Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ MUSIC OF MY SOUL ❯ hot dogs and blown glass ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own WEISS, Aya/Ran, Yohji, or any other character from this anime or manga, or

any other. I am writing/posting for my own enjoyment. No profit is made. Well, except the
stress relief I get in writing it, and the warm and fuzzies I get if someone likes it. But as those are
totally intangible, I don't think it counts. =)


In case anyone has the same questions as CaT70, here is her review and a portion of my



Squeee! so cute! X3 I'm a big fan of this story so far, you're doing a great job. I like how you've
interwoven all the characters together so far. i'm excited to see who the bassist and guitarist are. i
have just 2 questions. are yohji and aya speaking in english or japanese? either way is okay, i was
just curious. and my other, is the change of yohji's car. a Corvette is one sexy car, don't get me
wrong, again just curious ^^ keep it up~! ^_^

Thank you for the review =)
I guess they are speaking English... I may throw in some Japanese later, but I really don't know any
other than Hai(yes) Koi(love? lover?) Gomen(sorry) and Demo(but). [[and a few others, but...]]
Anyway, as Ran came to NY at such a young age (with still a traditional dad although a jerk) and you
will later learn that Yohji's Japanese dad came to the US to be with the woman he loved...(yohji got a
bit of both worlds, but mostly American) English works... As to the car - I have NO idea what type of
car Yohji's Seven is... I know most ff stories peg Aya(sorry-Ran) as driving a Porsche, but just have no
clue re Yohji's car [Super Seven? What kind of car is it?] ... I only just recently bought the anime -
never seen it, have only read the fan fictions... found WEISS after I ran out of Saiyuki fan fictions and
was looking around - found PenguinSama's work and was hooked! ...........

Finally, in case it comes up later:

I have never been to New York. I know only what I see on TV or read... No clue if there is a
"boardwalk" there, but ... its a coastal area right? There should be beach and a boardwalk... youd
think. If not, well ­ this is alternate universe right? Right. So in MY New York =) there is a boardwalk.

I have NO idea of any WEISS character birthdays. I have picked my own for the timeline I have in my
head - Ran is February and Yohji is August... Aya(chan) was July, about a week after the 4th.

The story opened in the first weekend of June if anyone cares.

And now, on with the story:



Yohji watched, bemused, as Ran piled his *superdog* with topping after topping... chili, cheese,
jalapenos, taco meat, chopped tomatoes, sour cream.... these liberally buried the *dog*. There was
no way Ran could eat that, not without a fork and knife surely. Or a shovel. Yohji prepared his own
dog, some chili, cheese, a dash of mustard, and watched as Ran leaned down for a bite from his
concoction. Rans face melted into bliss, a small moan escaping as his eyes closed. Yohji swallowed as

Ran licked his lips and fingers clean of sour cream, eyes still closed, loosing another small moan of
pleasure ,,mmmm in that deep voice.

,,Ran. Yohji croaked, cleared his throat and tried again. ,,Ran, lets go over to the tables by the railing,
hmm? He turned without looking at Ran again and made his way over to the high shaded tables near
the railing. He took a sip of his Pepsi and steeled himself to watch Ran bliss out on the mounded mess
of a hot dog, very determined not to bring to Rans attention how he looked. Yohji was enjoying
himself immensely this evening, window shopping with Ran at the various booths and shops set up
along the boardwalk. Hed been entranced watching Ran at the knife shop. The man seemed to have a
serious fetish for blades, an interesting tidbit Yohji stored away for future gift ideas. Yohji then lost
himself in the blown glass display of the shop next door. Yohji had a real thing for blown glass, the
myriad colors and shapes, combined strength and delicacy of each piece.

Yohji smiled slightly to himself as the thought came to him of the similarity to Ran. He knew enough
already to never, ever let Ran know he saw anything delicate or fragile in him. It was obvious Ran was
all about disabusing any notions of him being fragile, but... Yohji thought he was..... at least inside,
under the steel wrapper.....

The hours after hed dropped Ran off Sunday night had been spent in imagining Ran in many various
scenarios where Yohji got to show him just how fragile he could be, at least in the realm of touch.
Yohji wanted to be the one to see Ran shatter, explode, that first time. To watch Rans face when he
was touched by a hand not his own, to watch his self control evaporate. It had taken Yohji quite some
time to find sleep that night, and hed awoken from a very pleasant dream of implementing some
quite effective tactics to find a not so pleasant mess..... Yohji hadnt woke up in such a state for a long

It unnerved him a bit just how deeply Ran had burrowed into him so very quickly. There was just
something about Ran that called to Yohji. Made him want to protect him, and yet... at the same time,
to see Ran stand for himself. Yohji knew, there was an intense strength there. To have endured as
Ran had for so long, totally alone as he was. Yohji wasnt sure he would have survived Asuka long
without knowing the guys were there for him. Without drawing strength from the solid, secure
friendships hed surrounded himself with since his teen years. They had seen him through his parents
deaths, which had been so hard, and then kept him sane after Asuka. How Ran had managed to
practically raise Aya after their mothers death at such a young tender age, with no emotional support
from the bastard father of his, the man who should have been shielding Ran, loving him..... and then,
with no confidants, no friendship to call on, to pal around with, to cut loose with as he grew up.
Always having to be strong for his baby sister, never able to just let go.... and the past year, since
shed been hurt.... Not only no one to lean on, but to be threatened over his love for her, to have it
used against him..... Yes, Ran was strong, had a steel will, but.... inside, yes... he was fragile. And
Yohji wanted to be the one to both shield him, strengthen him, be his pillar, and the one to break him
into a million pieces of quivering, oversensitive, passion ridden nerves calling his name as Ran fell
apart in his arms ..... When Ran would say his name like that *Yes Yohji* in the car..... that *yes
Yohji* still echoing in Yohjis mind ­ it brought a shiver to his soul.

And here, Ran obviously had no idea what he was doing with that look of ecstasy on his face, the
moans of pleasure he was sounding as he devoured that damn hotdog. Yohji loved it. Ran had actually
seemed happy, almost childlike in his excitement as he had spotted the vendor for the *Superdog*
and practically dragged Yohji over. Yohji let himself smile as he watched Ran and the fire cooled in his
groin. The desire banked as he took in the obvious happiness a stupid hotdog brought....

Finally, Ran neared the end of the dog, stopping to take a sip of his drink, a bit of chips. He seemed to
catch on to Yohjis rapt attention. ,,what? he asked, wary, swiping a hand over his face to check for
left behind toppings. ,,What Yohji? Why are you looking at me like that?

Yohji smiled. ,,Ive never seen anyone enjoy a hotdog so much. You were like a man lost in the desert
who found a barrel of water. Ran blinked, then finished off the last of his meal before replying.
Finally, he looked up, a distant smile in his eyes, though not fully on his lips. ,,this was Ayas favorite
stand. We... we came by at least twice a week. I ­ I havent been to the boardwalk..... since.... he
sighed, ,,since she was injured. I - I missed it I guess. He smiled then, fully, and Yohji was lost. The

sunset shining off his hair, the smile putting a light in his eyes. Yohji was dazed as Ran went on. ,,this
is wonderful Yohji. I always enjoyed the shops, the bustle, but.... since Aya.......... I havent let myself
enjoy.... anything really. Thank you. Ran looked at Yohji intently for a brief moment, then looked
down to finish his drink.

Yohji blinked, then smiled his warm, lazy smile. ,,Oh. No. Thank you, Ran. I havent come down here
myself since I was in high school. I forgot how much Id missed it. We should come down at least once
a month. I told you Id get to work on corrupting you, and if that hotdog is the first junkfood youve
had in more than a year, then this place is definitely a hot spot on my list. He dropped his voice and
husked. ,,besides, Id pay almost anything to watch you at that superdog any chance I get Ran.... you
have no idea Ran, really ­ no. idea.

Ran blinked again, then blushed as he realized just how much hed enjoyed his hot dog. ,,Yohji! he
gasped. Then looked at Yohji slyly, a twinkle in his eye, and purred. ,,yes Yohji. Yohji gasped. ,,Ill have
hotdogs with you anytime.

Yohji growled. ,,Ran.... you.... how did you pick up on that so damn fast?! he ran a hand through his
hair ,,Ok. Were done here. Lets walk. He tempered the growl with a smile as he cleared the table.

The walked along the boardwalk as sunset turned to night. They made their way down to the beach,
away from the noise and bustle of the shoppers. Yohji spoke quietly into the night as Ran watched the
stars. ,,favorite season Ran?

Ran smiled, remembering the game. ,,Fall I think. He answered quietly. ,,as the oppressive season of
summer gives way to the cooler days, the air turning just brisk, before the harshness of winter. Yes.
Fall in New York is amazing. He looked to Yohji... ,,least favorite Id say is the end of winter. It makes
spring almost favorite, just to see the winter be over. He smiled softly at Yohji. ,,you Yohji? Whats
your favorite?

Yohji smiled. ,,Summer. I like the heat. Even here with this humidity. Good excuse for less clothing,
thas my motto. He grinned. ,, Really. I hate cold. Cold water. Cold winter. Cold weather. Snow he
shuddered. ,,I cannot wait for Spring every year.. its very nice. But, when all chance of frost is finally
gone and Summer is here in all its glory, I am very happy. He smiled a big, full smile and waggled
his eyebrows. ,,I like Fall too, I mean the Summer can get stifling as the air thickens and the heat gets
old before its over, but, overall, Summer is still my favorite. And, that obviously leave Winter as the
least favorite.

Yohji brought them to a stop below the wharf and reached down to remove his shoes, giving Ran a
look. ,,ok Ran, shoes off. Its another rule ya know. Like showing off your home. No shoes on the
beach, at least for a little while. Gotta have the sand between the toes. Dont burst my bubble Ran.
he smiled, looking up at Ran.

Ran considered Yohji solemly for a bit before a grin broke out on his face and he kicked off his shoes.
Again, that blissed out look on his face, head tilted back, he indulged in wiggling his toes in the cool
sand. He cross his arms in front of himself, and eyes still closed murmured, ,,yes Yohji lowly.

Yohji shot upright from where hed bent, and with a glance around, pulled Ran into his arms. Ran
stumbled a bit, eyes closed, hed been a little off guard. But, hed hoped for this so wasnt startled too
badly. He let his arms entwine around Yohjis neck quickly, twisting fingers into the hairs at the back
of Yohjis neck and opened his eyes. He deliberately looked into Yohjis eyes and breathed, ,,yes Yohji.
Yes leaning forward he claimed Yohjis mouth. One hand dropped down to trail over Yohjis back.

,,Ran. Yohji moaned and leaned deeper into the kiss, one hand on Rans neck, the other tightly around
Rans waist. He pulled their bodies together and his knees almost buckled at the hardness between
them. ,,Ran Yohji whispered, tilting his head as Ran made his way to Yohjis neck. ,,oh, Ran Yohji
trembled with the effort to control himself. ,,wait Ran he forced out, ,,wait he focused and took a step
back. Ran followed, a growl n his throat as he protested Yohjis retreat. ,,Yohji he growled, then
whispered, ,,Yohji ... please.

Yohji almost exploded at the plea. ,,Ran! he gasped. ,,wait. He clamped his hands at either side of
Rans face, forcing him to stop. He waited for Ran to focus. Those dazed eyes on his own. ,,Ran he
spoke firmly, despite the shudder running through him. He took another step back. ,,Ran. not here.

Rans eyes abruptly cleared, and he also stepped away, turning his back to Yohji. Taking a deep
breath, then another, he whispered, ,, god Yohji. Im... Im sorry.

,,No Ran! Yohji couldnt stop himself stepping up and pulling Ran back against his chest. ,,No, dont be
sorry, please dont be sorry. I want you Ran. you have no idea how I want you. It took everything I
had in me to stop. But...... we cant .... not here.

Ran took another deep breath and answered, ,,Im not..... Im not sorry for.... for wanting you..... just
­ Im not...... he sighed, ,,Im not.... wanton Yohji, really, its ­ its you. You Yohji. I cant.... I dont....
You make me..... feel. I dont want to resist you Yohji, and that scares me., he whispered. ,,it does.
He stepped away, setting himself to rights. He turned to look at Yohji squarely. ,,you.... you have some
idea about the need for ­ for discretion..... weve talked, and ... yet.... I, I almost dont care Yohji.
And that scares me more than anything. It scares me how close I am to not caring , to throwing all
discretion away...... to..... his voice trailed off and there he stood, straight, somber. He looked at
Yohji, taking a breath, ,,I... I cant do that Yohji, I cant. Aya..... she needs me. Shes helpless. I cant
.... cant risk her. For, ... for this... for my own.... want. For.... anything. He closed his eyes and
bowed his head.

Yohji ran his hands through his hair and lit a cigarette. ,,I know Ran, I know. He spoke clearly, quietly.
,,I feel it too. Youve .... got to me... deeply. Already. I know we have to be careful, and I understand.
About Aya. He sighed. One things for sure.... he turned to look out over the ocean. ,,You have to stop
with the *yes Yohji* thing. At least in public. He turned back to Ran. Deep smoldering green eyes
burning into Rans own. ,,I want you to say it Ran. I want to hear it. A lot. But, youd better save it for
more discreet places.

,,Yes Yoh- Ran cut himself off ,,okay.

,,mm-hmm, exactly Yohji chuckled. He finished his cigarette and pushed it into the sand. ,,Well, lets
walk back Ran. WEISS has an early meeting in the morning. Were setting up some weekend gigs up
state. They started walking back toward the boardwalk and Yohji brushed his hand lightly against
Rans. ,,Id hold your hand if I could Ran.

Ran sighed, ,,me too Yohji. Please, please know, any.... hesitation, has nothing to do with you... with
us. Its just my father Yohji. I cant not see her, I cant let him take her away.

,,I know Babe, I know. Yohji rasped. ,,well figure this out, somehow. He laughed lightly, ,,this is a good
thing anyway. Im enjoying getting to know you, hanging out. Im not known for my ... restraint Ran.
I tend to take something if I want it, and work out the details later. This is good. Well take it slow.
Anticipation heightens the experience. He smiled, a sexy, sultry smile at Ran, and reached up to
swiftly trace his fingers over on side of Rans face, making as though wiping off something. ,,And damn
Ran, am I anticipating. He smiled as they approached the cab station and he turned to Ran. ,,so....
until Sunday?

Ran frowned. Five days. It seemed so long... he sighed, ,,yeah, I guess so. He pouted, just a bit, ,,Five
days seems a long time Yohji. He looked at the sidewalk.

Yohji laughed, ,,oh, dont I know it Ran. But, he leaned down to catch Rans eye. ,,youre very busy the
rest of this week you said, and WEISS is going upstate for the next few days. We can do this.
And...we have cell phones Ran. he chuckled. ,,well make like lovesick teens. Ill call you in the
evenings and when I have some downtime and well talk and talk.

He smiled as Rans eyes lit up, then frowned when Rans eyes twinkled with mischief. Before he could
ask Ran what brought that gleam to his eye, Ran leaned in, just slightly and answered in a whisper
,,yes Yohji

,,Dammit Ran! Yohji barked and stepped back, smiling. Ran laughed, actually laughed, and Yohji
melted. Then he answered back, in his own sultry, deep husky voice, ,,yes ..... Ran. and was delighted
with Rans wide eyed stupefied look, and the flush that crept over Rans face. Yohji chuckled, ,,uh-huh,
see? he smirked.

Ran shook his head and glared at Yohji. ,,hmm. He sighed. ,,well thats it then, for tonight. He held out
a hand to shake, a very small smirk on his lips. ,,it was a nice visit Mr. Kudoh. Then he relented, the
smirk gone, a flash of smolder in his eyes quickly squelched. ,,it was good Yohji. He shook Yohjis hand
and turned for a cab. He turned back just as he sat himself in the back. ,,call me. Well talk.

Yohji watched as the cab pulled away. He shook his head, smiling as he climbed into his own cab. Yes.
This was going to quite a ride......


Over the coming weeks, they enjoyed exploring each other. They grew more secure in their friendship,
getting to know each other:

`favorite sport Ran?'

`none really, unless you count martial arts.'

`no football? Ran!'

`no kudoh, no football, though you feel free... That should leave some Sundays open this coming fall.


`not funny Ran. Don't worry, I can watch the game and still date you. We'll just go to the sport's bar.'



`no. well, not... every week. Hmm. Friends watch football together.... completely acceptable... you

can..... maybe you can come... to my place.... maybe... maybe I DO like football.'

`oh yeah Baby'

`wait. We cant.'

`what? Why?'

`well, don't you need a big screen for football? I have a TV Yohji, but mostly just for the news, not a

real priority...'

`oh, don't sweat that baby, we'll go shopping.'

`hmm...ok. So Yohji, jets or giants?'

`do I strike you as a super speedy trip, or larger than life Ran?'

`ah, giants then'


`f avorite color Yohji?'

`well, it used to blue, but...... lately I've found myself partial to .. violet.'

`Violet? Really?'

`yeah, smoldering violet, Ran. and maybe.... deep, dark red too'



`well, mine has always been forest green...... maybe now I know why.........'


`f avorite movies Ran?'

`I like martial arts movies Yohji, Bruce Lee, Jet Li....like that. And, mystery. Movies that make you

think. You?'

`ah, yeah me too, and I'm a sucker for comedy, and.... well.... sometimes...... romances. Don't laugh!'


`favorite school subject Yohji?'


`that's not a subject Kudoh, that's a break'

`ok, music'

Sigh....'favorite academic subject then'

`there were academics at school? Kidding! Don't hit me!'


`well, math I guess. Math is kinda musical, doncha think? And you don't have to read much for math.

I don't mind a good book, but to have to write a report on it... thanks, but no. You?'


`why am I NOT surprised.... so, favorite NON academic course?'

`art, come on... did you really ask that?'

`heh, yeah, I guess that WAS pretty obvious, hmm? ­ So, know any poetry then Ran?'

`of course. Do you want me to recite poetry for you Yohji? Hm... that of others, or ...some of my own?'

`you write poetry Ran? you know, I write songs, that counts as poetry too, huh? Actually, ....... don't

EVER tell anyone, but..... I write the occasional poetry myself Beautiful.....not just for WEISS......
Hmm, you know, I think I would absolutely like for you to recite poetry for me Ran, ..... panting ....
gasping .... verse.'

`ch. Idiot'


Rans personality opened like a rose, layer by layer..... letting more and more of himself shine through
as their trust and need for each other developed. Yohji was careful to keep their dates entirely public
to encourage their *self control*. Never since Asuka had he been so glad to just talk with someone.
Rans sense of humor blew him away, that witty, sarcastic, caustic humor surprising him over and

They enjoyed the Aquarium, Rans eyes lighting up in wonder, as though..... hed never been there
before, as though seeing the sea life up close for the first time not on television.... They visited the
museum, comments flying from them both - - the 40s themed club, careful to dance alone or as a
group, very careful not to get too close there - - the arcade, watching Ran as he tried his hand at the
various games. He was so out of touch with modern technology in gaming, not having let himself have
this kind of fun. But he learned the moves quickly, relishing victory. Live theater - musicals,
comedies (watching Ran laugh could make Yohjis day), dramas, (seeing Ran choke up with emotion
touched Yohji in a whole other way.) He yearned for the day when he could watch Ran lose himself to

One Tuesday night date, early in August, Yohji indulged a little fantasy, finally taking Ran to the
movies. A foreign film, a small, mostly bookish or elderly audience, largely ignoring to two young men
sitting in the corner of the back row. Making out with Ran, making up for the lost time theyd spent
apart recently..... and yet, making it so much...worse..... Yohji didnt make that mistake again.
Knowing he had to wait until theyd crossed a certain line before he dared sit with Ran so close in the
dark again.

They talked on the phone endlessly. During the evenings, whenever either had to travel. Hours at a
time sometimes.... Ran gave Yohji more of his life with Aya and Yohji came to care for her himself,
too. Through Ran almost seeming as though he knew her, laughing at her antics, crying with Ran as
he told of her need for affection, especially after their mothers death.... Her obvious craving for
Persias love, which he would not give... Yohji raged inside at the horrible man that was Rans father,
at the disdain and outright contempt he showed to Ran, the casual way Ran spoke of the rejection, as
though he deserved it, expected it. The way Persia had carried his hatred for Ran over to his wife and
young daughter as Ran grew and his coloring became more pronounced. More obvious. Rejection
becoming more vocal despite the love his daughter gave, and yearned for so desperately. Persias
hatred toward Ran only grew through his life. His parentage constantly questioned by his own father,
despite the proof of testing. Constantly holding Ran forward as the cause for any strife in the
home..... citing him as a freak, an aberration. As Rans sexual preference became known, it only grew
worse, until finally Ayas injury gave him an unbreakable hold, allowing him to bring Ran pain in yet
more ways..... Rans reticence increased throughout his teen years.... small wonder that, given how
he was mocked for any thought expressed, any opinion voiced.... He allowed himself to feel, respond,
only for Aya. Apart from her, Ran was dead, emotionless, not allowing his father to have any weapon
to use against him... not daring to show any feelings..... After Aya was hurt, he closed off
completely... until Yohji. Yohji delighted in finding ways to bring Ran into the open.

`you need a nickname Ran..... a pet name...'

`pet name Kudoh?.... I don't think so'

`oh yeah... something that is only mine.... let's see.....'

`Yohji, no... don't be an idiot.'

`I'm thinking Baby, hang on.....'

`see? You have one already. I let you call me baby....'

`let me?'

`you're still alive aren't you? ­ amazingly enough...'

`no........that's not it, something else.....'

`and.... you... you call me beautiful. All the time. Idiot, I keep telling you not to but.....'

`no, no.... I mean something unique, something just between us. I call lots of people Baby, or

beautiful or bishounen.'

`excuse me?'

`Um, well, I mean... I DID.... I DID call SOME people that... only certain people, and...I may still slip...

sometimes.... I tease Schu, I call him Baby, sometimes.'


`and, well..... I have been known to call Omi bishounen on more than one occasion.'


`I want something that is yours Ran, only yours..... kitten?'

`absolutely not.'

`you're very catlike Ran.... stoic, generally allowing interaction only if YOU instigate it.... and, petting

you is fun'

`forget it ­ no, ..... think of something else. Wait. Did I just say that?'

`you DID. That means I can..... hmm - well I can't cal you orchid, even though it fits....'

`Yohji, this is silly'

`no.... let me think..... I know! Angel! That's it..... Angel!'

`Angel?! Ch! That is completely inappropriate.... I am in no way angelic.'

`oh Baby, but you ARE'

`really...... and how do you come up with that?'

`well, an open Orchid sometimes looks like an Angel or wings, so there's that.... and Angel, you take

me straight to Heaven.... that voice that soothes my soul; that pearly, satiny skin, definitely Heaven
to touch, and my repeated cries of *oh god, oh god* when I dream of you..... yep, definitely an Angel,
MY Angel'


`please Ran? I'll just use it anyway.... be my Angel'

`alright..... yes Yohji'




`I want.... something for you too Yohji. But.....'


Sigh, `you know I'm not good at this Yohji.....'

`it's ok Babe, it'll come to you, one day, it'll just strike. Besides, I am POSITIVE I am the only one YOU
call Babe or Koi'

`oh really?'

`well.... yeah..... right?....'

Laughter, `yes Yohji'


`yes. Of course. The only one..... ever. Koi, Babe.'

`that's nice Ran.... Angel.'


Yohji gave more of himself too. He told Ran of his childhood, his lifelong friendship with Schuldig, how
he met each member of WEISS and their respective roles :

Schuldig, Yohjis best friend since childhood. Another half breed child in 4th grade, subject to the
ridicule, name calling and degradation only fellow children can dish out, he and Yohji found in each
other kindred spirits. Outcasts but each with a love of life and a fierce determination to prove
everyone wrong, they had bonded quickly. Also having an accent, originally born in Germany, only
moving the to States just before third grade started, his was decidedly more pronounced than Yohjis
whod been born in New York and had an American mother. Schuldig was often harassed even more
than Yohji. He learned quickly to *read* people very early. To know what people were thinking by
mannerisms, facial expression, reactions to surroundings... a talent that would serve him well later in
life. Schu had to endure his own share of pain and loss in his life. Orphaned very young, his parents
having died during the summer between third and fourth grade, Schu he lived in foster care. His
parents having no relatives in the US, and none from Germany willing to take in the half breed child.
Transferred from care home to care home through 4th ­ 8th grade, some decent, many not so much,
hed been lucky enough to remain in the same general area, only moving away for a time during 7th
and 8th grade. He and Yohji had stayed in touch, writing often, and luckily, Schu had found a stable,
long term foster facility through his teen years, and had been able to attend high school with Yohji.

Hed been there before WEISS, had been the one to encourage Yohji to pursue music once his voice
had settled to the warm sensuous tenor during the summer between sophomore and junior year. Had
given Yohji constant encouragement as WEISS developed and grew from a hobby to a way of life. He
often played pseudo manager for the band having a head for business and a keen sense for details.
Often helping in negotiations etc, his ability to read others helped prevent deception, or taking

Schuldig had his own *day job*now. Putting his brilliant mind and amazing *photographic* memory to
use in high school, Schuldig had earned a scholarship to a nearby university, and during the freshman
*career exploration* amazingly discovered a both a talent for, and a genuine love of teaching. His
talent helped him to interact with young people in a way many teachers never could. Able to put them
at ease and to engage their interest. He found he loved being able to touch young minds, to direct,
guide, to see that light of understanding dawn.

Schulding had been there with Yohji through growing up, discovering his bi nature, assuring Yohji he
wasnt a monster. Schu had the same tendency, though he leaned more toward men. Theyd even
dated for a time, but their friendship was too precious to risk and while it was very good, the passion
was just not there, not the way each searched for. Their friendship had developed into brotherhood
and Yohji relied on Schu as the only family he had left. Hed been there for Yohji though the loss of his

parents, and the awful pain after his loss of Asuka. Had watched Yohji lose himself for a time after
that, and had kept him from going completely off the deep end. Hed known the playboy image later
was a front. Knew Yohji was searching for something real, and gave Yohji tentative approval for this
new, mysterious relationship he was pursuing now... although he hadnt met the allusive *Angel*.....

Schu himself was alone at this point in his life, not having pursued any serious relationships since
Yohji, finding the majority of the college students too interested in only party party party. While fun
for a time, Schu longed for something more stable after a time. He grew tired of one night stands,
instant gratification, and opted to focus on his career for now. While he dated here and there, he was
fulfilled with his students and side tutoring sessions and not in any hurry to settle down. Someday, if it
happened, fine. For now, his friendship with Yohji and his students filled his life. WEISS had become
his family as well and he found it to be enough.

Yohji described Omi, drummer of WEISS, as energetic, perpetually cheerful and deceptively innocent.
Omi was a genius with a computer and sound and synthesizing equipment and handled the bands
equipment and electrics... He also was a model student throughout school. Being a master tactician,
and having a steady hand, he championed in chess and both darts and archery. Being ever curious
and always wanting to take care of those he called friend, Omi had also given his early approval of the
subtle changes in Yohji, the new happiness and contentment he exuded.

Omis best friend, and WEISS lead guitarist, Ken, was a soccer fanatic with a bit of a temper at times.
As a teen, hed lost control of his temper a time or two, and the last time had been one too many,
resulting in him being kicked from the team, and losing his best friend (or so hed thought at the time)
in the process. Unknown to Ken, Kase had deliberately provoked Kens temper for his own gain. Fully
aware, as Kens "best friend" of his temper problems, Kase let him believe threats had been made by
a certain player from the other playoff team in their bracket. Threats against Kase and Kens other
teammates, to ensure a loss to end the playoffs. Seeing red when that player collided with Kase and
Kase fell to the ground with a sharp cry, Ken had lost control of himself and in a viscous hit had taken
out the other player, resulting in a broken leg. In the ensuing referee conference, mention was made
of Kens obvious intent. When threats were mentioned to hold the team responsible as a whole, and
eliminate them from the contention, Kase (thankfully found only to be shaken up, but somehow
uninjured by the other player's *hit* ­ surprise surprise) had betrayed Ken, saying Ken had a
personal vendetta against the player, making threats to harm him at first chance, all for reasons
unknown.... The rest of the team, having heard Kens vocal responses to Kases goading earlier, and
oblivious to the manipulations, agreed with Kases implications, familiar with Kens temper from other
incidents. Ken was removed from the team and banned from school sports. Accepting the wake up call
for what it was, Ken channeled his aggression into music after that...

Meeting Omi at a music store early into Kens junior year, they found they shared common interests in
music and a desire to play professionally someday. It took Ken a while, to trust again, but..... once a
friend Ken was fiercely loyal and protective, and basically unable to resist any real pleas.... As their
friendship grew, Omi, a year younger than Ken, made good work of the puppy dog eyes angle, and
came to convince Ken to host weekly, at least, jam sessions in his garage, as his fathers penthouse
apartment did not lend itself to *band sessions* They practiced together often in Kens garage,
making it their *mission room*.

In a twist of fate smiling for once, Ken lived only a short distance down the street from Yohji. On one
of his evening walks with Schu to talk over the most recent love interests for both, and the question of
whether to attend the junior prom or just create their own party, theyd overheard the practice
session. Kens ability with a guitar was nothing short of amazing. Ken had developed a glove allowing
him to utilize multiple picks at once, almost as though the picks were a part of his hand, like claws
perhaps. Ken tended to lose himself in his solos, sometimes requiring intervention to come back to
this existence. He likened it to a berseker warrior, one who lost himself to the fight. Ken lost himself
to the music.....

Yohji had been unable to resist the music that called to him from down the street that night during
their jam session and had found himself standing just outside Kens garage singing along with the
popular hit they were practicing. A fast friendship was formed between the three, despite Omi being a
year behind, and soon the plan to form a band was underway.

Jei, WEISSs last member and bassist, had also had problems with temper as a young man, but sadly
with more reason than merely overloads of testosterone..... Yohjid met Jei, also a junior, near the
school earlier in the year. He came upon a group of teens on the tennis court taunting a lone boy.
White haired, thin, but with a whipcord strength, sporting a patch over one eye, the boy eyed the
group warily, but showed no signs of fear as he held a fighting stance enduring their taunts. Finally,
one comment had apparently hit home, something about one eyed freak and your mother- pushing
the boy over the edge hed been holding on to so tightly.

Yohji had witnessed Jeis temper unleashed. Hed intervened, and been able to calm the youth before
the others were seriously hurt. Hed given witness to the security responding to the fight, to the fact
that Jei had been outnumbered, obviously acting in self defense..... The bruises revealed when the
youths torn shirt was cut away led credence to the story. The bruised ribs and marks across Jeis back
resulted in no charges being brought, and Jei was released. But. Yohjid been there. He knew. None of
the hecklers had landed more than a glancing blow. Yohjid said nothing until he and Jei were released
that afternoon, and that silence earned him a measure of trust. Walking home, hed learned of Jeis
drunken, violent father, his mothers *death* ruled suicide when he was in middle school.... of the
beatings, and worse... of how Jeid lost his eye....

A friendship had grown. Jei, like Ken, channeled his anger, his *darkness* into music, playing bass.
When Yohji found Omi and Ken, he immediately thought of Jei and WEISS came into being. Later,
when Jei was finally old enough to move out, theyd become roommates first. Finally, as Ken and Omi
grew old enough to leave home as well, for the convenience of the band, the four shared a home while
Schu pursued University.

Each of these men were Yohjis family, and someday, Yohji hoped, would be Rans as well.


Ran blossomed under Yohjis care. As his trust in Yohji grew, as Yohji seemed to not only accept, but
to revel in exploring what Ran considered his defectiveness: his looks, his reticence, his lack of
experience in both friendships and romance, his difficulty with expression. Yohji seemed to thrive on
bringing Ran out, in opening each layer, excited to penetrate yet more.....

And the sensory explorations progressed as well......... occasional touches in the limo enroute to or
from a date, the privacy panel securely closed. Stolen kisses at least once on each date when they
found some time alone, each consecutive session flaming the passion higher between them....

Yohji encouraged more ,,discussion of this aspect of their growing relationship too. Ran balked at first,
easily embarrassed to talk about it. Touch was one thing, putting desire into words.... something else
again. He tended to cut conversation short if Yohji pushed too far..... what Yohji wouldnt give to erase
that fear, embarrassment..... baby steps.

It was a Thursday night and WEISS was on the road for another extended weekend gig. They were
getting more of those, but they often led to traveling. Upstate, or out of state, like this one, gone from
Thursday through Sunday. Meaning, he wouldnt see Ran again this weekend, not until Tuesday. And
Saturday... Saturday was Yohjis birthday..... Yohji groaned as he yet again tried to shake Ran from
his thoughts as he considered what he wanted to ask for as a gift...... Oh fuck it, he dialed Rans
number. No way hed get to sleep without the voice of his Angel to soothe the way..... already, he was
addicted..... needing Ran.


Ran sighed as he sipped his lemonade, standing on his balcony enjoying the view, basking in the
bright summer sunlight of a Saturday afternoon. The warm sunlight soothing him, making him think of
Yohji. Yohji was warm, he filled Ran with light, kept the darkness at bay..... suddenly, it hit Ran just
how much Yohji WAS like sunlight. He grinned as he considered Yohjis response when he told him
hed found a pet name for him.... he could give it to Yohji for a birthday surprise.

He missed Yohji. Missed him more than he should. But, he was coming to understand that Yohji meant
much more to Rans well being than should be possible only two and a half months later. It had been
a very, very long week. Meeting after meeting, finalizing all the quirks of another new contract with
Mamaru.... the boy was quite the sensation, and renegotiation was needed to give Krittiker a better
hold on the global market. The problem was, the kid had let things go to his head and was turning into
quite the diva. Wanting a personal assistant on hold during recording sessions, his own favorites
catered in whenever he was scheduled somewhere, and most recently, a tendency to make
*fashionably late* appearances to media events and rehearsal or studio sessions. The problem was,
the musicians working the studio for the past few years were accustomed to Rans demand for
professionalism and punctuality, conveying ones respect, or lack thereof, of another. Ran was pretty
sure he had at least cured the boy of the problems at the studio. A well focused glare and some
explanation as to how easily ones childish tendencies could become media fodder seemed to have
made an impression. It had taken most of the afternoon to smooth over the feathers of the studio
crew and Ran had developed a tiresome headache by the end of the day Friday. One that almost
prevented him from stopping by the boardwalk on his way home. Almost. But hed been too eager to
pick up Yohjis gift, and on the off chance he got to come back early, Ran wanted to have it available.
Of course, he hadnt. And the piece sat wrapped, waiting, on Rans coffee table. Ran sighed and rolled
his shoulders. Yes, he missed Yohji.

Ran had commissioned a beautiful piece. A delicate, white orchid, with a blood red center, and violet
spattered petals, laying on a bed of deep emerald green leaves. The orchid was enmeshed in honey
gold coils, thin as wire, giving it an unearthly aspect. As though it were a dream, a thought..... If one
looked very, very closely, at the center of the orchid, one could see that there was an angel, standing
with head tilted back, arms and wings spread wide, these and white robe he wore blending eventually
up into the petals of the orchid. The angels hair was a deep, dark, blood red, just at the center of the
orchid, and flowed, long and wavy, to begin the red coloration expanding from the orchids center,
deepening in hue as it went, until it changed to a violet dusting spattered along the center of the
orchids petals. Ran couldnt wait to give the piece to Yohji. It was...... exquisite, truly. The
glassmaster had quite outdone himself. It was worth every penny.... It was.... over the top. And the
symbolism of the angel/orchid being encased in the honey and emerald would not be lost on Yohji. It
said much, asked for much, but Ran would give it to Yohji, and accept whatever Yohji was willing to
make of it.

Today was Yohjis birthday. Ran so wished WEISS had not been scheduled away today.... Theyd
agreed that, since Ran had needed to attend a conference this morning, and it would take most of the
day to get to the band location, Ran would not attend todays show. Especially as the band intended to
travel back tonight after the gig to negate the extra hotel expense Hed promised Yohji he would make
WEISS next show here in New York, at whatever venue they scheduled. But, that meant, today he
would not see Yohji. Couldnt even call him, as he had no way of knowing what photo sessions or
autograph events, etc they might be engaged in....

Ran smiled to himself as he recalled talking with Yohji late into the early morning hours Thursday
night. Theyd talked of inanity at first, light conversation about nothing really. Yohji saying hed
missed Rans voice so called for a chat. Yohjid described the drive up, the antics of his bandmates.
His horror at the excuse for Mexican food served at the restaurant theyd stopped at on the way. Ran
had laughed at Omis excitement at spotting an eagle in flight, forcing them to pull off to the side
while he frantically tried to find his camera.....

Then, somehow, the conversation had turned. From silly nonsense conversation to more serious.
Yohjis talked about his parents. About missing them as his birthday approached. Hed described to
Ran how theyd met in Japan while his mom was stationed there during a brief stint in the military.
How theyd courted, fallen in love, and how, once she was transferred back, his father couldnt bear to
be apart from her. How his father had no family, having been orphaned young, being an only child.
Hed had no qualms about following the love of his life to America. Hed sold everything, and come to
America. Yohjid explained how his mothers parents had had her at an older age. How both were older
by the time shed found Tatske Kudoh, needing her care. Her mom had died shortly after Yohji was
born. Hed never really known his grandmother. But his grandfather was lost without his beloved
Susan and hed needed Yohjis mom. Yohjis father had never considered asking her to leave him

behind, and Yohjid grown up with his grandfather an integral part of this life, living in their home until
his death. His wry sense of humor had influenced Yohjis own, and he cherished the memories of this
man whod immediately accepted his daughters love without reservation to race or differences. Happy
that shed found the same amazing soulmate hed had with his wife. Hed accepted Tatske as a son,
and loved him and Yohji completely. Yohjid been devastated when Frank had died when he was

Ran opened up to Yohji more about the lack of any family other than Aya after his mothers death. The
ridicule endured as a small boy unable to be understood for a time. Much like Schuldig, Rans family
had moved to New York while he was young. His difficulty with his accent had caused him trouble at
school at first, increasing the tauntings over his coloring, his almost feminine appearance, especially
until his voice changed, deepened. Aya had learned English without much accent, most of her learning
to speak coming after the move. And, being adorable and loving, not to mention blending in without a
problem, she was accepted and loved by all but her own father. Thanks to his fathers disdain, Ran
had been withdrawn to begin with, becoming more antisocial after the death of his mother, awkward,
uncaring of others impression, wanting only to be left alone. Finally, his father had resorted to private
tutors, only increasing the aloofness now that Ran was not forced to interact. Hed poured himself into
his studies, intent on perfecting his English, hed always understood it with no trouble, now he spoke it
perfectly as well. None would suspect his early conflict. He was still obviously Japanese in his facial
features, his body style, lanky, lean, with delicious muscle definition reinforced by his ongoing kendo
practice. No, despite the coloring, the alabaster skin, the blood red hair, violet eyes, none would
question his Japanese heritage. But now, in modern day New York, as an adult, especially in the music
industry, he was no longer taunted for his unique appearance. In fact, now the interest took on a
whole new aspect. His aloofness when in public gave Ran a reputation as *ice prince* *frigid* and
hed had several offers to melt the ice, to thaw him out. But, hed had no such desire or need, until

Somehow, this confession had caused the conversation to graduate then to light flirting, teasing,
which quickly turned to more. Ran had grown flustered, unable to respond to Yohjis comments, and
had cut the conversation short, citing a need for rest for an early meeting Friday.... he wished now
that he hadnt been so tongue tied, that hed let Yohji continue his oh so pleasant descriptions....

The people at Rans office Friday had been stunned at Rans attitude that morning. The half smile that
kept coming back, the lack of anger just below the surface. People kept reacting to him with mild
shock until the annoyance burned away the last of the good mood finally when the mail clerk entered
his office shortly after eleven am with a look of confused anticipation on his face. Like he was entering
the freak show tent at the circus, Ran thought. ,,what?! he hissed at the young man, ,,youd think Id
never smiled before. Ran had growled at the kid, then blinked when the boy blurted without thinking,
,,you havent the boy had slapped his hand quickly over his mouth, obviously expecting a reprimand
or worse, again shocked when Ran only answered quietly, almost sadly, ,,perhaps youre right. Leave
the mail and get out. Ran had finished the desk work in his office then headed off for the talk with the
new diva brat and the studio crew, ignoring his phone and secretary the rest of the day.

Ran rubbed his eyes and took a deep sigh. Tina was a great secretary. She put up with all his quirks,
took his attitude with a grain of salt. Knew his preferences and often anticipated his needs. She
seemed to have come to care for him in her way over the last three years, despite his having done
nothing to encourage it. Hed have to do something to make up to her for his attitude this week.
Between the kid, dealing with Persias worsening disdain, worry for Aya and missing Yohji, Ran had
been a real grouch since Tuesday. Shed been pleasantly surprised at his countenance Friday morning,
making no shocked or amazed comment, just smiling at him fondly and saying she hoped he was
alright, how he looked tired but happy, and brought him his coffee just how he liked it without any
hint from him.... she hadnt deserved his cold shoulder Friday afternoon... hed have to make it up to
her somehow......

Rans musings were cut short as he heard his phone ring from inside. Making his way into the
apartment, Ran pulled the curtains, deciding hed had enough sun and heat for one Summer
afternoon, and flipped on the fan as he walked by. Picking up the phone, not recognizing the number,
he answered cautiously. ,,This is Ran.

,,Angel. Yohjis warm voice, never failing to fill Ran with light, greeted him. ,,I miss you Baby

,,Yohji Ran breathed. ,,Happy birthday Yohji, Im so glad you called. Puzzled, he asked, ,,what
happened to your cell Yohji? What number is this?

,,Oh yeah? Miss me huh? one could hear the smirk on Yohjis lips as he purred, ,,thats good Angel. Im
glad youve been missing me. This is the phone in my hotel room. My charger broke and I just got a
new one. Cell is charging now for the trip home. I miss you too.... very very much Ran. And... since
youre missing me too, you are more likely to give in to my request.

,,What request is that Yohji?

,,uh-uh, not yet. First, did you get that prick kid straightened out? I know Thursday you were pretty
fed up.

Sigh, ,,yeah. I put the brat in his place. He wont be late to another session with me or my people.
What he does with others is none of my concern. But, I dont want to discuss anything to do with
Krittiker. Its your birthday, I want to talk about you. Did you have a nice day so far? How much time
do you have until tonights show? I ­ I have your present Yohji, I cant wait to see you open it. I wish
I could have given it to you today. Maybe, if you get back early enough Sunday, we can see each
other. Ran dropped his voice, ,,I do miss you Yohji..... I couldnt sleep at all Thursday after your call.

Yohjis breath hissed on the other end of the line. ,,Ran. me either. I tossed and turned all night. Its
funny. Id called you because I couldnt sleep, I needed to hear your voice. Then I cant stop talking to
you..... We really are like a couple of teenagers with their first love you know.

Ran could hear Yohji smile in his voice. Not the leering grin, the fond, warm smile that Ran had grown
to understand was only for him. The one that made Ran melt, made him want to wrap Yohji in his
arms and kiss him breathless.

,,and then Ran, the rest of the conversation completely chased sleep away. Totally defeated the
purpose, especially since you cut the call off Ran before we got the end of the story. Well, it surely
wasnt much for a sleep remedy.

,,Yohji, I -

,,dont you dare apologize Ran. I told you already, only what you are comfortable with, only what
makes you feel good.

,,Yohji. You DO make me feel good, talking to you like that is..... amazing, its just-,,

,,I know Angel. Its hard for you, but.... Ran, I want to tell you, describe to you all the amazing things I
want to do someday. And this.... this can be a prelude.... Ran, I dont want to wait much longer.
The.... anticipation is growing and soon..... but for now, let me do this Ran. This is my request. For
my birthday Yohjis voice dropped to a rasp, breathless as he went on, ,,give me your pleasure. Thats
what I want. Let me make you cum Ran, let me tell you, hear you. Let me cum with you.

Rans gasp was followed immediately by a helpless moan. ,,Yohji.... yes Yohji. Rans heart was
pounding, leaping to life in his chest....

,,oh Angel. Thank you. Im so hard from wanting you Ran, I- OK. Lay down for me Ran, lay down and
relax, what are you wearing Ran? give me a picture to work with.

,,I... Im wearing a button down white shirt and black drawstring pants Yohji. Nothing special..... o-ok
Yohji, Im.... Im in my room, on .. on the bed.

,,yes Ran... yes. God I miss you.... sigh, ,,for the first time Ran, I almost resent WEISS. Not, not the
guys, but.... well. Im glad were growing, gaining success, but..... I wish we didnt travel so much. It
didnt matter before, but now. I have you, and I cant take you with me, and .... I want to Ran. I want

you to be with me on the road, in the audience, here.... in my room.... where I can touch you. Ran,
Yohji was beginning to pant, just a little as he anticipated the coming moments, ,,Ran.... I want to
touch you.... run my hands all over your body, feel your muscle under my palms, your smooth skin,
your firm, toned pecs and abs.... but Im not with you Ran. Youll have to help me. Will you? For my
birthday Ran, will you be my hands? he dropped to a whisper, ,,touch yourself for me Ran, be my
hands. And Ran, I.... I cant see you, you have to let me hear you. Please Ran. This last was a
breathless moan from deep in Yohjis throat.

Ran was glass hard laying there listening to Yohji, and he hadnt really even said anything yet. Ran
was helpless to answer Yohjis plea, ,,yes Yohji, please he moaned deeply, surprising himself. And
Yohji too, by the sound of the gasp of his name in response to that yes. He said it again, just to hear
the effect on Yohji. ,,yes Yohji.... I .... I want you Yohji. Tell me.... tell me what to do.

,,Ran, damn! Ok. Lay back. Relax. Close your eyes, imagine me there, with you. Running my hands
over your torso, down your sides. Be my hands Ran. Open your shirt, trace my hands over your chest,
over your abs.... run my hands down your thighs Ran, over the inside of your thighs. Feel the heat
Ran, through your soft pants. Ran, gods, are you as hard as I am?

,,yes Yohji! Ran gasped, arching just slightly as he grew impossibly harder at Yohjis question.

,,good Ran, thats good. Gods Angel, so am I..... Take my hand Ran, use it to cup yourself, squeeze a

Ran moaned deeply, a wordless expression of his pleasure as his hand wrapped around himself
through his pants. He was slightly embarrassed to realize here he was, broad daylight, touching
himself as Yohji listened, but soon the pulsing pushed any hesitation away. He fumbled with the
drawstring on his waistband as he suddenly needed to touch himself. Needed it in a way he never had
before.... ,,Yohji he groaned, ,,Yohji.... I .... he whimpered as he trailed off, unsure what to ask for,
but needed it so desperately.

,,Ran Yohji moaned back, ,,Angel, god..... I ..... I wish I was there Ran, how I wish I could see you. Are
you holding your cock, Ran? is it hard, hot? Mine is Ran, so hard it hurts Ran. Yohji was panting now,
Ran could hear the sound as his shoulders shifted on the sheets. He knew Yohji was pumping himself
and that image strove to almost push Ran over. He had a brief thought that he wished he could
imagine Yohji like that naked, rather than in jeans in his minds eye, but they hadnt progressed past
heavy petting and so he could only picture Yohji shirtless, no more than that, but that was enough.

,,youre so beautiful Yohji. Ran heard Yohjis sharp intake of breath at his initiative. This was Yohjis
birthday... he could do this. Yohji wanted this. There would be no ridicule, no pain. Rans resolve
hardened and he began to speak. ,,you ­ are. Yohji, - I am - hard Yohji ­ so ­ so hard. He heard Yohji
moan his name, ,,yes Ran, Angel....ngh, ahh...

,,You ­ you did ­ did this - to me Yohji. Ran was panting, moaning Yohjis name, pumping faster, his
breathing getting faster and faster, he knew, this was not going to last much longer. ,,Yohji, I ... ngh,
yo..ji .. yo-,,

,,Ran, yes! Cum for me Ran, cum for me, calling my name, Ran.... oh! Damn! suddenly, Yohji gasped,
then, ,,uh ­ R ­ Ran. Yohjis voice, a drawn out growl and Ran knew, Yohji had cum just then, and
saying Ran name.

The image, fuzzy though it was from lack of personal knowledge, was enough to push Ran himself into
oblivion. His entire body taut, back arched up from the mattress, Ran dropped the phone. Calling
helplessly, Yohji! Ran exploded another wordless cry ripped from his throat, ,,ahhh! he could do
nothing but thrust fast and hard, once- twice-again, into his fist as each throbbing pulse burst from
him. Finally, wracked by tremors, his thrusts slowed, and he fell back onto the bed, boneless, still
feeling small aftershocks pulsing in his fist. Panting, his breath finally slowing, Ran came to himself
slowly. He heard a small, tinnyvoice calling his name. The phone! Yohji! He fully intended to snatch
the phone to his ear, but found he couldnt. He slowly dragged his arm up, sweeping near the pillow to
find the phone.

,, ­ on Ran. Answer me baby, Im getting worried here. Yohjis voice was taking on a panicky tone.

,,Yohji? Ran mumbled.

,,Ran! Fuck! You scared me. That, that was .... incredible. Are you okay Angel? Yohji asked, wishing
so so much that he could be there to hold Ran, to feel Ran snuggled against him.

,,yeah.... Yohji Ran mumbled slowly in a breathless, half asleep voice. ,,that... that was .....nice. he

Yohji chuckled. ,,yes Ran, it really really was. Thank you Angel.

,,happy birthday Yohji. Ran mumbled, sounding even more as though he were drifting off.

,,Ran? You ok babe? Falling asleep on me Angel? Yohji smiled, ,,its ok Ran. hang up Ran. Ill text you
tonight when were on our way home. If youre awake you can call me back and well talk then. I -
Yohji cut off suddenly, then coughed a moment. ,,Ill talk to you tonight or tomorrow Ran. Sleep for
now, and dream of me.

,,yes Yohji. Ran whispered now and Yohji knew he was asleep. He listened to Ran breath quietly for a
few moments, reluctant to break the connection. ,,Sleep Ran. he whispered, ,,I love you. Finally, Yohji
disconnected the call. Knowing sadly that soon the busy tone would wake Ran from his relaxed doze.
But, maybe it was best. Ran likely would need a bit of a clean up after that little work out.

Yohji got up from his bed and made his way to the shower. Yep, Ran would definitely be in need of a
wash when he woke up if hed cum anywhere near as hard as Yohji had. And, judging from the sound
of things, he certainly had.... Too bad Yohji wasnt there to take care of it for him, to clean him up and
take Ran into his arms.... damn. Yohji decided he was definitely taking things to the next level, and
soon. He wanted to hold Ran, to touch him.... hed visited Rans apartment a few times now. It
wouldnt cause a stir for him to visit.... hmmm. Next weekend was labor day weekend. He already had
the one surprise set up for Ran, may as well spring this too... hmmm... now, how to ... ah, he hadnt
taken Rand dancing yet. Concerned about public display, he had not been so bold. But, there was this
small, quiet little backwater bar, up near the racetrack where Rans surprise was scheduled for next
Saturday. They had the best crabcakes there, and being a small, quiet club, there was little chance
anyone would recognize Ran there. Anyone who recognized Yohji knew him already and would make
no comment or trouble.... yes, that would work wonderfully. WEISS had the weekend off, nothing
scheduled, purposely. They all needed the break, and then, WEISS had their annual Labor day picnic
planned that Monday.... yep, thats the plan. Next weekend, he would make Ran his, then introduce
him to the guys, and together they would work out some plan to help Ran escape Krittiker. They had

Ran awoke to an annoying *banh banh banh banh* repeating in his ear. What the? Oh, the phone.
Why is the phone off the hook?. He pulled the phone from his ear and hung up. Ran raised his head
and suddenly was slammed with the memory. Oh. My. God. Yohji! Hed fallen asleep on Yohji, not
really answering back after that.... that.... mind blowing orgasm.....damn. Ran sighed and climbed
from the bed. Looking down is distaste at the pulling sensation of the dried cum splattered over his
belly, Ran was assaulted by the smell and overwhelmed for a moment in the memory of Yohjis voice
calling out: *** `Ran, yes! Cum for me Ran, cum for me, calling my name, Ran.... oh! Damn!'
suddenly, Yohji gasped, then, `uh ­ R ­ Ran.' Yohji's voice, a drawn out growl....
*** Ran felt a
tightness grip his belly and his knees weakened for a moment.... He wanted that again, but live and in
person.... he wanted to touch Yohji, to feel Yohjis hands on his body.... Taking a deep breath, Ran
stretched and made his way to the shower. He knew Yohji wanted him, but Yohji had this plan, this....
need to *do this right*. He would let Yohji set the timeline. Ran was already certain that his heart
belonged to Yohji. It was only a matter of time before he gave his body to Yohji as well. He would let
Yohji take things at a pace he was comfortable with. Whatever it took to bring Yohji to the conclusion
that this was right, and that he belonged to Ran right back. Ran smiled. A full, open, content smile
and climbed into the shower. Well, he would certainly rest well tonight. He was so relaxed right now

hed do well to get through the shower. His stomach rumbled and Ran promised himself a nice, juicy
steak for Yohjis birthday as soon as he was done here.


WEISS finally pulled into the parking lot late Sunday night. Very late. Tired, cranky over the flat tire
on the way home, and definitely in need of a shower, Yohji helped Jei unpack the van as Omi went
inside to help Ken clean out the gash on his arm. Ken had sliced him forearm pretty badly as he
twisted the lugwrench and, though it likely needed stitches, Ken was stubborn like that and refused
the hospital, insisting butterfly tape would handle it if only he could clean it out. Omi went in with him,
mumbling about hardheaded, stubborn fools.

Yohji and Jei made their way inside, both overloaded with instruments and electrics, and dumped the
lot in the music room in front. ,,so Yohji, Jei said as he tossed Yohji a cold one from the fridge. You
gonna see him tonight? You sounded pretty excited on the phone. Jei grinned as he took a swallow.

Yohji sighed, ,,I dunno Jei... its a lot later than I thought it would be, with the stupid tire, and he has
to be at the office pretty early...

,,Yohji. The man sounded pretty excited to see you too, from what I could hear. You dont have to go
out dancing or anything, just go over there, let him give the birthday present he was so disappointed
he couldnt give you and enjoy it. Jei tilted his head, studying Yohji for a moment. ,,Ya know. I was,
skeptical at first, about this guy. I mean, such a .... class difference and all. I mean, Ive never met
him, I have no idea what hes like but, I wondered... how it could really work, with him being on such
a ... different level. And I thought you were crazy when you said the money didnt matter to him,
but... well, Ive been watching you Yohji, and... you seem happy. Happier than I have seen you in a
long, long time. I hope this works. Really. You deserve it man. He smiled. ,,So. Go. Go over there,
right now, grungy and all, and let him see how you rushed to him, despite the damn tire fiasco, and
let him give you the present, and whatever else he may want to give you too. Jei leered then, and
laughed a quick laugh. ,,Ill take care of the kid and Ken, you just drive careful. Jei pounded Yohji on
the shoulder, turned him toward the door, and handed him the keys to the van as he gave him a
push. ,,go Yohji. He shut the door behind Yohji as he shoved him out onto the step.

Yohji grinned, shook his head, and climbed into the van. Jei had deliberately left Yohjis bag in the
seat, a not so subtle hint, and given his ,,blessing. Guess Yohji couldnt ask for more than that.

Ran sat at his kitchen table, nursing a cup of tea, when his cell buzzed an incoming text: **sorry
I'm late. Had a flat tire. Am at red light on fulton. B there in a sec.** Ran smiled. Yohji was
almost here. Feeling like a giddy schoolgirl, though hed never, ever... ever, admit it, Ran jumped
from his chair and made his way to the elevator. The overnight guard had not met Yohji and while Ran
knew he had the description, there was less likely to be any scene if he just went outside to meet
Yohji himself. Ran slipped on his sandals and entered the elevator.

As he exited into the lobby, Yohji was just entering the glass doors. Ran was suddenly glad hed some
downstairs. Yohji looked a mess. He looked exhausted. His jeans were muddy, he had a travel bag
slung over one shoulder, and nasty bruise on the left side of his face. ,,Yohji! What happened?! Ran
couldnt stop himself from rushing to Yohjis side, but controlled himself before he pulled Yohji into his
arms. No, that would not be a good idea. Not here. As if to bring the point home, before Yohji could
answer they were interrupted by the guard. ,,Mr. Fujimiya? Is everything alright?

Ran sighed, softly, gave Yohji a rueful smile, and turned. ,,yes Tim. Everything is fine. My friend, Mr.
Kudoh, had some car trouble on his way back from a weekend trip and will be staying here tonight.
Thank you Tim for your concern, Goodnight. Ran led Yohji into the elevator and waited until the doors
closed before quickly turning to Yohji to stare intently at the bruise, assuring himself Yohji really was

,,Im fine Angel, really. Yohji assured, ,,Ill explain everything upstairs. Im really sorry we got back so
late after I told you wed be back for dinner. Really, Ran.

,,ch! As if I care about that. Its obvious something happened. Im just glad youre ok. Ran opened the
apartment door, stepping aside to let Yohji enter, and noticed him limping lightly as well. ,,Yohji. You
are not alright. Your txt said a flat tire. What the hell? How does a flat tire try to give you a black eye
and ... twist your ankle? If Im not mistaken.

Yohji sighed and dropped his travel bag near the coat closet. ,,no, youre not mistaken Ran. Its a
twisted ankle, but Im ok. Just very tired.

Yohji looked tired. Ran immediately regretted scolding him barely inside the door, ,,come on Nissho,
lets get you cleaned up. And you look like you could use a drink.

,,Nissho? What? Yohji looked a little bewildered a he followed Ran to the kitchen table. Ran sat him
down and pulled the chilled Reisling from the fridge. He poured Yohji a glass as he explained. ,,well, I
... I meant to tell you, yesterday when you called, that Id found a name for you. A pet name. Ran
blushed a little as he turned to sit the glass in front of Yohji. But then, um, I got.... distracted.

,,distracted huh? Yohji grinned as he took a sip. ,,is that what you are calling it? I like ravished better.
He smiled Rans special smile and Ran couldnt resist. He leaned over and kissed Yohji. Slowly,
languidly. He traced his tongue over Yohjis lips and was rewarded when Yohji gasped, allowing him to
enter Yohjis mouth, chilled from the wine, tasting sweet.... Ran explored the kiss, keeping it slow,
and drew back, taking Yohjis lip between his teeth briefly before standing back up. Standing there,
gazing down into that beautiful face, dazed green eyes watching him, wanting him despite the
exhaustion he could see so clearly, Ran husked, Happy birthday Yohji. Welcome back.

Yohji reached out, slowly pulling Ran into his lap. He let his head fall forward, forehead resting on
Rans chest. ,,Damn Ran.... I am just so damn tired.... Im a mess, Im sore, I need a shower.... I want
to.... he sighed and raised his head to look at Ran. ,,I want to explore more of my gift from yesterday
afternoon Ran. he grinned, but not as wide as normal, ,,but there is no way I can do any justice to it
right now, just no way. His head dropped back down to Rans chest and Ran raised a hand to trail
fingers through Yohjis hair. ,,what did happen Yohji? Theres no way youre so banged up from a flat
tire. Were you guys mugged or in a wreck or something?

Yohji chuckled darkly. ,,no Ran. It was flat tire. Just, a flat tire Ken Hidaka style.

Ran pulled back to look at Yohji in confusion. ,,what? What does that mean?

Yohji pushed Ran up, off his lap, and gasped as he did so, ,,Damn Ran, your pants! Shit. I forgot I was
all muddy... fuck. Look, let me clean up a bit and Ill explain everything, ok? I just dropped the guys
off and booked over here. I didnt even stop to change, as you can see. Im sorry. I should have -

,,No Yohji. Ran cut him off. ,,dont be sorry. Im glad you came straight away. And to hell with the mud.
Itll wash. I dont care. I was.... was getting worried. Anyway, go on, jump in the shower real fast.
There are towels in the linen closet there. Do you need sleep pants, or is there something in your
bag? he stood up and stepped back so Yohji could stand.

Yohji stood, swaying just a bit, and went for his bag. ,,yeah, Im all set. This is the spare bag, in case
we had to stay over tonight. We all left one out after packing everything else up, just in case. We
werent sure if wed cut out tonight or in the morning. Since we got done so early, and I wanted to see
you, we cut out tonight. Yohji ran his hand through his hair and sighed. ,,Guess we shoulda waited
after all. He started down the hall, and heard Rans voice, low, behind him. ,,Im glad you didnt. Even
with the flat tire, and whatever happened. Im.... sorry youre hurt Yohji but..... Im glad youre back

Yohji turned to smile just before entering the bathroom, ,,me too Ran, me too.

Yohji exited some twenty minutes later, refreshed. Still bone tired, but blessedly clean. He found Ran
sitting on the sofa, a cup of tea before him and a water bottle with small plate of fruit, cheese, and a
half sandwich on the table, next to an elegantly wrapped gift box of about the size of a football. Ran
smiled at him and patted the sofa. ,,alright Nissho, spill. Tell me what happened.

,,Theres that Nissho again. What is that Ran?

Ran smiled again and Yohji sat down. ,,Nissho Yohji, sunshine. It came to me yesterday, just like youd
said it would. Suddenly, standing out on my balcony, basking in the sun, it hit me. You are a light in
my darkness Yohji. Guiding me out. My sunshine. Ran blushed, ducking his head a moment. Yohji sat
there, stunned, too tired to really reply, and Ran went on. ,,you warm me Yohji. Your voice fills me
with light, and you, yourself..... looking at you is like.... seeing summer, embodied. Your hair, shining
with the suns warmth, your beautiful eyes, glowing with summers vibrant green. You just... are
sunshine. And.... I figured, you.... might not really like it if I went around calling you sunshine in front
of people, but..... not many here know Japanese... so.... Nissho. Sunshine Ran looked up to find Yohji
string at him in awe. ,,Yohji? Are you... alright?

,,Damn Ran. Yohji whispered, ,,you really meant it when you said you wrote poetry huh? he smiled the
most amazing smile. It lit up his whole being, ,,Angel! That was..... incredible. Poetry... damn me. Ran
blushed and Yohji softly leaned in for a very soft, very sweet kiss. ,,Ran, I love it. You amaze me
constantly. No one has ever made me feel so cherished as you just did.... that was... beautiful.

He sat back, slowly, trailing his thumb over Rans lips, and darted his eyes to the box. ,,So. Is this my
other birthday present? he waggled his eyebrows just a bit at Ran, just to catch that blush again.
Rand didnt disappoint. But, he didnt let Yohji have the box, either.

,,no way Kudoh -

,,Kudoh, Yohji whined, what happened to Nissho?

,,Its Kudoh until you tell me how the hell a flat tire punches you in the face.

,,oh. I forgot that... well, Ken is..... well, hes very athletic, and strong, and can be quite graceful,
but... hes a klutz when it comes to fixing anything. I shoulda known not to let him try to fix the damn
tire, but he insisted, and he was the first one out there, tools and all. Everything was going great, but
then the lugwrench slipped, cutting his arm open, and he jerked back. Thats when his elbow
connected with my cheek and I let go of the spare. Which then began to roll down hill. Ken was
bleeding everywhere, Jei was holding the jack, and Omi was running to the back of the van, the
opposite direction, to find the first aide kit. This left me to chase the damn tire. It rolled off the edge
of the road, right into a ditch. A ditch I didnt see in the dark until I was in it. Yohji sighed, and sat
back on the sofa, pouting a bit. He snagged the plate from the table and began to nibble. ,,thanks for
the snack Ran

,,I thought you might be hungry, Ran answered absently, as he digested the story. Slowly, he started
to chuckle, and soon he was laughing. Not hard, not a loud laugh, but still... Yohji pouted bigger, and
glared at Ran. ,,what the hell Ran? Im injured here.

Ran sobered a bit, but still chucking, he handed the gift box to Yohji. ,,Yohji, my poor Nissho. You
deserve your present after such a debacle he sobered, ,,Im sorry Yohji, for laughing, but... what a
tale. Are you sure youre not hurt badly? And Ken. Is he ok?

,,Yohji smiled ruefully. It was a total fiasco Ran. we laughed too Ran, later, when we were almost
home..... yeah, Im fine. Like I said, just sore. My ankle isnt even swollen, just twingy. And the face
will not be pretty for a bit, but we have next weekend off, so thats fine. Kens ok. Probably shoulda
got stitches, but he is stubborn bastard, so probably bullied Omi into just the butterflies. I left while
they were still arguing about it. Yohji pouted at Ran again, and deliberately made big, puppy eyes.
,,Ran...Angel. he whined, ,,can I open my present now? Please?

Ran laughed again, a light, carefree laugh, surprising even himself for a moment. ,,yes Nissho. Open

Yohji grinned and reached to rip the paper. He was stopped by a firm hand, and Rans solemn gaze.
,,carefully Yohji.

Yohji sobered and placed the box on the table. With a glance at Ran, he carefully unwrapped the
paper and opened the box. After moving the bunting away, he gingerly lifted the orchid from the foam
cradle. ,,Ran he whispered, all teasing gone from his voice, a sense of awe about him. ,,Ran... its... its
beautiful. How? Where?

,,I went to the glass maker at the boardwalk shop that you like so much. He was eager to try such a
challenging piece and agreed to create it. You like it then?

,,like it?! Ran! Its .... its.... I cant even come up with a word for it.... he very gently returned then
orchid to its cradle, and turned take Ran in his arms. He was trembling, lightly from exhaustion and
emotion, and Ran held him tightly. ,,come on Nissho. You need rest. Ran led Yohji to the bedroom.
Yohji followed along, not even able to conjure a comment to show his surprise. He stared at the bed a
moment and turned to Ran. ,,Ran he whispered, ,,are you sure?

,,Im sure Yohji, youre too exhausted to drive anyway. Lets just sleep. We can talk more tomorrow,
after youve rested. He pushed Yohji into the bed, climbing in after him. He moved them about a bit
until he had Yohji securely tucked up against his side, cradled in his arms. He tightened his hold,
resting his cheek against Yohjis head. ,,sleep Nissho. Sleep. Let me hold you, just for now.

,,yes Ran. Yohji whispered as he fell into darkness, ,,hold me..........