Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mud and Ice ❯ Sneaky ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

by nekojin

Chapter 1

This is a continuation of "Wallflowers." Basically this is going to be a Tama x Ken fic. Tama is my character and you can't have him. The rest of the Weiß boys don't belong to me and never will.

The first read of this fic belongs to nekojita since she is responsible for a lot of my inspiration. She really liked it when I created the character Tama, so this fic is dedicated to her.


It was never good when Tama was bored. When the long haired man was bored, he became very dangerous. Boredom needed to be cured in Tama's opinion, and the cure frequently was found in the form of Ken torment. The Rays season was over for another year and since Tama didn't have his team to coach, he ended up with a lot of free time on his hands. Since it was Ken's team, the Black Wings, that had defeated the Rays in their last game, Tama felt it was only fair that he get to torture the coach of the Black Wings as means of evening the odds. The Norwegian's mind was truly warped in some aspects.

Tama lay naked in his bed gazing up at the ceiling trying to think of something to do to his current object of obsession. Ken was obviously still in denial about his sexuality, although he seemed to be even more insecure since the last time Tama had hung out with the youthful coach. When Tama had gone by the Koneko to see his friend, the other man had seemed very jumpy. Of course, Tama had woken Ken up by spanking the brunette, but that couldn't be it. Hentai little thoughts ran through Tama's head as he thought of the Japanese man's ass. Ken was quite the delicious little package. The Norwegian loved it when he caught glimpses of the brunette's bronzed skin. Seeing the swell of Ken's back and the soft curve of his cheeks really had been to much to resist. Thinking back on that tantalizing sight, Tama felt himself flushing a bit. Hell, he'd only ever managed to steal one kiss and here he was getting aroused just thinking about catching glimpses of the other man's skin. A pale hand began to creep downwards towards the slowly swelling shaft between the blonde's thighs. With a small shudder, Tama ghosted his fingers along his length. A soft moan was heard at the contact. Tama forced himself to take a couple of deep breaths and he tried to calm down. He was NOT going to jerk off to mere memories of his best friend.

Sitting up, slender man talk another calming breath and swung his legs off of the bed. The Norwegian needed to go see Ken and get his weekly "fix." With a grin, the blonde bounced off of the bed and over to his closet. He needed to pick an outfit that would tempt the skittish brunette. He rummaged through all the hanging clothes and selected a pair of bronze colored leather pants. These were Tama's favorite with the darker brown leather laces the went up the sides of the legs. The pants brought out bronze flecks of color in his gold eyes and accentuated the Norwegian's long legs. Searching through all the hangers, Tama found the sleeveless cream turtleneck that completed the outfit. It had just enough color that Tama didn't appear washed out, like he did if he wore stark white. It softened the angles of his slender frame. The blonde shook out the shirt checking for stains before pulling it over his head. Just a sliver of white skin peeked out from between the waist of his pants and the bottom of the top. It let the viewer catch a glimpse of gold threaded through the tall man's bellybutton. The shirt was short, but loose enough that you couldn't really tell Tama's nipple were pierced as well. It wouldn't do too traumatize Ken too quickly. The Norwegian wasn't completely sure how the other coach would react to his body jewelry.

Moving over to the dresser, Tama found one of his favorite accessories. It was a smooth carved piece of green agate shaped like a cat curling around itself and it hung from a simple brown leather cord. Ken had given Tama the piece as a birthday present after they had first met. Tama cherished this one piece of jewelry above all else. He had been so surprised that the other man had given him a present. Ken had been blushing when he handed the taller man the small box right before he dashed off saying something about having to work. The blonde put the necklace on before gazing at himself in the mirror. Grabbing the brush from the dresser he ran it through his long locks a few times before smiling at himself in satisfaction. Ken wasn't going to get any mercy this evening!


Ken thought he might be suffering a mental breakdown. Ever since his encounter with Crawford, he'd been having unsettling nightmares. He was also horribly confused about everything. The brunette had been avoiding his teammates ever since he had caught them in the act. Ken still didn't want to think about that. Omi seemed to be hurt by Ken's behavior and his blue eyes would start to tear up every time Ken started backing away. Admittedly, the claw wielding assassin did feel a little bad about hurting his youngest teammate's feelings, but he really didn't think he could deal with the concept of the innocent looking blonde being in a relationship with Yohji AND Aya. It was bad enough that Omi was having sex, but with BOTH of their older teammates ?!? It was a very tough concept to wrestle with. Half of the time Aya seemed to be made of ice and had the eternal stick up his ass. Although from the antics his teammates were involved in, it was more likely that the redhead enjoyed something else stuck there lately. Even more unimaginable was the thought of Yohji being involved with a guy in general. Hadn't the man been the biggest womanizer in their district for the past 3 years running?

Sighing to himself, Ken knew he'd have to deal with his teammates eventually. He did have to work with them in the shop even if they hadn't had any night jobs in a while. Since the fall of Eszett and the disbanding of Kritiker, Weiß no longer worked as much. Ken had been doing a very good job of avoiding his older teammates, but Omi was slowly tracking him down. Every time Ken thought he had found a good hiding place, the young blonde seemed to find him. At least during shifts in the Koneko he had been able to keep busy and not talk with the rest of the team.

Yawning a bit, Ken stretched and headed towards the front of the shop to lower the gate. Just as he got on his toes to reach the handle, he felt a pair of hands tickling his abdomen. With a small shriek, Ken jumped back while breathing heavily. There, grinning in the doorway, stood one of the latest annoyances in his life.

"Hi Ken, didja miss me?" Tama leaned against the door frame posing for the benefit of the brunette.

The Japanese youth let out another scream before running for the rear exit.


And the ever playful Tama strikes again! Tama is MY character. He's six feet tall with white hair to his ass, he is Norwegian. He has gold eyes with hints of green and he has pale skin with pink overtones. You may not use him without my permission.

Sorry for the incredibly short chapter, but I have to break this story up a bit before my head explodes. I'm hoping to get this completed soon. I may merge everything into one chapter when I'm done, not sure yet. ^^;;