Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ My Worst Idea Yet ❯ Classic disguise ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

60 FanFics In 60 Days
Yami No Matsuei
Prompt: Scarf
Histoka walked into the office, knowing that he was very close to blushing, and not hiding it very well. He walked into the office and started right away on his work. He didn't look up at anyone, didn't greet anyone when they walked in. He tried to concentrate on his work, but certain events were making it quite difficult.
Watari must know something was up, because he kept looking over at him. Histoka could feel the blush slowly painting his cheeks. He knew he shouldn't have come into work today.
Watari walked over to him, putting his hands on his hips. “Good morning Histoka. How are you?”
“Just fine, thanks.” He didn't look up from the papers on his desk.
“Good. So how was your evening? Did you sleep well?”
Oh god, he knew. He knew! Histoka felt his face burn, and he knew that there would be no end to this. “Just fine, thanks.”
Watari put a finger to his lips. “Really? Well that's good. I like your scarf, it's a nice touch. Why the sudden wardrobe change?”
He wanted to die. “No reason.”
Watari tilted his head towards the ceiling. “Hmmm…well okay. Have a good day.” And with that he went back to work.
Histoka sighed. He looked around the office. Everyone was doing there work, none of them were looking at him suspiciously. Maybe he was in the clear.
Tsuzuki walked in the door, a huge smile on his face. He waved to Histoka.
“Morning Histoka!” Tsuzuki walked over to his desk. Histoka wanted to crawl into a hole and die. “…Morning.”
Tsuzuki put an arm around him. “How are you?” He smiled.
“J-Just fine…”
“That's good. Well I better go get to work before Tatsumi decides to be mean.” He pouted and walked off to his desk just as Tatsumi entered the room, making sure that everyone was in fact doing something. Histoka went back to work, hearing Tatsumi talking to different people. He finally was able to concentrate on his work when he was interrupted. “Histoka…”
It was Tatsumi. He looked up. “Yes, Sir?”
Tatsumi looked around, then leaned down closely to Histoka. He taped the spot that was supposed to be covered by a scarf and wasn't. “Try to keep it discrete from now on, okay?”
Histoka froze, mortified. He was still sitting wide eyed staring at the wall as Tatsumi chuckled and left. Once out of his state he turned and looked at Tsuzuki…
Who waved the scarf at him, smiling gleefully.
Oh the man would die…