Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ MUSIC OF MY SOUL ❯ FIRST DATE ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own Weiss, Aya/Ran, Yohji, or any other character from this anime or manga, or

any other. I am writing/posting for my own enjoyment. No profit is made. Well, except the
stress relief I get in writing it, and the warm and fuzzies I get if someone likes it. But as those are
totally intangible, I don't think it counts. =)





Ran concluded the Mamaru contract meeting just after noon. He escorted the group from
the building and stopped at the in house café on the ground floor to pick up a soup and
sandwich for a light lunch. Just as he returned to his office, his cell rang. Ran didnt
recognize the number, but answered, cradling the phone to his shoulder as he sat out his
soup. ,,Fujimaiya here

,,hey babe. Ran gasped as Yohjis warm, smiling voice brought to mind those beautiful eyes,
that mouth, the feel of Yohjis arms.... The warmth Ran had held at bay all morning.....
,,Yohji he breathed as he sat, the smile he couldnt keep from his voice almost showing on
his face. ,,you called

,,of course I called Ran, Yohji chuckled, ,,a little early, I admit, but I hoped you wouldnt
mind. You busy?

,,no, actually. Ran answered, ,,Mamarus group just left. I was just sitting down to some
lunch. Hows your day going? Ran took a bite of his sandwich.

,,Well, actually pretty good. Unlike you, I had the morning off. Slept in nice and late. But, I
thought of you as I woke. Especially since I couldnt get your out of my head all night.
Yohjis voice dropped, grown husky by the end, ,,took forever to fall asleep Ran. Ive been
looking forward to see you again. It took me some thought, but I think I have hit on the
perfect forum for our first date. I just have one question.

,,whats that Yohji? And what have you planned? Ran asked, blushing at Yohjis words about
thinking of him. Ran had barely slept for thinking of those kisses, the feelings Yohji awoke
in him. Hed wanted more, shamelessly wanted so much more. He hadnt dared act on it,
but gods hed wanted Yohji. The feeling of being held in that warm, strong embrace last
night had almost undone him. And then, to take Yohji into his own arms, to be able to hold
him tight, to give the comfort Yohjid so obviously needed at the time. It had taken all Rans
strength to step back and not embarrass himself by asking Yohji for more right then. He
still couldnt quite believe Yohjis assertion that they should date first. A part of him was
convinced Yohjid been trying to let Ran down easy, to give himself a way out. He had not
been convinced Yohji would call, or if he did, that it wouldnt be to cancel.... But here he
was, saying hed thought if Ran too, was looking forward to their date.....

,,...like, Ran? Ran shook himself as he realized Yohji had asked him a question and hed
missed it. ,,Im sorry, Yohji, what? I didnt quite hear you. Please, what did you ask?

,,I wondered what your tastes are, for dinner. We never talked last night about what you
like, besides vanilla bean lattes anyway, Yohji chuckled, ,,any special likes, dislikes, or
allergies I should know about. Yohji sounded genuinely curious.

,,mmm, no, no allergies or anything. Ran assured. ,,I.... I dont really like many fried foods,
Im sorry.

,,sorry? Why? For not liking something? Yohji asked. "its ok Ran, really, thats why I asked.
How am I gonna know otherwise? So, no greasy diners. I think I can manage that. Anything

Yohji didnt sound frustrated or angry, just... interested. Ran ventured another opinion.
,,well, I do like grilled food. Things cooked over the fire, steak, seafood, almost anything on
a grill. I know, being Japanese, it may seem ...strange, but.... I dont really like... I dont
like sushi. We moved to New York when I was very young. I just never got... got a taste for
it. Or anything very spicy like, really hot, curry or Thai foods, like that. Is..... is that ok?

,,Ran Yohji laughed, ,,yes, its OK. I cant know what you like or enjoy, or what you dont like
if you dont tell me. I cant plan our dates so you will enjoy them if I dont know your
tastes. Yohjis voice dropped again, ,,I meant it Ran, last night, I want to get to know you.
Your likes, dislikes, interests, this is part of you too. Itll be good Ran, youll see. He cleared
his throat, ,,so, what time can you get away? Where do you want to meet up? Ill drive.

,,Well, Ran swallowed his bite of sandwich, ,,Do you know where the Krittiker offices are?

"yeah, Yohji answered. ,,Actually, I do. Youre in the same building as Omis dad, the
computer guru.

,,Omi? Computer guru?, Ran asked, ,,Do you mean Takatori Technical Services? Your friend
is the son of Reiji Takatori

,,Yeah. You know him? Yohji asked.

,,No, no. Only by reputation. Hes said to be a brilliant businessman, and his son is said to be
a true computer prodigy. How do you know him?

,,Omis our drummer and sound guy. Yohji explained. ,,hes an amazing kid. His dads alright,
for a CEO. Omi has worked there in the software department sometimes to pay for band
equipment and such when gigs were slow. He wont let his dad finance his choices. Hes a
good kid, responsible, level headed ­ not your typical rock n roll drummer. Yohji laughed
ruefully, ,,in fact, none of WEISS could be considered typical for the rock scene... Anyway,
yeah. I know where the offices are. Did you want me to pick you up there? Sure it wont be
a problem?

,,No, no. Not here, not .... not yet. Ran answered. ,,Eventually, if we spend much time
together, it will be reported that weve become friends, at least. Being a rarity for me, this
makes it newsworthy. Ran sighed softly, ,,Id like to keep things low key as long as we can,
if thats alright. Actually, I was using the building as a landmark. There is a parking tower
just north of here. On the fifth floor, theres a small bookstore near the elevators. I could
meet you there, if thats OK? Ran finished his bottled water and began to clear his desk.

,,what time would you like to meet? Im actually finished here, I was basically waiting for
your call.

,,well then, Baby, lets get his show on the road! Yohjis smile was obvious in his response.
"what are you wearing Ran? he asked suddenly, catching Ran by surprise.

,,what? Yohji! Ran gasped. ,,um.. I he sputtered

,,Ran, Yohji laughed, its ok. I didnt mean it like that. He chuckled again, then his voice
dropped to a husky purr, ,,Ill save that for at least the third date beautiful

,,Yohji Ran gasped

,,no, no really. Its ok. Yohjis smirk came through clearly in his voice. ,,I asked because
theres a killer car show at the convention center down on fulton this weekend. I had not
had any plan in place last night, so we didnt really talk about dress code or anything.
Theyre gonna roll out some concept cars this afternoon and I figured, depending on what
kind of meeting youd had this morning, a suit might not be the most comfortable outfit for
a car show. Not to mention the trying to be discreet part. Id imagine you dressed up in an
Armani suit would be a sight to see. Drooling zombies left behind in your wake all over the
place. Damn. Yohji paused, then purred, ,,so Ran babe, what are you wearing? his
seductive leer was obvious, then he laughed. An open, free beautiful warm laugh.

Ran felt a smile come across his face, almost a laugh of his own in response. ,,sorry babe,
Yohji said, ,,I guess I couldn't wait until the third date after all.

this time Ran did laugh, a short light laugh, but still.... he couldnt help the smile on his face
as he answered, and was sure Yohji could hear it in his voice as he responded, ,,Yohji,

,,sexy, incredible, the man of your dreams? Yohji cut in quickly.

,,crazy! Ran blurted, ,,but, in a good way, I think. He cleared his throat, ,,any way, yes I am
wearing a suit actually-,,

,,damn, I bet you look hot Yohji cut in again.

Ran shook his head, ,,my apartment is on the way there. If you dont mind, we could stop off
and I could change.

,,sounds like a plan, beautiful. Im actually not far from you now. Yohji said, ,,if youre sure
you can cut out, Ill head on over. Meet you at the elevator book store in 15 minutes?

,,thats fine Yohji, Ran answered, ,,Ill just close up here and head over.

,,okay babe, see you there then. Bye Yohji hung up.

Ran quickly finished off his soup and shut down his computer. Making certain his files were
in order for the morning, he locked his office and entered the elevator. Just as the doors
closed, his cell rang again. Imagining Yohji calling with some other inanity. Ran smiled and
answered the phone. ,,This is Ran he answered warmly, letting the smile on his lips convey
through his voice.

,,well. You sound pleased with yourself, his fathers cruel disdainful voice snapped at him,
like a bucket of ice water dumped on him it erased any warmth hed built in talking with
Yohji. ,,does that mean you wrapped that Mamaru kid? Itd better mean that Ran. His
fathers sneer and contempt penetrated Rans shock.

Ran almost groaned aloud and just caught it. He sighed silently, berating himself, and
vowed to never again answer without checking first. ,,yes father, he responded, the flat
emotionless Ran back, showing in his voice. ,,everything is sealed, Ill have copies of
everything in your office in the morning.

,,youd better boy. His father replied, ,,well, I guess you can do something right, if youre
given enough direction. Very well, I expect everything on my desk by ten. And it had better
all be in order boy, just like I told you. He hung up then.

Ran shoved the cell in his pocket as he made his way out of the building to the sidewalk. He
walked briskly, blind to his surroundings, his good mood gone, fists clenched. He took deep
breaths trying to calm himself. His tolerance of his fathers derision and scorn had been
steadily decreasing over the last few months. As Aya continued to sleep and medical
wisdom more and more pointed to her condition being permanent, Ran found his temper
growing to be more and more of an issue. His coldness with associates grew, and he knew
he was referred to as ice prince, or worse, in the field. Seen as uncaring, or outright
arrogant, few would willingly interact with him. Those in the business long enough knew his
musical ear to be flawless, perfect pitch and an uncanny ability to detect that special
something, his opinion was still sought out. But, no one was willing or inclined in any way to
try to get beneath the aloof exterior he projected. To see him, who he was. Of course, he
didnt encourage such interaction. Preferring to hold himself apart. If he didnt let himself
feel anything, he didn't feel anything ­ so hed told himself since the first doctor tried to tell
him to give up on Aya, told him she couldnt hear him anyway and never would. His fathers
glee at pointing this out to him over and over, his gloating smugness as he mocked Rans
hope and anguish over Aya had motivated Ran to lock himself away then, refusing to feel or
show any emotion to any but Aya. Refusing to give his father any more weapons to use
against him. At last hed moved out a few months ago. Finally getting his own apartment
immediately after the trust account from his mothers death had been released to him upon
his twenty first birthday back in February. Hed wasted no time moving out on his own and
found some freedom, time for himself, a measure of happiness, despite Ayas condition. But
the longer she slept, the deeper he buried inside himself, and the stronger is temper fought
for release. Hed even considered painting again in those rear occasions he had time. It
calmed him. Hed truly missed it, not having painted since Ayas injury. Shed always loved
to watch him paint. He hadnt been able to bear it since..... Maybe soon he would. He had
an empty room. Hed have to get some supplies.....

Ran wished, not for the first time, that he could get away from his fathers control over his
life. Moving out had helped, giving him a sense of control. And, with the trust account he no
longer needed to work for Krittiker, but his father had made it very clear, that as Ayas sole
parent and guardian, being in complete control of her care, if Ran stepped out of line he
would not be permitted to see her. Hed even hinted at moving her to some low seedy
nursing home place to keep Ran in line, following orders. Rans chest tightened at the
thought. He adored Aya, his beautiful baby sister, not truly that much younger than him,
almost 4 years, but shed always had a hero worship love for him, especially after their
mother died when they were so young. Only ten, Ran had tried so hard to protect six year
old Aya, to be the strength for her their father should have been...... gods he missed her.
She loved him, just him, not what he could do, how he could benefit her, not his money or
his prestige, power, just... him. She always made him laugh, she was so beautiful innocent,

loving. Damn. His father knew, Ran would do nothing to endanger her. His moving out was
an illusion his father allowed him to have, but he completely owned Ran as long as Aya
slept. Even though she would be eighteen next month, being comatose meant she had an
assigned guardian until, or unless, she awoke and could make rational choices. The court
had provided that should she wake, and be lucid, she would become her own adult, but until
such time, her father owned her, and thereby, Ran. He never failed to make certain Ran
was fully aware of this. Imposing his will in Rans work schedule, travel plans, media
presence, even in the area of Rans love life, nonexistent as it was. His father felt Ran to be
"abomination enough thank you," without flaunting his sexual preferences. If Ran felt urges
beyond his ability to control, hed been bluntly advised, he was certainly wealthy enough to
retain a whore of sufficient discretion. He never wanted to hear of any indiscretions on Rans
part, in the press or through the business gossip mills, flaunting his abberations. Ran had
never considered prostitution. He wanted love, not ....not..... a whore. Hed successfully
buried his desires, not truly having experienced much anyway, since Ayas injury. At first
being totally numb, for so long after, and now, his life revolved around work and her.
Knowing the total deadlock this was with his father, hed never even considered dating, or
love. He hadnt allowed himself to feel anything in so long.

Then, hed seen Yohji. Before the Mercury competition, hed seen a demo of WEISS. First
that warm tenor had enveloped him. Hed had to see who that beautiful, expressive voice
belonged to. Watching the tape hed been spellbound. Yohji was ... simply....
mouthwatering, gorgeous, sexy, just..... incredible. Ran had even, for a brief second,
considered defiance. But, it didnt last long. He was fully aware that his father would not
hesitate with Aya. The only reason she got the care she did was his fathers fear of losing
face. Imagine what people would think if it were known he didnt care for his beautiful
daughter properly. He simply used the majority of Rans "salary" to finance it, reducing the
gall. Ran didnt care in the least, he could have it all if it meant Aya was well cared for....

Ran considered again what the hell he was thinking with Yohji. He was .... drawn to Yohji. It
scared him how much he almost.....needed Yohji, even before theyd met, spoken. Hed
heard of love at first sight, but had always scoffed, ridiculous. Now, he wasnt so sure. From
the first sight on that demo, hed found himself wanting to feel, just..... wanting. Then, as
he grew to know more of who Yohji was, as a person, and then..... to actually talk to him,
touch him, kiss him. Damn. Ran was hooked and really wasnt sure what to do. He couldnt
possibly be in love ­ not already. Cmon! He didnt even know Yohji, not yet. Just..... Ran
was scared, he was willing to risk things for a chance with Yohji, and damn, that scared
him. Hed explained they would have to be discreet.... Yohji seemed to understand. Hed
have to find a way to... impress on Yohji a bit more, how ... how careful they would have to
be, without Yohji getting the wrong impression that it was in some way shame of him. Well,
it was really too early to worry too much... Now that he lived alone, it would be expected he
would develop friendships...... surely?. They could be friends. A car show was perfectly
acceptable for two men to visit together. They had many similar interests, surely Yohji could
find things that they could do to spend time together as friends would. New york was a very
busy place, he could go out in public without too much danger of instant recognition as long
as they avoided the club scene.... Ran sighed. Hed been in such a good mood. Damn his

Ran turned into the parking garage and took the elevator to the fifth floor. Entering the
small book store, Ran made his way to the cooking section near the entrance. Cooking was
another hobby Ran really enjoyed, one that now he lived on his own he was actually able to
pursue. He smiled. Hed have to learn what Yohji liked so he could cook for him. The
thought of Yohji, in his apartment, cooking for Yohji, maybe ... making him breakfast....
after..... a short honk startled Ran out of his reverie. He looked up quickly and was floored

to see Yohji, grinning behind the wheel of a beautiful sleek, midnight blue Corvette

Yohji beamed at Rans dropped jaw. As Ran remained rooted to the spot, Yohji gave another
quick tap to his horn, winked, and crooked a finger to Ran to "come here." Ran blinked,
coughed lightly, and returned the cookbook to the shelf. As he exited the store, approaching
Yohji, Yohji called out, ,,Beautiful, isnt she? still silent, Ran got in the car. He turned to
Yohji, confused as Yohji steered through the lot. ,,oh, I know, Yohji smiled as he cut off any
comment Ran could make, ,,what the hell? ­ right? Yohji smirked quickly as he navigated
the spiral exit ramp. ,,which way Ran? he asked as he neared the exit. Ran gave quick
directions to the Garden Towers and Yohji went on. ,,Well, its like this, remember how I
explained my parents and their slight obsession with budgets as I grew up? Ran nodded,
still confused, ,, well, Yohji said, ,, they taught me from a very young age, how to handle
money, a budget, dont spend more than you make, etc.... he took a deep breath, ,,they
were both killed in a car crash, three years ago, when I was nineteen, just after Id moved
out on my own.

Ran gasped, ,,oh! Yohji! Im so sorry.

,,yeah, well so am I. Yohji answered, ,,but, its been long enough I can talk about it and
theres more to the story he smile warmly at Ran. ,,as I said, my parents always taught me,
all my life, you want something, you work for it. Dont spend on silly stuff, make sure you
need it, the whole responsibility bit. I wasnt too shocked then, shortly after their death
when this lawyer calls me out of the blue to tell me theyd left a will, and to come see him.
But you can imagine my surprise when he gave me a packet of paperwork and the keys to
this beauty.

Rans eyes flew open wide and he seemed a bit stunned, ,,they... they left you..a Corvette?

Yohji laughed. ,,yeah. That was pretty much my reaction too. I didnt even know they had
life insurance. The will left provision that, on the off chance they both died together, the life
insurance was to be used to buy this. My dad even specified the color, the perks, even the
sound system. Its........... well, every since I was a kid, like...five, I always, always wanted
a metallic blue Corvette with white leather interior. They bought me a model kit when I was
eleven, and even a cast model when I was sixteen. Yohji smiled a warm, far away smile
,,my dad, he was so upset they couldnt afford to get me a car "every kid should get a car
when hes 16" hed said, "we just cant do it Yohji, Im sorry..." then he gave me the die
cast, its beautiful. I still have it. Anyway, my dad updated specifics with the lawyer every
three months. They - he cut off for a second, clearing his throat, ,,they even wrote me
letters, every three months since I was 15, they delivered these letters to that lawyer. If
theyd... if theyd lived they were gonna give me the letters when I was twenty one.

Yohji stopped a moment, obviously lost in thoughts Ran couldnt imagine. Gods, to have
such momentos of their love, hed give almost anything to have something like that from his
mother, but, shed been so sick, so suddenly, then for so long.... she couldnt have written if
shed wanted to. Ran shook his head, then quietly asked the question that was just killing
him, ,,Yohji? I.... I dont mean to sound... rude, but ­ why would your parents use their life
insurance for a sports car?

Yohji laughed. ,,yeah, I asked that too, then I read the letters. First there was one answering
that question. He sobered, ,,dad explained that, in life, unless I made it, really made it, in
music, there would always be bills. Id always have a budget. A big wad of cash all at once
might go to my head, make me forget things. Besides, again unless I made it big, a ,,vette

was something I would never be able to have. They wanted to give me something special
to remember them, as if I could forget them.... anyway, a dream. Something they could
never ever give to me, and that I would likely never be able to have for myself. Dad set it
up, the titles non-transferable. I couldnt sell her if I wanted to. A trust account was set up
for parking, insurance, maintenance and stuff until Im thirty. After that, Im on my own.
There was a bit of a cushion left, they didnt want me living in the car, he laughed ,,but,
they figured, theyd taught me to take care of myself, to work, to be a man. I would be able
to handle my life. And I do, I dont waste money, I have a budget, but Im not a skin flint
either. I am determined to live and enjoy life every day and to make them proud. Again,
that warm smile lit up his face. ,,as much as I love this baby, and I do Ran, really, trust me,
I do.... still, its the letters I treasure more. Every three months, from the time I was fifteen
until the week before they died, they each wrote to me. He pulled into the entrance of the
Garden towers. ,,My parents were loving, amazing, people. But, they didnt lavish praise or
compliments. I mean, I knew they loved me, but I didnt ...... I never.... knew just, how,
you know? My dad especially..... he was proud of me, they both were, but... my dad, he
just never..... never said things like that. To have it, written down.... I treasure those
letters so much. Anyway, he grinned, ,, that is why I have a fucking gorgeous car and live in
a cheap, rat ass apartment with three other guys. Well, cheap for New york anyway he
laughed again. ,,we do alright, but.. well, he looked around, ,,it certainly is nothing like this
place Ran, Ill tell you that. He parked near the entrance in the short term parking area.

They climbed from the car and Ran trailed his hand over the fender and hood. ,,she really is
beautiful Yohji. He said quietly, taking a step back to take in the Centerline wheels, the
elegant pinstriping along the side of the car. ,,Really.

,,yeah, Yohji breathed, ,,I think so too. He grinned, ,,smooth, fast, perfect. Cmon, he
turned toward the entrance, ,,lets get you changed so we can hit the show.

Ran led the way inside, then stopped briefly to introduce Yohji to the doorman. ,,John, this is
Yohji Kudoh. Hes a friend of mine and is to be admitted entrance at any time. Please make
sure his name is noted in the file.

John looked a bit taken aback, but noted Yohjis name in the appropriate places, verifying
spelling, etc. ,,Mr. Kudoh. It may take a few times of showing ID until all the guys know, but
please take no offence.

,,Hey, no problem man, thanks. Yohji smiled that friendly, open to everyone smile of his and
Ran knew John was instantly won over. He noted the slight confusion on Johns face as he
looked from Yohji to Ran, quickly suppressed. As they entered the elevator Ran smirked,
just a bit.

,,what gorgeous, Yohji asked after the doors were closed, ,,whats so funny?

,,did you see the look on Johns face? Ran asked, ,,you wont have to show ID more than once
unless theres a supervisor or a robbery or something, I guarantee it. Your name and
description will be well known to all agents by the end of the day, Im sure.

Yohji tilted his head, ,,and why is that, Ran? he asked quietly, his own suspicion in the back
of his mind. Hed bet he was the first friend of Rans that guard had been introduced to.

Ran turned to Yohji, smirk gone. ,,youre the only name on my list Yohji. I have never
introduced anyone here, not even my fathers name is listed. You will be the first person to
view my home since the movers delivered the furniture.

Yohji blinked, the first to... ,,you mean, you have no one? No family.... no one?

Ran sighed, ,,I......... Yohji ..... it doesnt matter Yohji

,,the hell it doesnt Yohji growled, then frowned, ,,no wonder you were so-,, he cut off
abruptly, looking away.

,,so what Yohji? Ran growled back, ,,Whats that supposed to mean?

Now Yohji sighed. Before he could reply, the elevator opened. As they exited, Ran prompted
again, ,,so what Yohji? No wonder I was so what? they stopped outside Rans door and he
turned to Yohji. Wary, a little angry, and... hurt, if Yohji was any judge.

They were alone. Yohji reached out to cup the side of Rans face, grateful that he, almost
instinctively it seemed, curled into the touch. ,,Ran. Yohji spoke quietly. ,,Its OK. I was
just..... I meant... he sighed, ,,it was no wonder you had to fight the apathy, the coldness I
glimpsed last night. He pulled Ran in closer, slowly. ,,if you are alone Ran, of course its hard
to fight it. Why would you? Its easier not to feel if youre alone. Id give in too, if I didnt
have people who care for me. He took a deep breath, hugged Ran tightly, and stepped
back. ,,Now. Cmon Babe, show off your castle he grinned, ,,let me be the first to get the
tour. I promise to ooh and ahh in all the right places.

Ran stood there a moment, the hurt still in his eyes, but less now, overshadowed with
confusion. ,,Ran, really, its ok Yohji reassured, ,,Besides, youre young, right? Younger than
me, Im guessing. This is your first place, isnt it? Everyone should get to show off their first
place Ran, its like a rule. Yohji let himself smile, and continued to caress Rans arm,
though inside he wanted to rage against circumstances that had left this man so alone. Hed
glimpsed the passion that was Ran last night, he desperately wanted to see that again, but
no wonder it was so buried. To be completely isolated, fearful for his beloved sister, and the
bastard of a father he had.... Yohjid done a little digging this morning, he had some clue as
to the bastard that was Persia of Krittiker.

Ran lightly shook himself, breaking Yohji out of his little sidetrip before his anger could
bleed through, thankfully. Ran turned to unlock the door, answering Yohjis earlier question.
,,Yes. I am younger than you. I turned twenty one in February. And, yes, this is my first
home. Id always thought Aya would decorate, but.... she was asleep by then. I ... tried to
remember .... what wed planned, for my move out. His voice had dropped so low by the
end, Yohji could barely make out what hed said. Ran took a breath and stood straight. ,,well
then, Yohji, he pushed the door open and took a step back. ,,welcome to my home.

Yohji stepped inside and his eyes widened. The entryway revealed an open, spacious living
room, hard wood, oak flooring throughout as far as Yohji could tell. The eye was
immediately drawn to the far wall, taken up by a large picture window framing the New York
Skyline and the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance. There was a floor rug in front of the
window, with a deep smoke grey suede sofa and chairs framing an onyx and glass coffee
table. Tasteful Japanese décor filled the room in the form of wall hangings and sculptures,
as well as two beautifully etched katanas bracketed above the fireplace that took up the far
left wall. The entryway to the hall and kitchen could be seen to the right. Yohji stepped in
further to allow Ran to enter and close the door, and noticed a sleek TV and sound system
set into a recess in the wall on the right.

Yohji smiled and made his way over, ,,what are you listening to? he murmured as he booted
up the stereo. He smiled, delighted when Franks crooning voice filled the room, "I've got

you, under my skin, I've got you, deep in the heart of me" Yohji turned, smiling as the
music played on in the background. ,,was that already in there, or did you load it after last
night? he asked, his eyes twinkling. Ran blushed just a bit, and turned toward the hallway.
,,I put it in this morning.

Yohji turned to follow Ran, leaving the song playing quietly. ,,So, go on and give me the
tour, Ran. First time always comes with a tour. Its your chance to show off. He smiled at
Ran, making a big show of looking around. Ran smiled a bit more than the usual half smile,
and shook his head at Yohjis antics. ,,idiot. He sighed, ,,you are crazy. Very well he stepped
in to the kitchen. ,,this he waved an arm around, ,, is the kitchen ­ note the refridgerator,
cabinets and stove. He smirked.

Yohji made a bid production of turning the knobs on the stove, ,,gotta make sure the
appliances work and checking the cabinets, ,,god, Ran, dont you have any junk food?

,,No Yohji, I cook all my own foods, fresh. If you have a sweet tooth, theres fruit in the
fridge I think. Yohji froze and looked at Ran. ,,fruit in the fridge. He deadpanned, ,,thats
your sweet tooth fixation, fruit. In the fridge he sighed, ,,Ran, I so need to get to work
corrupting you, and fast. He waved, ,,lead on, what else is there?

Ran blinked at the corrupting comment, but shrugged and turned to continue. ,,here we
have the dining room, which would explain the large table and chairs in the middle of the

,,ha ha Yohji commented. They continued on, ,,this is the hallway, Ran went on, and the
linen closet. Here we have a guest bathroom, and this is the spare room, he indicated an
empty room on the right of the hallway, door open. He took a few more steps. ,,this... this is
the master bedroom, he said, as he stood in front of the door. ,,The only remaining rooms
are the living room, which you saw, and the coat closet there. Ran stood just outside the
closed door, dropping his eyes a moment. ,,Ill, Ill just change real quick, he lifted his gaze
to Yohji briefly, then dropped it back to the floor and slipped into the bedroom. Yohji just
caught a large, queen bed, with a black and tan comforter combination before the door
quietly closed.

He chuckled and turned back toward the hallway. Having kept his gaze locked on Ran as
they ,,toured Yohjid not really paid attention to the three paintings lining the hallway, two
on one wall, one on the opposite. The two on the wall of the master bedroom were
landscapes. One was a waterfall scene, sunset or sunrise, Yohji wasnt sure, but the intense
violets, orange and pinks of the sky were reflected in the falls and the water below,
beautifully captured. Exotic birds perched on the rocks around the scene, and orchids or
several colors decorated the grass area around the pond below the fall. The second
landscape was different, a view from atop a cliff, overlooking a lush land, filled with majestic
beautiful trees, and lush grasses swaying in the breeze. You could almost hear, feel the
wind blowing around you. Beautiful, incredible. Yohjis eye was caught by the frame of the
other picture on the opposite wall, and he was eager to see what this painting might hold.
He turned to study the artwork, and his eyes widened. A view of central park that he
recognized, an area of swings near a pond with a small bridge, ducks floating over the
surface. Sitting on a swing was a beautiful, raven haired young girl. She looked to be about
fifteen or sixteen, just blossoming into womanhood. She was beautiful, petite, elfin or
fairylike features, framing large dark eyes. Eyes that sparkled with mirth as she gazed up at
fireworks exploding across a night sky. You could almost hear her laugh

,,that was Ayas favorite. Rans deep, quiet voice broke into Yohjis thoughts. He gasped and
whirled, ,,she adored fireworks, Ran went on, his gaze locked on the painting, proud, yet
etched with pain, longing. Yohji turned back and studied the girl. ,,Aya? This is your sister,
Ran? he asked quietly

Ran nodded, and cleared his throat. ,,This was the fourth of July weekend, just before her
birthday. She loved that her birthday was so close to the fourth. She said the fireworks
were really for her. He smiled lightly, then his face turned cold. ,,It was only a week later
she was hit. Id finished the painting the night before and gave it to her for her birthday.

Yohji gasped, ,,you... you painted this Ran? he whispered, awed, then turned back to the
landscapes, ,,all of these?

,,yes, Ran frowned, ,,why? I, I know theyre not-,,

,,Ran! Yohji cut him off. ,,dont you dare stand there and say something like, "they arent
that good," or some bullshit like that. These, these are.... incredible Ran. Just beautiful

Rans eyes lit up in a way Yohji hadnt seen before, and a gleam of pride shown in his face.
,,Well, everyone needs a hobby, and I do like to paint, very much.

,,hobby! Yohji scoffed, ,,Ran, damn, you could.... you could sell these, for some damn good
money Ran. Why? Why are you scouting music when you have this much talent at
something you obviously love, so much? I mean, dont get me wrong, Im glad youre in the
music business, at least for now, ,,cause I get to meet you, but.............seriously, you ...
you should look into painting as ... as a .. career or-,,

,,No. Ran cut him off, turning toward the living room.

,,No? Yohji turned to follow, ,,just no? no explanation or, anything? Come on Ran, give me a
good reason ­ I mean, damn! You have serious talent. You have to love it, youre just too
good.... are there more? Do you have other paintings youve done? ,,

Ran sighed. ,,Not just no.... just, a flash of pain went through Rans face and Yohji almost
regretted ever bringing it up, but Ran steeled himself and went on. ,,My father Yohji almost
shivered at the coldness that came from Ran as he spoke of this man, ,,my father feels
painting to be a colossal waste of time. And, truthfully, between Krittiker and Aya, I am
pushed for time as it is. Ran turned to Yohji with a smirk, ,,but if you insist, I suppose I
could get some supplies and get started, there wont be any time left for dating, but-,,

,,ok Yohji laughed, ,,I get it, butt out. He laughed and changed the subject. He knew there
was more here, something to dig at later, but for now, he wanted the flirty, happy Ran
back, the almost shy, confused, so so sexy Ran from last night. He leaned forward, lightly
tugging on an ear tail, ,,Ill butt out from the painting Ran, for now. He leaned in, running his
nose up the edge of Rans jawline, taking a deep breath of the essence of Ran, as Ran
trembled lightly. Yohji traced his fingers lightly over Rans neck and leaned in for a soft,
light kiss. ,,Id be happy, anytime, to see anything you have stroked Ran, with your
paintbrush I mean, Yohji smirked as he stepped back, leaving Ran standing there, his
breath coming just a bit faster, a light blush across his cheeks, blinking.

Ran watched Yohji for a moment longer, then took one firm step forward, pulling Yohji into
his own embrace. Claiming Yohjis mouth with his own, he tightened one arm around Yohji,
holding Yohjis head with the other as he devoured Yohjis mouth. He kissed Yohji firmly,

passionately, wantingly, before forcing his hands to let go, and stepping back. This time, it
was Yohji blinking his way back from the edge. ,,damn Ran, you are full of surprises Yohji
was breathless as he looked at Ran, debating this whole go out on a date thing. Ran had a
slightly dazed, but smug look on his face as he turned toward the door. ,,shall we go then?
he looked back at Yohji over his shoulder.

Yohji shook himself, ,,yeah, we have some hot sexy cars to ogle. Lets get a move on. He
leaned in to lightly graze the side of Rans neck as he walked past him out into the hallway,
,,Lets go date, beautiful

Ran shivered, but smiled as he locked the door and joined Yohji at the elevator.


Yohji truly enjoyed the car show with Ran. Rans eyes sparkled with excitement at the
various beautiful cars. Yohjid been shocked to learn that while Ran drove, he did not own
his own baby. He explained hed rented cars for weekend trips, etc. But to get around in
New York, it was just more convenient to use the limo or catch a cab. That, and hes only
inherited his trust funds six months ago. With Aya and all, a car just wasnt forefront on
Rans mind....

Still, Yohji could tell, Ran was thinking. He grinned, watching Rans enraptured gaze caress
another beauty. Hed been watching, and Ran was definitely noticing the sleek lines, the
promise of power. The car smells and sounds permeating the center, Yohji was half hard
himself from the atmosphere, imaging taking his baby out to let her loose. He wondered if
Ran got the same rush. He glanced at Ran again. While hed been very excited about a few,
he hadnt yet seen that special gleam he knew he got when looking at his own precious..
Wait, Rans gaze seemed locked on something ahead. Yohji maneuvered a bit to get a view
of what had Ran so still. There on a pedestal in the corner was a beautiful, gleaming
opalescent pearl white Porsche. She had deep green interior, and gold trim all around.
Beautiful. Poised on a pedestal, slowly turning to reveal a glimpse through the open driver
door. The gear shift had some kind of custom grip, Yohji couldnt tell from here.... Ran
made his way over as though sleepwalking, eyes for nothing around him but the Porsche.
,,Wow Ran Yohji breathed, shes beautiful. Ran watched the car rotate, the passage then
causing him to glimpse movement from the corner of his eye. There was a tv screen set up
showing the Porsche hugging curves on a mountain road, letting it open up on the highway.
Yohji moved over to the nearby table, taking a brochure detailing the specs, model etc. He
watched Ran as he did, noting the smile growing across his face, the twitch of his hand
seeming to wish for a gear shift. Yohji looked again as the car rotated past, trying to
glimpse the gear shift, thered been something special about it. He stepped closed and his
eyes widened as he took in the custom stick, it resembled a sword hilt, pewter or silver,
with leather wrapped around the grip. Yohji shook his head.

Ran sighed lightly, and turned his gaze back to the car from the video replaying now on the

,,Ran? Yohji turned at the sigh. He took in the wistful look as Ran watched the car spin. ,,she
sure is beautiful, isnt she?

Ran turned to Yohji, a genuine smile on his face. ,,yes Yohji, a very beautiful car. Maybe
someday he turned back for one more look, then turned and began to walk away. ,,yeah,
Yohji sighed as he followed. ,,Ok, Ive had enough, how about you Ran, you getting hungry

,,yes Ran answered, a bit surprised as he realized he was. It had been a small cup of soup
at lunch, and theyd been walking for hours now. ,,Where did you decide to go tonight Yohji?
Ran asked, curious.

Yohji grinned, ,,well, originally I chose a seafood grill nearby, but, after hours of this, he
waved a hand about, ,,I must admit, I am itching to take my baby for a run. You up for it?
We can go to this great steakhouse I know that is a little upstate and I can show off my
baby good and proper. What do you think Ran? Please? She hasnt been out for a good run
in a while. Yohji batted big, pleading eyes at him and Ran laughed, actually laughed!

,,Yes Yohji, that sounds good. He shook his head, ,,you talk about the car like its alive, you
sure you not crazy?

Yohjis cock jumped, just a bit, and his heart did a little flip at the sound of Rans <yes
Yohji> surprising him. He wanted to hear that again.... hmm... he chose to answer the
other instead, ,,Well, no of course Im not sure. Only the really crazy people are completely
sure theyre not crazy Ran. He chided, ,,as long as you worry you might be crazy, youre not
too far gone, right?

Ran blinked...what? Yohji, sometimes, I have no idea what youre saying. He looked at
Yohji with that cute little confused wrinkle between his eyes. Yohji laughed, ,,well, good,
keeps you on your toes. Means you have to pay close attention to me. He dropped his
voice to whisper as they approached the ,,vette, leaning around Ran, keeping Ran between
him and the side of the car. ,,I like your close attention Ran, I think I like it a lot. He
stepped back and went to the driver side of the car. Ran gave himself a shake and got in.

They drove upstate for dinner. The steakhouse living up to Yohjis hype. Ran was pleasantly
surprised. They has grilled vegetables on menu and the steak was perfect. They spent the
evening in conversation, Yohji coaxing Ran to open up. ,,tell me about your family Ran. At
first Ran froze, but he figured, Yohjid talked about his parents, and there were few people
to recall the beauty of Rans mom. He told Yohji about her, about the move to New York
when he was barely five, and Aya was a baby. About his mothers developing breast cancer
when he was six, and the almost year it had taken for her to die. He talked about raising
Aya after she was gone and Yohji could see the intense love Ran had for Aya in every
breath. He told of some of Ayas antics, of some of the problems hed dealt with in school
with his coloring and the eventual transition to private tutoring for both him and Aya for the
convenience of his father , leading to even fewer opportunities for social skill building. His
father had relented as Aya grew older, letting her attend school with others from eighth
grade up threw high school until her injury. Yohji noticed Rans conspicuous lack of
discussion about his father. Yohji took the hint and steered clear of anything that might put
a damper on the evening.

Yohji gave more of his own past too, an only child, well loved by his parents, Yohjis not
suffered loss and angst until their deaths. Then, with Asuka, hed realized true pain as he
watched her waste away. He could identify with Ran a bit where Aya was concerned. Asuka
hadnt been in a coma, but shed withdrawn into herself so far by the end she may as well
have been... He spoke a bit about each of his bandmates, his dreams of WEISS.

Yohji steered the conversation back a bit to them, getting to know more of each other. He
broached the topic of <favorites> a game he and Asuka had played, a way to get to know
each others interests.

,,Favorite what? Ran asked

,,Exactly. Yohji replied. ,,thats the whole point.

Ran quirked one eyebrow, his expression clearly stating he had no idea what Yohji meant.

Yohji chuckled, ,,One throws out a topic, and we respond with our favorite and least
favorite... for example, if I were to mention lattes, he grinned, ,,you obviously would
respond with vanilla bean for favorite. Your least favorite would be..... he trailed off.

Ran blinked, understanding. ,,hmmmm... he mused. ,,I ... dont know. He answered, ,,I
havent tried many flavors. I tried the vanilla bean because I knew already how much I liked
vanilla.... from ice cream as a child, from the smell... I guess, least favorite, maybe...
pumpkin, or.... mint chocolate. He made an adorable - -Yohji would never tell him just how
adorable - - face of dislike that had Yohji about to laugh outright. ,,I cant stand chocolate
and mint together. I dont know why people like it so much, its revolting. He shuddered,
especially warm, ugh. Ran abruptly stopped and got this "deer in the headlights" look about
him that almost alarmed Yohji. He was about to get up and find what or who had put that
look on Rans face when Ran spoke again. ,,Yohji, if... if you like it though, thats fine, I-,,

Yohji quickly cut Ran off before he could go on. Hed glimpsed this before, on the phone
earlier, at the car show a few times, even briefly as theyd discuss appetizers. ,,Ran. Yohji
spoke firmly, capturing Rans gaze. ,,Ran, there is one thing that Id like to make absolutely
clear right here, right now. Before we go any further in anything, we have to clear this up.

Ran sat up straight, alarmed at the abrupt seriousness of Yohjis look, the solemn tone.
,,Yohji? he questioned lightly, and Yohji almost broke down under that look, and the sound
of Rans voice, slightly hurt, lost, worried. But he held firm. He had to make this point. This
had to make a firm impression, or there was no way he could go on with this. ,,Ran. You
have to promise me something, its important Ran, very important, if were gonna be
friends, and especially if its gonna have any chance of ever going any further.

,,what? Ran whispered, almost afraid now. What was wrong? Things had been so good....

,,Ran. Yohji stared at those beautiful eyes, searched their depths, catching the fear, the self
doubt, the uncertainty, and yet beneath all that, a strength Yohji could scarcely imagine.
Yohji knew, here was a man he could easily lose himself in. Only their second meeting, but
such a lethal combination of strength and vulnerability, the obvious strong mind and will,
combined with the heartwrenching innocence and loss. Just these few hours with Ran, and
Yohji was hooked. He knew he could fall hard and fast. And he knew, if he did start to fall,
there would be no catching him. He had to know what Ran would do, what he was thinking,
what he felt, about ... everything. That was why this was so, so important. He leaned
forward, unable to resist smoothing that glimmer of fear, pain, and worry from Rans eyes.
He never wanted to be the cause of pain to Ran, never wanted to be the one to put that
look of loss there....

,,Ran he spoke again, more gently as he cupped the side of Rans jaw. Then his voice firmed
again, ,,promise me Ran. Promise me you will always be honest with me. Always. Especially,
here he paused for effect, ,,especially in liking or not liking something. I mean it Ran. I dont
ever want you to tell me you like something when you dont. Or to find out you endured a
food you hated, an activity or experience, or gods help me, anything to do with my touch,
because you thought I wanted you to. Ever. I mean it. If you like something, tell me. Be it
food, music, something we do together, or, and his voice dropped, ,,or my touch, or kiss, his
voice firmed again, ,, I want to know you like it. Its important. Now he sat back, his face

and voice both grown stern, ,,this is absolutely not negotiable, if you don't like something,
anything, food, a drink, a cologne, especially anything to do with me touching you in any
way, you have to swear you will tell me. Now, right now, promise you will never endure
something, never not tell me if you dont enjoy. If its compromiseable, like a date, a movie,
we can make concessions, as we get to know each other, there will be things I like that you
dont, and vice versa, westerns over dramas, fish over chicken, thats one thing, a
compromise, but I dont want to learn that you suffered through something you hated,
chocolate mint, or rollercoasters when they terrify you, or...... that you ever ever let me
touch you or.... or anything intimate that you did not like simply because you thought I
wanted it. Do you understand Ran? Do you see? he stopped a moment and tilted his head.
,,I can see, someone, Im just guessing, but probably your father (Rans eyes widened)
someone has filled your head with the idea that its not ok to have your own opinion, your
own likes, and dislikes, that you are to just take what is given and not complain. And while
that may work for the dinner table when you are a child, with me, when you are with me, it
is not only OK to have your own opinion, it is essential. Ran I want the real you. Be it
desire, food, music or the fucking coffee creamer, I want the real you, not the you that you
think I am looking for. Honesty Ran, in everything, or this ends, tonight. I mean it. Yohji
sat back. A little surprised at his rant, but feeling justified. This was important. Ran had to
understand this. The thought that Ran might endure anything, simply because hed been
conditioned that it was expected, that he was somehow less, the thought made Yohji angry.
And to think about it relating to his touch, that made Yohji physically ill. He wanted to bring
Ran pleasure. The more he spoke with him, the more he suspected Ran had never
experimented physically. Ran had indicated hed never dated, but Yohji began to suspect
hed never indulged at all. He wanted to open those sensations for Ran, to be there as Ran
learned what he enjoyed, as Ran experienced that bliss for the first time. Ran had to
understand this, he had to....

Ran sat there a moment, stunned, as he absorbed Yohjis words. He imagined how hed feel
if Yohji did the things hed described. If he let Ran touch him and hated it, and didnt tell
Ran, or worse, pretended to enjoy... Ran shuddered. Then he considered his own tendency
to defer, as Yohjid correctly assumed his father had instilled such in him. He didnt do it
with everyone, but someone he wanted to please, someone whose favor he wanted..... Ran
would drink something unpleasant or eat a food he hated for a client, with no outward
indication of distaste. With his father he never even considered voicing an opinion, and
certainly not a dislike. He sighed, and then he looked at Yohji. Yohji so concerned, and yet
so determined. Ran smiled, a small smile. The shy smile from the club, uncertain, self
depreciating, but eager too... ,,I promise. Yohji I promise, but-,, Yohji started to interrupt,
,,No buts Ran Ran held up a hand to forestall any further tirade. ,,But, he asserted, I have
no...... experience, with ... friends, and most definitely not with..... more. He took a deep
breath, ,,other than Aya, I have had no confidant, no one to... open up to. No one to... be
me with. You will have to, bear with me, as I learn... lots of things. But, and his own eyes
went instantly cold, hard, his voice flat as his jaw firmed and he stared intently into Yohjis
shocked emerald eyes, ,,this goes both ways Yohji. Honesty in all things. Dont, and he
faltered a bit, then clenched his fist on the table top and looked firmly at Yohji, ,,dont
endure anything from me either, that is.... unpleasant. If I..... if I do something... wrong...
you have to tell me. Promise. He all but glared at Yohji who sat there in shock at the
sudden transformation.

Yohji took this in. Soft Ran to.... what? Krittiker Ran? It was like there were two men. Yohji
realized now he was probably the only one apart from Aya to see the real Ran. Krittiker Ran
would be an easier face to show the world. And Ran had been alone with this, this hardness,
since shed been hurt. No one, gods. Yohji watched as Rans shields began to come down as
he sat there, not having answered, they dropped just a bit, then Ran firmed them right back

up. Determined not to feel if this was over before it even began... Yohji knew, Ran had the
power to hurt him, deeply, and it scared him.... Could he do this? Anyone who could close
off that completely, that fast, could close out another with no warning. If he committed to
this, hed lose his heart to Ran, he knew it. And if Ran threw it out, he wasnt sure hed be
able to grow another. Yohji took a deep breath, damn. The chance to erase this cold Ran, to
wear it down, to free the passion hed seen briefly already, only for him. The chance to be
loved that fully, that.... completely. To make this man his, heart, mind, soul and body. His.
Yohji swallowed and reached across the table. He took Rans hand and brought it his own
face, unclenching as he went. He watched until the hardness melted from Rans eyes, until
the jaw unclenched and he could see again the man hed become so fascinated with. ,,yes
Ran Yohji whispered, yes, honesty, in all things, always, I promise. Yohji smield at the shy
hope that grew in Rans eys. ,,Come on Babe. Lets head out. Itll be late as it is, getting
back. Im guessing you have to be in in the morning, hmmm?

Ran sighed, ,,yes, I have a seven thirty conference.

,,Seven thirty Ran, Damn thats early. Especially for a Monday He seemed to be in thought
as they made their way to the car. ,,do you have a regular schedule Ran or what? How will I
know when to see you?

Ran smiled. ,,the client is calling from London tomorrow. Seven thirty is a compromise for
the both of us. He frowned a bt, ,,supposedly, my schedule is nine to five, but No, I rarely
have a normal schedule from one week to the next. His frown deepened, ,,this is the first
weekend I have had off in three months or more. He turned to look at Yohji, taking in the
frown and considering look. ,,I will make an effort Yohji. I will make sure I set aside time
for... for this. What is the best day, weekday or otherwise, for your schedule?

,,well, Yohji thought as they began to pull from the lot, ,,we usually have gigs on Thursdays
Fridays and Saturdays. But in the evenings. We could spend Saturdays together, before,
or.... Sundays I am always off, all day. No practice, no gigs. We could do Sundays if you
want, then we have no schedule to worry about. And.... maybe Tuesday evenings. We have
Tuesdays off from practice and all. Omi does family night with his dad on Tuesdays.

Ran mused a bit. ,,Yes, Sundays would be ideal. And maybe if we can, we could still do a
Saturday before a gig. Maybe, if I know ahead, I can even come to a show sometime. And
Tuesdays is great ­ we can do anything youd like. Maybe movies, or whatever. Maybe.....
sometime, I could ... I could cook you dinner. I, I like to cook. We could rent movies or play
chess or cards or something. Ran smiled.

Yohji smiled back, ,,Id like that Ran. Id like that a lot.

Ran sat back to enjoy the sight of Yohji driving them home. Yohji exuded sexy as he drove,
completely in control, enjoying the power at his disposal, immersed in the feel of the
Corvette, the surge as he changed gears. He had such a smile on his face. Ran allowed
himself to take in all of Yohji. His muscled arms, strong hands, one confidently steering as
the other controlled the gear shift. Rans eyes were drawn to Yohjis strong, toned legs as
he depressed the clutch, the bunching of muscle in his thighs. Rans gaze moved up, over
Yohjis toned torso, up his neck, and lingered on his profile.

Yohji was a very, very handsome man. Very masculine, very ..... sexy. Ran could glimpse
the beginning of a five oclock shadow spreading over Yohjis jaw and almost moaned at the
thought of running his hands over it, kissing , feeling the stubble on his tongue. He watched

as Yohjis full lips wrapped around a cigarette. Ran trembled, slightly, as he watched Yohjis
mouth. He swallowed and shook himself. ,,Yohji he said, a little breathless, quiet.

,,hmm? Yohji glanced over, ,,yeah Babe?

"I .. I really enjoyed today Yohji. Really. Thank you. Ran smiled lightly, ,,Aya tolerated me,
and my rambling over cars, but she has no love of them herself. Really, she couldnt care
less as long as it gets her from one mall to the next. Much as I had no interest when she
rambled about horses.... Ran trailed off, still smiling warmly as he recalled Aya rolling her
eyes over yet another car story. ,,this was the first time I had a mutually agreeable
discussion about cars. He sighed. It was an excellent choice for our first date. He smiled

,,oh yeah? Yohji asked quietly. ,,Any input for our next Ran? What would you like to do?
Yohji understood, the threat hanging over their heads. The need to be careful. He wanted to
do something Ran would be comfortable with, that he would enjoy. ,,Theres plenty left in
the date fund Ran. What would you like to do?

Ran thought a moment, pleased Yohji seemed eager for a second date. ,,well, the weather is
still nice.... theres always the boardwalk and the beach. Friends do that, right? Hang out at
the beach?

Yohji smiled and allowed himself to reach across and trace his fingers in Rans hair,
picturing Ran dripping wet from the ocean, eyes sparkling. ,,damn, Ran. He sighed. "yes,
the beach, the boardwalk. That sounds good. Tuesday evening? What time?

,,Six? we could eat as we browse the boardwalk shops. Ran got this far away look to his
eyes, that made Yohji smile himself. ,,Aya and I loved the hotdogs on the boardwalk his
voice grew animated, excited even ,,you can get anything as a topping, chili, peppers,
tomatoes, even beans or taco meat. Its crazy. Ran blushed as he realized how he sounded,
and looked down at his lap. ,,sorry he laughed a bit, ,,I sound like a little kid dont i?

,,yeah, a little, Yohji laughed, ,,but I liked it, you sounded happy, excited. Id like to see that
again Ran. Yohjis voice dropped to a low murmur as he pulled in to the parking lot of Rans
building. ,,I dont know Ran, if I can wait two days Ran. Can I... can I call you?

,,Id like that Yohji, very much. Rans gaze smoldered as he looked at Yohji. He reached for
the door handle.

Yohji moaned and grabbed Rans arm as he went to get out of the car. ,,wait Ran. He said
quietly. ,,I wont ask you to let me walk you to the door. I.. I dont trust myself. Even with
the curious eyes of the guard, the nosy neighbors, I may just ravish you. I dont trust
myself to walk away. His eyes sparkled, and he grinned. ,,but..... and he dropped his voice
to a whisper, ,,let me kiss you goodnight Ran?

Rans eyes widened and his breath quickened. ,,yes Yohji, Ran breathed, ,,yes

Yohji moaned and closed his eyes at the sound of Rans voice, the look in his eyes. ,,Ran
Yohjis husky voice filled the car as he reached over to cup the back of Rans neck. ,,I like
that Ran, a lot. Say it again. Ran looked confused for just a moment, then his eyes
darkened. His voice firm, but low, he repeated, ,,yes Yohji he leaned into Yohjis lips, ,,kiss
me Yohji, please

Yohji gasped and leaned in quickly to claim Rans mouth. He held himself in check. Not
butterfly kisses, but not too deep either. He held himself back to just taste Ran. Taste every
part of him. Hed meant it when he said he didnt trust himself. Yohji pulled back and took a
shuddering breath.

,,Ran he breathed. Rans eyes flew open. Hed never heard his name that way before. Yohji
trailed his mouth over Rans lips, down over his jaw. Ran moaned, deep in his chest, but
could only whisper, ,,yes Yohji... yes Yohji. His hands entwined in Yohjis hair, his breath
coming in small pants now.

Yohji forced himself to pull back. To grip Rans upper arms tightly, holding him at arms
length. ,,Ran he groaned and took a deep breath. ,,Damn Babe another deep breath and he
sat back fully, caressing Rans face once more. Then he firmly placed both hands on the
wheel. He looked at this gorgeous man beside him. Face flushed, eyes dark with desire,
unsure, but wanting, oh yes, wanting. "its late Ran. Yohji sighed, "I will call you. Well
hammer out where to meet Tuesday.

Ran regained some control and sat back himself, unable to stop the smile he felt growing.
His eyes dropped again, just for a moment. Then he turned to Yohji, a small smug smirk on
his face. ,,yes Yohji. He answered with just a slight purr.

Yohjis eyes shot open and he growled. ,,you brat! he laughed, ,,ok, thats it. Out of the car
before I forget myself and blow off this whole <dating> thing and the taking it slow. His
smile turned soft and he let himself have one last caress of Rans jaw with the back of his
hand. ,,goodnight Ran. Think of me

Ran closed his eyes, took a slow deep breath and climbed out of the car. He closed the door
and looked into Yohjis eyes as he stepped back and answered once more, softly ,,yes Yohji.

Yohji closed his eyes, then smiled slowly pulled out of the lot. Ran watched until Yohji
turned out onto the main street, then made his way up to his apartment. He was deliciously
tired, relaxed in a way he hadnt been since Aya was hurt. He couldn,,t completely suppress
the guilt he felt at finding this while Aya law sleeping, but...shed want him to be happy.
She loved him. He knew shed want him to pursue this. Ran turned the Sinatra CD back on,
as he completed his nightly ritual, thinking of Yohji and determining in his heart to do
whatever it took to make this work, to make Yohji his own.