Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mud and Ice ❯ Wallflowers ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

by nekojin

This was originally a one shot fanfic featuring Brad and Ken. I've never seen a Brad x Ken fic and writing this was a challenge to myself since these are my two least favorite characters from Weiß Kreuz. I also wrote this in an attempt to make myself like and understand these two characters some more. However, this fic became a monster in the first chapter alone. There will be additional chapters because of a character I created as well as 2 side fics. At any rate, enjoy the original. =^_^= (For reference, Ken has brown eyes and Crawford has blue eyes.)

I would like to thank nekojita and Roxxit for beta reading this fic and giving me all the lovely feedback! Love you girls! =^_^=


Crawford woke up feeling incredibly annoyed. He'd had a strange erotic dream during the night and now he was awake with morning wood yet again. The precog didn't even know who it was in his dream. It irked him that he didn't know something. These nightly feelings of lust were not productive and were not conducive to his own plans for his future. With a sigh, the dark haired American sat up and reached over to the nightstand. He opened the small drawer and his hand fumbled around searching for the small tube of lube. He'd better take care of this now, or he wouldn't get relief and thanks to another vision he knew that if he didn't get relief he wouldn't function at proper levels for the rest of the day.

He methodically flipped open the tube and squirted a generous amount of the lube into his left hand. He then tossed the tube towards the general direction of the night stand. Hearing it clunk into the drawer, Crawford nodded his head and set to work. The dreams had been coming so frequently of late that the American had come up with a very efficient technique of bringing himself to completion. He was now able to satisfy his body's needs with minimal effort and time. It only took a few passes of his hand and memories of skin caressing skin before the dark haired precog achieved orgasm. Feeling slightly loose and relaxed for once, the American stretched and stood up. He squinted his eyes looking for his glasses on the nightstand. Finding them, he perched them on his nose and slid the small drawer shut.

Scratching his head and yawning a bit, Crawford made his way over to the small bathroom. It merely consisted of a toilet and a stand up shower. The American had no need for something as luxurious as a bath tub. He stepped into the shower and turned on the spray, shivering a bit as the water took a minute to warm up. The brunette removed his glasses, and set them on top of the toilet seat. He then got into the water and cleaned himself off, stepped out of the shower and reached for his towel. It wasn't there...

"Oooh, Braddy-kins, did you have a good dream?" The German was grinning like a maniac, holding the towel out of reach.

"Schuldich," growled Crawford, "Get the fuck out of my bathroom. NOW!"

The redheaded man threw the towel and the naked enraged precog and danced out of reach when the taller man lunged for him. Laughter followed him as he ran out of the small room and through the American's bedroom. "Aww, Braddie, don't you love me?" he called.

"OUT!" Crawford sighed in exasperation at his teammates antics. That man had no focus. If it weren't for the German's exceptional mental capabilities, the American would have removed him from Schwarz a long time ago. That, and if Schuldich was gone, then they would lose Berserker as well. The psychotic Irishman followed the German everywhere and wouldn't stick around if his lover was gone.

The American made a mental note to try and discover a way to make the German spend his time more efficiently. Perhaps a new hobby would keep the red haired imp out of trouble. Then again, any hobby the man indulged in would probably bring about disaster for the rest of the team. Sighing again, Crawford towel dried his hair and set about getting dressed for the day. He pulled out one of his many suits, this one was cream colored, a red tie, and a pair of white cotton boxers. He draped the towel across the bed and got into his clothes. Deciding that he look impeccable as always, the brunette grabbed the towel and made his way downstairs. Stopping by the laundry room, he tossed the scrap of fabric into the linen basket. He'd have to remind Farfarello to do a load of wash soon. Crazy the man might be, but he was surprisingly good at mundane household chores. Of course, Crawford would never allow the one eyed man to cook ever again. The Irishman had brought home a live chicken to cook once and had chased it all over the house before slicing the thing's head off with one of his knives. The corpse had continued to run around for a minute getting blood everywhere and causing the typically controlled Nagi to scream and hide in his room. Farfarello was thereafter banned from the kitchen, even if he was a passable chef, since they couldn't be sure when he'd try to bring home livestock again. The American's lip twitched as he recalled the whole fiasco. While his teammates were not always efficient, he did have to admit that they were quite amusing at times.

"Ohayo, Crawford-san." Nagi bent a little at the waist in a small bow, before placing a bowl of miso in front of the precog. "Would you like eggs or rice with your soup?"

Ah, that was more like it. Nagi was very polite and was always efficient. The youngest member of Schwarz was like a soothing balm after Schuldich's morning activities. "I'll just have some toast, Nagi." The young man nodded and went to get some bread from the top of the fridge. A frustrated grunt passed the telekinetic's lips when he realized he couldn't reach it.

"Is Nagi-kins too short? Want me to get the bread little one?" smirked Schuldich.

Nagi glared at the German and knocked him against the wall with a psychic blast before using his powers to grab the loaf of bread. "Jerk," he muttered under his breath.

Crawford tried to hide a smirk by grabbing his morning paper and trying to seem absorbed in it.

"Aha! So something does amuse you in the morning!" crowed the triumphant telepath. "It was only a matter of time before you smiled and that stick came out of your ass!"

The precog just glared over the top of his paper and sipped at his miso. He nodded to the one eyed man as he made his way up from the basement. The silver haired man nodded back and sat himself down at the kitchen table. A moment later, the red haired German squealed and jumped into the smaller man's lap.


"Don't call me that laddie."

"Lassie? I'm not a dog!"

A sigh escaped from the Irishman. "LADDIE, with a D, Schu. And with your behavior you sometimes seem very much like a wee pup."

Schuldich pouted at his lover and then he grinned. "Oh, so is that why we have that leash and collar?"

Crawford spat out his mouthful of miso and watched Nagi turn bright red. "Enough you imp. Stop with the innuendos, eat your breakfast, and behave." The American sent the German yet another glare.

"You are no fun Braddy-kins."

The precog just grunted, finished his breakfast, and got up to go to work. His side job at the bank might not be as thrilling as being an assassin, but Crawford felt that the extra, legal money was necessary.


"Hey Omi, have you seen my soccer ball?" Ken was running down the stairs of their building searching for his missing gear. The brunette was also looking for his missing teammates. He wanted to remind them that he had a game with the kids later in the day and that he would probably be home late. A loud moan reached his ears and he stopped in his tracks. "Yohji? Is that you?" Thinking that his teammate might be injured, Ken pushed the door to the older man's apartment open. He turned several shades of red as he saw the long haired man lip locked with their fearless leader on the small red couch.. He then felt a trickle of blood drip from his nose as he saw his youngest teammate kneeled between the Eurasian's knees engulfing the dripping erection there. With a squeak, the athlete slammed the door shut and fled the building.


"Yohji, I thought you locked the damn door," huffed Omi. "Ken just saw us, what is he going to think?" The small blond was pouting and scowling at the same time. The two older assassins grinned at each other.

"Awww, isn't the chibi cute when he is all worked up?" purred Yohji.

"Just delicious, Yo-tan," smirked the redhead.

"You two are impossible!"

"No, just incorrigible." With that, the lanky man grabbed Omi by the shoulders and hauled him up into his lap. After kissing the genki youth thoroughly, Yohji wrapped his arms around both of his lovers. "How about we go to the bedroom?" he said with a huge grin on his face. Omi sighed in exasperation as he was thrown over the taller man's shoulder and carried off to the bedroom. Geez, did Yohji have to caress his ass the entire way? Aya wasn't helping either, just staring at him with his smoldering violet eyes.

"Matte, Yohji-kun... We have to do something about what happened."

As the Eurasian threw the boy to the bed, he growled, "Ken's a big boy and can take care of himself. We'll deal with him later, Omi. We're occupied at the moment, ne?" With that he tackled the small blonde in a tickling fit. Aya just smiled as he watched his lovers play.


Ken made it to his motorcycle before he stated to hyperventilate. Oh my god, his teammates were a couple! How the heck could three people be a couple. Why wouldn't his erection go away? He wasn't attracted to guys, was he? These questions kept running through his head as he tried to adjust himself while sitting on the bike. Running a hand through his hair, the brunette sighed. He grabbed his helmet from the ground, made sure his equipment was properly attached the back of the bike with the netting, and headed out for the soccer stadium outside the office park nearby.

Twenty minutes later the kids had all arrived and practice was into full swing. Ken felt himself relax as he watched his team goofing off after their stretches. "James, stop pulling Mina's hair!" It looked like he was going to have to separate his starting forward and the goalie yet again. Ken was really proud of Mina, she was an amazing goalie. He had to admit that she had wormed her way into his heart closer than the rest of the children. Perhaps this was because Ken was a goalie back in his J-League days. Watching the kids run sprints and dribbling through the cones, Ken saw James sneaking up behind Mina again.

"James," barked Ken, "twenty laps around the field, NOW!" The small redhead pouted before trudging to the edge of the field to start his laps. Ken sighed again. The other team should be arriving in an hour for the game. The brunette gazed up at the sky and saw the clouds beginning to gather. He crossed his fingers, hoping that the inclement looking weather would hold off until after the game.


The brunette blinked as he say Mina running towards him, her blond pigtails streaming out behind her. "Coach, the Rays are early! The other team is already here. Should I tell the others to stop their warm-ups?"

"No, Mina, it's ok. Let the team practice a bit longer. The Rays will probably need a few minutes to warm up as well. Besides, not all of your parents are here yet."

The blond nodded before bounding back to the rest of the Black Wings. Ken made his way over to the coach of the Rays. "Hey, Tama, how has your week been?"

Tama looked down at Ken as he brushed out his long white hair and smiled. "Ken," he said softly, "Haven't really seen you around so much."

"Yeah, the day job has been keeping me busy," shrugged Ken.

"Ah yes, the amazing world of flowers..."

"Hey, I don't knock your day job, Tama. Mr. "Hair-dresser-extraordinaire" who is too good to come near my mane..."

"Ken, you know you have to get an appointment." Tama grinned, "Heh, we sure do have non-standard day jobs."

Giving the other coach a quizzical look, Ken tilted his head, "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Well, you know... You are a florist and I cut hair. We don't exactly have the most masculine jobs..." A pink tinge had covered Tama's high cheekbones.

Ken continued to look confused. "What's wrong with flowers?"

Coughing slightly, Tama turned a slightly darker shade of pink. "Don't people ever question your... um... orientation?"

"You think I'm gay?!?" spluttered Ken. Seeing several parents look up sharply, the brunette made an effort to keep his voice down. "I am NOT gay."

The Norwegian shook his head, the Black Wings coach was firmly in denial. "It's just that you don't see many straight men in our line of work. Are you going to tell me that all you co-workers are completely straight?"

The brunette started spluttering again. A week ago, Ken would have replied that Yohji dated more women than the rest of their district combined. Now he had to accept the fact that ALL of his teammates were un-interested in the opposite sex and quite infatuated with each other, at least from the glimpse he caught.

Tama smirked knowingly. Taking his friend's silence as affirmation of the other Koneko employees' orientation. "I thought so. They were too friendly with me to be straight." The white haired man smirked again.

Ken just looked at Tama in shock. "I have to get back to the team. We need to start soon..." Just as the brunette was about to rush off, Tama snaked out an arm and grabbed Ken by the wrist.

"Ken, I just wanted..." Tama pulled the other coach behind the benches. "I just wanted to tell you that I thought you were cute and that I missed seeing you at the sports bar."

A blank look had glazed over the florists eyes. Tama thought he was cute... Oh shit, this meant that yet another of his friends was gay. Oh shit, this friend thought HE was gay. Ken's mouth began working open and shut like a gaping fish. He then felt his eyes get wider and wider as Tama leaned forward to kiss him.

"GottagoIhearthekidsyellingtalktoyoulaterthenbye,"1 blurted out Ken as he ran from the taller man. The brunette's heart bit had gotten faster and faster. His whole world was spinning. Jesus, was everyone he knew gay? He tried to calm his self down as he yelled for the Black Wings to gather around him. There was a game to play after all.


Brad Crawford was unsatisfied. Reich Bank was losing money and this put Crawford under a lot of stress. While the American wasn't worried about losing his job, he didn't like appearing to be inefficient. His boss's comments to him at lunch had also upset him.


"Mr. Crawford, we need to have a talk." Seiji Takeda had walked into Crawford's office as he sipped his daily cup of coffee.

"Yes sir, please have a seat."

"No thank you Mr. Crawford, this won't really take long. I'm worried about your performance of late. I'm beginning to think that you have a lack of personal life which is causing you to be stressed while here at the office."

"I assure you sir that I do have..."

"Don't feed me that bullshit, Mr. Crawford. Do you even have a significant other?"

"Well, no sir, but why would I need someone? Relationships are not efficient."

The balding man sighed as he stared at his top employee. "Mr. Crawford, relationships are a means of emotional release. Trust me when I tell you that finding a partner, even if only temporarily, will help you to feel a bit more relaxed. I'm sure that being able to relax will help your performance here at Reich Bank. To these ends, I am going to order you to take a one week vacation after you have completed your tasks for the day."

"I don't need time off sir, I'm perfectly capable of working," protested Crawford.

"You aren't getting it, Mr. Crawford. You will take a vacation, if you do not, then you will be demoted or fired from your position."

Mouth agape, the American stared at his employer. Finally he bent his head to the older man in defeat. Rising from his desk, the brunette offered a stiff bow. "As you wish Takeda-san."

"I'll see you in a week Mr. Crawford. Enjoy your vacation."

Crawford merely sighed as his boss left the office.


So now, Crawford was staring out the window. He couldn't believe that he was ordered to take a vacation. Perhaps he could use the time to think of some ways to increase profits for Reich Bank.

Some movement at the stadium caught his eye. It looked like there was a soccer game going on. Maybe that Weiss boy, Ken, would be there. Unwilling to think of why he cared about the rival assassin, Crawford stood up and stretched as he gazed and the unfolding game. Perhaps he should go down and watch. His boss did want him to go on vacation, he might as well start by leaving early.


Ken was grinning triumphantly. The Black Wings had just scored a goal at the last minute. He didn't think there would be any time for the Rays to score another goal and tie the game back up. Mina had done a superb job of defense, although she was starting to look a bit winded. Perhaps he should call a time out and get Setsuna to take over. The boy wasn't quite as good as Mina, but he was fresher. Just as he was about to call out to the referee, Mina shot him a pleading look. Ah well, it looked like she was determined to finish the game. With only a minute left in the game, it didn't matter to much anyways. The brunette glanced over at the coach of the Rays. Tama was giving him a look. Beginning to become uncomfortable once more, Ken dragged his gaze away from the Norwegian. He didn't really want to admit that the taller man was affecting him.

As Ken looked up, the referee called the game. The Black Wings had won 2-1 over the Rays. Tama was trotting over and Ken got nervous. Gathering his team around him he declared that he was going to buy them all ice cream effectively creating a cheering barrier between himself and the white haired man. Ken could see the other man frowning as he was lead off the field by the exuberant Black Wings. The brunette knew he was chickening out, but he didn't want to deal with what Tama might present.

Luckily, the ice cream stand in the office park was still open. It took a while, but the team finally managed to place all their orders. Just as Ken was about to pay the bill, a familiar bespectacled man appeared.

"Congratulations Siberian," whispered Crawford, "that was quite a game."

"What the hell do you think you are doing here, Oracle," muttered the Japanese youth. "How dare you approach me in public like this?"

Speaking a louder voice the American replied, "I just wanted to congratulate you all on a game well played. I also wanted to pay for the ice cream. Seeing the game made my day."

The children were excited and started jumping up and down at the stranger's announcement. Mina walked over to the tall man and said, "Do you know our Coach?"

Leaning over the leader of Schwarz pinched the girls cheek. "You were a marvelous goalie my dear. I've known Kenken here for ages. We're old acquaintances. I just wanted to stop by and get to know him again." Patting the child on the head, Crawford turned back to the shorter brunette.

Mina stomped her foot, "I am not a child to be ignored." She glared at both the older men before turning her attention to the green tea ice cream that was currently dripping down the cone and all over her hand.

"Charming little creatures you have here, Kenken."

"Don't call me that," growled Ken, "You had no right to watch the game."

"Ah contraire, mon petit, the game was in the stadium belonging to Reich Bank, where I happen to be the general manager. I have every right to watch a game there."

"Well, you didn't have a right to watch MY game."

"I believe it was the ankle biter's game, Kenken."

"I just told you not to call me that!" Ken was getting angry and frustrated with the older man. How dare this asshole just barge into his life? Schwarz was still his enemy as far as the claw wielding assassin was concerned. He didn't care if there was a truce after the fall of Eszet, he didn't like the paranormal freaks that made up the opposing assassination team.

Crawford smirked to himself, it was so easy to get a rise out of the younger man. Schuldich must be rubbing off on him, baiting people was becoming very interesting. Or at least, baiting the innocent little soccer coach was. He started to lean towards the younger man when a vision blazed itself through his mind. Well, well, this was interesting. Crawford ran his assessing over the other man's body. Very interesting. Tapping the shorter man on the shoulder, Crawford leaned over to whisper in Ken's ear. "I think you forgot something in the stadium."

Ken jumped away from the contact and the soft breath tickling his ear. He'd been busy making sure the kids all got picked up by their parents and was desperately trying to suppress the "kill Crawford now, witnesses be damned" feeling he was getting. When the American leaned over him to brush back an errant strand of hair, the Japanese youth jumped again. Why the hell was that bastard touching him?

"You really should go back there you know," whispered Crawford.

"Nani?" Ken had lost track of everything out of Crawford's mouth, too distracted by the way the man was making him feel.

"You are unused to this attention aren't you Kenken," purred Crawford, "so used to being a little wallflower that you didn't even notice you've turned into quite the delicious little blossom."

The smaller brunette started to inch away from the other man. He then glanced down and realized that in his impatience to get away from Tama and getting the kids their ice cream, that he had completely forgotten his gear. When he reached into his pocket, he also realized that he'd misplaced the key to his bike. "Oh shit."

"I told you that you forgot something, Kenken."

Ken glared at the smirking precog. "Well you just know everything then don't you, you son of a bitch."

"Now did I insult your parentage?"

Some of the remaining parents were looking at the two brunettes askance. "Just go away Crawford. I don't need you making me look bad in front of the kids' parents. I need this part time coaching job to make my life bearable." Oh shit, he didn't need to have admitted that. Ken's shoulder slumped. "I have to go back to the stadium. Leave me alone and just go fuck with your teammates."

"I'd rather be fucking you," drawled Crawford. He then laughed out loud at Ken's shocked expression. The younger man was turning red and he suddenly turned to flee the scene. This caused the precog to laugh even harder. The poor boy didn't know what the American had in store for him. As he continued to grin, the ex-boxer thought of how many ways he wanted to reduce the innocent soccer enthusiast to groveling. His pants suddenly began to feel a bit tight and Crawford struggled to control himself as he leisurely walked from the now closed ice cream stand to the stadium. Kenken was definitely going to be fun prey. For a moment, the American stopped to consider the way his mind was thinking. He didn't really feel like himself. Shrugging to himself, he slipped into the bleachers.


For the third time that day, Ken's mind was reeling. Why did everybody have to be gay? I mean really, what were the odds here? He ran over to the benches at the end of the field, relieved to see that his bag of gear was still leaning against the tree behind the bench. He flopped on to the bench rummaging through his bag. Shit, his keys weren't in there. Starting to feel a bit frantic, the brunette stood up to start searching around the benches when he bumped into a chest. Glancing up, he discovered that he had run into Tama.

There was a very hurt expression on the white haired man's face. His golden green eyes seemed to be on the verge of tears. "Why are you avoiding me, Ken?"

Ignoring the question, Ken stumbled backwards and sat back down on the bench. "You startled me Tama, why are you still here?"

The white haired man dropped to his knees in front on the brunette. "I'm sorry if I've upset you Ken. I just had to tell you how I feel. Please don't hate me, I'd miss you too much. Please Ken..." Tears were dripping down the slender man's face as he clutched his hands tightly together.

"I don't hate you Tama. I just think it would be a good idea to keep our distance until I figure some things out." The older man was making Ken very uncomfortable. He just wasn't used to emotional outbursts like this. Well, no, he did expect them from Omi, but Omi was small and reminded him of a baby kitten. To see his normally collected friend on his knees crying was a bit disturbing to say the least. The brunette gently coaxed his friend to his feet. "Tama, why don't you go home and get a good night's sleep. I'll call you tomorrow, ok?"

The Norwegian just sniffled. "You don't like me how I like you..." The man looked down at Ken and sighed. "Dammit, not even being a drama queen works with you." He then grinned at Ken, all trace of tears disappearing as he stuck out his tongue and dashed across the field, his laughter trailing behind him.

"YOU BASTARD!" yelled Ken. Fucking shit, but that twit had gone and confused him all to hell. Ken turned and kicked the bench in frustration, then yelped when he stubbed his toe and fell to the ground. He'd never really understood Tama's sick twisted sense of humor, but he did have to admit the man really knew how to manipulate people. He was going to kill the man later, or perhaps just dye his hair green. Ken would get his revenge eventually. Still grumbling about what idiots his friends were, Ken got back to looking for his missing set of motorcycle keys.


Crawford had been standing by the bleachers watching the two men interact. He'd had a fleeting thought that Tama was about to go down on Ken when he saw the taller man fall to his knees. He then saw the Norwegian standing up and grinning before he tore off towards the Americans hidden position. Crawford quickly ducked under the bleachers as he heard Siberian's enraged voice yelling across the field. Suppressing a chuckle, the bespectacled man crossed the field at a leisurely pace. He could hear the brunette grumbling under his breath. Heh, that boy was never going to find his keys because Crawford had them in his own pocket. Filching them from the distracted coach at the ice cream stand had been simplicity itself. He quietly walked up behind the other man. Ken was bent over at the moment on all fours searching under the bench and the American really did have to pause to admire the view.

"Nice," murmured the taller man.

*CRACK* Ken had tried to sit up but had forgotten to crawl out from beneath the bench. Rubbing his head, the younger man glared at Crawford. "What the fuck, are you stalking me now?"

Smirking, the American extended a hand to help the other man, but wasn't surprised when he hand was batted away. "Just thought you might need some help, Kenken"

A growl escaped past the athlete's lips as he bowled the taller man over and straddled his stomach. "Why would I ever want your help, Schwarz? As far as I'm concerned, we are enemies." Ken was still snarling as he wrapped his hands around the older man's neck.

"Tut, tut, such violence." Crawford merely twitched his hands out of the younger man's grasp and rolled them over so that he was pinning the ex-goalie to the grass. "Here I was offering my help and you just spew offensive words to my personage. Quite rude, I say. Perhaps I should punish you."

"You wouldn't be this smug if I had my weapon," hissed the Japanese youth.

"Really? Funny, I distinctly remember beating your ass on many occasions when our teams crossed paths. Even with your little claws, you never got near me pussy cat." Crawford was now leaning very close to Ken's face and the smaller man was struggling to get out of the iron grip.

"Get off of me."

Pretending to ponder the demand, Crawford smirked, "No."

Ken started to thrash violently attempting to kick the smirking American. Crawford just pinned the shorter mans hands together above his head and tapped the Japanese boy's nose with his free hand. "Temper, Kenken. I wasn't trying to hurt you, get that through your thick skull. Schwarz no longer has any vested interest in harming Weiß."

The smaller brunette just glared, but he did relax somewhat. "Better mon petite." Crawford fluidly slid off the fuming Siberian and stood to one side.

"Why are you here, Oracle?" Ken still hadn't sat up. He was just laying on the ground fuming that the other man had gotten him to lose his temper.

"I told you earlier that I was watching the game. I just found you to be more interesting than I expected."

The disheveled youth snorted in disbelief. "And I am supposed to think that you have no ulterior motives in hanging out in an empty soccer field with me of all people?"

"Like I said, I find you interesting."

"Well you can just fuck off, because I'm not gay." The smaller man finally got to his feet and stalked over to his gym bag. He still hadn't found his damn keys. He should probably just grab a bus and find his spare key at the shop.

"This is what you are looking for isn't it?" Crawford held up Ken's missing motorcycle key.

Siberian saw red. This asshole had his keys the whole time and wouldn't stop bugging him. He flung himself again at the older man, but the American quickly sidestepped leaving Ken to get a mouthful of grass and dirt.

"You really do have a temper. Still, I have a proposal for you."

"I don't have to accept anything from you."

"Do you really want to ride the bus home? Come now, just listen."

Ken scowled again. Why on earth was he still listening. He should just grab the damn key and get the hell out of the stadium.

Crawford walked around the bench and picked Ken's gym bag. After extracting a soccer ball, he bounced it off his knee and started juggling it. The Japanese man looked a bit startled that the older man knew what to do.

"Just spit it out and get it over with. I would like to get home today."

The American grinned, the little cat had just walked right into his trap. "I propose a one on one soccer match. If you win you get your keys back."

"Why don't I just get them back now." Again the soccer enthusiast lunged towards the precog, but again he missed the man and landed on the ground.

Snorting, the taller man gave Ken a disdainful look. "You'll never get them that way."

"Fine, so what do you get if you win, not that that will happen in a million years."

"You, at least until I'm done amusing myself."

Predictably, Ken started blushing. "And you expect me to agree with this?"

"Well, you don't have to. Still, there is only one bus left this evening and oh look," said Crawford as he pointed past Ken's shoulder, "there it goes."

"FUCK!" Ken looked at the other man in despair. There was no way in hell he had the cash to get a cab and he was too damn tired to walk back. Too bad more cabs didn't take plastic. Why hadn't he remembered his cell phone earlier? Oh yeah, his teammates kinda blew all thoughts out of his head. Oh god Omi was... Shaking his head and ignoring the blood rushing to his lower regions, Ken met the older man's gaze.

Interesting, thought Crawford, I wonder what he was thinking about to make him turn that red. Maybe I'll ask Schu to ruffle through dear Kenken's mind.

"Fine I'll play you, but I set the rules for this game. We're only going to use half the field, first person to be winning by two goals wins the game." The brown eyed man glared, daring the eyes behind the glasses to back down. He fully expected to win this little competition, get his keys, and get the hell back to his apartment where he was going to barricade himself from his friends for the next week and watch straight porn the entire time.

Crawford just smiled, it seemed that Ken had forgotten his precog abilities. He would be able to predict every move the younger man made. Plus, it helped that he'd been a starting forward in high school. He didn't just box after all, that wouldn't have developed his lower body strength and team tactics.

"Oh and one more thing, no using your psychotic powers."

"That's psychic," muttered the American. Looks like the cat had remembered after all. Still, he could cheat and how would the Japanese boy be able to tell?


An hour later, the two men were well into their game, even though it had started to rain. The taller man hadn't even really needed to use his powers. He had been tempted a several times, but had really only used them once by accident when a vision of a random shot about to hit him in the balls had caused him to launch himself to the side just in time. Crawford had scored a goal on Ken and the goalie had yet to make a shot of his own. He really was great on defense, but it looked like he hadn't dribbled a ball in a while. The American knew that he only needed to score another goal and the younger man would be his to play with. The blue eyed man also had the advantage of Ken being emotionally strained and physically tired from running laps with his team earlier. The younger man was also a bit of klutz and he was starting to slide around in the mud.

Ken was sweating buckets and he was also feeling extremely frustrated. He could never get the ball from Crawford to make an advance on the other man's end. Sure, he was great at blocking attacks, but he just didn't seem to be able to get past the American. He used to be a professional soccer player for chrissakes, he should be able to beat this bastard easily! So why was the other man winning by a goal?

Sensing that the Japanese boy was distracted, the taller man neatly kicked the ball past the ex-goalie. "I win."

The smaller brunette looked like a fish out of water with his mouth hanging open. He had lost?!? This wasn't good, glancing up at the other man confirmed that this was indeed very, very bad. Crawford was leering at him with a predatory glint in his sapphire eyes. "You are mine, Kenken, and I think I'm going to collect now." Ken didn't even have a chance to suck in a gulp of air before the older man had collided with him and pinned him to the ground. The older men pressed himself all along the struggling brunette and claimed the younger man's lips in a brutal kiss.

Brown eyes were squeezed shut as Ken felt the American's teeth pulling at his lips, a demanding tongue seeking entry into his mouth. The Japanese youth tried to get a little air, but the harder he tried to breath, the easier it was for the precog to gain entrance. Ken could feel the other man's tongue pushing in to explore ever crevice of his own mouth. He attempted to use his own tongue to push the invader out, but with no warning Crawford had sucked both their tongues into his own mouth and was gently nibbling on Ken's muscle. The kiss continued until the blue eyed man felt a lack of oxygen and pulled back to gaze down at the panting young man beneath him. "Now," he managed to gasp out, "was that so horrible?"

Nervously opening an eye, Ken whispered, "Please get off of me."

"Don't start this shit with me. You know you liked it, I can tell." Too emphasize his point, the American grabbed the bulge forming in the front of Ken's jeans.

"Please," pleaded the smaller man, "Don't do this. I've never..."

Crawford sat up and glared at the smaller man. "Don't tell me that you are a virgin? With your teammates?!?"

A red flush rose in the ex-goalie's cheeks. "Please, Crawford..."

The taller man frowned. While he knew that Ken was a bit of an innocent, he really hadn't expected the boy to be a virgin. Perhaps some new tactics were in order. "I'm quite capable of making you enjoy this. Why are you still protesting?"

"I don't love you."

"What does love have to do with sex? It is a means of self gratification." The American was confused, how could somebody in this day and age still believe that love was needed for sex. "I'll make you like it." The smaller man just shut his eyes and whimpered. Taking Ken's submission for acceptance, the blue eyed man started to unbutton the other assassin's jeans. The brunette whimpered again.

"Stop making those noises, you'll like this," muttered Crawford. He wrapped his large hand around Ken's awakening member. It felt hot in his hand as he firmly began to stroke the brunette to full arousal. The American used his thumb to spread the tiny bit of fluid that was gathering at the tip of the cock all over the flared head. Crawford really did appreciate a circumcised cock, they were easier to deal with. More fluids began to leak out as Brad systematically pumped the man laying in the mud. Ken's erection was soon glistening with his own precum and the youth was arching off of the ground trying to get more of the feeling of the precog's hand. As the younger man's moans and gasps increased, Crawford spend up the rhythm of his hand. He could feel the other man tensing and knew that the athlete was about to release. Quickly, he dipped his head down to suckle the head of Ken's shaft. Feeling the warm heat of the American's mouth was too much and the smaller man climaxed into Crawford's waiting mouth. Being ever efficient, the taller man lapped up all of Ken's essence and swallowed. He really did hate to leave a mess.

Ken was still trembling after his orgasm and so Crawford picked the younger man up, mud and all, grabbed the sports bag, and headed for his car. He wanted to take his new toy home for the night. Just as the brunette was about to start protesting, Crawford kissed him again. "We really are a mess and now this suit is ruined. It's all your fault really, I guess I'll need some form of payment." Ken gave an half hearted effort to push the older man away, panic was spread across his features. "Don't worry," soothed the American, "I'm just going to get us dried off. I'll make sure your motorcycle gets home." Seeing the glare returning, the precog chuckled.


Both brunettes had been so focused, that they never noticed the blinking red light at the top of the bleachers. Nagi sighed as he took down the camera. Hopefully, the footage wouldn't be ruined by the rain. He'd at least had a decent piece equipment for once and it did have a 10x zoom lens. At least it looked like the two men were going to continue someplace warmer. Perhaps he would get a chance to dry off too.


As Crawford entered the Schwarz safehouse, he mentally called out to the telepath. <Schu, I brought home a kitten and need you to take his motorcycle back to the Koneko>

<Awww, Braddie, I'm busy> The red haired telepath was currently deep throating his lover and didn't terribly want to be distracted from his foreplay.

<Now Schuldich or Farfie will be locked up for the week and you'll be under house arrest.>

Schuldich growled around his mouthful and reluctantly pulled off the Irishman.

"Schu!" Farfarello reached out to grasp the red mane between his legs. "Why the hell did ye stop?"

"Mein Führer has a job for me. Brad says I have to go," pouted the German. "I'll try to be quick and maybe we can go for a walk later." Schuldich grinned as he "heard" Farfarello remember the leash and collar comment from breakfast. The one eyed man pulled the other man in for a kiss. He was glowering, but Schuldich knew he'd get over it or at least jerk off while the German was returning the motorcycle. "If you behave real nice, I'll tell you why I'm doing Brad's little dirtywork." The redheaded man grinned like a jackal as he pulled a shirt over his head. He leaned down to kiss his white haired lover once more before trotting out the bedroom door.

<I'm on my way oh leader mine. Where are the keys?>

<They are on the coffee table by the sofa. Sneak out after I've got the cat in my room. I don't really want him to know where he is.>

Schuldich still couldn't resist peaking around the corner of the hallway to catch a glimpse of the rumpled Siberian. As soon as Brad's bedroom door shut, the German quickly ran down the stairs and snatched up the keys. <Oi, Brad, where the hell is the bike?>

<Reich Stadium>

<Fucking hell, that is like 5 miles away! I'm not walking that far!>

<Get a cab, I'll pay you back later.>

Grinning to himself, the German knew that the American would be paying him back in more way than one. <Have fun, Braddie> As he opened the door to the building, Nagi popped in with a large bag under one arm.

"You'd better hurry, Naggles, they are already upstairs."

The telekinetic scowled, but quickly made his way up the stairs as the telepath made his way out into the night.


When Crawford tossed Ken on to a soft bed, the Japanese youth finally came fully awake. "Where are we?"

Brad removed his glasses and set them on the nightstand. "Doesn't matter," murmured Crawford as he crawled on to the bed to nuzzle at Ken's neck. "All that matters is getting you out of these muddy clothes and into a nice warm bath."

"I don't think I should be here. I need to get home." The smaller brunette was feeling a bit frightened. He'd been given a hand job by a man that he had hated for several years. That same man was now in the process of mauling his neck and trying to remove his clothing. The rational part of Ken's brain was slowly shutting down. He didn't want to think about who he was with, he just wanted to feel and to get things over with. The small brunette whimpered as he felt a callused hand reaching under his shirt to roughly brush over his nipples. The small nubs quickly hardened under Crawford's expert touch.

Brad grinned to himself when the Japanese youth groaned at the feeling. He sat up, straddling Ken's legs and tugged the muddy shirt off of the younger man. Crawford then wiggled his way down Ken's body, yanking the once blue, now an interesting shade of brown, jeans with him. The precog reveled in the naked glory that was Ken. The young man had a nice golden tan that extended to all regions of his body and his body was well toned. Crawford let his eyes graze over the washboard stomach, down to the semi rigid arousal rising from a thatch of dark reddish brown curls. Surprised by the red, Brad looked up at Ken's mop of hair. It was too wet to tell the real color at the moment. He mentally shrugged to himself before squatting on Ken's thighs and removing his own bedraggled shirt. "You know, we're making the bed dirty. I think we really need that bath now."

Ken just nodded, still a bit confused. He felt himself blushing as the older man's eyes moved over his body. Crawford's weight was pinning his legs to the bed and Ken didn't think he'd be able to get away quickly. His breath caught a bit as the precog removed his shirt. Damn! Ken really hadn't realized how muscular the American was until now. Did Brad really have to gaze at him like he was a bedtime snack? Ken could feel himself becoming more aroused as the taller man leaned over him. His cock was brushing against the soft material of the precog's pants and another moan escaped the brown eyed man's lips.

Crawford smirked, he had a naked and definitely aroused assassin pinned beneath him just waiting to be ravaged. This was turning out to be a very good vacation. He heard Ken's moan when he leaned over the younger man. Feeling very pleased with himself, Brad rolled off of the blushing man and stood next to the bed. He shucked off his pants, they were ruined. Looked like he'd have to go shopping, there was no way Farfarello could fix them. Mentally adding a note, Crawford grinned down at Ken and hauled him over his shoulder. The American smacked the pert little rear next to his face and proceeded to carry the Japanese boy off to Schuldich's private bath room. After all, Crawford didn't even have a bathtub in his own bathing chamber. For once in his life, Brad was glad that Schuldich indulged himself in some luxuries. Like a 4 foot wide Jacuzzi tub with two shower heads at either end and heated marble seats. The German really did know how to live it up. Sending the redhead to return Ken's bike to the Koneko just seemed to become a better and better plan. Arriving at Shuldich's bedroom door, Crawford peeked in to make sure that Farfarello wasn't in the room. Confirming that the Irish man was nowhere to be found, Brad carried his precious cargo into the room and headed for the massive tub in the bathing room towards the back.

Brad set Ken down on the edge of the tub and then searched through the assortment of bottles on the ledge looking for some bubble bath and for something to wash their hair. He squinted as he read the labels. Perhaps he shouldn't have taken off his glasses in the other room. He finally found what he was looking for and placed the bottles to the side. "First we get the mud off," announced the precog as he turned on both shower heads. He gently coaxed Ken to a standing position and pushed him under one of the heads. "Here," said Brad, "This stuff doesn't have as much of a scent as the other shampoo."

Still feeling dazed, Ken accepted the bottle by reflex and poured a handful of the stuff into his left hand. Brad was already under the opposite shower head thoroughly cleaning his dark hair. He stared at the clear liquid for a minute before raising his hands to scrub the muck out of his hair. He was scratching vigorously trying to get all the dirt out, when he felt a pair of hands grab his wrists and pull his arms down. "I need to clean my hair."

"You are going to hurt your scalp if you scrub that hard," said Brad, "let me help you."

Ken was starting to feel very stubborn. "I can do it myself, I'm old enough you know."

"But you are doing it wrong. Your way is totally inefficient!"

"And taking a shower AND a bath is efficient?" Ken snorted and turned his back to the precog.

"You are going to bruise your scalp and then you'll get a headache and your helmet won't feel right." Crawford smirked.

Ken glared. Then he sighed and turned back to the American. "Fine do whatever you want, you are going to anyways."

Crawford was very amused to see that the Japanese youth was pouting. He then gently began to massage the rest of the shampoo into Ken's short brown hair. Brad made sure get all of the brown locks clean before pushing the golden youth back under the spray of water.

Ken was practically purring by the time he felt the spray washing away the shampoo. He slitted open his eyes to see the precog grinning at him. "What?"

"You really are a kitten, Kenken." Ken growled in response which just caused the American to start laughing loudly. Still holding back a few chuckles the American snaked an arm around the Japanese man to grab the bar of soap. "We both just need to lather up and then we can relax in a nice warm clean bath."

"You are NOT lathering me up Oracle."

"You don't have a choice, Siberian." Crawford shoved Ken up against the wall and began to attack the shorter man with the bar of soap. He snagged a washcloth and began to rub it up and down Ken's arms, scrubbing all the dirt off. He then knelt before Ken and proceeded to clean the ex-goalie's legs.

Ken felt his knees start to go weak. He could see Brad's head at waist level and he immediately began to think several dirty thoughts. The brown eyed man could feel his blood pooling and a warm feeling spreading out from his groin. He shut his eyes tightly in an effort not to look at the precog. His head smacked the wall when he jerked in response to the washcloth brushing his nipples. Christ! Now he was dizzy, horny, and horribly confused.

Noticing the erection, Brad started to swipe the rough piece of fabric closer and closer. Ken's eyes were closed and he was making a little mewling noise in the back of his throat. Crawford pulled the small lithe body around and against his own as he wrapped the cloth around Ken's arousal and started pumping.

Ken gasped loudly. The terry cloth was rough and it kept stimulating every inch of his cock. The soap made it slippery and it slid easily over his heated flesh. The Japanese boy could feel Brad's own erection nudging his cheeks. Ken tried to jerk away, but that just made the wash cloth covered hand tighten it's grip around his cock. The stimulation was beginning to become too much and Ken could feel his stomach starting to clench. White stars blossomed behind his eyes as he felt his orgasm take over spilling on to the bathroom wall. Now that his knees were completely turned to jelly, Ken only remained standing by the force of Crawford's arms around him.

"Your fucking hands are evil and possessed," gasped out Ken as Crawford laid him on the tub.

"Now that wasn't a nice thing to say. Maybe you should be punished." Crawford was smirking yet again. While it was fun and all to get Ken off, he was needing some release himself. The American turned off both the showerheads and started to fiddle with the tub. After pouring a capful of the purple lavender scented bubble bath under the running water, Crawford stepped out of the tub to find some towels for later, completely ignoring the fact that he was already dripping all over the floor. Locating the towels in the closet next to the sink, Brad grabbed a couple and laid them next to the tub. Warm water was quickly filling the marble enclosure and large foamy bubbles were encasing Ken from head to toe. It looked like orgasms and warm water were the best way to get the young assassin to relax. Ken's head was sprawled back, there was a goofy little smile on his face, and his eyes were lidded. He definitely looked like the cat that had caught the canary. Crawford crawled back into the tub and rearranged the other man so that Ken was lying across his lap. The American made sure that Ken could feel his erection beneath the water. "Look what you've done, Kenken, you'll have to take care of it."

Ken glared again, the pleasant euphoric feeling leaving him when he felt Brad's hardened cock digging into his side. "Why should I?"

"Turn about is fair play, Kenken."

"I didn't ask you to make me come," hissed the soccer coach. "I didn't ask for any of this, you just seem hell bent on using me and being a..."

A kiss broke off Ken's tirade. Pulling away Brad looked into the eyes that had glazed over. "You don't really seem to be fighting that much."

Shaking his head, Ken tried to stand up only to find himself harshly pulled back down. "Let me go now," he growled.

"No." Brad tightened his grip on the Japanese youth's wrist. "You do realize that you are just making this more difficult, ne? Haven't I already given you some pleasure?"

Ken scowled, grabbed a handful of bubbles and smeared them in the American's face. Crawford sputtered and lost his grip on the slippery young man. Ken had made it halfway out of the bathroom, when the precog jumped out of the tub and tackled Ken to the ground. "Playing dirty are we? Then you will just have to be punished. Blue eyes gleamed as he grabbed Ken's wrist again, this time hard enough to bruise. He dragged the brown eyed man back into the bathroom and picked up the towels and the used washcloth. Crawford wrapped a towel around each of them before tossing Ken back on to his shoulder once more and heading out of Schuldich's room. Brad paused by the dresser to grab a large flat headed hairbrush before carrying Ken back to the precog's own room.

Upon entering his room, the American threw Ken onto the bed. He then opened the drawer to the nightstand and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "You've been asking for this." With that comment, Brad sat on Ken's back and wrenched the smaller man's arms behind his back, fastening the cuffs into place. "You just had to keep fighting back didn't you? I was being nice and now I'm losing my temper. Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?" Crawford grabbed the wet washcloth and stuffed it into Ken's gaping mouth. He then hauled Ken face down over his lap. His erection was pressed into the ex-goalie's tight stomach. Two beautifully creamy cheeks were now presented to him and Brad intended to give them a little color.

"I think a little spanking is in order. 10 slaps for every time you've defied me this evening." Ken started to struggle and get away. He felt completely vulnerable and was beginning to be frightened by the glint in Crawford's eyes. "Let's see," mused Crawford, "how many times have you defied me... Once on the soccer field...once when we arrived here... oh and twice in the shower. I guess that means I'm going to have to spank you 40 times."

Ken's eyes bulged in horror. The precog couldn't be serious... His ass would be bruised for days! Ken's eyes bugged out again as he felt the American kneading his buttocks. Oh god! He started to protest around the filthy gag when Crawford quickly brought his hand down on Ken's left cheek. A muffled squeak escaped from the ex-goalie.

Brad was staring lovingly at the nice red handprint he had just left. "Oooh this is a nice color on you, but still a little pale." *SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK* "Only 35 more to go, Kenken." *SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK* "Now your left cheek is a very nice color. We'll have to make the right one match as well." Brad rapidly spanked Ken's right cheek ten times. "Just lovely," murmured the American.

Tears had started to seep out of Ken's tightly squeezed eyes. He just wanted the burning to stop. He looked back to see Crawford lightly ghosting his hands over the reddened flesh. His eyes widened again in horror as he saw the American lean back to grab the hairbrush from the nightstand.

"I just want to intensify the color a bit," declared the blue eyed man. *CRACK* Crawford bought the hair brush down a vicious blow and Ken jerked up in his lap. An anguished groan escaped the small man's lips. The sound caused a surgence of blood to flow to Brad's groin. His erection prodded Ken's stomach a bit harder. "19 to go," whispered the precog. *CRACK CRACK CRACK* Crawford was now striking Ken square in the middle of his buttocks. The American used one hand to spread the now red cheeks and brought the brush down again. *CRACK* Tears were now falling quickly from Ken's eyes and his face was turning white. *CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK* Ken's entire ass was now bright red. "Only 10 more," crooned the older man. With that the American brought the brush down 10 more times on the backs of the athlete's thighs.

"You are so beautiful," whispered Brad. A small whimper was Ken's only response. "Look what you have done to me." Ken whimpered again when he saw Crawford's throbbing erection. The American moved Ken to the Bed and pushed the young man's face in to the pillow. He then grabbed Ken by the waist and pulled his pink ass up in the air. Crawford nudged Ken's knees apart so that he was spread wide open. The precog moaned at the sight before him. He was finally going to get his release. Reaching over to the nightstand once more, Crawford pulled the drawer open and grabbed the convenient little tube of lube. He squirted a generous amount of the cool gel into his hand and flipped the tube closed. He was so anxious to get inside of the other brunette that he merely tossed the tube over his shoulder instead of placing it back into the drawer. Dipping a few fingers into the palmful of gel, Crawford began to massage a finger into Ken's tight little pucker. He could feel Ken stiffen at the intrusion. The boy just wasn't going to loosen up, this made the precog frown. He shoved another finger into Ken and scissored his digits attempting to reach past the clenching muscle to brush that hard little spot that would turn the Japanese youth into putty.

Ken's brain was shutting down. Crawford had his fingers inside of him and he could feel them probing and stretching his virgin opening. The fingers lanced against something that made Ken's breath hitch. He wasn't sure if he wanted to moan or cry and his body was just lying there shuddering and betraying him. The fingers disappeared and Ken slumped forward trying to breathe when he felt something hot, blunt, and wet probing at his cleft.

Brad took the remaining gel and coated himself with it before rubbing the tip of his cock against Ken's waiting hole. He slowly rocked the young man's hips from side to side, working himself into the the straining sphincter before him. Every so gently, the precog slid his entire length into Ken's pulsing sheath. Once he was completely seated inside the shorter man, Crawford groaned loudly and began to lose a bit of his control. He leaned over the other man, pressing his balls tightly against Ken's reddened cheeks, and plucked out the dirty washcloth. Ken gasped for air and spat out the bit of come and soap that had been left in his mouth. He was in too much shock to say anything as Brad whispered in his ear, "I want to hear you scream when I come inside you."

The claw wielding assassin merely shuddered again. He'd never felt so stretched in his life. It almost felt like he was going to be ripped in two. Ken could feel the entire burning length of Crawford's cock deep inside him. He groaned as he felt the turgid member slipping from his ass only to whimper when it plunged all the way back in with one quick thrust.

Crawford was fascinated by the way his member was disappearing inside Ken's body. It was now sliding in and out easily, since the younger man was no longer trying to use a death grip on his cock. He could feel the pressure building as he slammed repeatedly into Ken's now willing flesh. Brad lifted up Ken's hips a bit to get at a better angle to his the other man's prostate. Upon hitting the sensitive cluster of nerves, Ken jerked up and slid forward hitting his head on the headboard. The boy was nearly knocked unconscious as the American continued to pound into him again and again. Crawford grabbed Ken's newly returned erection and started to pump him in his fist. "Come now."

Ken screamed as he felt himself orgasm for the third time with Crawford stroking him. There was immense pleasure and pain from Brad's balls continuously hitting his abused ass. Ken's head was swirling with the mixed feelings. He then promptly blacked out and slumped to the bed, immobile. Crawford meanwhile was enjoying the tightening of Ken's passage and it wasn't long before he released himself deep within the younger man's bowels.

Breathing heavily, the American slipped his softening member from the warmth that was surrounding him and sat back on his heels. Ken was still unconscious, but still breathing. Crawford set about the process of cleaning himself off with the now cold washcloth. He then watched his essence trickling from Ken's stretched opening before gently using the cloth to wipe up the leavings. There was something beautiful about a well fucked ass. Brad wished he had a camera to get a picture of the sight before him. Ken sprawled on the bed, come leaking from his hidden entrance, arms cuffed behind him, cheeks tanned red from the earlier spanking. The precog placed a gentle kiss on the red flesh and then got up to look for the key to the handcuffs. After searching his dresser for a bit, he finally located the elusive bit of metal and he returned to the bed to unlock Ken's wrists. Crawford massaged the young man's arms before rearranging Ken's limbs into a more comfortable position out of the giant wet spot. The American then yawned and crawled under the covers on the opposite side of the bed.


Waking up was hell. Ken's lower regions were throbbing in agony. His wrists were sore and one of his arms felt a bit numb. Looks like he had rolled over in his sleep. He gingerly tried to sit up, but almost passed out again from the pain. Crawford was flopped over on his side, one leg over the Japanese man's legs. Panic started to set in, Ken had been fucked by the enemy. The claw wielding assassin felt disgusted, because for a while Crawford had actually made him enjoy the American's touch. Feeling more than a little hysterical, the brown eyed man started to hyperventilate. He had to get out of the house. Ken could feel himself starting to wheeze the longer he looked at the older man. Everything was Brad's fault. Siberian came to the fore and the athletic man found himself with his hands around the precog's throat starting to squeeze.

Blue eyes opened and started to bulge. As he looked up he could see a feral gleam in the brown eyes. Looks like Ken hadn't woken up well... <SCHULDICH!>

<God dammit, what now?>

<Siberian is awake and strangling me. Stop him!>

<You owe me so many times over Braddy-kins.> The red head sat up in bed and focused on the enraged mind of the claw wielding Weiß assassin. The young man really did seem to be a bit out of control at the moment. His thoughts were scattered and there was a "Kill the bastard" refrain running uppermost in Siberian's thoughts. Sensing that Crawford was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, the German sent a psi-blast at the brown eyed man to knock him unconscious. <You are taking him home Crawford. I'm not getting out of this bed again.>

Crawford frowned to himself at Schuldich's response. The American then shoved the unconscious assassin off of himself, snatched his glasses, slid them onto his face, and stormed out his bedroom door. He walked around the corner and down the hall, stopping before the German's room. After knocking loudly several times, an irate Irishman stood in the doorway.

"He be tired, go away."

The precog glared and shoved past Farfarello. He strode over to the bed, and ripped off the covers.

"What the fuck, Crawford?!?" The outraged German shivered as the evening air hit his bare skin. Even though he was cold, Schuldich made no effort to move to cover himself.


"I'm tired, Crawford. You already made me be errand boy and when I came home MY bathroom was a mess. I had to clean it up and now I plan on sleeping." The redhead rolled over onto his stomach determined to ignore his leader.

<Well I'm pissed off. My throat is killing me and I'm going to drive myself to Herr Berwald to get it looked at. Get your ass up and take the kitten back to the Koneko.> Crawford was practically stomping his foot and having a temper tantrum. Losing control wasn't something you usually saw the American do every day.

"And I told you that I'm tired. I've already been over there once this evening. I do NOT want to go back."

<Schuldich, don't make me report you for insubordination.>

The German snorted, "Braddy we don't work for Eszet anymore. That little threat won't work."

<Fine, then I'll take away your car keys and make you do all the chores for the next month.>

Glaring, the redhead finally sat up. "You really are a bastard Brad." Schuldich stretched, making sure to give the American an eyeful, before standing up and hugging his lover. "Keep the bed warm for me Farf. I'll be back soon." The Irish man nodded and pulled the taller man closer, tilting his head up for a kiss.

Crawford rolled his eyes and left the room. He didn't really need to see the other two cuddling, it would just make him uncomfortable. Once he got back to his room, he searched for Ken's muddy clothing and tried to get them on the unresponsive body still laid across the bed. After wrestling the jeans over the younger man's hips, the American sat and waited for the German.


Ken was sprawled on the sofa in the living room. His head hurt like hell and he was extremely tired. He didn't even want to think about how he got back to the Koneko. The Japanese youth was thoroughly convinced that Brad Crawford was now evil incarnate. He'd make the precog pay for his actions at a later dayLaying on his stomach, the brown haired man soon fell asleep.

Snickering, Tama crept into the room. He'd said hello to the rest of the florists down in the shop. Omi had been very helpful in telling him where the soccer crazed member of the shop was sleeping. The Norwegian crept over to the sofa to watch the shorter man snoring away. His shirt had ridden up and his pants had slipped a bit exposing a bit of Ken's cleft. The blond smiled, the snoring boy was just so adorable when he was asleep. It really would be a shame to wake him up. Tama grinned right before he brought a hand smack down on the tantalizing bit of flesh.

The brunette lurched up with a blood curdling scream before falling off the sofa and landing in a trembling lump. Blinking sleep filled brown eyes, Ken spotted the nearly hysterical blonde man. "I'm going to KILL you Tama!" he shouted as he launched to his feet intent on beating the taller man to a pulp.

"Have to catch me first!"


Omi glanced up at the ceiling when he heard Ken's scream filter down. He later heard lots of stomping and running. The small blonde looked a little worried and was thinking that maybe he shouldn't have told Tama that Ken was sleeping upstairs. The blue eyed youth had discovered his teammate on the ground in front of the Koneko when he had gone out on an ice cream run. Never underestimate the power of chocolate cookie dough ice cream! It took a bit of effort to wake up his older teammates and to keep Yohji from dragging him back to bed, but he had gotten their help in bringing Ken inside and upstairs. Omi definitely wanted to question Ken about his where he was the previous evening. Perhaps he'd ask after the brunette had calmed down a bit. Hearing another yelp, this one very high pitched, the blonde sighed.

Aya and Yohji merely grinned at each other. "Looks like Ken is awake," commented Yohji, "How long before they start fucking like bunnies?"

The redhead smirked. "Hn, Hidaka is most likely in denial still."

"Oh stop it both of you," scolded Omi, "we still have to apologize to him you know."

Yohji just sniffed in disdain. "Well, it isn't my fault the baka just barged in. He should have knocked."

Blue eyes were rolled at the older man's comment. "Yeah well, you know Ken has never knocked. You still should have locked the door."

"Awww, but didn't we make it up to you Omi-kins," purred the tall assassin. He slithered over to the younger man and started to nip at the adorned ear.2 "You want we should apologize again?" Yohji continued to molest his teammate while Aya merely smirked and continued to work on the arrangement on the table.

The blond batted away the lanky man's hands while screwing up his face. "Yohji-kun! Not in the shop again! Aya, help!"



Schuldich growled when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Farfarello had woken up earlier, resulting in a grumpy German. The redhead just couldn't sleep as well without a warm body nearby. Not to mention the fact that he seemed to be driving to the Koneko an awful lot in the past 24 hours. Shaking himself, Schuldich crawled out of the bed and opened the door to reveal a blushing Nagi.

"Here, we're done. I'm not doing this again." With those cryptic comments, the young telekinetic thrust a videotape at the red haired German, before stomping up the stairs and slamming the door to his room. A few minutes later Thrill Kill Kult was blaring out of the Japanese youth's stereo and trickling down the hall.

Schuldich broke out into a Cheshire grin. The past evening had just been incredibly entertaining, even if he did have to clean up Brad's mess and chauffer Ken back to the Koneko at 3 in the morning. Controlling Crawford's thoughts was so much easier when the man was suffering from a lack of sex. Manipulating the older man into seducing Ken had been so much fun! Who would have thought that little Kenken brought out such an amazing dominant side in Oracle? True, Crawford was their leader and a disciplinarian by nature, but the show he'd put on this evening had given the redhead some sneaky ideas for his own lover. Plus, he now had video footage with which he could blackmail his leader. Nagi really was a genius with a camera, so the redhead was sure the tape would be of exceptional quality. The youngest member of Schwarz never did let himself do anything but the best work, even if it did disgust him. Schuldich snickered to himself again. The German had blackmailed the telekinetic when he discovered the young man sneaking out of the house for his evening trysts with the remaining member of Schrient, Tot. Why the little brunette wanted to fuck "Ms. Personality of a deranged 5 year old with blue hair" was beyond him, but Schuldich was good at exploiting other people's weaknesses. It was his hobby after all.

In addition to everything that had occurred this past evening, he got to drive Ken's precious Ducati Monster. Wouldn't the little boy be pissed to know that the German had touched his most prized possession? Schuldich regretted the fact that he hadn't gotten a picture of himself on the bike. Ah well, he still had a pretty good evening and today was only going to get better. Hugging himself with glee, the redheaded telepath decided to search out his Irish lover to watch some videos.


1 Gotta go, I hear the kids yelling. Talk to you later then, bye.

2 I was looking at character sketches and noticed that Yohji and Omi have the same earring in their left ears. *_*

Tama is MY character. He's six feet tall with white hair to his ass, he is Norwegian. He has gold eyes with hints of green and he has pale skin with pink overtones. I'll come up with a profile for him soon. =^_^= You may not use him without my permission. Thanks!

Since it was requested, there will be two side stories to this fic. One with a Schuldich x Farfarello lemon and one with a Yohji x Omi x Aya lemon. =^_^=