Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ My Worst Idea Yet ❯ Pocky Master ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

60 FanFics In 60 Days
Prompt: Pocky
Rating: PG
“You have some right there, Shuichi.”
“Yeah, but I want more!”
“Why can't you eat those?”
“Because I'm collecting them.”
“I want to become the…POCKY MASTER!”
“Eh…the wha?”
“The Pocky Master!”
“Any reason why?”
“Doesn't everyone want to be The Pocky Master?”
“Uh…I guess so…”
“So what are you going to do?”
“How are you going to become The Pocky Master?”
“Oh! I have to collect a box of every flavour of pocky!”
“And then you'll be The Pocky Master?”
“Then what will you do? Eat all the pocky?”
“No! that's against The Pocky Masters rules!”
“So what will you do with all the pocky?”
“Keep it so I can be The Pocky Master! Hiro you are so funny sometimes.”
“Shuichi I don't think-”
“Na-No-Da! Guys look what Kumagoro discovered!!”
“NO! Ryu-chan! That's my pocky!”
“It's so good!”
“You have to give it back! I need it!”
“Why? You should eat it.”
“No, I need it so I can become The Pocky Master!!”
“But, that's my title. You can't have it!”
“Give me back my Pocky!”
“Come back here!”
“Gotta catch me first Na-No-Da!”
Hiro just shook his head, and watched the two (and Kumagoro) run out of the room, Shuichi hot on the trail to reclaim his Pocky. It was going to be a long day at the studio.