his part sat there, willing himself not to stare at Yoji. Although it couldn't be helped since the tall man was wandering in and out of his line of sight by looking over his student's work. The classroom was a nice one. There was almost as much natural light shining throughout as flourescent light. Regardless of the light, Yoji, to Aya seemed to look golden. There was a warm glow that seemed to radiate off of the man. It was no wonder Tuji would get flustered around Yoji. Aya knew it would probably be a matter of days before the woman would fall into Yoji's trap of seduction. He wasn't sure if he was happy about that.

Yoji seducing women to get what he wanted was nothing new. It still didn't mean that Aya had to like it. Not that they were obligated to stay together. This case had been tough because he had been separated from Yoji for months with Yoji being in Europe. Of course, he would never admit it to the man, as he observe him making a suggestion to one student. Europe had been difficult for Yoji as well. Aya knew he was only told of selective parts of the trip. Aya wanted to smile. Yoji for all his flirty womanizing ways always felt the need to censor himself about those exploits to Aya. It probably had more to do with the fact that he thought such information would anger Aya. On some levels it would, if he thought Yoji was really serious about any of them. Usually he wasn't, but this last trip back, Yoji had been acting a little strangely.

Surprisingly, the hour was up and the students began to put away their supplies. Aya relaxed himself from the pose which wasn't as uncomfortable as he would have thought Yoji would have made him do. Many of the girls smiled at him and thanked him for being their model. He merely nodded at them, as he got up to stretch a little. The room emptied out, leaving Aya and Yoji alone.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Yoji asked as he began to move easels into the closet in the side of the room.

"I guess it wasn't," Aya grudgingly confessed. "Why are you moving the easels?"

"This room gets used as a regular classroom in an hour. I only have two classes today you know."

"Ah, well let me help," Aya said also collapsing and moving easels with Yoji.

The last easel put away, Aya suddenly pushed Yoji against the wall inside the closet. He kissed the taller man hard before pulling back. "I haven't forgotten the clothing optional remark," he hissed.

Yoji laughed and wrapped his arms around Aya's waist. "I didn't think you would. So how am I to pay for that remark, Aya sensei?" he asked dragging the word 'sensei' out in a languid, sensual cadence.

'Hmm,' Aya thought. He glanced at his watch. He would have forty minutes. Really more like thirty five if the other teacher decided to arrive early to set up for his class. "Why don't you take your clothes off and I'll think about it?" he said as he closed the closet door.

Yoji noticed Aya glancing at his watch and decided speed would be of the essence. He would have loved to perform a slow striptease, teasing Aya with every suggested drop of his clothes. 'Maybe later,' he thought. He quickly disrobed making sure his clothes were within easy reach. The closet wasn't an especially big one, but would make do for their purposes. Within seconds of the last bit of clothing gone, Aya quickly captured his mouth again in a softer, but just as demanding kiss. A shiver sliding down Yoji's spine as he felt Aya's cool hands caress a nipple and his semi-hard erection.

Aya started a slow pump of the twitching member in his right hand, his mouth never leaving Yoji's. Yoji moaned softly, his hands looking to pull at Aya's clothing. Aya pulled back. "Mmm, there's no time for that." He turned Yoji to face the sink that was there. He kissed and licked along slender yet muscular shoulders, before pulling away to search for something in Yoji's discarded pants. He returned with a small tube. He unzipped his pants, pushing them down along with his underwear, while using one knee to signal to Yoji to spread his legs.

One finger teased Yoji's opening, as he once again laved Yoji's back with licks and kisses.

Yoji moaned out, "I hate to rush this but we haven't all day."

"Shut up, we have enough time," Aya said as he quickly slipped in the first finger before pushing in the second in. The stretching wouldn't be to real satisfaction for either, but at this point they really didn't care. "This might sting a little," Aya said as he pushed slowly into the warm body in front of him.

Yoji's hands gripped the standalone sink tightly, as he relaxed the rest of his body to accept Aya. It did sting, but not badly enough to complain. He mentally counted to five before motioning to Aya he was ready for more.

Aya started with a slow rock in and out of Yoji's body, amused at how quiet Yoji was being. Normally he would be yelling. Now he was only being given the softest of moans and whimpers. It heated his blood nonetheless, as he began to seriously grind into Yoji, his hands holding the blond man's hips a little too tightly. His mind gone to the bliss his body was feeling.

Yoji wanted to grab at his neglected, painfully hard cock, but he knew doing so would unbalance him and Aya. He wasn't really worried because he knew Aya would made sure he was taken care of. He just hated they were in this school forcing him to be ... well like Aya when he thought others were awake when they were doing this ... he was being as quiet as he could. Finally not being able to take much more, he moaned out, "Aya, touch me please."

Aya barely heard him, but complied. One hand pulled away from Yoji's hip to grasp the wet hardness. He began a hard jerk to the almost forgotten flesh, moving both his hips and his hand harder into Yoji. Yoji gasped and jerked hard to the stimulus, succumbing to his release that threatened to send him into unconsciousness.

Aya felt the wetness on his fingers before the clench of Yoji around him sent him over into near oblivion as well, his arms wrapped around Yoji tightly as he press his face into the other's back to muffle his near shout of release.

They barely stood, breathing still hard but calming down.

Yoji managed a breathless laugh. "If this is punishment, I don't know if I could live through any rewards you think I would deserve."

Aya smiled. "Does the sink work?"

The rough paper towels from the dispenser while not necessarily comfortable did an adequate job of cleaning them up and they quickly adjusted clothing and such. As both men walked out of the closet, the door to the classroom opened.

Yoji noted it was the young shy teacher who seemed to have a crush on Aya. He couldn't remember her name.

"Ohayo, Asami sensei," Aya said. "I didn't know you taught in this classroom."

"Fujimiya sensei," Asami replied blushing a bright red before looking away. "It's only temporary until the water leak in my classroom is repaired. "Were you helping Kudoh sensei put away the easels?"

"Hai," Yoji replied. "He's very handy to have around. You should let him help you sometimes," Yoji said with a bit of a lecherous smile waiting to see if the young teacher's mind was as dirty as his.

Asami's eyes widened for a moment before the blush that had just faded returned again. "Oh! Umm... well I have a test to give and I really should make sure I've got everything here."

"See you later, Asami sensei," Aya said, but not before glaring at Yoji briefly. "I should prepare for my own class. Sayonara."

"Goodbye Asami sensei," Yoji said. "Wait up Fujimiya, I'll follow you out."

The young teacher smiled at both before replying, "Sayonara."

As the two men walked down the crowded hall, Aya remarked, "You really enjoy being punished don't you?"

"If the punishment was like before, then the answer is yes. See you tonight?" Yoji said.

"We have to come back tonight, Ken thinks he may have found something," Aya said.

Yoji stopped. Aya continued to walk to his class. Yoji sighed. 'Dammit, back to work again.' "Just peachy," was the reply aloud to no one in particular.