Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ My Worst Idea Yet ❯ Hotpants and Phallic Symbols ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

60 FanFics In 60 Days
Weiss Kreuz
Prompt: Banana
Rating: PG-13
It was hot out. A hot, hot day and Yohji felt like he was going to die from dehydration, or sunstroke, or…something. He just knew that it was too hot for the store to be open, even the flowers were protesting, he could tell. Or maybe he was just going crazy. It was a disgustingly hot summer Monday in the flower shop, and Yohji was the only one on. Omi was off taking a summer class, most likely to get out of having to work, that little slacker. Ken was off coaching the kids at football, although in this weather they were probably at the park or getting ice cream, something fun and cool and refreshing, not being stuck inside a store that was at least 90 degrees. As for Aya, even God himself didn't know where Aya was or what he was doing. The man was a strange one, and Yohji loved him for it, but the bastard had decided to schedule him all alone on the hottest day of the year, or so he liked to think so, when he didn't even have any customers to talk with, not a single one all day.
Maybe that was for the best. The heat made him tired, lethargic, he didn't want to help any customers either way, so he sat on his chair and debated the outcomes of closing shop seven hours early. If he did close Aya would kill him, he wouldn't have to deal with this heat anymore, Aya would kill him, the flowers could get some shade from the windows, and Aya would kill him. Then again if he chose not to close the shop he would kill himself, and the flowers would wilt.
Death won out over dehydration and an uneven tan.
He flipped the sign to close, pulled down the metal gate, and began cleaning up. With the gate pulled down, blocking out the sun, he could already feel the temperature drop. Since Yohji hadn't had a single customer come in all day long, the till was fine, he just had to spray down the plants and…well that was all he was going to do, the store was clean enough that he really didn't need to do anything else.
Twenty minutes later he emerged from the depths of the flower shop hell, and into the just as hot apartment building. Did Ken break the air conditioning? Highly probable. There was always the possibility that they were already in hell and God and the Devil were laughing at their misery.
Yohji made his way into the kitchen, wanting something nice and cold. Before he managed to reach his destination he noticed three things. One was that there were multiple fans on, blazing inside his desired room, bringing out a sigh of relief. Two was that Aya was sitting in the kitchen at the table. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of boxers. The third was not what he was, or wasn't, wearing, but what he was doing.
Aya was molesting a banana.
One might say that he was eating it, yes, but not Yohji. You may take one look at Aya and think that he just wanted to eat some fruit, but Yohji knew better. He knew Aya closer than any of the others, and he knew that that banana was not being eaten to just be eaten.
He was doing it on purpose.
It seemed that Aya knew Yohji better than anyone as well. He knew that Yohji would close shop early, and knew that he would come into the kitchen. Aya also knew what Yohji liked in bed, because watching Aya do things to that banana made his body do certain things that only Aya could inspire.
The object of his desire looked up and locked eyes with Yohji. He saw the smirk that curved around the phallic fruit, and he knew that whatever Aya had planned was set into motion long before the day had begun. He kept his violet eyes locked onto Yohji's green ones the entire time he ate his fruit. Once finished Aya got up, his black silk boxers that Yohji realized were actually his riding low on his hips. They kept eye contact until Aya had passed, and he heard the soft padding of the redhead walking up the stairs and into their room.
Regaining the ability to move again, the thought occurred to him that this most defiantly wasn't hell. Moving the fastest he had all day, Yohji turned around and quickly walked up the stairs, following Aya to what he hoped would be a cool room with some…other creative items.