Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain Retreat ❯ Aya's Ravine ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of the boys. *Whistles while walking away from locked basement door* Nor do I own Ravine, which belongs to Ace of Base.


I had spent most of the day lying on my bed and listening to one of my favorite radio stations. Most of the songs just flowed by me but then one song caught my attention.

/Have you heard, have you heard?

About this girl who was ripped out by her roots. /

The melody was what originally caught my attention, but as I listened my memories swept me into the past.

/Have you heard what she learned?

Like humility you win when you lose. /

My sister had liked this style of music and I couldn't help thinking about the day of the accident.

"Aya. Aya. Aya!"

"Oh, just a little more time."

"Aya, we need to get home now. Mom and Dad are waiting for us to get there to have dinner."

"Just a little longer. Oh, these are beautiful! Will you buy them for me?"

"Are they really what you want for your sixteenth birthday? I think they're kinda tacky."

"Oh, but I really like them, they're so pretty. C'mon please? I'll wear them every single day I promise I will! Please? They're all I really want."

After purchasing her earrings Aya-chan and I had walked back to the house, where we had found our parents murdered. Then we tried to out run the explosion, were knocked unconscious. When I came to, I looked up in time to watch my sister get run over by a car.

/I have learned, I have learned,

The most horrifying nights have an end.

I was hurt, I was lost,

In the dark I found my way to a friend. /

After that I joined a group called Weiß. Working for this group helped me pay for the best care for Aya. But to remind myself why I accepted this job I took my sister's name and pierced my ear with one of her earrings, leaving the other with her.

In Weiß, three other guys and I are assassins working undercover as florists. These guys gradually became my friends.

/I am standing here in my ravine,

Once again I see a piece of the sky,

And my joy'll never be denied

`Cause I was meant to be here-

The only place on earth,

Where you are near, where you are near. /

Truthfully the only really bright spot in my life was my friendship with Yohji. He, too, had suffered a great loss, but not in quite the same way as I.

/Was a flower, was so frail

And I let the trees grow wild around me

Grew so high, hid the sky

Shaded everything I needed to see. /

In retrospect I can see how I created my own problems by keeping myself so closed off. I became a shadow of my former self, and treated those I most cared about horribly. My troubles began to compound and during our various clashes with Schwarz I began to trip up and make many mistakes.

/Then one night, someone came
Took a knife and ripped me up by my roots
Tossed astray, far away
In the darkest night, I started to pray. /

And then it happened- my sister was stolen from the hospital. My world crumbled around me, up became down, and everything had gone awry. My outer shell began to crack and I feared that I would lose my mind; I had to refuse missions because if I were to come up against Schuldig I would be the weak link in Weiß. I could not let that happen, I could not add more danger to my teammates lives. What we did was dangerous enough. All I could do was hope and pray that no one got hurt.

/I am standing here in my ravine,

Once again I see a piece of the sky,

And my joy'll never be denied

`Cause I was meant to be here-

The only place on earth,

Where you are near, where you are near. /

During this time my pillars of strength became Yohji and Sakura. In Sakura I confided everything, including my feelings for Yohji and how I could never reveal them to him because I feared rejection. Yohji became my distraction; he tried everything to distract me. For hours on end we would watch movies together, play games, or even sitting together just talking. Just being in the same room as him would often times be enough to calm me down, or convince me that everything would work out in the end.

/Why do you, why do you ask?
Why I'm not blaming my god?
I'll tell you, I'll tell you what
He was the only one there. /

The others knew, from experience of course, not to approach me for pretty much any reason. They had tried to help comfort me while we were searching for my sister but I had always gotten more tense and irrational. Whenever I tried to become irrational with Yohji he would just give me a look and work to distract me. When I would get too `down in the dumps' he would take me for a drive in the country, just to help me get my mind off of things.

/I am standing here in my ravine,

Once again I see a piece of the sky,

And my joy'll never be denied

`Cause I was meant to be here-

The only place on earth,

Where you are near, where you are near. /

As the song faded out to be replaced by another song I remained sunk in my memories, barely aware of my surroundings.


Very good Aya-kun, Ravine by Ace of Base fits the angst very well. But this song arc was supposed to start with Yohji; it was not very nice of you to butt in and take over. ^Glares at Aya^ "Hn." Ok Yohji, what song do you want for your fic? `Hmm, um, oh… grrr… Damn what's the name… err… My… My Immortal by Evanescence, and could we also use Angel Eyes by Ace of Base?' looks at Aya adoringly Fine. Evanescence and Ace of Base it is.