Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ MUSIC OF MY SOUL ❯ CHAPTER 1 - they meet ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Author formerly registered as Smileymom on FF NET.
My first submitted story was an alternate ending for a story written by another author in another
anime/manga fandom. The story she'd written ended tragically, and I asked, and received, permission
to create an alternate ending. In my summary I made sure everyone knew it was an alternate of her
original ending. I even used bits of her story as lead in (again - with permission. She read it in entirety
before it was posted)

I enjoyed writing that story so much I posted a continuation of it, picking up the following morning
and going on. The story practically took on a life of its own in my head and I had envisioned ongoing
interaction and scenes between the characters before I'd even finished the original alternate ending. I
posted the ongoing "day to day life" story about a month after the alternate ending, as another story.
I advised in the summary that it was a continuation of my alternate ending to her story. This was an
alternate universe from the one she'd created, one where things were progressing happily between
the main characters, rather than tragedy and loss. I created some new characters, brought in some
familiar old ones from the fandom, and ran with it based on the premise from the original story she'd

Well, sadly, it seems that although she was ok with my one chapter, alternate happy ending to her
tragedy, she did not like it being continued on from there in an alternate happy universe. She advised
me she'd posted a complaint to the FF NET site (the first contact I'd had from her since the original
encouragement to post the alternate ending she'd said she enjoyed ­ a bit of a surprise) and then
reamed me via posting messages through the FF site. After much back and forth messaging with her,
and frustration over something that was supposed to be an enjoyable, "stress relieving" hobby, I
elected to just delete the submissions I had posted. All of them. I never did hear anything from ,
probably could have ignored the whole thing and kept going, but it wasn't fun anymore after she got
upset. { I tried to close out the account altogether, but it seems once a name is registered on , it's
forever registered on FF. =) }

However, I found I very much enjoy writing, (news to me, this was my first attempt) and after a bit I
began to miss it. I enjoyed the storyline I had written, and new things kept running through my head.
So, I have revamped it. It is now set in a new anime/manga fandom, Weiss Kreuz. I actually enjoy the
Weiss fanfiction universe more, being set in our normal universe and therefore more
'believable/possible.' And the angst and potential for chemistry between Aya and Yojhi is almost
palpable at times. Actually is palpable, and incredible, in several fanfictions: Any work by
scribblemoose comes to mind, and that of Penguin-sama (she is really, truly amazing.) I also love
work by ShonenAiSorcerer. =)

This story focuses on Yohji and Ran (I prefer him to be called Aya, but for this AU story Aya the sister
is a character and Aya/Abyssinian is not, so Ran he must be.) I have started things over, re-creating,
beginning at the beginning as it were, when the two meet.

I post this preface note just in case anyone recognizes some bits from the previously posted chapters
of the storyline written under the name smileymom. It's OK, really. They're my bits. Some things will
be very similar to what was created before: the characters' professions, the artwork created, some of
the lemon scenes or dialogue from those chapters and new characters. There were a few scenes that
really stuck out or just made me laugh and I want to re-use them, so they are being revamped for this
story: the character names, hair color, etc. being altered. I am re-using bits until I catch up with
myself and will go on from there.

Feel free to rewrite anything here and post your own version of this if you'd like. This is just for fun. I
am having a blast doing it and am putting it out there just in case anyone else is as obsessed with Aya
and Yohji as I am. I do not own Weiss, Aya/Ran, Yohji, or any other character from this
anime or manga, or any other. I am writing/posting for my own enjoyment. No profit is
made. Well, except the stress relief I get in writing it, and the warm and fuzzies I get if someone likes
it. But as those are totally intangible, I don't think it counts. =) I will update periodically, as often as I

can get it typed up. I write it out almost obsessively, but typing it can take a while sometimes. Real
life can get in the way. =(

If you don't like it, that's fine, read something else, it doesn't bother me. If you feel compelled to post
a negative review, go for it. I will likely ignore it, but hey- it made you feel better. If you do enjoy it
that's wonderful! If you want to leave a review, feel free, if not, don't worry about it. I will try to
respond if you do review, but no promises. Again, stress relief, just for fun.

I have never posted on MEDIA MINER before. It has been suggested that the FF NET ratings are
changing and explicit YAOI will not be allowed. I am posting both there and here and will update both
in case it gets pulled from FF NET. I suggest FF people transfer over.

Thanks for letting me rant, I won't mention it again. Now, on with the story:

An AU story, (very AU). Friendships develop and romance blossoms. There will be angst (hard to have
Ran or Yohji without any) with fluff off and on too. It is a romance after all. Lots of Yaoi lemon, but
with (gasp!) plot. =) YohjixRan with some SchuxBrad thrown in here and there, but later. Occasional
OOC, but I try to stay close. Ran works for his father, Persia, with Krittiker Music. Yohji is with the
band WEISS...
Ran watched the entrance of the club from the obscurity of the limo, brooding. He could do this. He
could do this. He wanted to do this.... Mostly. He worked incessantly. At twenty one years old, his
whole life lately was work, apart from the time spent with Aya. Surely he deserved this....this
chance...didn't he? He'd visited with Aya earlier today, spending the morning with her. He'd wrapped
up any outstanding emails for work this afternoon, despite it being his supposed day off. Tonight was
Ran took a deep breath, steeled himself, and exited the white Lincoln, ignoring the oppressive
humidity of the New York summer night. He'd known WEISS would be playing at the club aptly named
Indulgence tonight. Known the blonde would be here. The lead singer and band leader, Yohji Kudoh.
They'd performed well at the last contract competition. It really was too bad Krittiker had signed
Mercury to the contract instead, over Ran's protests. The other two members of the contract judge
committee had chosen Mercury, and that was it. Although, really, perhaps it was for the best. Had
Krittiker signed WEISS there would be no chance of this happening. Whatever this turned out to be.
Ran sighed as he was ushered through the VIP entrance. His distinctive pale, almost alabaster
coloring, and deep, dark red hair, paired with his intense violet eyes, often tended to attract too much
attention. He stood out, causing him to be quickly recognized as the face of Krittiker Music.
Particularly at musical events, Ran was unable to relax or interact. To just mingle without being semi-
mobbed by hopefuls or rabid fans pushing for a shot, a demo, just a chance. Well, he wasn't here as
Krittiker tonight, just RAN. He was grateful for the concealment the VIP entrance and bouncers
Again Ran considered the previous month's competition. WEISS was good, very good. But he had to
be pleased they had not signed with Krittiker Music. If Krittiker had signed with WEISS, he couldn't
very well pursue this .... this .... attraction (there, he'd admitted it ­ attraction. There was just
something about the blonde...). The impropriety would be too much. The assumptions that would
follow,... the inevitable questions, the innuendo, a possible sense of obligation... It would surely get in
the way. No, this was better. WEISS was good, their music memorable. They would surely garner
attention from another label soon. Thus, Ran was free to consider, to indulge, to hope. Another sigh
as he entered the VIP lounge, pouring himself a glass of red wine and heading to the glass wall
overlooking the club. Who was he kidding? Why get his hopes up? Did he honestly think the blonde
would give this a chance? Give him a chance?...Sigh, No. He'd promised himself he would try this. He
wouldn't give up before he'd even tried. He'd been alone for so long...
Ran had looked into Yohji a bit, once he'd realized he couldn't get the man out of his head. Yohji was
slightly older than himself, 22 years old. He'd been involved with Weiss since high school, working

gigs, clubs, etc. They'd signed a new lead guitar about a year ago and had been steadily rising since
then. It was only a matter of time before they secured a recording contract.
Ran knew Yohji was bi-sexual, at least in his dating habits, or at least as noted in various media.
Whether that progressed beyond public dating to real life or not... Yohji had been reported as dating
both genders several times, and seemed to have a penchant for redheads. Ran also knew, working in
the industry as he did, that Yohji was well known for his loyalty, compassion, and a tendency to love
too hard, if that was possible. Yohji was touted as a real friend by any who spoke of him. A little
withdrawn outside of the public persona, but if you got close enough to be his friend, his loyalty and
devotion were unquestionable. He was also known as a truly kind man, going out of his way to
interact with fans, especially children or young people, and had a chivalry that was almost unheard of
in this day and age. Yohji would not tolerate anyone being overly obnoxious or harsh with women. He
seemed to see himself as a protector. It was reported he'd been in love a few times, falling hard, but
none had become permanent at this point. There was some rumor of tragedy in his past, but no actual
details floated around.
Regardless, what he'd learned was enough to convince Ran Yohji was worth the attempt. Old
fashioned honor was hard to find now days, chivalry was dead. If Yohji bore some, even getting to
know him, becoming perhaps friends, would be worth Ran's discomfort in coming out of his shell like
this. If more developed, well... Ran wouldn't let his heart run away with him. Meeting the man would
be the first step, let things progress as they would...
Ran watched from behind the smoked glass windows as WEISS set up their equipment. There he was,
the blonde Ran'd chanced so much to see tonight. His honey gold, shoulder length hair shining under
the lights. His grace as he moved around the stage, connecting cords, testing equipment. Those long
legs, well muscled, captured Ran's attention as he watched the blonde stretching and climbing various
step ladders to set up lights, microphones. His rich, warm voice filled the room as he did sound
Yohji completed the set up and made his way over to the bar. Ran watched his easy laughter, his
interaction with the staff and crowd. So open, so comfortable, so ... beautiful. Yohji truly was a
handsome, beautiful man. Tall and lean, with whipcord muscle, (Ran'd glimpsed those washboard abs
during last month's show), golden tan, firm jaw, broad shoulders, strong hands. Ran sighed again as
he watched Yohji move, wishing yet again he wasn't so pale himself, so small framed, almost...
delicate. Yes, he was strong, trained in kendo and martial arts, well able to handle himself. His own
wiry frame hid a subtle strength, both of body and wil . He could out-glare just about anyone, except
perhaps his father. His cold temper was almost as wel known among those in the business as his
coloring. But sometimes, sometimes he wished ­ wished he portrayed more... more strength in his
appearance, more masculinity. He hated being mistaken for fragile, weak. Ah well, no sense wishing
for the unattainable. He soon set to rights anyone who mistook his smaller frame and pale complexion
for weakness or frailty.
Ran gestured, spoke briefly to the VIP attendant and watched as he made his way to Yohji at the bar.
He watched the man approach and introduce himself to Yohji. Took in the disdainful glance toward the
upper floor, and Yohji's obvious declination, his sneer almost palpable. Ran watched as Yohji returned
to the stage area, preparing for the set to begin. Yohji took his place at the mic and then that
beautiful, warm tenor enveloped Ran's senses.
After the first few songs, Ran could no longer bear just watching, listening from afar. As always -
alone, distant, an observer. He had to be closer, to be a part of the music. Ran removed his blazer,
pulling on his 'blend in hoodie' he often brought along for his public excursions. An attempt at
disguise, a small chance to let him be a part of the crowd. No one knew he was here tonight, if he
kept a low profile it should work, at least for a short while. He threw the blazer over the sofa, and
made his way out into the club. The cream colored hoodie and well fitted black jeans still presented an
eyeful. Heads still turned to take in the man as he made his way along, but the hoodie's pale coloring
made less contrast against his skin. With the hood up that fiery mane was hidden from view. The long
sleeves and his hands in his pockets concealed the paleness of his skin, his face shadowed under the
cowl of the hood. There was little to draw the eye apart from the mouthwatering lithe figure, long
legs, perfect ass, unconscious grace as he moved. Ran truly had no idea the sex appeal he radiated.

He made his way closer to the stage as Yohji continued to sing. He drew close enough to make out the
intense emerald of Yohji's eyes. He felt his chest tighten as he watched Yohji sing. He was just so, so
beautiful. So sexy. So open, happy. Ran swallowed. What right did he have, intruding in this life... this
happiness? A part of him wanted to turn around right there and go, just forget all about Yohji and his
damn... damn... attraction. But, a bigger part of him screamed inside, no ­ don't walk away ­
try...just ... try.
This was the first time Ran'd felt attracted to anyone strongly enough to actually act on it. Enough to
not listen to that part that told him it wasn't worth it, he wasn't worth it. This man, he made Ran want
to be worth it, made him want, period. Ran felt himself drawn closer, like a moth to the flame. Yohji
radiated warmth, life, sensuality. The music was obviously a part of him. Ran was drawn closer still
until he was directly in front of the stage, oriented to Yohji's every move, magnetized to Yohji's pull.
His piercing violet gaze never left Yohji's face. Drinking in every nuance, every emotion. Finally, their
gazes met. Clear bottomless emerald locked with stormy, intense violet. Recognition flared in those
green orbs. Yohji obviously recognized Ran's face, but did he know who Ran was? He focused on Ran
through the remainder of the set, watching, pondering. As the set ended, Yohji made his way down to
where Ran stood.
'So' he spoke as he approached. 'you can come out among the commoners rather than just hiding up
in your castle, behind your glass walls hmm?' he tilted his head, 'I take it your man told you I'd
declined your offer?' It seemed Yohji did know who Ran was after all.
'I saw you. I knew immediately you wouldn't come to me. Therefore, here I am.' Ran answered. 'As I
hope my man explained, I am very intrigued. Both by your music, and by you ­ yourself. I would very
much like to speak with you in some depth. Again, as I hope was conveyed, it is ... difficult for me to
mingle, particularly in a venue such as this. I would prefer to get to know you in a more peaceful
setting, rather than fighting off attention, as would be necessary if my identity were known.'
'Well, since you went to all this trouble, I guess I can cut you some slack.' Yohji smiled. 'lead the way.'
Ran nodded and turned toward the lift to the VIP Suites. 'I don't want to offend you or your
bandmates in any way, feel free to extend the invitation to the others if you'd like.' Ran turned to
Yohji as they entered the lift.
'It's fine. ' Yohji said. 'We actually agreed to split up and mingle a bit tonight. We're roommates - we
get enough of each other, believe me.
As they entered the suite Ran dismissed the attendant, leaving them alone. 'Would you care for a
drink?' he asked Yohji. 'I know you have another set later, will this interfere?'
'nah, it's fine.' Yohji scoffed. 'we got just over a half hour till the next set. A cold one would be nice.
You have any Heineken?'
'sure' Ran drew out two cold bottles , gesturing Yohji to the sofa area.
Yohji noticed the wine bucket chilling near the glass panels. 'wine is fine too, if you prefer man. Really,
either is fine with me.' Yohji accepted the offered bottle.
'It doesn't matter.' Ran said as he seated himself. 'whatever your preference. Really. It's just an
excuse anyway, for the chance to talk with you.' Ran smiled a small (very small) smile. Inside he
repeated to himself, over and over this is worth it, don't freeze, breathe, it's worth a chance... Ran sat
on the edge of the sofa, placing his bottle on the coffee table near the fruit and cheese trays set up
earlier. He turned to Yohji. 'please, take a seat. My name is Ran. Ran Fujimiya. You are Yohji Kudoh. I
remember, from the competition last month.'

'Well, right to the point. I like that' Yohji laughed as he sat in the chair at the end of the sofa where
Ran sat. 'So, Ran, what did you want to know? I know you're with Krittiker, I remember you from the
competition as well. Krittiker signed Mercury. What? Got another contract open? '
'Sadly, no." Ran said, watching the bottle he was spinning on the tabletop. 'My...interest is actually...
personal, rather than business related.' He glanced up just in time to catch Yohji s eyes widen with
'Personal huh?' Yohji grinned slightly, 'Well, I'm... flattered. So, not music or business related?'
"Well, I do enjoy your music, hearing you sing. You have a remarkable voice, but actually, I wanted to
get to know... you. Who you are, apart from WEISS, aside from music and the business. ' Ran paused
a moment, then straightened his shoulders, sitting up a bit. 'Tell me something about yourself.
Something not music related.'
'hmm...' Yohji mused, 'not music related. Well, I must admit, right now in my life the music is a big
part, a very big part. Really. But, I guess, apart from the music... well, I love cars. Working on them,
driving them, looking at them, much like women', Yohji smirked, missing the wince Ran failed to hide.
'I sketch a bit, still life or animals for the most part. I'm a sucker for the beach, walking it mostly, I
don't like cold water' he grinned at that, 'and... well, I like corny movies, old westerns, sci-fi, some
Anime.' He smiled a small smile, 'Is that what you had in mind? How about you? What do you like,
Ran, apart from the music business?'
Ran almost smiled again, a half smile kinda ghosting around his mouth. Just a hint really. Yohji
thought it seemed like something Ran wasn't really used to. 'Well, I enjoy cars as well,' Ran began.
'not working on them, I can barely change the oil, but driving... well. There's nothing quite like the
feeling of a powerful engine beneath you, the smooth glide of changing gears at just that precise
moment, the vibration, the power thrumming up through your legs.' Ran's eyes had a distant, almost
dreamy quality, and that smile ghosted around his mouth again, almost there. Yohji found himself
transfixed by that look on Ran's face. He frowned slightly as Ran shook his head and it faded.
Ran looked back to Yohji just as the frown faded, missing it. 'I sketch as well. Actually, I love to
paint., and I'm pretty good at it. Really. I don't have much time for it, but I truly enjoy it.
Unfortunately, painting was something-' Ran suddenly cut off, reaching for his drink, stupid, he
thought fiercely at himself. He couldn't believe he'd almost divulged to Yohji his conflict with his father
about his art barely 10 minutes into their first meeting. He shook his head. 'Never mind that.' He
reached for a cracker, 'I also enjoy the beach, especially at night. I have a weakness for the stars I
must admit. Away from the city lights, over the ocean, they sky seems... endless.' He focused back on
Yohji. Again that small smile hovered, 'as for movies, I'm afraid I'd much rather curl up with a book. I
love to read, almost any genre, again a pastime which I rarely have time to indulge anymore.'
'Yah, Krittiker keeps you jumping huh?' Yohji ventured, trying a slice of the melon himself. 'scouting,
promoting, competitions. I've heard of you. I can guess you don't get to do the club scene too often.
At least, not without getting glomped on. I saw you at the competition. You had those security guys
hopping. They always follow you around when you're out? Is it always like that?' he looked around as
if trying to spot the security detail.
Ran's eyes hardened bit and his voice grew cold. 'People just can't seem to understand sometimes
that I am not just Krittiker, sometimes I'm just me, just Ran. That event, or others like it, that's one
thing. I'm there on business, working, but when not... sometimes it would be nice to just be able to go
out-' again he abruptly cut off, taking a deep breath. 'I must admit, when I do go out, as rarely as it
is, I tend to avoid places like this, the popular music scene. It's not that I don't enjoy rock n roll, I do.
But, usually, if I go out, I tend toward jazz clubs, or themed clubs.' He smiled, that little half smile
again, almost a little wider this time. "I have to confess, I enjoy American 40's music. Sinatra and the
like. It's rich, soothing music, and I am rarely recognized in that environment, as Krittiker works
almost exclusively with rock n roll and popular music genres.'

'No way' Yohji gasped as his eyes widened, then narrowed, peering at ran. 'Are you telling me you're a
Sinatra fan, really?'
'Yes,' Ran's confused gaze turned to Yohji. 'I am... why? Is that-'
'Are you sure you haven't...' Yohji stopped, ran his fingers through his hair and gazed intently at Ran,
searching... 'OK, spill... look, I know with Krittiker's resources you have access to a lot of information.
You been checking up on me, are you setting me up or something?'
'No! I... of course not, why would I?' Ran seemed genuinely shocked, indignant.
Yohji smiled slowly, a full, open smile as he took in Ran's obvious distress. He leaned over, covering
Ran's hand on the table with one of his own. 'I'm sorry. It just... took me by surprise. I love Sinatra. I
have all of his music, and others of that era. I find that music very moving, romantic, full. Sinatra's
the reason I started singing in the first place, school choir and such. My mom's American. She was a
huge fan. His music was always playing at home. It wasn't until I was a teen that I learned how 'old'
his music was. I discovered rock-n-roll then. I like it, the beat, the rush, the intensity, but just for
quiet time, yeah ­ I prefer Frank.' Yohji tilted his head, taking in the soft expression of unbelief on
Ran's face. 'I can't believe how much we have in common. Whoever would have believed it?'
Ran's brow wrinkled. 'Why? Why wouldn't any-'
Yohji cut him off. 'Well, we're not exactly from the same side of the tracks you know.' Seeing Ran's
deepening confusion, Yohji began to explain. 'Ran, I'm not...' he sighed, 'Look. You're the son of
Persia, Persia the CEO of Krittiker Music, one of the wealthiest labels out there. I'd imagine limos and
Armani are old hat to you, everyday things in your life, no big deal...Mine, well... not so much. I grew
up in an apartment, went to public school. Nothing wrong with it, just...it's a different lifestyle than
you are used to, I'm sure. I had a job by the time I was 14 so I could have pocket money and more
than one pair of shoes. I mean, you can only wear one pair at a time right, frivolous to spend budget
money on more than one pair...' his voice trailed off a moment then he cleared his throat and went
on. 'my parents worked hard, they were good people and I loved them, but money was never ... it
doesn't matter. Anyway, I've never been in a limo in my life, and I still don't own anything Armani.
Someday, we'll have a contract, make it, and things will be different, but for now I share a townhouse
with three other guys to make ends meet and so we can practice anytime. ...' he trailed off then
looking into Ran's eyes, that deep, violet gaze.
'And yet,' he said softly, 'here we are, two completely different men, yet with so much in common, so
much of who were are that is the same.' Again he found his eyes locked with Ran's. Those eyes that
were so expressive, even as the face remained unreadable. Yohji wondered briefly if Ran realized he
gave so much away through those eyes. He watched as the confusion faded, was replaced with
...hope? ... and more... appraisal, and if Yohji wasn't mistaken, desire. Yohji's own eyes sparkled with
mirth, and softened as Ran's began to show hope more prominently. Yohji found himself drawn closer
as he saw the desire begin to build and develop. He leaned forward, trailing one hand over Ran's
cheek, back to entwine in that amazing red hair, so soft. 'Ran' he whispered, mesmerized as the
sound of his name caused Ran's eyes to widen, the darken and fall to half lid, the desire and hope
both increasing. 'Ran' he murmured again, 'you said you wanted to get to know me, I'd like that' Yohji
leaned closer until his lips just hovered over Ran's own. 'I'd like that, very much. ' he whispered now,
feeling Ran tremble as their lips brushed with his words. Then, he felt Ran's hand clutch the back of
his head as Ran lunged forward, claiming Yohji's mouth with his own.
Yohji let himself melt into the kiss, immediately opening his own mouth to give Ran entrance. The
intensity of the kiss almost immediately faded to a light, shy feel and Yohji felt Ran tense under his
hands. Yohji opened his eyes to find Ran's squeezed shit with a look of fear? or pain? on his face. A
suspicion began to develop in Yohji's mind. Yohji brought both hands up to frame Ran's face as he
took control of the kiss, maintaining contact, gently nipping, trailing his tongue over Ran's tasting the
sweetness of the fruit Ran'd eaten earlier, the spiciness of the wine. He felt more than heard Ran's
moan as he entered his mouth. He caressed the side of Ran's neck, trailing his fingers through Ran's
hair as he slowly, so slowly, brought the kiss to an end. His own breath had quickened, and Ran
almost panted as Yohji slowed everything down, pulling Ran into an embrace, tucking his head into

the crook of Yohji's neck. 'Ran' Yohji whispered, 'that, that was... unexpected.' He felt Ran begin to
tense, 'but, oh so nice' he hummed, letting his voice convey his smile. 'I hope ­ I hope I didn't
overstep. I'd like to get to know you better too.' He smiled openly and pulled back.
Ran gazed up at him solemnly, then reached up to trace the edge of Yohji's jaw with his fingertips.
'yes,' he cleared his throat and sat up, running a hand through his hair, seeming unaware of the hand
still caressing Yohji's arm. 'yes, I'd, I'd like that, very much.' Ran looked back at Yohji with that small
smile that Yohji already found himself eager to see. 'perhaps we could go for coffee? After you're done
here tonight?'
'yeah, I'd like that,' Yohji smiled and leaned in for one small, chaste kiss. Just as he pulled back, there
was a rap at the door. Ran sat up, straightening his shirt and stood. 'yes?' he called out as Yohji
reached for his beer, taking a small drink.
'Mr. Fujimiya,' the attendant bowed as he entered the room, 'you have a call sir,' his eyes flicked to
Yohji before dismissing him. Yohji stood, 'well, man,' he said as he sat his beer down on the table,
'this was nice, real nice, but I gotta get back and round up the guys for the next set.'
'wait a moment,' Ran asked, and turned back to the attendant. 'Thank you, Ichiro, I will take the call
here. You may have the reset of the evening off, as well as tomorrow. I will see you Monday.' 'very
good sir,' Ichiro answered, 'the call is holding on line 3.' With that, he left the room.
Ran turned back to Yohji, 'I'll meet you at the stage entrance, after the set, if that's alright?' he asked,
a bit uncertain. Ran seemed unsure and Yohji's suspicions grew, combined with the hope he'd
glimpsed before, the uncertainty of the kiss... he stepped forward, running the back of his hand
against Ran's face, smiling as Ran unconsciously leaned into the touch. 'yeah babe, that's fine' Yohji
answered softly.
Ran's eyes widened at the endearment, then closed as Yohji again took the chance for a soft, quick
kiss. 'give me a minute after to help with clean up and tell the guys, ' Yohji kissed the top of Ran's
head and stepped back. 'until later' he smiled and left.
Ran cleared his throat, then jumped as the phone beeped twice, a reminder of the call holding. 'this is
Ran,' he answered as he picked up the receiver.
'About damn time boy,' a voce snapped back, 'what are you doing that is so important as to make me
wait?' the caller growled.
Ran stiffened, his eyes hardening as he replied in a formal tone, carefully devoid of emotion. 'Father. I
was not aware you were the caller holding. This is my night off, I am not on Krittiker business tonight.
I did not expect your call.'
'You are always representing Krittiker, I've told you that several times boy. I should not have to track
you down like this. You have a cell phone, though fat lot of good it does if you turn the damn thing
off.' His father answered disdainfully, 'I don't like waiting Ran, especially for you.'
Ran sighed, quietly, 'I did not expect to hear from you, Father. I explained that. I am scheduled to
have tonight and tomorrow off. I left my cell phone in the car. What is so important that you felt the
need to track me, as you put it.' Ran kept his tone formal, but inside he was seething... his father
knew he was scheduled for the weekend off, his first in months.
'You have a meeting tomorrow morning, at your-'
'but, Father I -,'
"no buts Ran. You will meet with Mamaru and his young talent. I want that boy signed Ran. Business
doesn't stop so you can have a sleep in. You be there, 8am, no excuses. Sign that kid. Don't

disappoint me. Any more than usual at any rate.' His father hung up, leaving Ran holding the receiver
in frustration.
Ran took a deep breath and unclenched his fist from around the receiver. He fought against the
tension settling in his jaw and shoulders from talking with his father. He closed his eyes and brought
Yohji to mind, a smile taking over his features as he recalled their meeting. His hands flew to his lips,
trembling as he remembered the feel of Yohji. His heart sped up, recalling Yohji's hands in his hair, on
his face. He blushed as he remembered Yohji's taste, smell, feel.
Taking a cleansing breath, Ran turned to watch Yohji on stage, smiling as he took in the moves, the
way Yohji so obviously felt the music. He watched, entranced by the look of bliss on Yohji's face as he
sang a slow ballad. He gasped as Yohji obviously focused on the smoked glass panels above the club
floor, seeming to sing to him from across the room. Ran lost himself watching Yohji. His voice, the
music, and the memory of Yohji's smile enveloped him, washing him clean of his father's venom. Ran
sipped his wine, allowing himself to relax. As things progressed, Ran took the time to change back to
his blazer. The set ended and Ran gathered his things, sending a text to his limo driver to be ready in
back in twenty minutes.
Ran made his way down to the stage area as the club began to clear out, staying near the exit. Yohji
spotted him watching and waved, smiling. He finished up, patting the drummer on the back and
turning toward Ran. 'See you guys later,' he called out as he made his way toward Ran. "so beautiful,'
he crooned as he came closer, 'ready for coffee?'
Ran's eyes widened at the endearment, and that smal smile ghosted over his face. He turned without
a reply and led Yohji out the stage entrance. His limo waited near the back door. He watched Yohji's
face as he came through the door, caught Yohji's eyes widening at the sight of the slick, white Lincoln,
and the smirk as he turned to Ran. 'Yours I take it?' Ran nodded and turned toward the car. The
chauffer opened the door as they approached.
Ran gave the name of a nearby overnight coffee house, and the two men seated themselves. 'So, was
that ballad new?' Ran asked, 'I don't remember it from last month's show.'
'Yeah. It wasn't ready yet.' Yohji replied. 'we only got it synched up recently. This is only the second
time we have performed it.' He turned toward Ran, 'did you like it?' his voice dropped, grew more
husky as he took in the vision of Ran silhouetted against the window, with the flashing lights passing
behind him as the made their way. Ran's eyes were intent on Yohji, darkening, dropping a bit as
Yohji's voice lowered. Ran's gaze flicked down to Yohji's lips, then quickly back to those emerald orbs .
Ran cleared his throat and barely licked his lips. Yohji's small grin grew, spreading across his face.
'Yes," Ran murmured, 'Yes I did like the ballad. Actually, it was very...' he tilted his head, and
smirked, just a bit. 'very... Sinatra-ish.' His eyes twinkled.
Yohji laughed. 'Sinatra-ish?' He chuckled again. 'Well, I guess you're right. It is reminiscent of Frank,
isn't it? I guess I hadn't made the connection.' He smiled warmly, 'great, now every time I sing it I'll
be picturing Frank.' His eyes softened, 'and you, I think.' He leaned forward slowly, raising one hand
to cup Ran's face.
Ran cleared his throat and pulled back slightly. 'Yohji,' he started. Took a breath and began again,
'Yohji. I'd like to get to know you, as I said, but I think we should clarify some things before we go
further.' He frowned slightly, and tilted his head.
Yohji sat back, dropping his hand. 'clarify huh?' he asked, his cynicism coming to the fore. 'like what
Ran?' Ran's frown deepened as he heard the coldness creep into Yohji's voice, and the obvious
disdain as Yohji said his name. He took in Yohji's crossed arms, the tightening of Yohji's jaw as he
turned to look out the window. His eyes widened as Yohji's flat voice filled the car. 'OK. I get it,
alright? How many? What's the offer huh? You said no contract, so what? A shot? An extra vote at the
next competition? Thanks. But no. Interested or not, I won't make the deal. We'll make it on our own.
I'm not a whore, despite what you may have heard. Just drop me here Ran. Thanks anyway.' Yohji

turned back to Ran, eyes hard. 'you could have saved the trouble and just come out with it right off.
Sorry you wasted your time.' Yohji glared at Ran and Ran felt his chest tighten as he took in the hurt
filled voice, the bitter words, and began to understand.
'No.' he whispered. 'no Yohji, that's not-'
'oh cut the shit Ran' again Yohji used that tone as he said Ran's name. Ran decided he hated his
name sounding that way. 'just stop the car man. I'm outa here. Go clarify that.'
'Yohji' Ran reached out to touch Yohji's arm, but flinched as Yohji pulled back. He dropped his hands
to his lap and focused his gaze there as he began to speak. 'no Yohji, you've... you've misunderstood,
I think' Ran cleared his throat, his hands now clenched tightly together. He felt Yohji focus his glare on
him and shrank in on himself more. 'I'm... I'm sorry Yohji, i-' Ran clenched his jaw and closed his
eyes. He was sorry. Sorry he'd wasted the evening. He could have relaxed, rested, spent some time
on his bonsai, or more time with Aya. He should have known this wouldn't work. What the hell had he
been thinking? He took hold of himself and sat straighter. Remember who you are, he thought. 'I
meant' Ran growled, 'I meant to clarify that ... that this has nothing to do with Krittiker, or the music
industry. That it can't have any connection, in any way. I meant if-' he took a shuddering breath, his
eyes still closed, not seeing Yohji begin to loosen, his eyes intent on Ran's face.
Yohji's glance flicked down to take in those hands, clenched in his jacket hem, back up to the obvious
pain on Ran's face as his voice dropped to a rasped whisper. 'if we...' he continued, 'were to pursue...
anything. Get to know each other, there could not be any, any business involved.' Ran's eyes opened
then. Growing cold, hard, they turned to his lap. Yohji was startled at the coldness he could glimpse,
even from the profile. He started to uncross his arms.
'I wanted to clarify,' Ran went on, 'that you should look to other labels so... so there would be no...so
no one would think' a breath, 'what you're obviously thinking.' Another small breath and the voice
grew slightly colder, less... lost. 'I did not want anything of the business between us. I told you, I was
interested in you apart from WEISS, from music. I meant that...' Ran's voice trailed off for a moment.
'I never thought you were a whore.' His voice grew harder, flat. Not lost, shy, or cold now, just...
empty. His eyes closed briefly, then raised to Yohji's confused gaze. 'nor, am I. I am not looking for a
whore either, though, I guess that may be hard to imagine.' His eyes closed again missing Yohji's
obvious bewilderment at that last statement. 'perhaps you are correct.' Ran's face closed completely
now, a blank, dead mask that Yohji instantly hated. Not a shred of emotion there now, his voice flat.
No glimpse of the fragile, almost scared young man from earlier, not a hint of the pain or hope. Just
this cold, deadness. 'this was obviously a mistake.' The voice matched the face, dead, devoid of any
inflection or emotion. 'I apologize for wasting your time. You are surely a busy man.' Ran turned to
the intercom control on the door panel. 'Yuri, please return to the club. Mr. Kudoh will not be-'
'Wait.' Yohji cut him off, 'wait, please. Can... can we talk about this?'
' there is nothing to discuss Mr. Kudoh-'
Again, Yohji cut him off. 'obviously, we both misunderstood something. Please Ran, let's just talk
about it for a moment.'
Ran considered Yohji, still that deadness in his eyes. 'very well Mr. Kudoh. We can talk.' He turned
back, having not released the intercom, 'continue, Yuri, to the NightHouse.' He released the button
and sat back in his seat without turning back to Yohji, his gaze forward.
Yohji took in the rigid posture, the formal use of his name, and the bleak deadness. He took a deep
breath and ran a hand through his hair. 'Ran I'm... I guess I'm wrong, obviously I'm wrong about...
about what I thought. I'm sorry, please ... please let me explain.' He leaned forward. Ran didn't flinch
or pull away. He remained there, dead, empty. Yohji'd seen this bleakness, this hollowness, before in
a person. It was almost as though Ran wasn't there anymore. Like this was just, just a shell. Yohji had
hated it then, and he hated it now. He was determined to bring Ran back, out of this void. He took a
deep breath. 'Ran. I ... well, I have... this reputation. I admit, in the rock world, it's almost

expected... I've, let- let it be built up, but it's not accurate. I'm sure you've heard the rumors, the
stories, the excessiveness. I admit, I've been with my share of women, and men, but, not nearly as
much as is reported in the media. I allowed it to be blown up. The rep keeps expectations down, no
one expects you to really care. Sometimes, people think it means... you're ...' he sighed, 'anyway.
I've been approached before because of it. Some seem to think I'm willing to sleep our way along, I'm
not. The band is not. We want to make it our way, for our music, not for favors. I'm...sorry Ran. I, I
assumed when you began-'
'yes' Ran's clipped voice cut him off. 'yes, I gathered that.' Still that flat, deadness. 'you assumed I
was one of those people, and wanted clarification of terms. I understand, I also get it.' Ran still had
not looked at Yohji.
'Ran?' Yohji whispered, 'Ran, look at me.' Ran turned those hollow eyes and blank mask to face Yohji.
Yohji winced, 'Ran, I'm sorry, i-'
'Kudoh,' Ran spoke, 'forget it. You're not a whore,' the venom broke through then into his voice,
although the eyes remained unchanged. 'nor am I.' now the voice turned cold. 'I'm not Krittiker's
whore, despite what you may have heard. Nor, despite the obvious, do I engage in seeking the
services of whores.' He turned back to the front, again missing the complete bafflement on Yohji's face
at that statement. 'I do not enter into those types of contracts with any performers. Anyone endorsed
by me has earned their chance through their talents in music, not the bedroom. I told you at the
beginning there is not a contract available for WEISS. Your band is talented, someone will offer soon, I
am quite certain. Krittiker will not. We have no other openings in this genre at this time.' Ran cut off
as the limo slowed and stopped.
The driver approached the door, 'Here, the NightHouse,' Ran said as the door opened. 'Yuri will tell
them you're on my tab, order whatever you like. Provision will be left for a cab to take you wherever
you choose. It was-' Ran faltered. Just for a moment, closed his eyes, then continued, 'it was a
pleasure to have met you Mr. Kudoh. Good luck in future endeavors.' He sat, eyes forward, obviously
waiting for Yohji to leave the car. Yohji sat there, just waiting. Ignoring the open door, Yuri standing
by. Finally, Ran turned to face him. 'yes Mr. Kudoh. Was there something else?'
'Yes.' Yohji answered seriously. 'Yes, there is. I want to go back.'
Ran blinked, that small wrinkle between his eyes, just for a moment, confusion flashing through his
eyes briefly. 'Very well, the cab can return you to the club if you wish.'
'No Ran.' Yohji leaned over, placing on hand on Ran's shoulder, turning him to face Yohji. 'No. Not
back to the club.' He looked intently into Ran's eyes, as though he could ignite life there in those violet
depths by will alone. 'Back to where we were before. Before I was an ass, before I jumped to such a
damning conclusion...Please Ran. Come back. Let me get to know you, the you I saw before. I don't
like this' he waved a hand vaguely over Ran. 'This version, this robot. Come back. Please.' His eyes
never left Ran's or he would have missed it, it was so fast. A flash of pain, then the mask slammed
back into place.
'I'm sorry.' Ran spoke. 'there has been some miscommunication, a misunderstanding. This is me.
Krittiker Representative, Ran Fujimiya. I regret if-'
'No Ran!' Yohji growled. 'I'm sorry. I screwed up. I admit it, I was wrong. Please.' His voice dropped,
almost to a whisper. 'Please give it a shot. Us a shot. I know you felt it too Ran.' Again, his focus so
sharp on Ran's face, he caught that brief flash of hope, that hint he'd seen at the club before when
they were close. He pounced. "Ran. I know you did. The connection, this...pull. This feels right Ran,
you know it does. Don't let my bullshit screw this up. Give me a chance. Please.'
Ran sat still a moment longer, then ­ slowly ­ his posture began to ease. He... thawed it seemed. His
eyes closed, his tension easing off until his shoulders dropped ever so slightly. His head lowered and
his hands again began to wring in his hem. 'I' he stopped, 'I don't think,' he rasped.

Yohji cut him off. 'No! Ran, no. I know this is right. We connected. I know, it sounds lame. But you felt
it too., There's something there. There's a chance. We can start over, we can. Come with me. Have
coffee. We can talk about whatever you want. I'm sorry. Don't throw this away, please Ran.'
Ran raised his eyes and Yohji gasped. There. There was that Ran again from the club. Vulnerable,
hopeful, lightly confused, fearfully hopeful. The desire too, just a hint. Not the sultry flash of desire
from earlier. This was a desire for... what? Acceptance?
'Ku- Yohji. I don't think- it- I want- please.' Ran's voice dropped, almost breathless by the end, as one
hand seemed to raise of its own volition toward Yohji. Yohji quickly grabbed the hand, bringing it up to
the side of his face. He held Ran's hand there, leaning into the caress as Ran lightly stroked, his
fingers barely tracing in to Yohji's hair. Yohji leaned forward, slowly so slowly. 'Ran,' he whispered
'please, please don't give up. Don't let me screw this up.' He leaned in and lightly touched Ran's lips
with his own. A feather lite touch. He felt Ran's sigh and leaned in again. Slightly longer this time,
light kisses tracing back and forth across Ran's mouth. He began to nip at Ran's lower lip, barely
caressing with his tongue. He felt Ran's hand shift back into his hair, gripping tightly.
Suddenly, that passion he'd glimpsed briefly before resurfaced, full strength. Ran's other hand shot up
to Yohji's neck and he pulled Yohji to him, opening his mouth with a gasp. He began to devour Yohji.
Yohji was ready. He'd banked on this. He brought both arms up to cradle Ran. Crushing him closer,
swallowing Ran's whimper, the moan that followed. Yohji let his own moan escape and was delighted
to feel Ran's heartbeat jump against his chest as he voiced it. Yohji wrenched his mouth from Ran's,
launching to his neck. Nipping, kissing, taking in the panting, the clenched hands in his hair. 'Ran' he
gasped. 'Ran, I-' Yohji ran kisses over Ran's neck and up his jaw. Back to that amazing mouth, forcing
himself to slow it down he brought them back from the edge. Back to themselves. 'Ran' he whispered
again. 'I want you.' He felt Ran shiver against him, then a hint of tension returned. 'I do Ran, but...'
Yohji pulled back, taking in Ran's flushed face, closed eyes, head back, lightly panting. 'I want to do
this right Ran. Let me. Let me do this right, whatever this is, please. Let me... date you, know you.'
Ran's eyes shot open and he froze. All movement ceased, even breath. Not in anger, or distress it
seemed, but utter shock. 'what?' Ran's almost breathless query Yohji felt more than heard. He
searched Ran's face. Such a look there, such fear, hope, disbelief. Yohji's heart broke. 'Ran' he stroked
the side of Ran's neck, brushed bangs back from Ran's eyes. 'let me date you. Let's do this right. I... I
think we can have something Ran, really. I wanna do this right. Let me.'
Ran seemed..lost. 'you, you want to... date me? Kn- know me? But, why?' '
'Ran.' Yohji pulled Ran close, holding him, relishing the feeling of this treasure in his arms. 'I think we
can have something. Something... real. I don't- I don't want a quick fuck Ran, I'd ... I'd like to explore
this... connection, this ... whatever this is. Maybe... maybe we can have... more. I ... I would like to
have ...more, Ran. I, I'm ready Ran, ready to find... someone. With this, this... connection, with the
common areas we have already, maybe... maybe we can find that.' Yohji pulled back, 'let's start over.
Talk, huh? Let's talk.' He watched Ran's eyes clear, watched him nod, straighten and run a hand over
the back of his neck. Ran raised his eyes to Yohji's. 'o-ok. Start over.' He glanced past Yohji to the
open door, knew Yuri waited out of sight. 'Ok, let's, let's have a coffee.'
Yohji grinned. 'yep. Coffee.' He climbed out of the limo and turned to watch Ran exit the car as well.
Ran turned to Yuri, speaking briefly. 'very good sir.' Yuri replied softly, and Ran turned and led the
way inside.
'Ran!' a young woman bounced over from the back of the room as they entered the front door. 'hey
Ran.' She breathed as she took his hand. 'long time no see. How are you? I, I saw Aya this afternoon.
She looks... well.' Yohji caught Ran's wince as the girl spoke. Ran's obvious discomfort as she began
to lock her arm with his. Yohji leaned a bit closer and threw an arm around Ran's shoulder. 'hey
sweetheart.' Yohji smiled at her. An open, friendly smile that he let harden a bit as he lightly squeezed
Ran's shoulder, making certain she took in the gesture. 'I'm Yohji.'

'oh!' Ran started. 'I'm, I'm sorry.' He cleared his throat. 'Sakura, this is Yohji. He's a...' Ran looked
briefly to Yohji, obviously uncertain how to proceed. Was Yohji ok telling people he was Ran's date?
Was this a date? Were they friends? Ran's uncertainty grew as the pause lengthened.
Yohji watched the play of emotions on Ran's face. Uncertainty, doubt. He squeezed again, briefly, and
dropped his arm. He reached forward to shake Sakura's hand. 'I'm a new friend of Ran's. we've done
some business. Just stopped for some coffee?' his smile grew slightly brittle again, and Ran blinked.
'Sorry!' Sakura gasped, 'of, of course. This, this way.' She led them to a back table and left, slightly
bemused. 'I'll, I'll get yours Ran.' She walked away.
'so.' Yohji smiled warmly, discreetly taking Yohji's hand in his own. They were shielded from the room.
If Ran didn't want this it would be easy to not be seen. 'regular huh?' Ran's eyes widened as he felt
Yohji's hand on his own, darting from their hands to Yohji 's eyes. Warm, beautiful, deep green eyes.
So peaceful, so... accepting. No scorn, no disdain. Ran relaxed, and slightly turned his hand to
entwine their fingers. Just as he began to smile, that small hovering smile from the club, the almost
shy, happy smile with no falsity, the one Yohji had now decided was his smile-
'Ran, here- oh!' Ran's shoulders tensed and he flushed, about to pull away, but Yohji squeezed and
kept his eyes focused on Ran until the smile ghosted in his eyes again. Ran squeezed back, lightly.
Yohji turned his eyes to the girl. She was waiting, watching their hands. She looked... sad, resigned,
as she raised her eyes to Yohji's. 'have you decided what you'd like?' she asked Yohji. Sullen, but not
angry, just... yeah, resigned. 'yeah sweetheart.' Yohji smiled, 'I'd like a mocha cinnamon, thanks.' He
watched as she walked away, dejected. She'd obviously had hopes for Ran, and seeing their fingers
entwined had realized it was not going to happen. Yohji frowned lightly. He hoped she just dropped it.
The whole woman scorned thing flashed through his mind. He turned again to Ran.
'So, regular enough that she knew your order without a thought. What are you having Ran?. Yohji
Ran glanced at his drink then back to Yohji. 'vanilla bean' he said 'Its an indulgence of mine.'
'Vanilla.' Yohji said flatly. 'your indulgence is Vanilla' he laughed lightly.
'what?' Ran asked, confused. 'what's wrong with Vanil a? I like it.' Ran's brow creased as Yohji
chuckled a bit harder.
'nothing's wrong with it Ran, just ­' he stopped laughing, smiling warmly he reached over to brush a
stray bit of hair back from Ran's eyes, 'it's just' he went on, 'most people indulge a bit more....
extravagantly. That's all.' He let his eyes roam over Ran's face, memorizing. 'I'm guessing you don't
indulge yourself very often though, do you?'
Ran blinked. 'Well-"
'Here's your mocha,' the girl was back. Her resignation now a bit colder as she turned to Ran. 'I'm off
now Ran. Just settle up with Charlie before you go.' She turned to leave. 'Wait.' Ran reached for her,
but she sidestepped neatly. She stopped and turned back half way. 'what Ran?' she asked, sullen.
'You, you saw Aya this afternoon?' Ran asked, his voice small and tinged with pain, Yohji noticed.
'She... she seemed well, you said?'
Sakura sighed and turned more fully toward Ran. Looking only at him, she failed to notice Yohji's
intent gaze. 'Yes Ran. She... she seemed ...ok. No ... no change or anything.' Yohji took in the flash of
anguish that flew over Ran's features, then the droop of his shoulders as though an intense weight
were lain on them. 'no change' he whispered. He raised his eyes back to Saukra, Yohji obviously
momentarily forgotten. 'Thank you.' Ran whispered, 'thank you for being her friend, for not.... Not..
giving up after, after so long.'

Sakura melted at Ran's pain. She leaned over to lightly touch his face. 'I love her too, Ran' she
cleared her throat and took hold of herself, closing her eyes. She turned to Yohji. He kept his face
impassive, pretending he hadn't glimpsed the love shining from her eyes as she touched Ran, or the
pain and defeat as she'd glanced at their hands entwined on the table. 'It was nice to meet a friend of
Ran's.' she said, 'you're... you're the first I've, I've met. I'll' she closed her eyes for a moment, "I'll see
you Ran. Take care of yourself.' She turned and left.
Ran turned back to Yohji as Sakura walked away. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his drink. He
looked up to see Yohji watching him intently. 'what?' he asked without thinking.
Yohji narrowed his eyes, then smiled. 'are you okay?' he asked, tilting his head. 'it's been... quite an
evening these last few hours.' He smiled again as Ran looked down with a slight blush. Yohji reached
across the table to lightly caress Ran's neck. 'you look tired Ran. I'm sorry.' He dropped his hand
down to trace circles over the back of Ran's hand still entwined with his own on the tabletop.
Ran sighed. 'it's been... a long day.'
'Tell me about it?' Yohji asked quietly.
Ran stilled a moment, his eyes searching Yohji's face. Finally, having seemed to see something he
found reassuring, he nodded. 'I, I don't generally show so much emotion as has been displayed this
night. I am... more... reticent, private, than you may believe from earlier. ' he coughed lightly. 'I... I
knew that you would be playing at Indulgence tonight, obviously. I... had.. admitted to myself my...
interest. I also knew that you are comfortable dating both men and women.' He cleared his throat. 'I
was scheduled off this weekend, and... wanted to, to meet you. I-' he shook, just slightly, as he forced
himself to look at Yohji steadily. 'I wanted to... get to know you.' Ran stopped, taking a drink from his
latte. 'knowing you'd dated men before, I ... I asked around, just a bit, discreetly, as to your...
personality. I ignore media for the most part. I wanted to know more about who you are personally. I,
however did note, from media reports, that you are often... seen with redheads. This ... gave me an..
incentive to... try.' Ran couldn't talk anymore. He lowered his eyes to the table.
Yohji raised his hand and gently lifted Ran's chin to look him in the eye. 'Ran' he whispered, 'it's OK.
I'm glad you came. I'm glad we talked and ... ' he smiled and traced the back of his hand over Ran's
jaw. 'I'm very glad you agreed to let me get to know you. I know it will likely be different from what
you're normally used to, but, I really think it could be worth it.'
'used to?' Ran tilted his head, then shook his head. 'Yohji, I-' suddenly, he sat up straighter, growled
low, 'fuck it' , and, looking Yohji in the eye, stated clearly, 'Yohji, I'm not used to anything. I do social
events for Krittiker, for work. I have no...' he stopped a moment, clenched his jaw and went on, 'I
have no normal to be used to. No comparison to make. My father is vehemently opposed to my
preference and thus far I have not had the nerve to openly defy him. There has not been anyone ...
worth the risk, the... difficulty. Not discounting the obvious issues that I would encounter in the first
place.' He ran his fingers through his hair. 'This, this probably shouldn't happen. At the very least we
would have to be discreet, very discreet. There will be repercussions you are not aware of should it
get back to my father. I, I understand if you want out-'
'No.' Yohji spoke at last.
Ran drooped, eyes closed. 'I understand.' He murmured. 'Thank you Yohji for-'
'No Ran.' Yohji's warm smiling voice penetrated Ran;s despair, forcing him to look up. 'No, I don't
think you do understand.' Yohji went on. ' I said no, as in don't push me away, don't back out already.
Not No, you're not worth the trouble.' He leaned over a little. 'I've told you Ran, you may very well be
worth any effort it takes, very worth it.' He sat back and released Ran's hand. 'I can be discreet Ran, if
that's what it takes. Let's see where this goes, hmm? We can figure it out as we go.' He tilted his
head, 'and what is this 'obvious' thing you keep referring to when you talk about not having dated
before anyway?'

Ran scoffed at Yohji, an obvious look of disbelief crossing his features. 'Yohji, please. At least let's be
honest. I know my... appearance is not, not what you would likely be drawn to, other than the red
hair. I'm not oblivious to my own drawbacks. I'm glad we were able to talk, and that you've been
curious enough to go along-'
'Ran. What the hell are you talking about?' Yohji cut him off. 'are you sitting there trying to tell me
you are unattractive? Is that what all those little comments were about? Who in the world told you
that load of bullshit and why would you believe it?' Yohji's voice went from lightly confused to slightly
angry at the end. 'look Ran. Don't sit there are degrade yourself, I won't listen to it. If someone filled
your head with nonsense about you not looking good, it's just that, nonsense. You are a very, very
sexy man Ran. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that was the reason I first agreed to even talk to you. I do
have a thing for redheads. And you, you are delicious, really. But damn, Ran, you could have lime
green hair and you'd still be incredibly sexy. Freaky, probably wouldn't talk to you, but still, very
Ran's eyes flew open with shock 'What?'
'OK Ran, who was it, kids in school growing up? An early crush who wasn't interested? Who knocked
you down so hard or so often you actually started to buy into it?' Yohji asked, seriously, concern and
anger warring within him.
Ran dropped his eyes, not really wanting to answer, to get into the issues he had with his father this
early. Surely, if Yohji realized what he was likely to really get into, he would just break it off just that
much sooner.
'tell me Ran. Who was it? I meant it, it's bullshit, you are... incredible Ran. Just, breathtaking. I am
very attracted to you, physically as well as more. Talking with you even this short amount of time
tonight has shown me there is so much more. I am very interested in getting to know you better, to
letting you get to know me. But, the physical attraction was there first. It's very there Ran.' Yohji
stopped a moment, taking in Ran's obvious skeptical gaze. 'Look, never mind, you can tell me when
you're ready, but I want you to put whatever they told you out of your head and listen to me ­ sexy,
sexy, sexy.' Yohji smirked by the end of his little tirade, and let the lust and desire show clearly in his
eyes. 'now, I meant it earlier. Let's date. Start a friendship first. I know, it's old fashioned, a little off
from the reputation, but like I explained earlier ­ most of that is hype anyway. Mostly.' He smiled
again, softly and sat back. 'So, where should we go on our first date, hm? You said you're off
tomorrow, so am I-' he cut off as Ran's face fell. 'what now?'
'That call, earlier at the club, I have an early meeting tomorrow' Ran's face darkened. 'my father was
calling to advise me of the meeting. It's...unavoidable.' Ran growled lowly, then softened 'I'm, I'm
'Hey, it's ok' Yohji glanced at his watch. 'so, how early is early Ran. It's close to one now.'
Ran sighed, 'eight am at my office.'
'Well,' Yohji said, 'how long do you think it will be? We could get together later, after maybe.'
Ran smiled, a wider, brighter smile than Yohji had seen yet. An almost full smile. 'I'd like that Yohji,
really.' Ran reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a business card, scribbling on the back. 'this
is my cell. Call me say, around two, or three? I should be done by then. We can go wherever you like,
and then, maybe dinner?'
'yeah, that sounds good.' Yohji answered. 'Maybe we should call it a night. Sleep on it. I don't know
about you, but these last few hours on this little emotional roller coaster have about worn me out.
What say we conclude this evening and start over tomorrow?'

'yes.' Ran stood. 'I'll get the check and we-' Yohji grabbed his wrist softly. 'wait Ran, just... just one
more thing.'
'what?' Ran asked expectantly as he sat back down.
'Before we go our separate ways, I just have one last question.' Yohji said quietly, watching Ran.
'sure Yohji, ask me anything.' Ran answered, curious.
Yohji watched Ran's face closely as he asked softly, 'Ran, who's Aya?' Yohji was glad he'd been intent.
Ran's eyes slammed closed, but not before Yohji caught a flash of anguish. 'Ran?' Ran had paled to an
almost ghostly white and he trembled slightly, his fists clenched tight and he swallowed. 'Are you ok?'
Yohji felt like an idiot. He'd seen the pain earlier when the girl spoke about Aya. He should have just
left it alone. 'Ran. I'm sorry. Forget it OK? Just-'
Ran kept his eyes closed, but spoke quietly, cutting into Yohji's reassurance. 'my sister' he rasped,
voice laced with pain he obviously tried to contain. 'she's... she's my sister.' He took a very deep
breath, then opened his eyes. 'Aya's my little sister. She-' his breath hitched briefly, and he drew his
arms tightly about himself, as though to keep himself from falling apart. 'she's in a .. a coma.' He
whispered, barely voicing that phrase aloud. 'She's been asleep for a...very, long time. Over a year.'
His whisper grew in strength, but still quiet. He blinked and looked up to see Yohji's concerned eyes
watching him closely. 'she and Sakura went to school together. They were best friends. Sakura, she's
been ... very good to Aya, all this time.' His voice faded at the end. He visibly shook himself and sat
up straighter. Clearing his throat, he began again. 'Aya was...hit by a truck while we were riding
bicycles on her, on her birthday. The guy was drunk, he... he said he never saw her. She ... she flew
quite, quite a distance. She hit her head. Her helmet kept her from being killed, but, well, she has not
woken since. ' Ran's voice broke, and tears began to build in his eyes as he went on, 'They, they
say...say she probably, won't-' Ran's grip about his body grew tighter as he tried hard to hold on.
God, he hadn't said that out loud for a long, long time. Anyone who knew him, knew of Aya's
situation. He visited her, he talked to her, but always with that fierce hope. He had not had to relive
her injury or acknowledge the doctor's pessimism to anyone else for so long. He dimly registered a
presence behind him, but rather than responding according to his martial arts training,
acknowledging, preparing to defend, he barely felt it so intense was his pain in his gut. He could
barely breathe...
'Ran.' Yohji soothed as he reached around, taking Ran in his arms, 'god Ran, I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm a
real idiot, I shouldn't have asked such a question. Shhh, it's ok, I'm here Ran, you're not alone.' Yohji
continued to soothe, whispering nothings, comforting as well as he could.
Ran's trembling began to ease and he took a shuddering, deep breath. He let himself lean into that
strong, warm embrace, relishing the feel of Yohji stroking his hair, his back. This felt so wonderful,
surrounded by Yohji's warmth and strength. Yohji's scent enveloped him, that beautiful voice calming
and soothing. He took another full breath and sat up a little. Yohji let go slowly, still rubbing a hand
over Ran's back. He reached around Ran and grabbed the small glass of water on the table. 'Here,
take a drink.'
'Thank you Yohji, really.' Ran sat up more fully.
'Are you ok?' Yohji's obvious warm concern washed over Ran.
'It's just been a while since I spoke of it. I'm sorry, you really didn't need to see that. Forgive me,
'oh yes I did,' Yohji answered grimly and Ran looked up surprised. 'don't hide from me Ran, don't
close up. I'd rather see that part of you, be able to be there for you, to hold you as you face it, to
support you through it, than to see that cold deadness from earlier in the car. Locking up your pain
will only make the deadness spread faster.'

Ran gasped, his eyes snapping to Yohji's 'how-'
Yohji's eyes softened and he again traced his fingers over the curve of Ran's jaw, his thumb caressing
Ran's lips. 'How did I know it was spreading, taking over, becoming more frequent, easier to give in
to? I think Ran, you need to let someone to see you, to feel with you, to see what you feel, and
respond to you, with you, before it's too late and it does take you over. It's ok to feel Ran, it's
important to feel. Pulling your pain out by the roots and abolishing it will not actually make it go away,
it just feeds the deadness until it grows so big, so encompassing, it takes over completely.'
'How?' Ran whispered, eyes wide. 'How could you know? That it's, that it's growing? That-'
'That it's taking you over? That you're more dead than alive much of the time? That you're losing
yourself or your ability to care about anything, to want to feel anything?' Yohji closed his eyes. He
began to trace circles on the table top. Then sighing he answered. 'I've seen it before Ran. I hated it. I
couldn't stop it, couldn't fight it. Right.' He sat up straight, crossing his arms over his chest and looked
Ran in the eye. 'Well, fair is fair I guess.' Ran looked so tired. A little confused. And heartwrenchingly
beautiful. Yohji smiled softly, warmly. 'Man, these runaway emotional rollercoasters sure tend to
exhaust their riders huh, Ran?' Yohji smiled a self mocking crook of a smile and shook his head ever
so slightly. 'my turn I guess, to take a short ride. To give you a part of myself.' Yohji closed his eyes,
taking a short, quick breath, he kept his eyes closed as he began. 'I almost married, almost two years
Yohji felt Ran stir slightly, but kept his eyes closed as he continued. 'Asuka was beautiful, amazing.
Loving, funny, smart, so smart... she was always so, carefree, so open, happy. She loved life and
everyone around her felt that love rolling off her. You had to love her back. You just had to and, God,
I did... so much.' He whispered at the end, then cleared his throat. His fists clenched as he went on.
'she ... she was, attacked, one night after work. I, I was supposed to pick her up, but I got
sidetracked, picking out a stupid guitar.' He growled that part, self loathing evident in his tone. 'I
almost quit music after, but, I know that's not what she would have wanted. She didn't blame me, but
I sure did, yes... very much.' He shook his head and went on. 'I was late, just a little over twenty
minutes or so. Rather than wait for me, being her independent self, Asuka decided to start walking,
figuring I'd catch up. When I got there, they told me she'd gone ahead and I started after her. A bit
down the way I heard,... heard her screaming.' He quickly opened his eyes, as though the sights in his
own head were to be avoided. His voice dropped, low, pain lacing every word, 'she... she was in the
next alley. They... they hurt her, were hurting..I ... I saw.' He growled, 'I almost killed them. I wish I
had killed them, all three of them.' He stopped, swallowed and took a breath. He swiped the palms of
his hands over his stinging eyes and looked to Ran. Wide eyed, concern evident, one hand lifted
slightly as though to reach for Yohji.
'she wouldn't let me help her Ran. She closed off completely. Wouldn't talk, wouldn't feel. She said
once that if she didn't feel, she didn't hurt and it would go away. She began to turn dead, cold, almost
exactly the same cold, deadness you showed in the car. Only, more... brittle, I think. Finally, it grew
to be too much for her, I guess. About, five months after the attack, she... I found her...' Yohji
couldn't breathe. He tried to catch his breath, to get some control, but he just couldn't.
This time it was Ran's strong arms pulling Yohji into his embrace. He held Yohji tightly in his arms.
'Yohji,' Ran's deep voice calmed Yohji's breathing, 'Yohji, it's ok. I know, I do. The helplessness, the
pain. It's ok.' He held tighter, murmuring in Yohji's ear. 'it's ok.' He felt Yohji's heart rate slow, his
breathing even out. Slowly Yohji came to himself, but made no move to pull away. Instead he leaned
back a bit, bringing his own arms down to lay along Ran's, entwining their fingers. 'it's been a while
Ran, since I've told anyone. I'm ok. It was a long time ago. It just still, hurts. I loved her, very much.'
He sat for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being held, strong arms holding him securely. He sighed
and looked up. 'Thanks Ran, really.' He sat up a little straighter. 'well, it has been quite a night Ran.
And now, I feel as exhausted as you look.' He chuckled, 'and, from the little I've come to know you,
I'm guessing if you look tired, you must be damn near dead, huh?' he smirked and pulled back,
patting Ran's shoulder. 'so, let's call it a night, huh? We'll start over tomorrow. Do this the normal
way.' He smiled.

'yes' Ran answered, standing, rolling his shoulders. As normal as can be, for us, at any rate.' He
smiled a very small smile. 'let me get the check, I'll be right back.' Ran left Yohji a bit to collect
himself. He returned a few moments later and held out to Yohji an envelope.
'what's this?' Yohji asked
Looking a little sheepish, Ran answered 'well, it's rather late. I sent Yuri home earlier, I figured we
could take a cab. Do, do you mind?'
'no, that's fine. No problem' Yohji answered, perplexed, 'but still, what's this?'
'Well. That's fare, for the cab, and...' Ran dropped his eyes, 'and some cash, for.. for tomorrow's...
date.' He took a quick breath. ' I figured, you pick, you... plan things, and ... I can pay for it.' He
anxiously looked at Yohji. 'please, let me do this. Without it being awkward. Please? Money means
nothing to me Yohji. It's a tool. A means to an end. I don't... don't want it to be a problem.' He
dropped his gaze back to the floor.
'Ran.' Yohji stood and raised Ran's chin to look at him. 'it's fine Ran. That's a good plan.' He grinned.
'really. I'll plan the best dates ever. Leave it to me.'
Ran breathed easier, that small special smile making a quick appearance. They went out front,
signaling for two cabs. Yohji was floored when Ran lightly cupped the back of his head, bringing him in
for a soft, slow kiss. His tongue just barely tracing over Yohji's, both hands playing lightly in Yohji's
hair. Just as Yohji began to heat up, considering taking the kiss a little further, Ran pulled back,
nipping a bit at Yohji's lip, and pressing their foreheads together. 'Yohji' he breathed, and Yohji almost
melted to hear his name sound that way, heat pooling in his groin. He moaned lightly. 'I've wanted to
do that for... a long time.' Ran breathed, his sultry, breathless voice continuing as the fog began to
clear from Yohji's mind. 'a very long time.' Ran leaned in, taking one more soft, light kiss, then pulling
back. He looked up at Yohji with such a look as Yohji'd never seen before. A light of happiness
sparkling in his eyes, a gentle blush over his face, his lips parted the slightest bit, and that special
smile ghosting over his features. Behind the sparkle was a vulnerability, as though the boldness was
engineered. A dusting of fear and worry, doubt, insecurity maybe, hovering deep in those eyes behind
the shy sparkle.
'oh Ran' Yohji whispered, 'damn you're beautiful.' He kissed each of Ran's eyes, cupping his face in his
hands. 'tomorrow Baby. Tomorrow will be so good, I promise.' He kissed the top of Ran's head and
stepped back a full step. 'Ran.' He spoke firmly. 'if... If I don't go, now, I'm gonna take this budding
friendship to a whole new level, way, way too fast.' He smiled. 'tomorrow. Tomorrow we date.' He
took his hands away from Ran and stuffed them in his pockets. 'let's go on home for now. I'll call
tomorrow. Sleep well Ran, and think of me.' Yohji blew Ran a light kiss and entered his cab.
Ran watched the cab drive away, still not quite believing tonight. He shook himself and entered his
own cab. 'The Garden Towers' he told the cabbie and sat back for the ride home.