Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One For All, And ALL on One. ❯ Ken gets even... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: One For All And All ON One.
Part: 1 / 3
Series: Weiss Kreuz
Author: ChibiKoji_no_da
Pairing: Ken x Youji, Aya x Youji,
Rating: NC-17
Warning: AU, OOC, PWP

This story has no redeeming value what-so-ever, it is a TOTAL smutty plot what plot - it should really be labelled as smut much smut!!!

Disclaimer: Not mine…which is a damn shame, because I'd take really good care of them *pout*. I don't own the title either, and I'm sure that the Musketeers would take much offence at the perversion of their catchphrase *evil grin* - but never mind ^_^


Youji was getting on his nerves - in fact, Youji was getting on his last nerve and it made him edgy and a little hostile to the others around him. The blond man had been teasing him for weeks, coming on to him, and then backing off as soon as he showed any interest. It was getting to the point where he was seriously considering cornering the older man, and using his superior strength to have his way with him - it was the least that the Playboy deserved for tormenting him so.

Tying his apron around his waist, Ken took a deep breath and went down the stairs to the shop. He let out a small sigh of relief as he entered, the blond was nowhere in sight - only Aya and Omi were in.

"Ohayo Ken-kun," Omi greeted him cheerily, carefully carrying three arrangements over to the other side of the shop. Putting them on the shelf, he wiped the dirt from his hands onto his shorts and looked up at Ken with big blue eyes, "Ne Ken-kun, can you do me a favour?"

"Nani?" Ken smiled down at his friend.

"We're all supposed to be working this morning, and Youji isn't down yet - can you go and get him please? I would, but I need to finish the front display, and Aya is doing the books."

Ken felt his heart sink and the smile droop from his lips, why him? He had no doubts that it would be a terrible idea to go up to the older man's room to wake him. On his own territory, Youji was even more aggressive in his teasing than usual.

"Onegai Ken-kun," Omi's blue eyes widened and his pink bow lips seemed to tremble. Groaning, Ken nodded his head, and turned to go back up the stairs, silently cursing Youji and manipulative Chibi's as he went.

Reaching the second flight of stairs, he stalked up, past Aya's rooms and stood in front of the two little rooms set aside for Youji. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door - there was no answer forth coming. Pushing at it, he found it swung open easily.

A deep feeling of dread began to grow in the pit of his stomach. For security reasons, none of them had key locks on their doors - just tiny little slide bolts that could be broken easily if necessary, they were more an illusion of privacy than anything else. But despite the flimsy nature of the locks, he knew that Youji always locked his bedroom door at night. As he entered the room, he couldn't help thinking that the whole thing smacked of a set-up. When the door was softly shut and LOCKED behind him, his suspicions were confirmed.

Turning round, he took one look at Youji and span back to face the wall, his face flushed bright crimson.

"Oh-ha-yo-o Ken-Ken," Youji padded over and whispered in his ear, "It's so ni~ce to see you here."

"Teme!" Ken clenched his hands into fists, he wanted to hit his frustrating friend - but he knew if he turned round, he would pounce on the NAKED older man.

"Now now Ken-Ken, don't be like that," Youji's slender arms slid over Ken's shoulders and caressed the nipples concealed by the thin fabrics of apron and t-shirt. Moving his head a little closer, he nipped the bottom of Ken's ear, and whispered seductively, "It's Seme - not Teme."

"Kuso," Ken willed himself not to react, he knew as soon as he did - the other man would unwind himself and disappear, it was more frustrating than the soft caresses, "If you're awake, why didn't you come down to the shop? You're late and if we don't get down there soon, Aya is going to come looking for us both with his katana."

"Maa, I was waiting for you Ken-Ken," Youji grinned against the side of the brunette's throat, and licked a long trail from nape to ear. He had been teasing the soccer player on and off for weeks, trying to get the passionate man to lose control and take the initiative. The teasing and torturing had been fun, but he was looking forward to the final outcome more.

Ken shuddered, and cursed as the warm weight of Youji disappeared from his back. Looking at his watch, he scowled, there was only fifteen minutes until opening time, and Aya would be up to get the both of them any minute now.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the tempting flesh of Youji's naked ass as he bent over the bed to retrieve his shirt. With a low groan, Ken gave in to temptation and his baser instincts.

Moving swiftly, he grabbed the older man's ass in both hands and squeezed it none too gently. Spinning him round, he captured his mouth in a brutal kiss that left Youji's lips glistening, swollen and sexy.

"Bastard," Ken bit hard on Youji's neck, making the man groan and throw his head back, "I'm sick of your teasing, it's time to put up."

"Is…isn't the phrase supposed to be put up or shut up?" Youji asked breathlessly, a smirk playing across his lips.

"Urusai," Ken growled at him, "In your case it's shut up and put up."

"Oh!" Youji answered and moaned at the same time as Ken's mouth trailed down and sharp teeth attached themselves to his nipple, "At least I ah…know where I…ah stand."

"Hmm." Ken purred against his skin, "Standing isn't right", and Youji found himself unceremoniously pushed backwards down onto the bed.

He moaned into Ken's mouth as the brunette kissed him deeply again, and pulled at his nipples until they were solid little peaks that seemed to throb in time with his pounding heart. Both of his hands were grabbed, and pulled over his head. As Ken pulled away from the kiss, he looked up and gulped at the sadistic smile on the soccer player's face.

"That's very handy you know," Ken's voice was deep and husky.

"What is?" Youji was a little confused.

"These." Ken's smile grew into a smirk as Youji felt soft material clamp about his wrists. Looking up he realised he had left his padded handcuffs clamped on the headboard, and Ken was now making use of them. He looked back down at his friend, as Ken moved down the bed and sat in between his legs.

He watched as the brunette shoved the apron to one-side and undid his fly. Youji licked his lips in anticipation as Ken pulled his sizable erection free, he was glad to see that his original estimation of the man's equipment had been understated, he was much bigger than he had first supposed.

"You like what you see do you Yo~uji" Ken drawled out his name and he watched avidly, as the soccer player's strong hands pumped up and down the thick shaft.

"You know," Ken's tone turned matter of fact, "You've been teasing me for weeks now. I think a little payback is in order…don't you?"

"Ken?" Youji sounded worried, this wasn't in his plan. His original idea had been to tease Ken into a frenzy and then get a damn good fucking when the soccer player finally reached the end of his patience - payback didn't figure anywhere in to it.

"You've been getting on my nerves for weeks. I don't know why you decided to do it - but now I'm going to make you very sorry that you did. " Ken's grin was positively evil, "Now, how should I do it?" He was well aware of the time, and the fact that an irate Aya would be looking for them both shortly. He considered his options, and decided that the first order of business would be to sort himself out, then if there was time… he would do the same thing he would do if there wasn't - leave Youji barely covered and handcuffed to the bed, ready to be found by Aya.

Crawling further up the bed, he straddled the older man and looked down at him, "Suck me."

Youji leant forward as much as he could and took the hot shaft in his mouth. He had expected Ken to be rough and quick, but this dominant and controlling aspect of his friend was such a fucking turn on. He put his years of experience to good use, and was pleased that soon Ken was moaning above him. He gave up all pre-tense of a rhythm and technique as Ken's hips started moving, and he just let the younger man fuck his face.

Ken was in heaven. All the weeks of frustration and having to put up with getting himself off had come to an end, and he was relishing the talented heat that was Youji's mouth. His hips got faster and thrusts stronger as he neared his peak, and he was glad that the other man was talented - he didn't have to worry about choking him. He came with a panting groan and rolled to one side, making sure not to squash the man beneath him.

Youji tried to swallow all of Ken's load, but some escaped and trickled down his chin, licking his lips he got most of it - but he imagined that chained to the bed, with cum spilling down his chin, he made a pretty decadent picture., He was looking forward to his turn, his erection was throbbing and begging for the attention he had been craving.

Ken climbed off the bed and looked about him. On the floor by the bedroom door he spotted what was undoubtedly Youji's shortest t-shirt, it would be perfect to barely cover the older man. Reaching for it, he turned back and swallowed hard at the sight before him. He was almost tempted to lock the door and wait for his cock to catch up with his libido and fuck his friend stupid; but then he remembered the torment and the torture, and he knew that he had to have payback.

When Ken climbed off the bed, Youji had worried that the other man was going to leave, especially when he disappeared from his line of sight. He was relieved when he returned, but his relief was short lived - the oh so evil smirk was back on Ken's face.

"Ken? What are you up to?"

"Nothing much," Ken leant down and kissed the older man deeply. When they broke apart for air, he licked the remaining trails of his own cooling cum from Youji's cheeks and chin.

Leaning down, as if to clasp Youji's erection, he dropped the shirt on it and stood back. The older man was red-faced and sweating slightly, his chin and cheeks glistening with saliva. The shirt barely covered the man's impressive erection that strained upwards desperately seeking relief. It was a slutty picture, and one Ken wished he had more time to enjoy.

Smiling, he bent down and kissed the blond lightly, "Payback's a bitch Yo-tan." He murmured and turned to leave.

Youji couldn't believe what was happening. He had never thought Ken would behave like he was; if he'd been seducing Omi or Aya, he would have expected some sort of scheme - but not of straight forward easy-going Ken.

"Ken-Ken, come on be serious - you don't really want to leave me like this do you?" he tried to turn on the charm, "Come back over and I'll make it very worth your while, I promise."

Ken was nearly swayed by the seductive promise in his friend's voice, but he steeled himself and left the room with a casual, "Ja!"

As the door shut behind him, he was pleased to hear an anguished wail coming from the handcuffed man. The sound of feet on the steps caused him to dash into the bathroom opposite and hide, peeking out from behind the door waiting for Aya's arrival.

Surely enough, Aya turned the corner and rapped smartly on Youji's door.

"You bastard!" Youji wailed from within the room.

Ken bit back a snicker; Youji obviously didn't realise he was talking to Aya.

"Youji." Aya's deep voice held an edge of menace to it, "Either get up and get down to work, or I'm coming in - and I will drag you down in whatever state I find you - and that's a promise."

"Bastard, Son of a Bitch," another wail came from behind the door, and Ken just knew that Youji hadn't heard Aya's soft spoken voice at the door; and the mental video of Youji being hauled into the shop, his hands manacled and his erection acting as a clothing rail was too much for him. Shutting the door with a quiet snick he shoved his hand in his mouth, and laughed until his stomach hurt.

Wiping the tears of mirth from his face, he composed himself and headed out to talk to Aya, he had to make sure that he wasn't going to get in trouble.

"Is he still not coming out?" he asked the red-head, desperately calling on all his will-power to keep his face straight, "He told me I wasn't allowed in and then shouted at me."

Aya frowned and looked at the door before looking back at his friend. There was something slightly off with Ken's behaviour, but he couldn't quite place it, "Ah, go back down - Omi's on his own."

"Sure," Ken smiled, and walked towards the stairs, looking over his shoulder he added, "Good luck with Youji." Before dashing down the stairs.

Aya was then certain that Ken had done something to the older man, the maniacal cackling that drifted up from the bottom of the stairs sort of confirmed it. He wasn't sure he wanted to open the door any more - but they needed Youji in the shop. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and goggled at the sight before him.

"Ken? Is that you? You son of a bitch, come back here and finish what you started," Youji was flopping around on the bed, trying to release the handcuffs, and turn enough to see who had entered his room.

Aya noticed that the tiny shirt covering the man's groin was slipping, and revealing tantalising swatches of skin. Shutting the door behind him, he approached the bed - Omi and Ken could cope on their own for awhile.