Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One For All, And ALL on One. ❯ Aya takes a turn... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: One For All And All ON One.
Part: 2 / 3
Series: Weiss Kreuz
Author: ChibiKoji_no_da
Pairing: Ken x Youji, Aya x Youji, Omi x Youji,
Rating: NC-17
Warning: AU, OOC, PWP

This story has no redeeming value what-so-ever, it is a TOTAL smutty plot what plot - it should really be labelled as smut much smut!!!

Disclaimer: Not mine…which is a damn shame, because I'd take really good care of them *pout*. I don't own the title either, and I'm sure that the Musketeers would take much offence at the perversion of their catchphrase *evil grin* - but never mind ^_^


// Aya was then certain that Ken had done something to the older man, the maniacal cackling that drifted up from the bottom of the stairs sort of confirmed it. He wasn't sure he wanted to open the door any more - but they needed Youji in the shop. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and goggled at the site before him.

"Ken? Is that you? You son of a bitch, come back here and finish what you started," Youji was flopping around on the bed, trying to release the handcuffs, and turn enough to see who had entered his room.

Aya noticed that the tiny shirt covering the man's groin was slipping, and revealing tantalising swatches of skin. Shutting the door behind him, he approached the bed - Omi and Ken could cope on their own for awhile. //


"Ken, come on - I didn't mean you were a son of a bitch, so let me go."

Aya smirked as Youji's pleas turned to sweet-talk, he was out of the older man's line of sight, and content to stay that way for a little while longer.

"Ken come on - please!" Youji thrashed a bit harder and managed to dislodge the t-shirt, baring himself completely to Aya's greedy gaze.

"I'm not Ken." Aya spoke softly, not letting a trace of his arousal show in his voice.

"AYA!" Youji screamed like a girl, "Um….this isn't what it looks like…" the blond man tried half heartedly to explain.

"Really?" Aya stepped closer into the other man's line of sight, a predatory smile curling the corners of his lips, "Then what is it? Because to me, it looks remarkably like a desperately aroused man, cuffed to his bed and left there for someone to find."

"Oh, well," Youji blushed, "Yeah - I guess it's exactly what it looks like."

"And I'm the one to find you." Aya sat on the side of the bed and looked Youji up and down.

Youji gulped loudly at the raw amount of lust in the other man's eyes. He had planned on working his way through the attractive men on his team, starting with Ken who seemed the easiest - and finishing with Aya, the hardest; but now it seemed that his team mates would be working their way through him.

Aya leant down until their noses were nearly touching, and Youji could feel Aya's minty breath caressing his face.

"Tell me no," Aya whispered, "Tell me to stop, and I won't touch you."

Youji smiled, and said nothing.

Taking it as the invitation that it was, Aya leant down and kissed the other man, deeply.

"So," Aya smirked, "That's what was taking Ken so long."

Youji flushed scarlet when he realised that Aya was tasting Ken on him.

"Was he good?" Aya purred, "What else did he do?"

Just as he had misjudged Ken, it seemed that he had misjudged Aya as well. He had been expecting the other man to be reluctant, and despite being consenting - he would never sink so low as to take someone who wasn't willing, he had expected Aya to be a less than active participant. Instead, he found himself on the receiving end of what seemed to be a practiced, sultry sex kitten.

"Well?" Aya slithered down and rested his head on Youji's chest, "Did he play with your nipples, hmm…he did - they look a little tender," taking one in his mouth, he bit it, making Youji gasp and heave upwards, "I guess they are." Aya let it go and bit the other one.

Sharp teeth marked their way down his chest, and gently savaged his abdomen. Youji wasn't sure if he was in heaven or hell; his body was being teased to the very edge of his patience, and his current tormenter seemed in no hurry to get on with things.

"Please," Youji lifted his hips and rotated them slightly, "Come on Aya - just fucking take me!"

"Ohh? Ken didn't get that far?" Aya moved and sat in Ken's former position, "I suppose he didn't want to get caught, either that or he was paying you back for being a bastard the last few weeks."

"You noticed?" Youji was shocked, he had been so careful not to go too far with Ken when the others were around, he didn't want to ruin his chances at sleeping with them at a later date.

"Of course - you had Ken so wound up, he was jacking off every night, coming and cursing with your name on his lips - it was…stimulating." Aya smirked again. It had been interesting bedtime listening, and he wished he had the time to try out some of Ken's more creative mutterings.

"Oh." Youji's ego was bolstered by this admittance of Aya's - he'd got Ken jerking off to thoughts of him, and Aya listening and enjoying it - he was such the man, affecting them both with his not so mere presence!

"The only question now - is what to do with you?" Aya tapped his fingers against his lips, before inserting one of them and dousing it with saliva.

Youji's throat went dry as he watched Aya swirl his own fingers in his mouth, he had a pretty good idea of what was coming next, and he planned to enjoy every moment of it.

Taking his fingers out of his mouth, Aya sniggered at the look of disappointment on Youji's face, when he wiped them dry on his apron.

Looking down at his little pink apron, he smirked. The 'thing' had been a gag Christmas gift from Youji, and he hadn't got round to replacing it. Undoing the bow at the back, he slipped it off over his head and looked at it. On Youji, it would come down to his stomach, not quite low enough to cover his erection.

"You know," he began conversationally, "The shop opens in," he looked at his watch, "Five minutes, so that means the shutters aren't up yet."

"So?" Youji was getting confused, but there was something in Aya's eyes that made him worried, and a pit of dread began to grow in his stomach - perversely hardening his cock more than he thought possible, "What's that got to do with anything?"

"Oh nothing much, but tell me Youji - have you ever known me to break a promise?" Aya's grin was positively evil, and Youji wasn't sure that he should answer.

"Well?" Aya ran his fingers lightly around the base of Youji's cock, making the older man whimper with the tickling light sensation.

"No, no - I've never known you to break promises…"Youji tried to push himself into Aya's touch, but the older man seemed to be having none of it.

"Good, I'm glad you see it my way." Aya stood up and leant over the head of the bed. Removing the chain of the cuffs from the peg they hung on, he sat Youji up and put the apron on him.

"Aya what are you doing?" Youji's worries increased as Aya stood him up and tied the ribbon of the apron in a big bow behind his back; the cool silk of the ribbons made him shiver as they settled against his ass. Looking across the room, he blushed as he caught his reflection in the mirror. The frilly pink apron stopped just below his belly-button and left his erect cock pointing upwards for all the world to see, turning back he scowled at Aya, "I would never have pegged you for a kinky one - I should have; it's always the quiet ones."

"Urusai." Aya ordered and smacked Youji's ass.

"Itae!" Youji jumped and tried to rub his sore rear end, but the cuffs wouldn't let him.

"Come on." Aya caught hold of the chain and pulled him forward.

"What? Where are we going?!" Youji tried to dig his heels into the carpet to no avail. He wasn't surprised at Aya's strength, despite his slender build he was as strong as Ken - and faster too.

"I told you - I keep my promises, and I said that I would drag you down to the shop in what ever state I found you." Aya replied simply as he opened the door and dragged the protesting man into the corridor.

"You can't be serious!" Youji shrieked and tried to grab onto something as he was pulled towards the stairs.

"Youji-kun? Aya-kun?" Omi's voice called from the bottom of the stairs, "Is everything alright?"

"Ah," Aya called down, "Are the shutters open yet?"

"No Aya-kun, I was just about to open them." Omi sounded a little guilty, as if he had been caught slacking off.

"Don't bother - put the closed sign on the door, and wait with Ken in the shop." Aya instructed the boy and began hauling Youji forward and down the stairs again.

"Okay." Omi called again, this time sounding confused.

"Aya, come on you can't be serious," Youji was panicking now, he tried the sweet-talk again, "Come on - let me go, I'll really make it worth your while, I can be very persuasive if you let me."

It didn't work, and Youji found himself led into the shop, where both Omi and Ken were waiting for them.

Ken took one look at Youji and fell to the floor laughing, "Oh man Youji, that is a good look for you!"

"Y…Youji-kun!" Omi sounded scandalized, but Youji noticed that the Chibi was licking his lips and eyeing up his crotch like a piece of prime meat.

Ken also seemed to have collected his wits, and was looking on in interest, "So what are you going to do with him Aya - that bastard's been teasing me for weeks, I want to see him get what's coming to him."

"Hidoi Youji-kun," Omi turned big blue eyes on the bound man, "You shouldn't tease Ken-kun - that's mean."

Aya looked thoughtful for a moment then said, "Well, seeing as you've got the grievance Ken, you tell us what to do with him."

"No way!" Youji called out, now that he knew Ken had a sadistic streak, he didn't want to be on the receiving end of it again.

"I told you to be quiet Youji." Aya told him, and smacked his ass again, making him jump forward with a pained gasp.

The unholy gleam of merriment in Ken's eyes was unnerving, and he had visions of himself bent over the counter getting a sound spanking, which he definitely would not like - if only he could convince his cock of that, as it seemed to be trying to break the record for being the hardest thing on the planet.

Ken stood up and moved over to Omi. Youji tried desperately to hear what Ken was whispering, wanting to know what they were planning for him. After a few negative shakes of the head, Omi finally beamed and with a happy, "Haaai" moved to sit on top of the counter.

Youji watched as Omi opened the fly of his shorts and pulled them off. He was surprised that the Chibi went commando, and was well endowed - he had to remind himself, that despite looking young, Omi was actually seventeen and an adult in many places all over the world - and he was most definitely considered an adult in Japan.
With a few strong, obviously practised pumps, Omi was well on his way to getting hard.

"Well Youji," Ken smiled ferally, "Go and help him."

Youji moved forward, noticing Aya disappearing off into the kitchen. Standing in front of the counter he raised his hands and moved Omi's out of the way.

"You're sure you're alright with this?" he asked softly.

"Of course Youji-kun, but what about you- you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Omi smiled shyly and Youji found himself smiling back; his team mates, despite ganging up on him, had all given him the opportunity to say no and to leave, and he was grateful - if they hadn't, he wouldn't have had as much fun.

Grasping Omi's dick in his hand, he set a slow rhythm, alternating the pressure in his grip. Soon, Omi was spreading his legs wider and moaning very softly.

"Here," Aya suddenly appeared beside him, with a bottle of cooking oil in his hand, "Give me your hand."

Putting his hand out, he grinned as Aya coated his fingers with oil, and then turned his attention back to the wanton Chibi in front of him.